Syrian Catholic priest Francois Murad beheaded by Syrian Rebels

Is this any shock with radical islamists???

It is a shame.. What is more of a shame is that the good people in these areas do not have the strength to rise up, overthrow, or eliminate these radicals...

That is assuming they want to overthrow the radicals. And, even if they wanted to overthrow the radicals, beheading infidels isn't at all radical.

Beheading?? Woo said anything about that?? But war and overthrow is not inherently 'radical'
Is this any shock with radical islamists???

It is a shame.. What is more of a shame is that the good people in these areas do not have the strength to rise up, overthrow, or eliminate these radicals...

That is assuming they want to overthrow the radicals. And, even if they wanted to overthrow the radicals, beheading infidels isn't at all radical.

Beheading?? Woo said anything about that?? But war and overthrow is not inherently 'radical'

Well, not to be too obvious about pointing it out to you. The topic is about the muslims beheading a Christian.
That is assuming they want to overthrow the radicals. And, even if they wanted to overthrow the radicals, beheading infidels isn't at all radical.

Beheading?? Woo said anything about that?? But war and overthrow is not inherently 'radical'

Well, not to be too obvious about pointing it out to you. The topic is about the muslims beheading a Christian.

Yes.. and I think it is disgusting but not surprising.. and then I stated what is more of a shame is that we don't have the good people rising up and overthrowing these radicals...

You see.. stayed with the original topic and expanded
Protestors in Egypt stormed the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood. 4 members resigned as the protestors took over the building. Much of it is burning and all of it has been looted.
Remember that groups like "Al Qaeda" were referred to as "mujahideen" by the Regan Administration when they were fighting America's proxy war in Afghanistan during the 1980's - only at that time they were portrayed as noble "freedom fighters," engaged in heroic acts against the Soviets. The Pakistan secret police warned America that supporting Islamic groups fighting the Soviets should not be confused with them being pro-American - but the Regan Administration wouldn't listen and the US is still suffering the consequences.

In Syria, "Al Qaeda" may be ideologically opposed to the US but they're not stupid - executing a Catholic priest at the very time when Western powers are considering providing Assad's opponents with military arms is not only counterproductive, it would also incur the wrath of all the other dissident groups who desperately need that support.

If you ask yourself who has the most to gain from such an act, it leads right back to the Assad government! don't know who we'd be arming there, your assumptions are no better than the next guys, there's no logic to muslim fanaticism, the only logic to beheading is to intimidate and terrorize that's what terrorist do

todays allies will be tomorrows enemies
Beheading?? Woo said anything about that?? But war and overthrow is not inherently 'radical'

Well, not to be too obvious about pointing it out to you. The topic is about the muslims beheading a Christian.

Yes.. and I think it is disgusting but not surprising.. and then I stated what is more of a shame is that we don't have the good people rising up and overthrowing these radicals...

You see.. stayed with the original topic and expanded

and that is what we need. we need common sense to rise up. it's time to say enough is enough
Beheading?? Woo said anything about that?? But war and overthrow is not inherently 'radical'

Well, not to be too obvious about pointing it out to you. The topic is about the muslims beheading a Christian.

Yes.. and I think it is disgusting but not surprising.. and then I stated what is more of a shame is that we don't have the good people rising up and overthrowing these radicals...

You see.. stayed with the original topic and expanded

While it is a shame, don't count on these being the "radicals". Beheading infidels is a universal muslim article of faith. It is bad muslims who don't believe that beheading infidels is wrong.
Don't worry about barbaric treatment of other humans. Obama will stop it by arming the barbarians thus they will just shoot you.

Barbaric treatment? You mean like "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed"?
Don't worry about barbaric treatment of other humans. Obama will stop it by arming the barbarians thus they will just shoot you.

Barbaric treatment? You mean like "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed"?

You're comparing your propaganda points with people who are literally beheading priets and eating the organs of their enemies.

You know, there is a reason people have very little respect for you around here. This is one of them.
Don't worry about barbaric treatment of other humans. Obama will stop it by arming the barbarians thus they will just shoot you.

Barbaric treatment? You mean like "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed"?

No, I mean like REAL LIFE horrific murders. Not some pie in the sky talking point.

PS. I HOPE you didn't breed.
There are Jihadist rebels, and there are more secularist rebels who want democracy, who Obama and westerners are trying to help. What a gd mess. Many thanks to W/Pubs and hater dupes for turning a hundred criminals into hundreds of thousands of jihadists with their stupid anti-muslim crusade...

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