Syria is not worth a war with Russia

It could be said too much is spent on 'defense' and not enough on what's worth defending. How Syria relates to the defense of America is not clear.
We are defending Israel and Saudi Arabia from Iranian influence in the region. This all relates back to the decision to destroy Iraq.
It could be said too much is spent on 'defense' and not enough on what's worth defending. How Syria relates to the defense of America is not clear.
We are defending Israel and Saudi Arabia from Iranian influence in the region. This all relates back to the decision to destroy Iraq.
The importance of the agreement to neutralize Iranian nuclear capabilities, which Russia helped foster, should be well comprehended in the current crisis.
Putin doesn't give a fuck about Syria or Assad. He'd be happy if all the sand monkeys killed each other off.
Putin cares about only ONE THING! Having access to seaports on the Mediterranean Sea which are ice free 12 months a year.
In a decade Russia and Iran will be at war with each other over access to those seaports. Bank on that!
It could be said too much is spent on 'defense' and not enough on what's worth defending. How Syria relates to the defense of America is not clear.
We are defending Israel and Saudi Arabia from Iranian influence in the region. This all relates back to the decision to destroy Iraq.
The importance of the agreement to neutralize Iranian nuclear capabilities, which Russia helped foster, should be well comprehended in the current crisis.
Anyone who believes Iran stopped working on their nuclear weapons program is very naive.
The IAEA has NEVER EVER been allowed on ANY Iranian military base.
The military bases are filled with nuclear scientists/engineers working underground 24/7 like busy little bees to complete the nuclear bomb making/delivery systems.
It could be said too much is spent on 'defense' and not enough on what's worth defending. How Syria relates to the defense of America is not clear.
We are defending Israel and Saudi Arabia from Iranian influence in the region. This all relates back to the decision to destroy Iraq.
The importance of the agreement to neutralize Iranian nuclear capabilities, which Russia helped foster, should be well comprehended in the current crisis.
Anyone who believes Iran stopped working on their nuclear weapons program is very naive.
The IAEA has NEVER EVER been allowed on ANY Iranian military base.
The military bases are filled with nuclear scientists/engineers working underground 24/7 like busy little bees to complete the nuclear bomb making/delivery systems.
That is just rhetoric. You have no evidence to support your BS.

If it were true it would make Trump's threats even more reckless.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.
You don't understand....Russia and the US must go to war so the rise of the third antichrist can appear...According to Nostradamus..
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.
Every Bodybag Should Be Stamped "ROE"

How are these Sunni mercenaries and their human shields "his people" any more that the ISIS Syrians are? It's "I know, but..." people like you that let the busybody regime-changers intervene where it's none of our business what Assad does to those who want to be Syria's dictators instead of him.
I fail to see how the quoted post could be seen as that of someone seeking any action at all in Syria.
Never Meet the Warmongers Half-Way

No wonder you always fail to see. You endorsed the war-ignorant "moral" grounds for intervention.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.

Curious, what makes Assad so “reprehensible”? Especially compared to any other Islamic country regime?
Bottom-Line Morality

Syria ranks only 34th in oil exports, so why not destroy it?
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
we should invade canaduh

most of us know which way to go
I don't know about that.
One third of college students polled said if President Trump is impeached then Hillary Clinton would become President.
If Students Aren't Paid, They're Not Worth Anything

More proof that college education is a fraud and should not be rewarded. Its class-biased indentured servitude dips from only the shallow end of the talent pool.
It could be said too much is spent on 'defense' and not enough on what's worth defending. How Syria relates to the defense of America is not clear.
We are defending Israel and Saudi Arabia from Iranian influence in the region. This all relates back to the decision to destroy Iraq.
The importance of the agreement to neutralize Iranian nuclear capabilities, which Russia helped foster, should be well comprehended in the current crisis.
Anyone who believes Iran
The military bases are filled with nuclear scientists/engineers working underground 24/7 .
Go, Glow, and Blow

Unless the nuke geeks are completely out of contact with surface air and temperature, nuclear radiation is the way to penetrate deep underground shelters.
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
we should invade canaduh

most of us know which way to go
If Canada was a poor country full of dark skinned people we would have invaded a long time ago. Unless of course they had the ability to resist.
we could easily role through central and south America.

so stop being such a **** and deal with actual reality.
Assad is as reprehensible as a being can be. That he is willing to sacrifice his people just to remain head of state is another disgusting example of the abuse of power. Unfortunately, there have been and are many men like him. Eliminating him would not end that, and might not even end the suffering of the Syrians.
The consequences of major conflict between the U.S. and Russia are enormous. It is something to be considered only in the most dire of situations.
Syria is a horrible mess, but it does not justify what would happen in the event of wide scale conflict between two powers such as America and Russia.
Syria isn’t worth direct US involvement at all.
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
we should invade canaduh

most of us know which way to go
I don't know about that.
One third of college students polled said if President Trump is impeached then Hillary Clinton would become President.
you have a link for that?

searched and didn't find anything
Even if Macron has the proof it was Assad who committed this latest chemical weapons attack, that only adds evidence to the case against him for crimes. He should be punished when found guilty, but he probably will not be punished by missile or air strikes against Syrian installations. His minions may die, but he will continue his lifestyle uninterrupted. Let's not risk so much for so little.
no war in the Old World is worth it.

we should declare our neutrality and let them slaughter each other. It's their greatest tradition.
It`s hard to justify our military budget if we`re not blowing up a country now and then.
we should invade canaduh

most of us know which way to go
I don't know about that.
One third of college students polled said if President Trump is impeached then Hillary Clinton would become President.
you have a link for that?

searched and didn't find anything
I heard it on CNN a few weeks ago.
Meanwhile here's another example of the Liberal Indoctrination Center:
4 in 10 millennials don't know 6 million Jews were killed in Holocaust, study shows
Thus, President Trump and his NATO allies have absolutely no legal grounds for carrying out a military strike on Syria. It is entirely criminal what they are proposing to do.

Nikki Haley, the insufferably ignorant American ambassador at the UN, declared this week that her country reserves the right to militarily hit Syria — with or without a mandate from the Security Council.

This is tantamount to proclaiming a prerogative for lawlessness and unlimited aggression. The US and its allies are flouting international law to openly perpetrate the supreme war crime of aggression.
US and Allies Hold World in Terror Siege With War Threat
The rationale is certainly not clear for all these countries acting militarily without invitation in a supposedly autonomous nation. It would seem rather illegal, at best. Machiavelli would understand; as usual, might justifies the use of might. When this comes back to bite America, as such episodes have in the past, those who point out the error will once more be accused of anti-Americanism. Some protested against American action in Vietnam, and we know now it would have been better not done. Some opposed the Iraq invasion, and now we know it was a monumental mistake. Those of us pleading for wisdom now, regarding Syria, do so in the interests of our country, not because we dislike it.
The warning to Russia seems to have avoided casualties in their ranks, so perhaps the worst has been avoided for now. It remains unclear what has been gained by killing more Syrians, as must have occurred with these strikes.

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