Syrian Kurdish city declares independence without violence

By the way Kirkuki, let me ask you a question. Is your ultimate goal the creation of a Kurdish state including the Kurdish areas of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran? And if so, do you think Kurds from all these areas still have enough in common to form a coherent state?

yes to this day kurds in all 4 parts hold majority, unlike the Palestinians who sold their lands to Israel and then they called it "occupation" , we have never sold an inch to any of our occupiers, on the contrary , they destroyed 1000s of our villages and done genocide because we refuse to give up our lands.

for eg in kirkuk saddam kicked 1000s of kurds out of the province and brought in Arabs from south of iraq and gave them kurdish land and properties as well as financial support.

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I'm very happy for them. What the Syrians, Turks, Iranians, and Iraqis have done to them for centuries, is unforgivable. Looks like their time has come. I wish them well.

A map from Startfor, referencing NYT and US State Department.
If you substract Kurds (who are mostly themselves Sunnites) from Sunnite population in Syria, the Sunnites still make up around 80% of population.
Sunnites and FSA currently don't have the tools at hand the state-structure would offer to assert authority over the country. They're still fighting the old structure.

Territorial disentegration of Syria won't be allowed, just like it wasn't allowed in Iraq. The Syrian Sunnites have the support of several important countries in the region like S.Arabia and Turkey. The Syrian-National-Council is the Syrian branch of Muslim-Brotherhood so the Sunnites also have future support from Egypt (once that country has been stabilized).

At this point some people waving flags around in some parts of Syria has nothing to say. And it certainly doesn't make you a country.
Sunnites will assert full authority over Syria and will manage Syrian affairs from Damascus, that also includes the affairs of regions where there's currently a vacuum, itself caused by disentegration of the old state-structure.

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By the way Kirkuki, let me ask you a question. Is your ultimate goal the creation of a Kurdish state including the Kurdish areas of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran? And if so, do you think Kurds from all these areas still have enough in common to form a coherent state?

You ask a question as if user "kirkuki" is the proconsul of this region.
The region has its own realities and doesn't necessarily give a fuck what some people want.

Aleppo's population is bigger than Syrian-Kurd population within Syria.
2 million Kurds in Syria and 4 million in Iraq.
Before Iran and Turkey don't fall there's not going to come a "Kurdistan".
And each of both countries have the capabilities to turn the region upside down before they vanish into history.
that is a good map, .

This is a terrible map.

I understand how you can be taken by the idea of a creation of a country Kurds can call their own, but it is not going to solve the problem of Kurds, it will add to them and will create an awful lot of additional points of tension throughout the ME, Central Asia and Caucasus making justifiable continues presence of the US military in the regions.

Free Kurdistan created by the will of US/Israel will become the next Punjabi...

Kurdish-Syrian rebels promise to fight PKK in return for Turkish military support against Assad regime.
Al Jazeera Blogs

Turkey says it ‘will not tolerate’ a Kurdish-run region in northern Syria
The Washington Post

There's nothing more to say on this issue.
If the PKK tries to hi-jack the situation it will get the FSA's cock in its ass.
I'm very happy for them. What the Syrians, Turks, Iranians, and Iraqis have done to them for centuries, is unforgivable. Looks like their time has come. I wish them well.

More the pity they will not get what they are hoping for. Instead they will get a semblance of Punjabi: a territory ravaged by an unceasing conflict where people can't bring up their children and build their future...
I'm very happy for them. What the Syrians, Turks, Iranians, and Iraqis have done to them for centuries, is unforgivable. Looks like their time has come. I wish them well.

More the pity they will not get what they are hoping for. Instead they will get a semblance of Punjabi: a territory ravaged by an unceasing conflict where people can't bring up their children and build their future...

Turkey is very familiar with Genocide. Just ask the Armenians and Kurds. The International Community should have dealt with this slaughter many years ago. They sold the Kurdish People out for perceived beneficial strategic relationships with Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They stood by and watched the Kurdish People be slaughtered for many years. They've done nothing to end it. Shame on them. God Bless the Kurdish People.
More the pity they will not get what they are hoping for. Instead they will get a semblance of Punjabi: a territory ravaged by an unceasing conflict where people can't bring up their children and build their future...

Syria is/was 1-party rule.
In new system the groups who were not represented before will "organize" and appear on political scene. Kurds will also organize and join new system, but I don't expect Syria to go the way of federalism like in Iraq.
When there's election in free Syria one Sunnite party (MB) is going to get absolute majority, their pool of possible voters is around 80% of Syria's population. And unlike Iraq there's no Paul-Bremer around this time pushing through US's preferences in a transition government.

And we'll surely not let the PKK gain a foothold in Syria.
More the pity they will not get what they are hoping for. Instead they will get a semblance of Punjabi: a territory ravaged by an unceasing conflict where people can't bring up their children and build their future...

Syria is/was 1-party rule.
In new system the groups who were not represented before will "organize" and appear on political scene. Kurds will also organize and join new system, but I don't expect Syria to go the way of federalism like in Iraq.
When there's election in free Syria one Sunnite party (MB) is going to get absolute majority, their pool of possible voters is around 80% of Syria's population. And unlike Iraq there's no Paul-Bremer around this time pushing through US's preferences in a transition government.

And we'll surely not let the PKK gain a foothold in Syria.

A new day is coming. Your un-checked slaughter of the Kurdish People is about to come to an end. With this move by Syria, your country has been weakened. It's getting harder & harder for you guys continuing to carry out your Kurdish Genocide. I see tough days ahead for your country. You can't keep people down forever. The Kurds are rising. And you Turks are just gonna have to accept that.
Turkey is very familiar with Genocide. Just ask the Armenians and Kurds. The International Community should have dealt with this slaughter many years ago. They sold the Kurdish People out for perceived beneficial strategic relationships with Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They stood by and watched the Kurdish People be slaughtered for many years. They've done nothing to end it. Shame on them. God Bless the Kurdish People.

"International community" (US/its vassals) never bothered with the fate of the people, and never will. They "sold" Kurds when it was to their advantage; they are "supporting" Kurds now because it is advancing their cause: destabilises Syria, Iran and Turkey; and they will screw Kurds once again when Kurds will do their job of helping US to mess up the ME and Caucasus. And when that will happen, Kurds will find themselves in a middle of a mighty mess with at least seven countries going after their Free Kurdistan and stirring there internal trouble...
Turkey is very familiar with Genocide. Just ask the Armenians and Kurds. The International Community should have dealt with this slaughter many years ago. They sold the Kurdish People out for perceived beneficial strategic relationships with Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They stood by and watched the Kurdish People be slaughtered for many years. They've done nothing to end it. Shame on them. God Bless the Kurdish People.

"International community" (US/its vassals) never bothered with the fate of the people, and never will. They "sold" Kurds when it was to their advantage; they are "supporting" Kurds now because it is advancing their cause: destabilises Syria, Iran and Turkey; and they will screw Kurds once again when Kurds will do their job of helping US to mess up the ME and Caucasus. And when that will happen, Kurds will find themselves in a middle of a mighty mess with at least seven countries going after their Free Kurdistan and stirring there internal trouble...

We'll see i guess. At least they're getting a real opportunity to fight back. And that's something they haven't had in centuries. This is their time. They have to take advantage of it.

"I would rather die standing, than live on my knees." - Emiliano Zapata
And you Turks are just gonna have to accept that.

We're financing and playing patron-role to elements West to Syria in Iraq.
From Iraqqiya to Al-Hadba movement.

Soon Syria will be ruled by the FSA, and Turkey will have allied elements ruling regions what was a hundred years ago the Mosul Vilayet.
Election results of Sunnite political-bloc we directly back:

With this move by Syria, your country has been weakened.

Syria got the FSA and a coming regime-change.
But Turkey is the country that is weakened.
Sure. :lol:

We don't have to accept anything what you propose or think we should accept. You have no fucking clue.
Turkey is very familiar with Genocide. Just ask the Armenians and Kurds. The International Community should have dealt with this slaughter many years ago. They sold the Kurdish People out for perceived beneficial strategic relationships with Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and Iran. They stood by and watched the Kurdish People be slaughtered for many years. They've done nothing to end it. Shame on them. God Bless the Kurdish People.

"International community" (US/its vassals) never bothered with the fate of the people, and never will. They "sold" Kurds when it was to their advantage; they are "supporting" Kurds now because it is advancing their cause: destabilises Syria, Iran and Turkey; and they will screw Kurds once again when Kurds will do their job of helping US to mess up the ME and Caucasus. And when that will happen, Kurds will find themselves in a middle of a mighty mess with at least seven countries going after their Free Kurdistan and stirring there internal trouble...

And you Turks are just gonna have to accept that.

We're financing and playing patron-role to elements West to Syria in Iraq.
From Iraqqiya to Al-Hadba movement.

Soon Syria will be ruled by the FSA, and Turkey will have allied elements ruling regions what was a hundred years ago the Mosul Vilayet.
Election results of Sunnite political-bloc we directly back:

With this move by Syria, your country has been weakened.

Syria got the FSA and a coming regime-change.
But Turkey is the country that is weakened.
Sure. :lol:

We don't have to accept anything what you propose or think we should accept. You have no fucking clue.

The Kurds are rising. You Turks are just gonna have to deal with it. You've kept them down long enough. Time for change.
And you Turks are just gonna have to accept that.

We're financing and playing patron-role to elements West to Syria in Iraq.
From Iraqqiya to Al-Hadba movement.

Soon Syria will be ruled by the FSA, and Turkey will have allied elements ruling regions what was a hundred years ago the Mosul Vilayet.
Election results of Sunnite political-bloc we directly back:

With this move by Syria, your country has been weakened.

Syria got the FSA and a coming regime-change.
But Turkey is the country that is weakened.
Sure. :lol:

We don't have to accept anything what you propose or think we should accept. You have no fucking clue.

The Kurds are rising. You Turks are just gonna have to deal with it. You've kept them down long enough. Time for change.

Yup, the Turks genocidal ways are a failure, they can't stop the Kurds from rising.

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