Syria is not worth a war with Russia

Syria is not worth a war with Syria.

It is not our problem. We are not the world's policeman.

I agree with you. Though there is a school of thought that we owe the Syrian people, that the civil war was an offshoot of the highly vaunted 'Arab Spring'.

That said - that there will be a 'world policeman' is inevitable. Our only choice is who...US, China, Russia? Distance between countries is no longer an aggression deterring factor. MAD is - but only among those nations with a sense of self preservation. The UN has proved a disappointment in it's peace-keeping efforts.

Winston Churchill wrote a series of books on the Second World War - in the preface of Vol. 1, 'The Gathering Storm', he had this to say...

(an excerpt)
'One day President Roosevelt told me he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once, "The Unnecessary War." There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle. The human tragedy reaches its climax in the fact that after all the exertions and sacrifices of hundreds of millions of people, and of the victories of the Righteous Cause, we have still not found Peace or Security, and that we lie in the grip of even worse perils than those we have surmounted. It is my earnest hope that pondering upon the past may give guidance in days to come, enable a new generation to repair some of the errors of former years and thus govern, in accordance'

...with this as the 'Theme of the Volume" - 'How the English-speaking peoples through their unwisdom, carelessness, and good nature allowed the wicked to rearm.

others from the same volume...

“We shall see how the counsels of prudence and restraint may become the prime agents of mortal danger; how the middle course adopted from desires for safety and a quiet life may be found to lead direct to the bull's-eye of disaster.”
Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm

“If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm

Much of our foreign involvement since WW ll was based on Churchill's philosophy.

Maybe Syria isn't worth it and yet perhaps Russia is weaker right now than it ever will be. I, in no way, have enough knowledge to choose a course of action. Containment now, or eradication later? Any decision must involve other nations.

Russia will be weaker in the future, and it is by no means certain they will be our enemy in the future. They do not need to be, we have no conflict of interests, as we did with the Nazis or the Soviets.

Russia is white, and Christian believing in the Orthodox Russian Church. Putin is white and Christian. This makes Russia the avowed enemy of democrats no matter what other facts remain.
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
we should invade canaduh

most of us know which way to go
If Canada was a poor country full of dark skinned people we would have invaded a long time ago. Unless of course they had the ability to resist.

We haven’t invaded Mexico either, so much for your theory.

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I didn`t say we invaded EVERY country with poor dark skinned people. So much for your reading skills.
Have America's objectives in Syria ever been defined?
And exactly what proof is there that Assad perpetrated the latest attack?

In fact, what would his motive be?

He is winning the war, America just announced it's decision to he then decides to do something that the ENTIRE WORLD knows would bring America right back into it - attacking a small town with chemical weapons? That makes ZERO sense.
Jeez, people. this attack is SCREAMING false flag.

The rebels/terrorists had NOTHING to lose by false flagging this. And Assad had EVERYTHING top lose with a gas attack.
It doesn't make sense that Assad would do such a thing at this point. Unfortunately, that alone does not exclude the possibility. We simply don't know and can't trust any voices concerned, even America's. That being the case, it would seem best to err against wider war.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.
Every Bodybag Should Be Stamped "ROE"

How are these Sunni mercenaries and their human shields "his people" any more that the ISIS Syrians are? It's "I know, but..." people like you that let the busybody regime-changers intervene where it's none of our business what Assad does to those who want to be Syria's dictators instead of him.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.
Every Bodybag Should Be Stamped "ROE"

How are these Sunni mercenaries and their human shields "his people" any more that the ISIS Syrians are? It's "I know, but..." people like you that let the busybody regime-changers intervene where it's none of our business what Assad does to those who want to be Syria's dictators instead of him.
I fail to see how the quoted post could be seen as that of someone seeking any action at all in Syria.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
This question is difficult to take seriously, given the history of the Assad régime, beginning with the present dictator's father. Suffice it to say that inherited 'presidency' itself is pretty reprehensible.
That he is one of many is pointed out in the post. Is there some doubt as to his reprehensible behavior?
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
This question is difficult to take seriously, given the history of the Assad régime, beginning with the present dictator's father. Suffice it to say that inherited 'presidency' itself is pretty reprehensible.
That he is one of many is pointed out in the post. Is there some doubt as to his reprehensible behavior?

So is he more reprehensible than the Saudi regime that oppresses its own people?
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
This question is difficult to take seriously, given the history of the Assad régime, beginning with the present dictator's father. Suffice it to say that inherited 'presidency' itself is pretty reprehensible.
That he is one of many is pointed out in the post. Is there some doubt as to his reprehensible behavior?

So is he more reprehensible than the Saudi regime that oppresses its own people?
Quantifying reprehensibility is, quite honestly, beyond this poster. He is, nonetheless, no fan of theocratic aristocracy.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
This question is difficult to take seriously, given the history of the Assad régime, beginning with the present dictator's father. Suffice it to say that inherited 'presidency' itself is pretty reprehensible.
That he is one of many is pointed out in the post. Is there some doubt as to his reprehensible behavior?

So is he more reprehensible than the Saudi regime that oppresses its own people?
Quantifying reprehensibility is, quite honestly, beyond this poster. He is, nonetheless, no fan of theocratic aristocracy.

In other words, you’re too dishonest to answer the question.
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
------------------------------------ military budget should be used for research and development of some real nice weapons and then building and testing of those weapons . .
War As Experiment

That may be Trump's motivation: to see if our missiles can penetrate Russia's supposedly impenetrable new anti-missile system.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
This question is difficult to take seriously, given the history of the Assad régime, beginning with the present dictator's father. Suffice it to say that inherited 'presidency' itself is pretty reprehensible.
That he is one of many is pointed out in the post. Is there some doubt as to his reprehensible behavior?

So is he more reprehensible than the Saudi regime that oppresses its own people?
Quantifying reprehensibility is, quite honestly, beyond this poster. He is, nonetheless, no fan of theocratic aristocracy.

In other words, you’re too dishonest to answer the question.
I suppose anything can be twisted into something one can attack a person for, but this post is an extraordinary pretzel.
If the answer was not satisfactory, it certainly was not less of an honest answer. It also certainly did not defend Saudi government, so the problem is not apparent.
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
------------------------------------ military budget should be used for research and development of some real nice weapons and then building and testing of those weapons . .
War As Experiment

That may be Trump's motivation: to see if our missiles can penetrate Russia's supposedly impenetrable new anti-missile system.
That would not be too smart, either. If they get through, the Russians will just improve them. If they don't get through, the U.S. will look vulnerable. Militarily, it makes little sense to conduct an 'experiment' this way.

Matthew Bracken on Twitter

War has unpredictable ramifications and the terrible tendency to enlarge.
Having all this military might at the beck and call of central government was not the intention of the founders of this country. They knew it would lead to negative results. Shouldn't Congress be more responsible about allowing military action? Shouldn't 'war' be declared by our representatives and not just stumbled into by executive order?

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