Syrian Kurdish city declares independence without violence

Free Kurdistan is on a map of the "New ME" devised by US and Israel in 2006. Who said, geopolitics are not real?

You believe, that this is the map which shows the agenda of USA?
I don't believe it. Before everything else(lots of reasons) the USA has not the money to make such a map happen.

The drawer of that map should stick with playing PC game where you can go bankrupt and re-start the game again. Dead bodies are also only "virtual".

Free Kurdistan is on a map of the "New ME" devised by US and Israel in 2006. Who said, geopolitics are not real?

here is something to make ekrem sleepless :lol:, suck poo you racist turk

Syrian opposition and Turkey will send 45.000 people to those "independence area". Erdogan has just announced, further he said:
"Any entity in North of Syria is a terror entity for us".
Erdoan: Müdahale etme hakkimiz var - Hürriyet Gndem

No joking with PKK issue, we surely won't let the PKK take over areas on our border.

Edit: It's newspaper quoting state-news-agency, and they edited that part away now.
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Syrian Kurdish opposition figures say Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces have quit areas of Hassaka and Aleppo provinces, which border Turkey, leaving them under the control of the PKK-linked Democratic Union Party (PYD).

The head of the Syrian National Council - which aspires to political leadership of the revolt against Assad and much of whose leadership is in Turkey - said Assad's troops had lost control of some parts of those regions, but that the Syrian opposition did not endorse any Kurdish separatist project.

Adana Agreements gives us right to intervene and intervene we should.
Normally PKK is in Kandil mountains, very hard to access. Now they're in the open desert-pain.
that is a good map, are you sure it is a US-israeli agenda ? source !?

ekrem, stop been delusional , southern Kurdistanis are well on their way for independence , turks do not call the shot for kurds , kurds call it themself, wakey wakey... and you have turkish companies "serving kurds: in south kurdistan getting paid and piss off back to where they come from...

the biggest oil companies in south Kurdistan is Exxon and Chevron, the only tiny turkish oil company in south Kurdistan is genel energy , has anyone heard of it ? hehehe , did not think so.

your only in south Kurdistan to construct our state get paid and piss off .

northern Kurdistan occupied by turkey is inevitable after western Kurdistan now getting its autonomy with KRG, and soon eastern Kurdistan getting freed by the US attack on iran, so it will be 3 kurdistans vs turkey, and we will have access to sell our oil via different routes if turkey does plan to pull stunts on south Kurdistan ..

without south Kurdistan's oil and gas turkey will suffocate, after iran's oil ban by US thanks to US again... everything is going well and as planned for southern Kurdistan WOOHOO .

this is the attitude of almost all turks if you ask me, this is what USA is helping in the ME , out of all the nations you help these fascist and genocidal people !? US needs a fair and brave leader.
out of this mess-----a shining light FREE KURDISTAN

They edited the part away which quoted Erdogan saying "the Syrian-Opposition and Turkey will send 45.000 people into these areas".
The re-wrote it as him saying "the Syrian opposition is in control of the situation and the Syrian opposition does not welcome this and Turkey is assisting the opposition, and that's what is going to continue to happen".
Erdoan: Mdahale etme hakkmz var - Hrriyet Gndem
FREE Kurdistan on the horizon , we shall see another KRG in syria and a true ally for South kurdistan in the whole world :D
the biggest oil companies in south Kurdistan is Exxon and Chevron, the only tiny turkish oil company in south Kurdistan is genel energy , has anyone heard of it ? hehehe , did not think so.

Genel Energy (...) is the largest producer of oil and is the largest holder of reserves in the Kurdistan Region with interests in the Taq Taq and Tawke fields. The Group also has an exciting exploration portfolio across its six PSCs which it aims to drill over the next 12-18 months.
Genel Energy plc

The pipeline into Turkey and N.Iraq's internal oil-infrastructure will also be constructed by Turkish company.
Off course, we'll make capacities big enough so Americans (Chevron) exploiting Kurds can also pump the Oil through the infrastructure.
Turkey's Energy Plans with Iraq's Kurdish Region | Stratfor
The KRG announced May 18 that it is prepared to move forward on the most ambitious part of the infrastructure initiative: building an internal oil transport network with Turkish assistance. Logistical issues such as funding, the precise route and pipeline security have yet to be announced, but Ankara is rumored to have awarded the contract to Calik Enerji, a private company with ties to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
First Health Centre in West Kurdistan: Navenda Tenduristiya Gel A Amûdê
Teaching Kurdish language at public schools in Derik officially declared. An important anti-Arabization step. #Syria #TwitterKurds"
Kirke - another kurdish city liberated

first 2 flags are Kurdistan flags the others are PYD party flags
Gel Agha

Western Kurdistan will never accept another occupation and will never throw this freedom away.
a kid returning home from a demo in Amuda a kurdish city in western kurdistan
Scene in a Kurdish language school in Derik. It was set up four months ago. Kurdish children and youths can now learn how to write and read Kurdish. Two years ago such an act would have brought the Kurdish teachers for up to 10 years into prison.

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