Systemic Racism is a Propaganda LIE

Systems do not discriminate, people do. There is no official system that has rules, procedures, and official processes that allow discrimination, because that would be illegal and any organization that uses such a system would be destroyed in today's world. The problem isn't in any system, it's in the people who operate those systems; racism still exists today, but not in any system.
Systems can be designed to discriminate and most certainly have been. That's why we're still dealing with the remnants of a white supremacist society even though those systems have on paper been dismantled.

Officially/legally they may have been shut down, but in reality the fact that they ever existed in the first place is still causing harm.
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"Systemic Racism" is a Marxist code term for free markets/capitalism. The only solution to the alleged problem they identify as "systemic racism" is to be communist shits.

Marxist shits used to get away with this rebranding nonsense all the time. I think people are starting to catch on (finally, after 50+ years). Communists never go away, they just re-brand and re-package. Once a commie, always a commie.

This is communist bullshit. There's only one solution to commies.

A Final Solution (yes, that one).

Kill a commie for mommy.
"Systemic Racism" is an easy way to blame others for your own failures in life.
No, but stupid is denying the documented racist laws and policies that make up systemic racism.
There's nothing wrong with trying to protect and preserve our heritage. Liberals who attack us for this should be ashamed.

Our heritage is what liberals are trying to preserve. YOUR heritage is a lie.

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