T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

The far right and Palinistas are posting mere blogs as evidence. Hmmm.

I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog.

But again, believe what you will.
Next conspiracy: The Obama Machine planned the entire shooting.

Actually, I'm surprised none of our resident conspiracy theorists have popped in to claim this was a false flag operation.


I hate to inform you; but, this whole reaction by the Left and the MSM over the last few days has been of the "tin-foil" hat variety.

In connection with the their "Palin Derangement Syndrome"
this has really brought out the "loonies' and the worst from the Left, as evidenced even by your own postings.

For example of more Left loonies see:

Tucson Shooting Victim Arrested at Town Hall Meeting

Even liberal NYT's columnist blasts Left for “witch hunt” after Tucson shooting
It’s not Ross Douthat or David Brooks, either, but Charles Blow — the same writer who once called black Tea Party activists a “political minstrel show.” Blow admits that the temptation to lay the blame for the shootings in Tucson on the Right was strong, but that in doing so, and in insisting on sticking with the attacks after all the evidence showed that the shooter was an apolitical lunatic, the Left have adopted an “any means necessary” approach that will destroy their credibility​
I BEG of you, DO NOT TAKE OFF YOUR TIN FOIL HAT! If you do then Sarah Palin or Tea Party People will get into your head and cause you to do horrible things and provoke you to do violence. Sorry pal, but when you get down to it, this has been the lame argument by the Left and the MSM for the last few days.

I see that you are a follower of not only Lynn Stuter but also Saul Alinksy.

America is turning its back on Palin, rightfully so.


I am quite surprised. I believed you strong enough to fend off the "evil thought rays"

I highly recommend that you join our Leftist friends and wear a "tin-foil" hat
to protect you from the evil thought rays originating from Sarah Palin, Beck, Rush and Tea Party members.

Jake you must be strong !
You do not want to end up like some on the Left have already:

"Hero" of the Left is being locked up for observation

Fuller is facing misdemeanor charges for making a threat and disorderly conduct. He is also being involuntarily committed.

KTAR.com - Tucson shooting victim arrested on television show

"involuntarily committed" ?

That's strange .....

20 Percent Of Americans Suffer From Mental Illness


20 percent Of Americans identify as Liberal

Funny how that works


Lynn Stuter? No, too LaRouche like for me and therefore too Democrat like

Saul Alinksy, yes indeed very useful and insightful on your part (but even a broken clock is correct twice a day) :eusa_angel:
My motherland has taught me well

It is like the Art of War: (WARNING- some may need to put on their "tin-foil" hat before reading)
If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not your enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle.
Last edited:
The far right and Palinistas are posting mere blogs as evidence. Hmmm.

I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog.
But again, believe what you will.

Why? Did he write it?
The far right and Palinistas are posting mere blogs as evidence. Hmmm.

I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog.

But again, believe what you will.
Anyone can post on "Obama's official site," even YOU!!!
The far right and Palinistas are posting mere blogs as evidence. Hmmm.

I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog.

But again, believe what you will.
Anyone can post on "Obama's official site," even YOU!!!

Isn't that a fact

Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama


They have removed ones before, except for this one
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The far right and Palinistas are posting mere blogs as evidence. Hmmm.

I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog.

But again, believe what you will.

You, indeed, are far right. We both will believe as we wish. Our right to do so. A blog is an opinion, just like yours above.

I hate to inform you; but, this whole reaction by the Left and the MSM over the last few days has been of the "tin-foil" hat variety.

In connection with the their "Palin Derangement Syndrome"
this has really brought out the "loonies' and the worst from the Left, as evidenced even by your own postings.

For example of more Left loonies see:

Tucson Shooting Victim Arrested at Town Hall Meeting

Even liberal NYT's columnist blasts Left for “witch hunt” after Tucson shooting
It’s not Ross Douthat or David Brooks, either, but Charles Blow — the same writer who once called black Tea Party activists a “political minstrel show.” Blow admits that the temptation to lay the blame for the shootings in Tucson on the Right was strong, but that in doing so, and in insisting on sticking with the attacks after all the evidence showed that the shooter was an apolitical lunatic, the Left have adopted an “any means necessary” approach that will destroy their credibility​
I BEG of you, DO NOT TAKE OFF YOUR TIN FOIL HAT! If you do then Sarah Palin or Tea Party People will get into your head and cause you to do horrible things and provoke you to do violence. Sorry pal, but when you get down to it, this has been the lame argument by the Left and the MSM for the last few days.

I see that you are a follower of not only Lynn Stuter but also Saul Alinksy.

America is turning its back on Palin, rightfully so.


I am quite surprised. I believed you strong enough to fend off the "evil thought rays"

I highly recommend that you join our Leftist friends and wear a "tin-foil" hat
to protect you from the evil thought rays originating from Sarah Palin, Beck, Rush and Tea Party members.

Jake you must be strong !
You do not want to end up like some on the Left have already:

"Hero" of the Left is being locked up for observation

Fuller is facing misdemeanor charges for making a threat and disorderly conduct. He is also being involuntarily committed.

KTAR.com - Tucson shooting victim arrested on television show

"involuntarily committed" ?

That's strange .....

20 Percent Of Americans Suffer From Mental Illness


20 percent Of Americans identify as Liberal

Funny how that works


Lynn Stuter? No, too LaRouche like for me and therefore too Democrat like

Saul Alinksy, yes indeed very useful and insightful on your part (but even a broken clock is correct twice a day) :eusa_angel:
My motherland has taught me well

It is like the Art of War: (WARNING- some may need to put on their "tin-foil" hat before reading)
If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not your enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle.

You are the one using Saul's tactics and agreeing with Stuter's silly pomposity, Neo. :lol:
The far right and Palinistas are posting mere blogs as evidence. Hmmm.

I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog.

But again, believe what you will.
Anyone can post on "Obama's official site," even YOU!!!

Even Neo. Even Lynn Stuter. Then they can say they got it from Obama's website.

This page clearly demonstrates why objective evaluation of documentation and citation is absolutely critical. The far right and the far left, in my opinion, play at this, merely playing for points, and like Neo et al, failing miserably.
I see that you are a follower of not only Lynn Stuter but also Saul Alinksy.

America is turning its back on Palin, rightfully so.


I am quite surprised. I believed you strong enough to fend off the "evil thought rays"

I highly recommend that you join our Leftist friends and wear a "tin-foil" hat
to protect you from the evil thought rays originating from Sarah Palin, Beck, Rush and Tea Party members.

Jake you must be strong !
You do not want to end up like some on the Left have already:

"Hero" of the Left is being locked up for observation

Fuller is facing misdemeanor charges for making a threat and disorderly conduct. He is also being involuntarily committed.

KTAR.com - Tucson shooting victim arrested on television show

"involuntarily committed" ?

That's strange .....

20 Percent Of Americans Suffer From Mental Illness


20 percent Of Americans identify as Liberal

Funny how that works


Lynn Stuter? No, too LaRouche like for me and therefore too Democrat like

Saul Alinksy, yes indeed very useful and insightful on your part (but even a broken clock is correct twice a day) :eusa_angel:
My motherland has taught me well

It is like the Art of War: (WARNING- some may need to put on their "tin-foil" hat before reading)
If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not your enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle.

You are the one using Saul's tactics and agreeing with Stuter's silly pomposity, Neo. :lol:

Again, your grasp of reality is in question, Stuter attacks Bush as well.
(It would help if you knew your sources better)

But for Saul, thanks for reminding me

Due to Papa Obama's moving speech, some on the Left have agreed to wear their hats once again to bring peace to their "minds"

I'm sure they have one that will fit you Jake....it may even make you feel better

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I don't consider myself far right, nor Do I support Palin for president. (unless it was her or Obama) And this Blog appeared on Obama's official site. Kind of moves it from just some mere blog. But again, believe what you will.
Anyone can post on "Obama's official site," even YOU!!!
Isn't that a fact
Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama :eusa_whistle:
They have removed ones before, except for this one

Just like Palin and Rush posting and removing stupid material from sites and billboards? No one else can even post to them, right.
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Anyone can post on "Obama's official site," even YOU!!!
Isn't that a fact
Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama :eusa_whistle:
They have removed ones before, except for this one

Just like Palin and Rush posting and removing stupid material from sites and billboards?

It really is of more value what they leave on now, isn't it?

While I appreciate your banter at times, I do believe your "dedication" to me is not well deserved on my part.

Your "fascination" with me is unsettling at times.

I dare say it it may be one of a rather unusual nature

Sp please feel free to move your interests on to others
It is not you Jake; it is me. I am not deserving of you
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You completely play into the Alinksy mode, and you parrot Stuter silliness, Neo. :lol: Every silly guy like you is worthwhile noticing, because your silliness highlights the worthiness of others' postings.

Thanks for playing.
You completely play into the Alinksy mode, and you parrot Stuter silliness, Neo. :lol: Every silly guy like you is worthwhile noticing, because your silliness highlights the worthiness of others' postings.

Thanks for playing.

My, my.. I guess no dinner then?

Usually when you get your panties in a twist or "painted into a corner", you just type "Unsubscribe"

Big improvement, you must be wearing your hat
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Jake, just because I am right of center does not make me far right. Just as you being left of center does not make you far left. And please, do yourself a favor and don't try to deny that.
The t-shirts may not have been a great idea, but it's not way over the top or anything like that. How was that shirt used to make the event a political one for Obama? The shirt is pretty apolitical if you ask me. Plus there's no proof it was the work of Obama. Having worked at a university basketball stadium before (including for guest speakers), what we used to handout were 100% from the school-not from the speaker. I'm guessing that's what this is.

Sure enough, no proof what so ever

Being devoutly enviro-conscious, the Obama Administration believes in recycling. For example, the branding they slapped on the Tucson Massacre was recycled from 2008 Organizing for America propaganda. Via Zilla of the Resistance:


Who knew Papa Obama's website is part of the "right-wing"

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

More "evidence" from a cute right wing blog site. :lol:
netrosky said:
Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is their worst enemy

Truth is something that will set you free, but not before it totally pisses you off.
Never let a tragedy go to waste.

Tell that to Christina Taylor Green's parents, and the loved ones of the other five who were murdered. They deserved the celebration of life they were given. Would you people be so critical if this incident had occurred during a Republican administration? How many of you were critical that the sympathy and newly discovered patriotism was USED in order to justify invading Iraq?
They should hand out over sized bullet proof buttons with the logo. I wonder if its copyrighted material or a legal trademark?

Looks like you would have been delighted to have everyone in attendance in your crosshairs. Keep it up, bud. You might someday realize that you're part of the problem, not the solution.

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