T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

Tap dancing is not helping your case, Neo. With Revere gone for awhile as the go to guy, you and daveman are going to have to do better to pick up the slack.
Yep. this is what is important. Not 6 dead Americans.

I'm actually happy this thread was started. It has made it much easier for me to finally weed out the loony fringers from the serious adults.


it is the minority of Americans who believe that "evil though rays" from Beck, Palin and Rush will make people do things

No doubt you agree with
Liberal NYT's columnist blasts Left for “witch hunt” after Tucson shootingIt’s not Ross Douthat or David Brooks, either, but Charles Blow — the same writer who once called black Tea Party activists a “political minstrel show.” Blow admits that the temptation to lay the blame for the shootings in Tucson on the Right was strong, but that in doing so, and in insisting on sticking with the attacks after all the evidence showed that the shooter was an apolitical lunatic, the Left have adopted an “any means necessary” approach that will destroy their credibility

Then again, you may be part of the "tin-foil" hat crowd on the Left

(Captain they put thoughts into my mind)


I happen to believe Glenn Beck is the most dangerous man in the country. He goes beyond right-wing political rhetoric and lambasting the left, particularly both the Obamas, and goes straight to being just one mean sonofabitch, all the while posing as some devout Christian deserving of sainthood. Since you seem to enjoy posting links from your repertoire attempting to justify your own extreme bias, any time you want to go one on one with me over Glenn Beck, just send up a flare.
Beck is preaching a from of Mormon Christian republic of the 1950s, Maggie Mae.

To understand what he is doing, go read Cleon Skousen's books and the principles of the John Birch Society.

Some LDS church authorities have stated that those members who put political ideologies before their church teachings are on the first steps to apostasy.
There is something "wellstone memorialesque" about turning a memorial service into a political even. This one wasn't nearly as bad as that event, but the t-shirts were inappropriate. I don't think it honors the 6 dead Americans to provide such slogan themed souvenirs.

What on earth does "together we thrive" mean for 6 dead people? Are they being buried in a mass grave?

You don't need a Ph.D to figure out why. It's so obvious it was mean to put a lid on foreseeable bickering, but to no avail. Would you have *got it* if the theme had resurrected "United We Stand"????? (Probably not. Obama then would have been accused of plagiarizing.)

Of course one doesn't need a Ph.D to see cynical political exploitation of a tragedy.

But one does need a sense of decency. Apparently you lack that.

Comment from Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) on CNN 01/13/11.

FLAKE: I can tell you being at the memorial service last night and being in Tucson a bit this past week, it's been a community that's gone through a lot. And to see the community rally together and to celebrate those who are recovering, and to honor those who gave their lives and those who risked their lives to save the others, it's just an incredible experience all the way around. And for the say state of Arizona, I think the state certainly wants to people to remember all the heroism, and the good things rather than just one lone gunman.
I'm actually happy this thread was started. It has made it much easier for me to finally weed out the loony fringers from the serious adults.


it is the minority of Americans who believe that "evil though rays" from Beck, Palin and Rush will make people do things

No doubt you agree with
Liberal NYT's columnist blasts Left for “witch hunt” after Tucson shootingIt’s not Ross Douthat or David Brooks, either, but Charles Blow — the same writer who once called black Tea Party activists a “political minstrel show.” Blow admits that the temptation to lay the blame for the shootings in Tucson on the Right was strong, but that in doing so, and in insisting on sticking with the attacks after all the evidence showed that the shooter was an apolitical lunatic, the Left have adopted an “any means necessary” approach that will destroy their credibility

Then again, you may be part of the "tin-foil" hat crowd on the Left

(Captain they put thoughts into my mind)


I happen to believe Glenn Beck is the most dangerous man in the country. He goes beyond right-wing political rhetoric and lambasting the left, particularly both the Obamas, and goes straight to being just one mean sonofabitch, all the while posing as some devout Christian deserving of sainthood. Since you seem to enjoy posting links from your repertoire attempting to justify your own extreme bias, any time you want to go one on one with me over Glenn Beck, just send up a flare.

I really don't listen to Glenn Beck; but apparently you do. I hope you are wearing your hat for protection.

Most dangerous man- oh my!

Are his "evil brain waves" coming into your head

I hope we don't have to remind you that such "vitriol" from the Left is what brought us here in the first place.

Organizing for America web site with obamas special little seal at the top? Yes I have to say Obama machine.

Moonbattery: Tucson Massacre Branding Was Recycled

Has anyone actually considered that the students really didn't have a whole lot of time to get those t-shirts made and probably DID swipe the logo from somewhere on Obama's website. How long would it have taken to design something of their own, get it screen printed or however it's done in bulk these days, and produced that many shirts with the memorial service to be held in less than a week?

Again, if they stole the design, so fucking what.

yeah right, they "stole" the design.:lol:

What word would you use instead, genius?

I am quite surprised. I believed you strong enough to fend off the "evil thought rays"

I highly recommend that you join our Leftist friends and wear a "tin-foil" hat
to protect you from the evil thought rays originating from Sarah Palin, Beck, Rush and Tea Party members.

Jake you must be strong !
You do not want to end up like some on the Left have already:

"Hero" of the Left is being locked up for observation

Fuller is facing misdemeanor charges for making a threat and disorderly conduct. He is also being involuntarily committed.

KTAR.com - Tucson shooting victim arrested on television show

"involuntarily committed" ?

That's strange .....

20 Percent Of Americans Suffer From Mental Illness


20 percent Of Americans identify as Liberal

Funny how that works


Lynn Stuter? No, too LaRouche like for me and therefore too Democrat like

Saul Alinksy, yes indeed very useful and insightful on your part (but even a broken clock is correct twice a day) :eusa_angel:
My motherland has taught me well

It is like the Art of War: (WARNING- some may need to put on their "tin-foil" hat before reading)
If you know the enemy and know yourself,
you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
If you know yourself but not your enemy,
for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
If you know neither the enemy nor yourself,
you will succumb in every battle.

Attempting to draw a connection between your two 20% links is downright hilarious, especially since the Gallup poll you cite is two years old and actually shows a LOSS of moderates from conservatism. Most intelligent folk understand that "liberals" do not make up the entire character of the Democratic party. Nice try, but no cigar.

Good satire is sometimes lost on the dim-witted

Typical backpedaling when you've lost. :lol:
Same ole same ole for the Democrats. They always use tragedies for political gain. They're the lowest of the low at this point. Most people see this though and are actually pissed off at them for exploiting this thing. As usual the Democrats are clueless though. They actually think they've scored some political points from this. I assure you they haven't. People with common sense just see this as dirty & shallow politics. The Dems have definitely hit rock-bottom.
Attempting to draw a connection between your two 20% links is downright hilarious, especially since the Gallup poll you cite is two years old and actually shows a LOSS of moderates from conservatism. Most intelligent folk understand that "liberals" do not make up the entire character of the Democratic party. Nice try, but no cigar.

Good satire is sometimes lost on the dim-witted

Typical backpedaling when you've lost. :lol:

Did you ever notice the posters who say you lost or they won in some manner, never really do

But it is your story and you can tell it anyway you want

Funny how that works

If you had you tin-foil hat off when you read it then we understand
Same ole same ole for the Democrats. They always use tragedies for political gain. They're the lowest of the low at this point. Most people see this though and are actually pissed off at them for exploiting this thing. As usual the Democrats are clueless though. They actually think they've scored some political points from this. I assure you they haven't. People with common sense just see this as dirty & shallow politics. The Dems have definitely hit rock-bottom.

Here this will help you.

Comment from Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) on CNN 01/13/11.

FLAKE: I can tell you being at the memorial service last night and being in Tucson a bit this past week, it's been a community that's gone through a lot. And to see the community rally together and to celebrate those who are recovering, and to honor those who gave their lives and those who risked their lives to save the others, it's just an incredible experience all the way around. And for the say state of Arizona, I think the state certainly wants to people to remember all the heroism, and the good things rather than just one lone gunman. courtesy of Maggie Mae above
Isn't that a fact

Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama


They have removed ones before, except for this one

How dumb. Who would they support? Republicans? Socialists/Communists also have problems with Obama not being liberal enough. But of course you wouldn't know that by having your nose continually stuck in right-wing pages that promote your bizarre ideologies instead of reality.

Being more liberal means being more Communist? - How dumb is that....

Who would they support- why is that?

speaking of bizarre ideologies, I can see you are wearing your tin-foil hat as we speak

Just your constant adolescent reference to tinfoil hats shows the adults here that you're nothing but a pissed off forty-something going on twelve.

Obama Is No Socialist - WSJ.com
Same ole same ole for the Democrats. They always use tragedies for political gain. They're the lowest of the low at this point. Most people see this though and are actually pissed off at them for exploiting this thing. As usual the Democrats are clueless though. They actually think they've scored some political points from this. I assure you they haven't. People with common sense just see this as dirty & shallow politics. The Dems have definitely hit rock-bottom.

To say the least...

How many years of this hateful political environment from them and now they want to play nice.

Thank God for the internet

No wonder the radical Left is pushing for things like the "Fairness Doctrine", it is not like the MSM has a monopoly anymore.

Of course if their ideas were any good and could win over the American public then they would not be looking for things like the "Fairness Doctrine"
Beck is preaching a from of Mormon Christian republic of the 1950s, Maggie Mae.

To understand what he is doing, go read Cleon Skousen's books and the principles of the John Birch Society.

Some LDS church authorities have stated that those members who put political ideologies before their church teachings are on the first steps to apostasy.

I can believe it.

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