'System Restore' Is A Wonderful Thing:


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
I am a computer dummy. For many years I was susceptible to causing all sorts of problems by clicking on things I should not have clicked on. In the earlier stages I often needed help to get me out of situations I'd create with my itchy clicking finger. But then I discovered "Go Back," which was the forerunner of Windows System Restore. Between my becoming progressively less inclined to click on booby traps and the ability to rescue myself by using Restore I'm rarely affected by booby traps anymore.

I use Windows 10, Home Edition. Today I got trapped. I clicked on what appeared to be a quick and simple way to track a package and found that I'd downloaded a Google Chrome utility that inhabited my system and which popped up every time I wanted to load a second blank page -- and I couldn't delete it (sonofabitch!)

But System Restore worked its magic once again and has rescued me from the old feeling of trapped helplessness. There really should be a warning to computer dummies about these "just click here" traps -- that make me mad enough to really hurt somebody. . .

God bless System Restore!"
I have Windows 10. I don't see any System Restore. I do see a thing called Recovery in the Settings menu. Maybe that's it.
I have Windows 10. I don't see any System Restore. I do see a thing called Recovery in the Settings menu. Maybe that's it.
Here's a couple of ways;

Windows 10 problems? Discover how System Restore can help
Here's what came up from that link >>>

Requested Resource Unavailable ::


The link you are accessing has been blocked because it contains content belonging to the category of: Spyware / Malicious Sites

Accessing this site may violate Internet use policies and may be considered obscenity by a court of law. If you believe this is an error or you need to access this link, please see our staff immediately.

I have Windows 10. I don't see any System Restore. I do see a thing called Recovery in the Settings menu. Maybe that's it.
Here's a couple of ways;

Windows 10 problems? Discover how System Restore can help
Here's what came up from that link >>>

Requested Resource Unavailable ::


The link you are accessing has been blocked because it contains content belonging to the category of: Spyware / Malicious Sites

Accessing this site may violate Internet use policies and may be considered obscenity by a court of law. If you believe this is an error or you need to access this link, please see our staff immediately.

Think you're getting a false positive but be that as it may.
Here it is direct from Microsoft;


And why did your link take me to a marketing site? Especially one considered by many to be a scam..........
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It's possible you have a redirect virus. :dunno:
Could be. Viruses are all over the place.
I assume you're using Win 10 but which browser are you using? I.E.? Chrome? Firefox? Safari?
I'm using Linux (Kubuntu) as my OS with my firewall activated and ClamTK as my anti-virus, as linux PCs are rarely targeted I've never had a virus problem. Using the Microsoft site instructions you may want to do a system restore just in case.
I have Windows 10. I don't see any System Restore. I do see a thing called Recovery in the Settings menu. Maybe that's it.

Probably owing to approaching senility I made a serious error in the above message: I said I use Windows 10, which is wrong. I'm sorry. I use Windows 7, Home Edition.
You could have also used a "pop up block" feature in most browsers. For serious protection, if you have a Western Digital hard drive, you can do a full clone of another Western Digital (maybe other brands too) hard drive so it has the operating system, everything ready to go in the case of a primary drive malfunction. A 1TB drive is only $45. Installing a hd in a big box PC is very easy. With a laptop, you will need an USB external drive, even easier.

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