T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

yeah man, TOGETHER WE TRIVE is a common phrase..

I mean I know I use every single day.:lol:

Turning a memorial into a political advertisement for the Obama, low low class.
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Centrists in Congress from both parties are talking about crossing the aisle to sit with friends during the State of Union address. That would be super and a healing gesture. We need to keep moving the whinge nuts on both extremes farther from the center.

I think even members of the tea party are moving toward more civil discourse, or at least their leadership is. This is an excerpt from Saturday's "In The Money" on CNN among a panel discussing the subject, and words from Mark Skoda (Founder and Memphis Tea Party Chairman):

VELSHI: Good discussion. Mark, you're a prominent leader in the Tea Party Movement, you are someone who respects a civil but passionate discussion. But the Tea Party Movement did tap into anger that a lot of voters had for what they saw happening around them particularly on economic issues, what does the Tea Party do now, does it need to take an active role in toning things down, in reforming how this debate takes place while maintaining that passion on important economic issues that are crucial to your base?

SKODA: It's interesting, Ali, I'll tell you, I've seen it daily here now. With these state groups that are beginning to form. What I've observed is that passion that sort of visceral reaction that we had early on in Tea Party Movement is beginning to transition. Social media has done that, we are seeing various state proofs and coalitions building. People are focused on training. I mean we've got with American solutions for instance we have got a number of conference calls this month alone on education, on economy. Right here in Memphis, Tennessee, we've got a major discussion going on between our Memphis City schools and Shelby County schools. Education is critical.

I think what has happened are people first of all got very animated, right they got very engaged in a core issue. What they learned was that participating in politics is good for the community. And so very rapidly, and I've observed this in Texas, in Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee, et cetera, very rapidly, they have moved towards this organizational structure out of self-interest, to provide power for the Tea Party Movement but at the same time to solve problems in the local communities.

We saw that here we just had our inauguration of our new governor in Tennessee. A very peaceful process. Still people had views that were antagonistic to some of his positions. But nonetheless you didn't see angry crowds you saw a reasoned discussion. I would suggest that is what's beginning to evolve very quickly in the Tea Party Movement as they begin to take their roles in helping govern as opposed to being the option if you will.

CNN.com - Transcripts
Centrists in Congress from both parties are talking about crossing the aisle to sit with friends during the State of Union address. That would be super and a healing gesture. We need to keep moving the whinge nuts on both extremes farther from the center.

yeah, and maybe they can break in song and all sing, kumbaya, give PEACE a chance, we are the world.. :lol::cuckoo:

One can only hope. But apparently you'd prefer to see the world in conflict, not just Democrats and Republicans. Eventually, people like you will be on the outside looking in and saying "whaa happened?"
Oh brother...We the MAJORITY of PEOPLE are always CIVIL.

we lived through THE EIGHT YEARS OF some the most uncivil people around, the anti-war protesters, code pinkos, illegal immigrants marching demanding things, etc etc.

so you all can stop blowing smoke up our ass already.:lol:
yeah, and maybe they can break in song and all sing, kumbaya, give PEACE a chance, we are the world.. :lol::cuckoo:

Sorry, Steph, common decency is not cuckoo, but you are for mocking it.

sorry Jakey, the mocking was of you..:lol::lol:
We have two separate parties, not ONE, who sits together and hold hands like you want them to. why don't you stop pretending you're a Republican and stick to corrupting your party.

So in other words, the two parties should never come together for the betterment of the country, but should remain in charge and do as they please with no interference, i.e., a dictatorship. You might start by reading the Constitution as your first homework assignment which throughout calls for a set of principles designed for checks and balances.
I enjoyed talking with Jake today

It is obvious that Jake and his "associates" are unable or unwilling to admit how the Left and the MSM tried to politically exploit the death of this poor child and the tragic event around it. No doubt from the same people who tried to use a child with Down Syndrome against his mother.

We only need to look back and see that within hours of the shooting, of which there was no connection to them whatsoever, conservatives were linked in the AP, New York Times and the liberal blogs, with this tragic event.

Of course by midweek we learned that the shooter didn’t listen to political radio; watch the news and wasn’t left or right. Most likely, he was a schizophrenic or at least someone with a mental illness.

There was not a shred of evidence and why did conservatives names come up ? These were false and malicious statements calculated, politically, to hurt the reputation of people; it was i
ndefensible and irresponsible. Dues anyone really believe that apologies from their accusers will be forthcoming?

Since the polls show that the majority of Americans do not believe these events to be political, the last week has been a huge embarrassment for the MSM and the Left.

As for the "memorial " many, myself included, have given kudos to Obama for trying to put an end to the malicious and false attacks, it was however four days overdue. The political nature of the shirts and crowd behavior is undeniable and takes away from the event.

What is the Left's main concern? Not the child or the other victims or the people falsely accused, but how will it effect Obama or the Democrats. Sadly, with the far Left, it is never about the country or its people but always about them; their leaders and the political implications.

No further consideration of the reprehensible behavior of the far Left's nonsense is necessary. Polls show, they are on the wrong side of this issue with Americans, which is why you see the left and MSM back peddling and trying to turn this issue into anything else. After the many years of exceptionally cruel attacks against Bush by the Left where there was nothing but silence from their leaders and the MSM, the Left now wants to call for "civility". Does anyone really believe that if this last attempt had not backfired so strongly against the Left that they would be seeking "civility".


As a side note, how you can really take the word of Jake serious when his signature line is from a guy (Gandhi) who drank his own urine

So it really comes down to Boooooooooooooosh and retaliation. Why am I not surprised...

OH!! And I see that Stephanie approved of YOUR psychobabble. Imagine that...

lol, what I approved of was that last line..cracked me up. still does.:lol::lol:

Drinking urine? If that's the kind of thing that entertains you, why bother with boring politics?
Sorry, Steph, common decency is not cuckoo, but you are for mocking it.

sorry Jakey, the mocking was of you..:lol::lol:
We have two separate parties, not ONE, who sits together and hold hands like you want them to. why don't you stop pretending you're a Republican and stick to corrupting your party.

So in other words, the two parties should never come together for the betterment of the country, but should remain in charge and do as they please with no interference, i.e., a dictatorship. You might start by reading the Constitution as your first homework assignment which throughout calls for a set of principles designed for checks and balances.

ah yeah, we sure saw how 9/11 brought the two parties together for A MINUETE. then it back to business as usual, with left ATTACKING Bush for everything and anything.
I know you all want people to FORGET all that, :lol:
I look forward to seeing the Left/Democrats turning a new leaf and expressing civility towards Sarah Palin and all others they disagree with. I'll take their word on this one. I'll be waiting and watching. We'll see i guess.
I look forward to seeing the Left/Democrats turning a new leaf and expressing civility towards Sarah Palin and all others they disagree with. I'll take their word on this one. I'll be waiting and watching. We'll see i guess.

Wingnuts can't take responsibility for their own behavior. Wingnuts always blame their behavior on the left/Democrats.
Oh brother...We the MAJORITY of PEOPLE are always CIVIL.

we lived through THE EIGHT YEARS OF some the most uncivil people around, the anti-war protesters, code pinkos, illegal immigrants marching demanding things, etc etc.

so you all can stop blowing smoke up our ass already.:lol:

And you've had your childish revenge.


Just one example^ of many that can be found here:

Anti Obama T-shirts, Shirts and Custom Anti Obama Clothing

If YOU want to continue to divide the country just because poor Booooooooooooosh was picked on, then knock yourself out. SANE and THINKING Americans are fucking sick of it.

Clinton v. Bush
Bush v. Obama

I call the fight as a no-win for everybody. It's time to end it.
sorry Jakey, the mocking was of you..:lol::lol:
We have two separate parties, not ONE, who sits together and hold hands like you want them to. why don't you stop pretending you're a Republican and stick to corrupting your party.

So in other words, the two parties should never come together for the betterment of the country, but should remain in charge and do as they please with no interference, i.e., a dictatorship. You might start by reading the Constitution as your first homework assignment which throughout calls for a set of principles designed for checks and balances.

ah yeah, we sure saw how 9/11 brought the two parties together for A MINUETE. then it back to business as usual, with left ATTACKING Bush for everything and anything.
I know you all want people to FORGET all that, :lol:

I haven't forgotten at all. He had my full support until he decided to invade Iraq which had ZERO to do with the attacks of 911. Shall we go there?
I enjoyed talking with Jake today

It is obvious that Jake and his "associates" are unable or unwilling to admit how the Left and the MSM tried to politically exploit the death of this poor child and the tragic event around it. No doubt from the same people who tried to use a child with Down Syndrome against his mother.

We only need to look back and see that within hours of the shooting, of which there was no connection to them whatsoever, conservatives were linked in the AP, New York Times and the liberal blogs, with this tragic event.

Of course by midweek we learned that the shooter didn’t listen to political radio; watch the news and wasn’t left or right. Most likely, he was a schizophrenic or at least someone with a mental illness.

There was not a shred of evidence and why did conservatives names come up ? These were false and malicious statements calculated, politically, to hurt the reputation of people; it was i
ndefensible and irresponsible. Dues anyone really believe that apologies from their accusers will be forthcoming?

Since the polls show that the majority of Americans do not believe these events to be political, the last week has been a huge embarrassment for the MSM and the Left.

As for the "memorial " many, myself included, have given kudos to Obama for trying to put an end to the malicious and false attacks, it was however four days overdue. The political nature of the shirts and crowd behavior is undeniable and takes away from the event.

What is the Left's main concern? Not the child or the other victims or the people falsely accused, but how will it effect Obama or the Democrats. Sadly, with the far Left, it is never about the country or its people but always about them; their leaders and the political implications.

No further consideration of the reprehensible behavior of the far Left's nonsense is necessary. Polls show, they are on the wrong side of this issue with Americans, which is why you see the left and MSM back peddling and trying to turn this issue into anything else. After the many years of exceptionally cruel attacks against Bush by the Left where there was nothing but silence from their leaders and the MSM, the Left now wants to call for "civility". Does anyone really believe that if this last attempt had not backfired so strongly against the Left that they would be seeking "civility".


As a side note, how you can really take the word of Jake serious when his signature line is from a guy (Gandhi) who drank his own urine

So it really comes down to Boooooooooooooosh and retaliation. Why am I not surprised...

OH!! And I see that Stephanie approved of YOUR psychobabble. Imagine that...

Neo is fun to read, MaggieMae. He does not understand that the strength of America is from just left of center to just right of center. The farther one moves to the fringes, the less use s/he is to our wonderful republic and what a greater danger one like that becomes to freedom and liberty.

Thank heavens the post here for all to see their sickness.
Oh brother...We the MAJORITY of PEOPLE are always CIVIL.

we lived through THE EIGHT YEARS OF some the most uncivil people around, the anti-war protesters, code pinkos, illegal immigrants marching demanding things, etc etc.

so you all can stop blowing smoke up our ass already.:lol:

And you've had your childish revenge.


Just one example^ of many that can be found here:

Anti Obama T-shirts, Shirts and Custom Anti Obama Clothing

If YOU want to continue to divide the country just because poor Booooooooooooosh was picked on, then knock yourself out. SANE and THINKING Americans are fucking sick of it.

Clinton v. Bush
Bush v. Obama

I call the fight as a no-win for everybody. It's time to end it.

sorry dear, but I do not support ANYTHING the Democrat-Progressive-Commie party stands for and I will NOT BOW to their baseless screeching of how I AM DIVIDING THE COUNTRY. I will stand now and until the day I die for what I believe in, and all you on the left rantings about "civility" (which actually means, we all should shut up and just let the Obama and his Comrades Arms inflict their visions on us without objection)...
I want to take our country back from the enemies we have within, and there are many on BOTH SIDES.
Liberals always seem to flock and party when a death occurs. Remember Iraq and BUSH???

Uh, yeah. So how that work out for ya?

It's that wack dance they call Thinky Changy. :lol: As a veteran, I supported General Shinseki's recommendations to Bush and Rumsfeld, and the second they humiliated and fired him, I knew we were going to ride the dragon.
Having a conversation about civility is a good thing. Now it's time for those doing this preaching about civility,to live up to their preaching. I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin and George Bush along with their families will truly appreciate this new civil tone coming from the Left/Democrats. We'll see if it's just all talk from the Left/Democrats. I'll be checking the HuffPo,NY Times,NBC,CNN,and other Liberal Media outlets on a daily basis to hold them to their word on civility. We'll see.
Having a conversation about civility is a good thing. Now it's time for those doing this preaching about civility,to live up to their preaching. I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin and George Bush along with their families will truly appreciate this new civil tone coming from the Left/Democrats. We'll see if it's just all talk from the Left/Democrats. I'll be checking the HuffPo,NY Times,NBC,CNN,and other Liberal Media outlets on a daily basis to hold them to their word on civility. We'll see.

LN will wait to see how the Left/Dems act before he decides how he'll behave

It's the wingnut version of "personal responsibility" :lol:

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