T-shirts at a memorial service aren't political?

Seems as if Maggie has no regard for copyrights, the behavior of liberals or where funding comes from.

Obama made a poor choice of the memorial to attend. He had the ability to steer it back in that direction, but like the egomaniac he is, just let it become a political rally.

Until we get a President who walks the talk and Congress respects the trust we have given them, we will see more of this whole scene.

What copyright? That slogan? Surely you jest.

What "behavior" of liberals? What did "liberals" as you wish to single them out do so wrong at the memorial?

You've already been told where the funding came from. Do you need a personal email from the University and a copy of their financials so you can ascertain such information for your own peace of mind? I think you need a reality check.
LOL :lol: Too funny.
The "Three Stooges" line up Speaking of funny....Hope & Change- just not the kind you were hoping for...

Speaking of the far right Thinky Changy stuff, how did that lame duck session work for ya and the Tea Party and GOP back off decreasing the deficit and debt limits?

Cooperation with the Republicans should be easy, since the only words that get their attention are tax cuts. I'm hoping Obama takes all the recommendations of the Deficit Panel and sticks it to them because it keeps their precious tax cuts for millionnaires in but eliminates many of their tax breaks. As long as the two words are there, tax CUTS, they won't even read any further.
ooooooooo, more violent rhetoric from the left..

they want the Obama to "stick it to others."

color ME SHOCKED:eek::eusa_whistle:
Centrists in Congress from both parties are talking about crossing the aisle to sit with friends during the State of Union address. That would be super and a healing gesture. We need to keep moving the whinge nuts on both extremes farther from the center.
Centrists in Congress from both parties are talking about crossing the aisle to sit with friends during the State of Union address. That would be super and a healing gesture. We need to keep moving the whinge nuts on both extremes farther from the center.

yeah, and maybe they can break in song and all sing, kumbaya, give PEACE a chance, we are the world.. :lol::cuckoo:
Lost contact,,,

you mean like the Left insisting on trying to connect these horrible events with the right and the polls show the majority of Americans don't buy it


I am glad you are following your President who clearly pointed out that was not the case with these horrible events.

Too bad he waited all those days before saying anything and allowed the Left and the MSM to do such damage to our political debate

Strange, with the FT Hood shootings, he came out right away and told us not to blame innocents

Funny how that works

Where is Maggie? Since it takes two of you to counter me, I thought she be here by now

Of course, maybe she just needs to hold your hand

I can't be here 24/7, like some people, nor would I ever have the desire...

So sorry, but I was busy entertaining people in the real world, watching the Jets and the Patriots, and then celebrating last night because I had bet the underdog.
Centrists in Congress from both parties are talking about crossing the aisle to sit with friends during the State of Union address. That would be super and a healing gesture. We need to keep moving the whinge nuts on both extremes farther from the center.

yeah, and maybe they can break in song and all sing, kumbaya, give PEACE a chance, we are the world.. :lol::cuckoo:

Sorry, Steph, common decency is not cuckoo, but you are for mocking it.
Centrists in Congress from both parties are talking about crossing the aisle to sit with friends during the State of Union address. That would be super and a healing gesture. We need to keep moving the whinge nuts on both extremes farther from the center.

yeah, and maybe they can break in song and all sing, kumbaya, give PEACE a chance, we are the world.. :lol::cuckoo:

Sorry, Steph, common decency is not cuckoo, but you are for mocking it.

sorry Jakey, the mocking was of you..:lol::lol:
We have two separate parties, not ONE, who sits together and hold hands like you want them to. why don't you stop pretending you're a Republican and stick to corrupting your party.
I am a Republican, and if you belong to the party, you poison it with your words and attitude.
I enjoyed talking with Jake today

It is obvious that Jake and his "associates" are unable or unwilling to admit how the Left and the MSM tried to politically exploit the death of this poor child and the tragic event around it. No doubt from the same people who tried to use a child with Down Syndrome against his mother.

We only need to look back and see that within hours of the shooting, of which there was no connection to them whatsoever, conservatives were linked in the AP, New York Times and the liberal blogs, with this tragic event.

Of course by midweek we learned that the shooter didn’t listen to political radio; watch the news and wasn’t left or right. Most likely, he was a schizophrenic or at least someone with a mental illness.

There was not a shred of evidence and why did conservatives names come up ? These were false and malicious statements calculated, politically, to hurt the reputation of people; it was i
ndefensible and irresponsible. Dues anyone really believe that apologies from their accusers will be forthcoming?

Since the polls show that the majority of Americans do not believe these events to be political, the last week has been a huge embarrassment for the MSM and the Left.

As for the "memorial " many, myself included, have given kudos to Obama for trying to put an end to the malicious and false attacks, it was however four days overdue. The political nature of the shirts and crowd behavior is undeniable and takes away from the event.

What is the Left's main concern? Not the child or the other victims or the people falsely accused, but how will it effect Obama or the Democrats. Sadly, with the far Left, it is never about the country or its people but always about them; their leaders and the political implications.

No further consideration of the reprehensible behavior of the far Left's nonsense is necessary. Polls show, they are on the wrong side of this issue with Americans, which is why you see the left and MSM back peddling and trying to turn this issue into anything else. After the many years of exceptionally cruel attacks against Bush by the Left where there was nothing but silence from their leaders and the MSM, the Left now wants to call for "civility". Does anyone really believe that if this last attempt had not backfired so strongly against the Left that they would be seeking "civility".


As a side note, how you can really take the word of Jake serious when his signature line is from a guy (Gandhi) who drank his own urine

So it really comes down to Boooooooooooooosh and retaliation. Why am I not surprised...

OH!! And I see that Stephanie approved of YOUR psychobabble. Imagine that...
the Left and the MSM tried to politically exploit the death of this poor child and the tragic event around it.


When a man mouths off about how he's gonna kill that wife of his someday, he's going to be the first suspect when she comes up dead. Even if he was two counties away and didn't really mean he was going to kill her.

Excellent analogy.
I enjoyed talking with Jake today

It is obvious that Jake and his "associates" are unable or unwilling to admit how the Left and the MSM tried to politically exploit the death of this poor child and the tragic event around it. No doubt from the same people who tried to use a child with Down Syndrome against his mother.

We only need to look back and see that within hours of the shooting, of which there was no connection to them whatsoever, conservatives were linked in the AP, New York Times and the liberal blogs, with this tragic event.

Of course by midweek we learned that the shooter didn’t listen to political radio; watch the news and wasn’t left or right. Most likely, he was a schizophrenic or at least someone with a mental illness.

There was not a shred of evidence and why did conservatives names come up ? These were false and malicious statements calculated, politically, to hurt the reputation of people; it was i
ndefensible and irresponsible. Dues anyone really believe that apologies from their accusers will be forthcoming?

Since the polls show that the majority of Americans do not believe these events to be political, the last week has been a huge embarrassment for the MSM and the Left.

As for the "memorial " many, myself included, have given kudos to Obama for trying to put an end to the malicious and false attacks, it was however four days overdue. The political nature of the shirts and crowd behavior is undeniable and takes away from the event.

What is the Left's main concern? Not the child or the other victims or the people falsely accused, but how will it effect Obama or the Democrats. Sadly, with the far Left, it is never about the country or its people but always about them; their leaders and the political implications.

No further consideration of the reprehensible behavior of the far Left's nonsense is necessary. Polls show, they are on the wrong side of this issue with Americans, which is why you see the left and MSM back peddling and trying to turn this issue into anything else. After the many years of exceptionally cruel attacks against Bush by the Left where there was nothing but silence from their leaders and the MSM, the Left now wants to call for "civility". Does anyone really believe that if this last attempt had not backfired so strongly against the Left that they would be seeking "civility".


As a side note, how you can really take the word of Jake serious when his signature line is from a guy (Gandhi) who drank his own urine

So it really comes down to Boooooooooooooosh and retaliation. Why am I not surprised...

OH!! And I see that Stephanie approved of YOUR psychobabble. Imagine that...

lol, what I approved of was that last line..cracked me up. still does.:lol::lol:
University of Arizona brass did not originate the “Together We Thrive” T-shirt. They merely recycled it for Obama—and recycled it in time for what should have been a dignified Memorial for the dead.

If you were a mourner who took home a “Together We Thrive” T-shirt have a look at the bottom of your shirt. “Rocking America and Rocking the Vote” is a common theme of the DNC, and it’s right there on your Memorial T-shirt memento.

Welcome to the era of Obama, where cheering and standing ovations, for the first time in history, became part of the Requiem for the Dead.

From the Canada Free Press. Link not included as I have not yet qualified, 15 post rule.


Nobody's denying the slogan came from Obama's campaign site. Why it should matter is the question. It's a common message, phrased in a variety of ways. It's things like this that make the conservative wing look petty. They have zeroed in on the small stuff for over two years now. Things most Americans couldn't give a shit about.
University of Arizona brass did not originate the “Together We Thrive” T-shirt. They merely recycled it for Obama—and recycled it in time for what should have been a dignified Memorial for the dead.

If you were a mourner who took home a “Together We Thrive” T-shirt have a look at the bottom of your shirt. “Rocking America and Rocking the Vote” is a common theme of the DNC, and it’s right there on your Memorial T-shirt memento.

Welcome to the era of Obama, where cheering and standing ovations, for the first time in history, became part of the Requiem for the Dead.

From the Canada Free Press. Link not included as I have not yet qualified, 15 post rule.


Nobody's denying the slogan came from Obama's campaign site. Why it should matter is the question. It's a common message, phrased in a variety of ways. It's things like this that make the conservative wing look petty. They have zeroed in on the small stuff for over two years now. Things most Americans couldn't give a shit about.

The wingnuts are POUTRAGED about "Together We Thrive"

"Kill all the liberals".....not so much

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