T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

Once again, so? Someone's blog also begins with "Love Thy Neighbor." Why do people have a problem with thriving in unity, whether it's on Obama's website or used as the slogan for the Tucson memorial service? Remember the slogan following 911? It was "UNITED WE STAND" -- who had a problem with that? :eusa_eh:

Maybe it is just me Maggie, but I think it is a bit premature to say they are going to thrive when they just suffered the loss of six people. Among them a husband willing to shield his wife from bullets with his body, a federal judge and promising 9 year old. The phrase doesn't seem to recognize the loss, but is mostly political in nature.
At least they didn't go all Wellstone on us this time. We were spared that disgusting spectacle.
Where I live people have RIP shirts made to memorialize the passing of a loved one
In this case there were several, The message is apolitical.

Let it go

University of Arizona spokesperson Jennifer Fitzenberger told me that the shirts were, indeed, provided by the University. “The University wanted to give people something to remember that symbolized community spirit and continued the event’s positive energy into the future,” she said.

According to Fitzenberger, the shirts were designed by a University of Arizona student, and they cost about $60,000. “The University will pay for them,” she noted. “No tuition, state allocations, tax dollars or student fees will be used.”

The Truth About the ?Together We Thrive? T-Shirts at the Tucson Memorial | Blogs

Thanks for posting that, though people who wish to find something to attack the President with will just keep trudging on while ignoring the reality of the situation.

No one is looking for stuff to attack the President...The President just keeps trying to change the country into his socialist paradise that never will exist. Some one need to inform our president that since he is the leader of it he should at least know we dont live in a democracy.....The USA is a Republic....A Constitutional Republic.

And the Constitution was set up to function AS A DEMOCRACY!!

free and equal representation of people: the free and equal right of every person to participate in a system of government, often practiced by electing representatives of the people by the majority of the people

democratic nation: a country with a government that has been elected freely and equally by all its citizens

democratic system of government: a system of government based on the principle of majority decision-making

Synonyms: social equality, equality, egalitarianism, classlessness, consensus, fairness
See full definition · Encarta World English Dictionary
ummm I dont understand why you would object to such a message?

The message itself is fine, the Implication by Many on the left is not. They imply that unless we get in line and do what Obama wants we are not working together. The left never wants to meet us in the middle. Their idea of getting along is everyone bowing down and doing what ever the Left wants with out complaining about it.

If the Republican leadership thought there was even the slightest truth in that, we would not have seen people like John Boehner saying almost exactly the same things that Obama has said regarding a return to civility.
Thanks for posting that, though people who wish to find something to attack the President with will just keep trudging on while ignoring the reality of the situation.

No one is looking for stuff to attack the President...The President just keeps trying to change the country into his socialist paradise that never will exist. Some one need to inform our president that since he is the leader of it he should at least know we dont live in a democracy.....The USA is a Republic....A Constitutional Republic.

There's your LIE of the DAY, and possibly Lie of the Year.

Exactly. Google "T-Shirts at Tucson memorial" and you'll turn up page after page of right wing attacks, and they sure don't stop at just the T-shirts.
No one is looking for stuff to attack the President...The President just keeps trying to change the country into his socialist paradise that never will exist. Some one need to inform our president that since he is the leader of it he should at least know we dont live in a democracy.....The USA is a Republic....A Constitutional Republic.

There's your LIE of the DAY, and possibly Lie of the Year.

And what the left does not look at every thing that happens to find something to attack the right with? Please? The shooter in this attack was a registered Independent who did not vote in the last Election, and likes among others, the Communist manifesto.

And still the left is trying to pin this on the right.

Get real people.

Well I've been closely watching/listening to the talking heads, and I see two issues here:

First, the fact that just about everyone now agrees that the shooter has a mental problem and probably is schitzophrenic which means he had voices in his head and lived in a surreal world most of the time, so any discussion about his personal "politics" is moot.

The second issue is how, because of the initial knee-jerk reactions by BOTH the left AND the right, it's time to end this kind of bullshit rhetoric which is counterproductive to solving the problems of the country. Anyone who doesn't agree with the latter is so stuck in hate-ridden partisanship that there's no hope for them, but I do see those people as becoming much smaller voices in the near future. We can already see it right on this message board.
The Sheriff is a big failure, he needs to be run out of office, hell the Sheriff was the first to demonize everyone on the Right.

The sheriff had a knee-jerk reaction, true. But a helluva lot of anger has been spilling out and over the top in the State of Arizona and I'm sure he's seen enough of that to justify his immediate reaction. When I first heard Gabrielle Giffords had been shot, that was MY first reaction, too. Why? Because there ARE many citizen groups that have formed militias in the last two years whose goal is to overturn the government, especially THIS government. My first reaction was "Well...someone's finally started the revolution."
Where I live people have RIP shirts made to memorialize the passing of a loved one
In this case there were several, The message is apolitical.

Let it go

University of Arizona spokesperson Jennifer Fitzenberger told me that the shirts were, indeed, provided by the University. “The University wanted to give people something to remember that symbolized community spirit and continued the event’s positive energy into the future,” she said.

According to Fitzenberger, the shirts were designed by a University of Arizona student, and they cost about $60,000. “The University will pay for them,” she noted. “No tuition, state allocations, tax dollars or student fees will be used.”
The Truth About the ?Together We Thrive? T-Shirts at the Tucson Memorial | Blogs

This is what happens when supposedly smart people forget where a public university gets its money.

And the unfounded projections just keep on coming.

University of Arizona spokesperson Jennifer Fitzenberger told me that the shirts were, indeed, provided by the University. “The University wanted to give people something to remember that symbolized community spirit and continued the event’s positive energy into the future,” she said.

According to Fitzenberger, the shirts were designed by a University of Arizona student, and they cost about $60,000. “The University will pay for them,” she noted. “No tuition, state allocations, tax dollars or student fees will be used.”

In other words, the University undoubtedly has a slush fund already existing that pays for such things.
Where I live people have RIP shirts made to memorialize the passing of a loved one
In this case there were several, The message is apolitical.

Let it go

University of Arizona spokesperson Jennifer Fitzenberger told me that the shirts were, indeed, provided by the University. “The University wanted to give people something to remember that symbolized community spirit and continued the event’s positive energy into the future,” she said.

According to Fitzenberger, the shirts were designed by a University of Arizona student, and they cost about $60,000. “The University will pay for them,” she noted. “No tuition, state allocations, tax dollars or student fees will be used.”
The Truth About the ?Together We Thrive? T-Shirts at the Tucson Memorial | Blogs

This is what happens when supposedly smart people forget where a public university gets its money.

And the unfounded projections just keep on coming.

University of Arizona spokesperson Jennifer Fitzenberger told me that the shirts were, indeed, provided by the University. “The University wanted to give people something to remember that symbolized community spirit and continued the event’s positive energy into the future,” she said.

According to Fitzenberger, the shirts were designed by a University of Arizona student, and they cost about $60,000. “The University will pay for them,” she noted. “No tuition, state allocations, tax dollars or student fees will be used.”

In other words, the University undoubtedly has a slush fund already existing that pays for such things.

I'm going to be nice and not comment.
I agree as well. I thought tonally the memorial was odd. And he looked uncomfortable with that.

It was a great speech, though.

I think he also knows nobody will listen to him and take it to heart.

Oh but they did.

Oh, yes, maggimae, you are so right, and even, mudwhistle, so unhappy about Obama is thinking about the power and cause he espoused at Arizona. So, yes, the message is going to peoples' hearts.
The University doesn't get all it's funds from taxes, the students, and stuff like that. For example when I worked for the basketball arena at my school, giveaways were usually either paid from sponsors, or from their budget (which all advertising money goes to).

They could have easily paid for all those shirts from the money they make from advertising, food/merchandise sales, paid for tickets from those who attend events at the arena.

This is what happens when supposedly smart people forget that public universities have many forms of incomes (especially their stadiums/arenas).

I see another supposedly smart person doesn't get it either.

Um it says the University is paying for them-but says they wont use any of the money from and I quote:

-state allocations
-tax dollars
-student fees

So your comment was that people forget where the public university gets their money from, implying it was from one of these sources. I simply pointed out they get their money from other sources including: advertising revenue, merchandise revenue, ticket/event sales.

So what is wrong with using those sources of income towards these shirts? If they use advertising revenues on those shirts-how would that be them using public funds towards the university? Answer that question.

I'm sure you know how to read, but I question your ability to comprehend.

Alumni & Donors | The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Once again, so? Someone's blog also begins with "Love Thy Neighbor." Why do people have a problem with thriving in unity, whether it's on Obama's website or used as the slogan for the Tucson memorial service? Remember the slogan following 911? It was "UNITED WE STAND" -- who had a problem with that? :eusa_eh:

Wow.. the left is defending bible quotes now?



I imagine, since more Democrats exist in America than Republicans in total, that more Christians are democrats than republicans.
Damage Control run amok....right here.

Why did you eliminate this quote from my post?

Thus if the First Amendment means anything in this field, it must allow protests even against the moral code that the standard of the day sets for the community. In other words, literature should not be suppressed merely because it offends the moral code of the censor.
William O. Douglas
I didn't eliminate anything. I bolded and enlarged, but did not eliminate. That would be wrong.

Edited to add: How odd, I do notice one quote gone from your post to mine. I honestly do not know how that happened....I didn't do it.

I think I responded and took out the quotes, since they were unnecessary for my response. Not against the rules. Sometimes copying and recopying gets tedius to plow through AGAIN, especially when someone is determined to write tomes concerning their personal ideologies, as if those contain the magic answers to specifics.
Why, because "Together we Thrive," is as common as, "If you've got the time, we've got the beer?"
That is correct!

Here it is from a song in "Grey Gardens" the 1975 documentary about Edith Bouvier Beale.

We belong together

We're happy together

And life is a song

When we are together

We know we are where we belong

When we are together

-Like birds of a feather
- Of a feather

- Together we thrive
- Together we thrive
Damn it! I KNEW it was the evil hand of the Kennedys.
Free speech does not cause mad men to kill. Obama should have known that idiot college students make a bad audience for a memorial and slogan laden T-Shirts are disgraceful when memorializing the dead.

I keep hearing it isnt Obama's fault well I have to ask when is it fault? Ether he wanted this to happen or he is so stupid that he couldnt see this happening when a retard could.

Huh? He didn't choose the venue. The City of Tucson needed a place large enough to hold the anticipated crowd. As it was, there were another 10,0000 OUTSIDE because there wasn't enough seating. Should the City have excluded students from their own auditorium?
No one is looking for stuff to attack the President...The President just keeps trying to change the country into his socialist paradise that never will exist. Some one need to inform our president that since he is the leader of it he should at least know we dont live in a democracy.....The USA is a Republic....A Constitutional Republic.

You do understand just what is socialism?

You do understand that socialism is not social democracy working within the capitalistic system?

You do understand your concern has no ground for real concern?
You do know what a republic is dont you?

We do know what a DEMOCRATIC "Republic" is.

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