Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad beheaded by Syrian Rebels


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
So are we to support these "rebels"?

Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels as Men and Children Take Pictures and Cheer

Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad killed last weekend by jihadi fighters was beheaded, according to a report by Catholic Online which is linking to video purportedly showing the brutal murder.

As The Blaze reported last week, Murad, 49, was setting up a monastery in Gassanieh, northern Syria. Last Sunday, on the Christian leader’s Sabbath, extremist militants trying to topple President Bashar Assad breached the monastery and grabbed Murad.

While earlier reports suggested Murad may have been shot to death, Catholic Online reported Saturday: “The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23

Catholic Online is raising alarm that western nations are providing support to the rebels who have shown a proclivity toward persecuting Christians:

So are we to support these "rebels"?

Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels as Men and Children Take Pictures and Cheer

Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad killed last weekend by jihadi fighters was beheaded, according to a report by Catholic Online which is linking to video purportedly showing the brutal murder.

As The Blaze reported last week, Murad, 49, was setting up a monastery in Gassanieh, northern Syria. Last Sunday, on the Christian leader’s Sabbath, extremist militants trying to topple President Bashar Assad breached the monastery and grabbed Murad.

While earlier reports suggested Murad may have been shot to death, Catholic Online reported Saturday: “The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23

Catholic Online is raising alarm that western nations are providing support to the rebels who have shown a proclivity toward persecuting Christians:


These "rebels" that are supposedly the "opposition" are nothing more than Jihadist terrorist that have taken Egypt and are now looking to take over Syria. They hate us.

Nothing like giving weapons to those who old ultimately use them to kill us.

One would think that the Mujahadeen would have made us learn, but apparently not. Remember, OUR president calls them "students".
Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad beheaded by Syrian Rebels

In the complicated world of Middle-East politics where things are never as they appear on the surface, it could have been conducted by one of the many groups that oppose the dictatorship, or an operation conducted by the Assad regime itself to turn Western opinion against his opponents.

I find the beheading highly suspect, given that for the 1st time in years the rebels are on the verge of receiving military support from the West - just whose best interests does such an assassination help, certainly not the rebels!
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Remember that groups like "Al Qaeda" were referred to as "mujahideen" by the Regan Administration when they were fighting America's proxy war in Afghanistan during the 1980's - only at that time they were portrayed as noble "freedom fighters," engaged in heroic acts against the Soviets. The Pakistan secret police warned America that supporting Islamic groups fighting the Soviets should not be confused with them being pro-American - but the Regan Administration wouldn't listen and the US is still suffering the consequences.

In Syria, "Al Qaeda" may be ideologically opposed to the US but they're not stupid - executing a Catholic priest at the very time when Western powers are considering providing Assad's opponents with military arms is not only counterproductive, it would also incur the wrath of all the other dissident groups who desperately need that support.

If you ask yourself who has the most to gain from such an act, it leads right back to the Assad government!
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Remember that groups like "Al Qaeda" were referred to as "mujahideen" by the Regan Administration when they were fighting America's proxy war in Afghanistan during the 1980's - only at that time they were portrayed as noble "freedom fighters," engaged in heroic acts against the Soviets. The Pakistan secret police warned America that supporting Islamic groups fighting the Soviets should not be confused with them being pro-American - but the Regan Administration wouldn't listen and the US is still suffering the consequences.

In Syria, "Al Qaeda" may be ideologically opposed to the US but they're not stupid - executing a Catholic priest at the very time when Western powers are considering providing Assad's opponents with military arms is not only counterproductive, it would also incur the wrath of all the other dissident groups who desperately need that support.

If you ask yourself who has the most to gain from such an act, it leads right back to the Assad government! don't know who we'd be arming there, your assumptions are no better than the next guys, there's no logic to muslim fanaticism, the only logic to beheading is to intimidate and terrorize that's what terrorist do
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Is this any shock with radical islamists???

It is a shame.. What is more of a shame is that the good people in these areas do not have the strength to rise up, overthrow, or eliminate these radicals...
Then on Saturday, Catholic Online pointed to a gruesome video clip that has been posted online, and identified Murad as one of three men who are seen being decapitated by rebel fighters, as dozens of onlookers cheer, chant “Allahu akbar” and take photos. It isn’t the first video to emerge depicting rebels carrying out a beheading in Syria, but is believed to be the first in which a Christian was specifically targeted. Two Orthodox bishops from Aleppo, kidnapped by unidentified rebels last April, remain missing. Jabhat al-Nusrah is an al-Qaeda front group viewed by regional experts as one of the most effective among the rebel formations fighting to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad. The Obama administration, which last December blacklisted al-Nusrah as a foreign terrorist organization, has agreed to supply weapons to anti-Assad rebels, stressing the U.S. will only support “moderates” in the opposition ranks. Western church leaders concerned about Syrian Christians are among those who have urged the U.S. and European governments not to add more arms to the conflict. - See more at:

Reported Beheading of Syrian Priest Boosts Fear for Christians? Safety | CNS News
I'll reserve judgement until I hear/see it from a reliable source.
Go to Current Events. There's a video. You may discredit the source but you cannot deny the animal behavior of the Islamic mob. You will children grinning at the carnival atmosphere. These lowlife, worthless people are breeding like rats and teaching their children to hate and kill others for their beliefs.

The only belief worth killing for is freedom to believe as you choose.

Islam is evil.
So are we to support these "rebels"?

Catholic Priest Beheaded in Syria by Al-Qaeda-Linked Rebels as Men and Children Take Pictures and Cheer

Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad killed last weekend by jihadi fighters was beheaded, according to a report by Catholic Online which is linking to video purportedly showing the brutal murder.

As The Blaze reported last week, Murad, 49, was setting up a monastery in Gassanieh, northern Syria. Last Sunday, on the Christian leader’s Sabbath, extremist militants trying to topple President Bashar Assad breached the monastery and grabbed Murad.

While earlier reports suggested Murad may have been shot to death, Catholic Online reported Saturday: “The Vatican is confirming the death by beheading of Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, who was martyred by Syrian jihadists on June 23

Catholic Online is raising alarm that western nations are providing support to the rebels who have shown a proclivity toward persecuting Christians:


We should not be involved in Syria.
I'll reserve judgement until I hear/see it from a reliable source.

i'll reserve judgement whether you are a total idiot or just a fucking pile of stinking dog shit !!
OK !! my reserve is done...., you are a stinking pile of dog shit !!

There are no "Good Guys" in the Middle East.
There is not one country there that deserves the support of the USA.
Time to pack up and leave and let those countries sort things out for themselves without our backing.
Is this any shock with radical islamists???

It is a shame.. What is more of a shame is that the good people in these areas do not have the strength to rise up, overthrow, or eliminate these radicals...

That is assuming they want to overthrow the radicals. And, even if they wanted to overthrow the radicals, beheading infidels isn't at all radical.
There are no "Good Guys" in the Middle East.
There is not one country there that deserves the support of the USA.
Time to pack up and leave and let those countries sort things out for themselves without our backing.

AMEN Brother !! we..., THE United States of America, as suggested many times NEED to get out of that shit hole of the "middle East", those savages have been fighting, murdering, beheading and eating each other long before our Lord and Saviour......., Jesus Christ was born !! :up:

IF any action is required to safeguard the United States of America..., NUKE those MF'ers

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