Syrian Air Defenses Shot Down American Missiles

The U.S. is not committing genocide. I don’t know why you lied about me saying so. But the U.S. is certainly wasting lives, money, and time in the Middle East, where there is nothing to gain, and where things always end up worse after our actions.
Things end up worse because we never finish the job. The left makes sure of that.
Finished what job? Occupying Iraq for a hundred years? Soooooo fucking stupid.
If you have to exaggerate to make your point, then you have no point.
How long would you have liked to occupy Iraq? How many soldiers were you happy to further sacrifice on the other side of the planet in a wasteland?
WTF does this have to do with Syria. Trump is not Bush II.
Lots of other conversations you could jump into having no idea what is being talked about. Why pick this one?

Now for some fucking content: That one idiot is claiming that our problems in Syria are because of Iraq
TDS continues....................Perhaps he should have taken out the Russian Black Fleet.................

Would that make you happy..................

My position on what went down has been clear................and I'm happy it was a limited strike...........

People like you are gonna push this crap to the point of WWIII

You are happy with wasting 50 to 100 million dollars and having no real impact or outcome?
Who the hell said I'm happy about any of this..................I was one that said we should wait........I guess you missed that.

And No real Impact...........I haven't seen the damage reports.............haven't looked...........but I guarantee you those tomahawks hit their marks..............They don't miss.
Over 100 missiles.......3 empty targets........anemic.
empty targets....................where they...............did you see them...............

I haven't...................perhaps you will share the pravda..................
Ruptly LIVE @Ruptly
I'm not gonna download that ap.............

Let me look in Centcom
Pentagon Officials Describe Syria Strikes, Hope Assad Gets Message > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article

Missiles hit three distinct military chemical weapons targets. “The three facilities are – or more appropriately, were – the fundamental components of the regime’s chemical weapons warfare infrastructure,” McKenzie said.

One target, the Barzah center, housed the regime’s research, development and production center for chemical and biological weapons. Photos taken after the strike show that where once three buildings stood, there is now nothing but rubble.

Strikes also hit a chemical weapons storage facility and a chemical bunker facility. “We selected these targets carefully to minimize the risk to innocent civilians,” the general said.

“We are still conducting a more detailed damage assessment, but initial indications are that we accomplished our military objectives without material interference. I would use three words to describe the operation: Precise, overwhelming and effective,” he said.

New web site set up by DOD..
Special Report: International Response to Assad Chemical Weapons
Things end up worse because we never finish the job. The left makes sure of that.
Finished what job? Occupying Iraq for a hundred years? Soooooo fucking stupid.
If you have to exaggerate to make your point, then you have no point.
How long would you have liked to occupy Iraq? How many soldiers were you happy to further sacrifice on the other side of the planet in a wasteland?
WTF does this have to do with Syria. Trump is not Bush II.
Lots of other conversations you could jump into having no idea what is being talked about. Why pick this one?

Now for some fucking content: That one idiot is claiming that our problems in Syria are because of Iraq
I don't jump into conversations where don't have a clue, nor I do I put words in the mouth of others. I am not that sleazy.
It was a show of farce...
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
TDS continues....................Perhaps he should have taken out the Russian Black Fleet.................

Would that make you happy..................

My position on what went down has been clear................and I'm happy it was a limited strike...........

People like you are gonna push this crap to the point of WWIII
He should have done nothing. Well, he basically did nothing. Other than waste millions of dollars worth of missiles.
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.

Yeppers, they handled ISIS so well that ISIS was able to export terror all over the world thanks to the 500 million a year they were making thanks to obummer's policies. Trump allowed the US military to do its job and they were crippled in under a year. Unlike obummer who claimed they were now a fact of life. THANKS TRUMP!
They were token attacks. Not meant to actually accomplish anything.
It was a show of farce...

They were token attacks. Not meant to actually accomplish anything.
It was a show of farce...

ISIS is pretty terrible at genocides since almost everybody they killed were fellow Muslims.
And.............your posts just a moment ago were how we are committing Genocide.....................

Then let's go to another thread where you will say we hit nothing but a empty shed that had a lawn mower in the desert.........

One might make up your mind.............perhaps...............
The U.S. is not committing genocide. I don’t know why you lied about me saying so. But the U.S. is certainly wasting lives, money, and time in the Middle East, where there is nothing to gain, and where things always end up worse after our actions.
We are all too old to remember WWI but not too old to want it repeated. Even the Nazis didn't use chemical weapons.
Well, actually he Nazis did use chemical weapons. They gassed people in the concentration camps, then burned their bodies.
Weak ass shit. You know exactly what I meant.
Sorry if that burned your butt, but it's the truth. Next time think before you post.
Millions of dollars to blow up 3 buildings. Told Russia and Syria ahead of time so they could clear them out. The airport reporting that it wasn’t even hit.

Then Trump resurrects “Mission Accomplished” during a toilet tweet :laugh:
TDS continues....................Perhaps he should have taken out the Russian Black Fleet.................

Would that make you happy..................

My position on what went down has been clear................and I'm happy it was a limited strike...........

People like you are gonna push this crap to the point of WWIII
He should have done nothing. Well, he basically did nothing. Other than waste millions of dollars worth of missiles.
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.

Yeppers, they handled ISIS so well that ISIS was able to export terror all over the world thanks to the 500 million a year they were making thanks to obummer's policies. Trump allowed the US military to do its job and they were crippled in under a year. Unlike obummer who claimed they were now a fact of life. THANKS TRUMP!
Crippled in under a year? Damn. And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Also, ISIS had zero reach outside of its tiny strip of desert wasteland other than Twitter and other social media. Trump came in and told the military to abandon the rebels against Assad. It appears he also said to not care about killing civilians. What a heroic move.
TDS continues....................Perhaps he should have taken out the Russian Black Fleet.................

Would that make you happy..................

My position on what went down has been clear................and I'm happy it was a limited strike...........

People like you are gonna push this crap to the point of WWIII
He should have done nothing. Well, he basically did nothing. Other than waste millions of dollars worth of missiles.
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.

Yeppers, they handled ISIS so well that ISIS was able to export terror all over the world thanks to the 500 million a year they were making thanks to obummer's policies. Trump allowed the US military to do its job and they were crippled in under a year. Unlike obummer who claimed they were now a fact of life. THANKS TRUMP!
Crippled in under a year? Damn. And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Also, ISIS had zero reach outside of its tiny strip of desert wasteland other than Twitter and other social media. Trump came in and told the military to abandon the rebels against Assad. It appears he also said to not care about killing civilians. What a heroic move.

And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Well, just because Obama couldn't stop them doesn't mean they were a JV team
He should have done nothing. Well, he basically did nothing. Other than waste millions of dollars worth of missiles.
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.

Yeppers, they handled ISIS so well that ISIS was able to export terror all over the world thanks to the 500 million a year they were making thanks to obummer's policies. Trump allowed the US military to do its job and they were crippled in under a year. Unlike obummer who claimed they were now a fact of life. THANKS TRUMP!
Crippled in under a year? Damn. And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Also, ISIS had zero reach outside of its tiny strip of desert wasteland other than Twitter and other social media. Trump came in and told the military to abandon the rebels against Assad. It appears he also said to not care about killing civilians. What a heroic move.

And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Well, just because Obama couldn't stop them doesn't mean they were a JV team
Obama bombed the shit out of them. Trump is doing the same, except he's abandoned the rebels that relied on us and said to kill civilians. ISIS was always a JV team. A gaggle of impoverished sand people that didn't even have a helicopter.
The United States, Great Britain and France launched a missile attack on government facilities in Syria early in the morning of April 14, 2018. According to the British Royal Air Forces representative Air Vice Marshal Gavin Parker, the targets were the research center in Damascus, Mezzeh Military Airport of the Syrian Air Force located near Damascus and several warehouses in Homs where the chemical weapons were allegedly located.


The Buksurface-to-air missile system of the Syrian Air Defense Force at Mezzeh Military Airport

Of course, mainstreammedia started talking immediately about panic among the Syrianmilitary and the infrastructure facilities destruction but thesestatements were far from the truth.

103 missiles are reported were launched in Syria and the Syrian air defense systems managed to shoot down 71 missiles. In particular,five missiles were fired at the Mezze airfield and all of them were destroyed in the air. Thus, the Buk air defense systems accomplished their task successfully.


Mezzeh Military Airport after the U.S. shelling

According to the Syrian military airport photographs, the military equipment and the runways have not been destroyed.At the same time, the smoke is a consequence of launched Buk missiles.

In general, we can say with certainty that the attacks of the United States and its allies were ineffective, the targets were not affected, the critical infrastructure facilities were not destroyed.And most importantly, the Syrian air defenses have fulfilled their mission showing the countries of the West the Syrian land is under reliable protection.

Anyone wanna bet that this ole boy believed Baghdad Bob when he said that Iraqi forces were driving the American's from the capital city? ;)
..these missiles cost about 1 MILLION$ each
..that means they suck if they can't get to the target
Not true. There are multiple factors which affect success rate. Just because your opponent can neutralize X does not mean that your weapon 'sucks'. There is a reason that they sent 103. see the missile debris and proof they were shot down list means nothing--that means some could've missed/malfunctioned
Target list is very important if we want to calc success rate.

.military history is a factor --if these missiles sucked before they wouldn't use them until they were redesigned
Platforms are constantly upgraded. The Tomahawk of today is light years ahead of ones 30..20...10 years ago.
''light years ahead'''--- but they get shot down???!!! what????!!!!!
you just said that??
I wanted nothing done..............until confirmation was beyond a doubt. I still don't believe Assad did this.

Our mission objective .......kill ISIS......leave.
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.

Yeppers, they handled ISIS so well that ISIS was able to export terror all over the world thanks to the 500 million a year they were making thanks to obummer's policies. Trump allowed the US military to do its job and they were crippled in under a year. Unlike obummer who claimed they were now a fact of life. THANKS TRUMP!
Crippled in under a year? Damn. And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Also, ISIS had zero reach outside of its tiny strip of desert wasteland other than Twitter and other social media. Trump came in and told the military to abandon the rebels against Assad. It appears he also said to not care about killing civilians. What a heroic move.

And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Well, just because Obama couldn't stop them doesn't mean they were a JV team
Obama bombed the shit out of them. Trump is doing the same, except he's abandoned the rebels that relied on us and said to kill civilians. ISIS was always a JV team. A gaggle of impoverished sand people that didn't even have a helicopter.

Suuuuuuure he did. That's why they were expanding their territory nearly every day and raking in hundreds of billions of dollars from the oil fields they had captured. That's why he claimed that ISIS would take "years" to defeat. If you weren't so silly, in a dumb sort of way, you would be funny.
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..these missiles cost about 1 MILLION$ each
..that means they suck if they can't get to the target
Not true. There are multiple factors which affect success rate. Just because your opponent can neutralize X does not mean that your weapon 'sucks'. There is a reason that they sent 103. see the missile debris and proof they were shot down list means nothing--that means some could've missed/malfunctioned
Target list is very important if we want to calc success rate.

.military history is a factor --if these missiles sucked before they wouldn't use them until they were redesigned
Platforms are constantly upgraded. The Tomahawk of today is light years ahead of ones 30..20...10 years ago.
There is a reason that they sent 103.
we use a missile that cost millions$$ with a 70% loss rate--- so we buy lots of them knowing they have a high loss rate???!!!?????!!
the US military doesn't care this missile has a high loss rate??? they just send in a lot???!!!?? what???
Let's remember what made ISIS into ISIS....they captured hundreds of US vehicles in western Iraq when the Iraqis ran instead of fighting back. The long caravans of trucks and half-tracks with ISIS flags flying on them were what inspired nutcases from around the globe to rush in and join them. There are no more caravans, no more munitions and eager fighters ready to establish the "caliphate". And it's only a matter of time before al Bagdadi is pulled out of a hidey-hole and hanged by shia executions same as Saddam was. ISIS is over with.
Can’t get over how much the left hates the military and their families
We didn’t bomb ISIS. And they can handle ISIS without us anyways.

Yeppers, they handled ISIS so well that ISIS was able to export terror all over the world thanks to the 500 million a year they were making thanks to obummer's policies. Trump allowed the US military to do its job and they were crippled in under a year. Unlike obummer who claimed they were now a fact of life. THANKS TRUMP!
Crippled in under a year? Damn. And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Also, ISIS had zero reach outside of its tiny strip of desert wasteland other than Twitter and other social media. Trump came in and told the military to abandon the rebels against Assad. It appears he also said to not care about killing civilians. What a heroic move.

And here the last few years you dupes were acting like ISIS was the greatest military force in the history of the world instead of a JV team.

Well, just because Obama couldn't stop them doesn't mean they were a JV team
Obama bombed the shit out of them. Trump is doing the same, except he's abandoned the rebels that relied on us and said to kill civilians. ISIS was always a JV team. A gaggle of impoverished sand people that didn't even have a helicopter.

Suuuuuuure he did. That's why they were expanding their territory nearly every day and raking in hundreds of billions of dollars from the oil fields they had captured. That's why he claimed that ISIS would take "years" to defeat. If you weren't so silly, in dumb sort of way, you would be funny.

The entire Syrian episode has been a farce. Here is the make up of the "rebels".

Isil is fighting alongside of the rebel "groups". Al Qaeda is fighting alongside the "rebels".

Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia

We were once gain sold a bill of goods.

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