T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

The comment about 'republic' has no merit in this discussion, and the great majority of America have turned its back on Palin and her supporters.

Hey spanky if you live in the USA you live in a republic. Palin has nothing to do with it where as our founders did. Socialism is a perversion of the aristocratic system. It is still all about the elite thinking they know better than the rest of us.
Socialism is an economic system. Elitism and socialism are not synonymous. The corporatists certainly think they know better than the rest of us. The libertarians think they know better than the rest of us. So do the commies, fascists, democrats, republicans, greens, constitutionalists, etc. That's why political philosophies exist.

Since our constitutional republic works best in an informed community, I certainly appreciate your comment.
Means nothing.

Why, because "Together we Thrive," is as common as, "If you've got the time, we've got the beer?"
That is correct!

Here it is from a song in "Grey Gardens" the 1975 documentary about Edith Bouvier Beale.

We belong together

We're happy together

And life is a song

When we are together

We know we are where we belong

When we are together

-Like birds of a feather
- Of a feather

- Together we thrive
- Together we thrive
Damn it! I KNEW it was the evil hand of the Kennedys.
Do you own a gun mdn2000? You sound a little unbalanced. Please stay away from political events. Also, history does not support you. The people who attempted to kill Ford were not far right supporters. Hickley was not far right. There are many other examples.

Far right is always unbalanced, I not only own guns but I own books, dangerous books. I have the Anarchist Cookbook. I love the history of Anarchy that begins the book.

History does not support me. How is that, I simply stated the government failed us, history does not support my assertion that government has failed us. I guess it may not, so its only under the Obama administration that government has failed us. I see that differently.

My comments on the Far Right Extremist is the opinion and rhetoric that the Liberal's paint us with. So I am a liar, no Liberal or Left wing news station portrays the far right wing as "wingnuts" who are racist bigots who we must be afraid of.

It is the left liberal bigots who scream we are extremist to be feared, why then have you not taken precautions against us.

Its a simple question that must be answered for the answer is your a bunch of liars. The far right wing extremist is political rhetoric of the Democrats, nothing more, your actions prove it, Democrat leaders do not take precautions because they started the rhetoric, they know we are not a threat.

Too funny. Call us a danger and when I can show that as rhetoric because the Democrats obviously take no precautions of the danger they have warned us of you become super strawman and state something about ford.

What you and others like you fail to *get* with the almost universal call for civility is that THIS HAS GOT TO END!!!!! But you continue the blame game, indicating you don't want it to end. The obsessive vitriol began, in my opinion, BY BOTH SIDES during the Clinton administration and escalated when Bush won the election with the historic USSC decision. Every sane person acknowledges that there has been hateful rhetoric dished out by all sides, but just how long is it supposed to go on? Most of us who think like ADULTS should be sick to death of it. We need to go back to being able to passionately debate the issues, but leave out the lies, embellishments, and name calling which adds zero to the effectiveness of debate except to inflame. Period.
ummm I dont understand why you would object to such a message?

Because it's "socialism".

I found the T-shirts, the boos, the standing ovations, the cheers crass as all get out..

sad to say, I didn't expect anything else.

So you didn't watch the speech, I gather...

While I give Obama high marks for what I would have to say is the best speech he has given.... the event was a circus.

All these memorials, candle light vigils, etc.... enough already.

So any blame for that belongs to the University and/or the citizens of Tucson who organized the event. Obama had no advance team there other than the security detail. In fact, he was still working on his speech as Air Force One winged its way across country and still wasn't sure he would even mention the partisan vitriol. Once again, this was not a church nor a religious atmosphere where the citizens of Tucson wanted to gather to weep and pray. It was intended as a memorial to LIFE as well as death.
pass the buck.


White House Says It Wasn't Responsible for Picking Rowdy Basketball Arena for Arizona Memorial Service
Thursday, January 13, 2011
By Fred Lucas

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs talks to reporters about President Obama in Tucson last night where he gave a speech to console the nation and honor the victims of a shooting rampage that that killed six people and left 14 injured, at the White House in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Washington (CNSNews.com) – White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Thursday that the White Houes was not responsible for choosing a basketball arena, as opposed to a church or a smaller auditorium that might be more conducive to a solemn event, for Wednesday's night's memorial service in Tucson, Ariz.

The McKale Memorial Center, an athletics facility at the University of Arizona, was packed with a reported 14,000 people, who repeatedly broke out in cheers and screams of a sort not ordinarily associated with a memorial service.

Last Sunday, the Arizona Wildcats basketball team played Stanford in the same arena, and this Saturday they will play Arizaon state there.

Gibbs said the White House did not play a role in choosing the venue for the memorial. A university spokesperson told CNSNews.com that the venue was picked after President Barack Obama confirmed he would be attending.

At Thursday's White House briefing, CNSNews.com asked, “What was the reason for choosing the arena as opposed to maybe a church or a smaller venue?”

Gibbs said the venue was chosen by the University of Arizona not the White House.

“Well, I would point you to the university on that, and I think it’s important to understand this was--we were invited to and accepted quite happily the invitation of the university,” Gibbs told CNSNews.com.

“I think having that many people there and being able to include people from the community was, again, was and is an important part of that healing process. But in terms of logistics and things like that, I’d point you to the university as they’d probably be better to answer your questions on those sorts of things,” he added.

Jennifer Fitzenberger, director of external communications for the university, confirmed the university began planning the event over the weekend, and invited President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama to attend.

“It was held at the university and coordinated with city and county officials,” Fitzenberger told CNSNews.com. “The venue was decided on after the president accepted.”

Earlier in the White House press briefing, Mark Knoller of CBS News asked Gibbs, “What did the president think about the pep rally aspect and tone of the event last night?”

Gibbs responded that it was part of the grieving process.

read the rest here.
White House Says It Wasn't Responsible for Picking Rowdy Basketball Arena for Arizona Memorial Service | CNSnews.com

Your point? That was merely an affirmation of what we already knew.
well well, lookie what I stumbled on.

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Post from John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive
By John Berry IV - Feb 11, 2008 12:49:37 AM ET
Also listed in: Collin County for Obama | Obama Dallas


What I see in Obama is a chance for a revolution. A chance for every group to participate and be heard; A chance to live the American dream that has been denied to so many. Together we can and will change the world and return America to the shining beacon of Hope and Prosperity that we were and that we can be again. Only when we work together do we accomplish feats that rival any ever accomplished in the history of mankind. Diversity is our strength, that is what this campaign brings us a promise of. For many this is a scary prospect and thought, getting to know someone different from myself. We all want the same basic things for example a safe place to live, health and a quality education for our kids.

In a previous career, I was the global leader of Diversity for a global fortune 500 corporation, I have studied the affects of diverse groups working together and the results can not be denied. Together we Thrive!!!!!!!!!!!

Organizing for America | John Berry IV's Blog: Together We Thrive

So? All you're doing is proving that the theme is used worldwide. Hello?
Obama had nothing to do with the type of crowd that was there. He was a guest speaker and gave a nice speech and what the folks did that showed up was not on him. He was as surprised as anyone the way they acted.

And on this, we agree.

He actually seemed put off... as well he should have.

I have to say when I first heard the hooting, I was extremely put off. For several moments it wasn't clear whether or not there were going to be disruptions that would attempt to drown out the speech, and it's really awful when people need to be removed from an audience because of that. It would have been terrible if that had happened at this particular event. That said, I admit that I didn't listen to any of the other speakers, so I don't know if the hollering had occurred throughout.
It was a "different" event. Not like anyone expected. I don't believe, or I don't want to believe, that even Obama expected the reactions of the crowd. Regardless I still thought it was rather strange.

But what is even stranger is the people in here arguing about how the right is trash talking the t-shirts and the atmosphere of the service, yet they are ignoring what their glorious leader said.

Sorry folks, but you can't bring people together when the ones who support the guy who says it ignore everything he had to say.

Maybe if he screamed out for everybody to tone it the fuck down, then maybe one person on each side would actually hear him and react.....

I'm having a hard time untangling this sentence. What exactly do you mean?

Aside from that, I think that people react in strange ways to tragedy. It's not up to us, from across the country, to judge the people who were actually there, and their reactions to it.

And do you really think that it would have been better if the President had called out people for cheering?

Obama's message was to tone down the rhetoric, for people to come together. Yet from the get go the right has been demonized (starting with the sheriff) and it hasn't stopped even after his speech.

And Did I not say that Obama was surprised by the crowds actions? It's simply strange, not because of any one person. But the point is that Obama''s message seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

Though Americans doubt that the language used in political debate was a motivating factor in the shootings, they are inclined to believe all major U.S. political groups are going too far in using inflammatory language to criticize their opponents. In fact, Americans are about equally likely to say Democrats (51%) and Republicans (53%) are guilty of this. A similar percentage also believe this applies to supporters of the Tea Party movement.
Gallup.Com - Daily News, Polls, Public Opinion on Government, Politics, Economics, Management
Many here still don't get it, Ollie, I think. Let's hope they do. Many in our community have been living the principle since last weekend. Some have told me they have to think about what they are doing. I have caught myself at least twice for trying to act in the old way. Learning to disagree agreeably is learned behavior. It will take awhile, and many will still not get it, which reflects on them, not the president's message.

sorry, but the Obama isn't MY DADDY, my spiritual ADVISOR or anything else. and I will not be told what to do just because HE SAID SO.

Then carry on.
You beat me to it. "Together we Thrive," the slogan on the t-shirts, is from Organizing From America's web site, a political arm of Barack Obama!


Yet it's hardly original, even if the exact words came from that site. The same theme can be found in a book of Aesop's Fables in which the editor translates "in union there is strength" as juncta juvant.
You guys have been caught in the Obama political machine. The phrase comes from Barrack himself and was not so cleverly hidden. Now your going to play the deflection and denial game until the next screw up.

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