Syrian Kurdish city declares independence without violence

'Girke Lege' liberated

Amûdê today: Raising the Kurdish at the top of the highest tower in the city.
thousands of kurds returning home from arab dominant cities to their kurdish city of Qamishlo
So far these kurdish cities have been liberated and are now run by kurds they are: Kobani , Efrin, Amuda, Tirpe spi, Derik, Sare Kani, Derbasiya, Shek Hadid, Cindres, the only city remaining is the capital of western Kurdistan, Qamishlo.

Qamishlo court





Kurdish forces in Amuda
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President Talabani is apparently keeping good ties with the Alawites and Assad. Why? my personal belief is that the Kurdish leadership is aware of the fact that the Alawites may restore the Alawite State of the French mandate in the mountainous and coastal areas around Latakia. If that is the case, Kurds may have another neighbor to trade with and hence ease the Turkish chain on us, and the fact that the ruling AKP has lost all sympathy in the Syrian Alawite regions just helps the case. The southern Kurds are masters of the divide and conquer tactic and have used it effectively in Iraq since 2003 (Something the US officials admitted in a document on wikileaks).
Aysa Afendi is the second Kurdish president of the newly elected Kurdish parliament in Kobani. She was imprisoned in 2008 by the Assad regime for one year due to her political work, especially on women rights.
You believe, that this is the map which shows the agenda of USA?
I don't believe it. Before everything else(lots of reasons) the USA has not the money to make such a map happen.


You can believe in whatever you want, but this map was agreed between the US and Israel as far back as 2006; and IT IS HAPPENING.
that is a good map, .

This is a terrible map.

I understand how you can be taken by the idea of a creation of a country Kurds can call their own, but it is not going to solve the problem of Kurds, it will add to them and will create an awful lot of additional points of tension throughout the ME, Central Asia and Caucasus making justifiable continues presence of the US military in the regions.

Free Kurdistan created by the will of US/Israel will become the next Punjabi...
well the map is not completely right itself, its missing few kurdish areas, so far 2 parts are liberated, South and western kurdistan , only 2 more to go which are occupied by Iran and turkey... no one care about Iran so no problem there, the biggest challenge is in north kurdistan because of west support for turkey, once that changes then north kurdistan will be free as well .

this is how a great kurdistan will look like
You can believe in whatever you want, but this map was agreed between the US and Israel as far back as 2006; and IT IS HAPPENING.

The only thing that is happening in the moment is, that at this stage there is a vaccum in some parts within Syria.

At the end of the day, the Syrian Sunnites (if you substract the Kurds) still constitute around 80% of Syrian population.
And Turkey is assisting them from the begining. It's a bet on the strongest horse in the race for the future of Syria.

At the end of day, there will be a new Syria fully allied with Turkey.
I'm very happy for them. What the Syrians, Turks, Iranians, and Iraqis have done to them for centuries, is unforgivable. Looks like their time has come. I wish them well.

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