Tables Turn & The Race Is On: Dems Push For Impeachment As Criminal Investigations of Dems Loom


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"As Democratic leaders tentatively took impeachment proceedings off the docket this week, the White House put payback on the front burner -- calling for closer looks into everyone from the FBI officials who investigated the Russia case to allies of Hillary Clinton's campaign who solicited foreign help during the 2016 presidential campaign."

QUESTION: Why did former FBI Director James Comey focus so heavily on the lurid and salacious claims in a largely discredited anti-Trump dossier… that the DOJ's Oher briefed him (The DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) was an unreliable piece of Opposition Research purchased by Hillary Clinton from a discredited Trump-hating foreign spy containing Russian propaganda?

QUESTION: Why couldn't Comey have been honest about Obama ignoring Russian interference he learned about in 2014 and allowed it to continue for 2 YEARS?

QUESTION: Tasked with investigating Russian interference, WHY didn't Special Counsel Mueller investigate when that Russian activity began - in 2014, why did he not investigate the fact that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it, and why did Mueller not investigate why Obama let it continue for 2 years?

QUESTION: Why did Obama's US AG Loretta Lynch LIE about a SCHEDULED meeting with former President Bill Clinton just days before the FBI announced its decision to protect Hillary Clinton from her proven crimes....why did she not reveal herself that she had assisted the FBI in writing Hillary's exoneration letter before the faux Hillary investigation was even over?

QUESTION: How much longer is US AG Barr allow the FBI to illegally refuse to comply with FOIA requests to keep hidden their criminal activities in the exposed protection of Hillary Clinton and attempted coup against President Trump?

'The FBI is currently being sued by conservative group Judicial Watch, after the bureau failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning contacts in late 2016 between the then-FBI general counsel and a top Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer, as well as contacts between the FBI and the author of the dossier.'

The FBI is also criminally non-compliant with the FOIA by refusing to release e-mails between the FBI and CNN regarding coordination / collusion regarding CNN’s sole reporting of the FBI’s Roger Stone Raid,

The FBI is also criminally non-compliant with the FOIA by refusing to turn over e-mails / communications between the FBI and DOJ that show the 2 worked together to protect Hillary from indictment for her proven crimes.

Comey admittedly leaked classified information to his professor friend who released it to the media, doing so in an attempt to ensure an official investigation of Trump was opened.

A Democratic Party consultant worked with Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

A 2017 investigation by Politico found that Ukrainian officials not only publicly sought to undermine Trump by questioning his fitness for office, but also worked behind the scenes to secure a Clinton victory.

The Ukrainian government worked with a DNC consultant to conduct opposition research against Trump, including going after former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort for Russian ties, helping lead to his resignation.
-- THERE is your COLLUSION, snowflakes!

-- A senior Ukrainian anti-corruption official is admitting to disclosing Manafort's information to help the Clinton campaign. A Ukrainian court later ruled that the move amounted to illegal interference in the U.S. election

QUESTION: Why did the Obama administration, the FBI, or Mueller investigate the repeated claims that Obama's US Ambassador to Ukraine continuously blocked their attempts to pass their investigation evidence of this illegal activity designed to interfere in the 2016 US election on behalf of and for the benefit of Hillary Clinton?

The US IG is going to release his report on FBI / DOJ FISA Court Abuses – Then FBI Director Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to try to explain 75 cases of FISA Court Abuses. Deputy US AG Rosenstein is up to his neck in the illegal FISA Court Abuses as HE signed some of the illegal warrant requests.

-- The DOJ (Rosenstein), NSA (Clapper), CIA (Brennan), and FBI intentionally criminally misled the FISA Court and Congress by passing off Dossier information as actual Intel, which it was not.

-- "The Dossier was financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee"; Hillary colluded with and paid foreign Trump-hating spies and Russians to acquire the illegal dossier that was delivered by a Trump-hating foreign spy and contained Russian-authored propaganda….and was used illegally.

DOJ Oher testified that he informed all of them – Obama’s DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI – that Steele was a disreputable, unreliable Trump-hating foreign spy and that the Dossier was also unreliable….BEFORE they colluded / collaborated to illegally use the information by presenting it – illegally – to the FISA Court and to Congress as ‘legitimate Intel’, which it was not.

-- Internal FBI text messages obtained by Fox News last month showed that a senior Justice Department official warned of "bias" in a source key to a FISA application. The DOJ Inspector General is investigating whether the FBI violated its procedures or Page's constitutional rights by withholding exculpatory information from the FISA court.

Adam Schiff already admitted to leaking classified information.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has already been recommended for indictment, but Obama’s hold-over DOJ refused to take action on it…but now Barr is US AG.

So while the Democrats and snowflakes throw caution to the wind (and sanity) and continue to push for Impeachment of President Trump based on NON-Existent THOUGHT CRIME legislation, in doing so they continue to 'poke the bear'...inviting a full-blown investigation of all the Democrats involved in the Left's entire faux investigation of a crime that never happened, of which no evidence still exists, of all the crimes committed by the Obama administration officials and Democrats that have been exposed, hidden, covered up, protected, and have gone UN-investigated and unpunished.

It Is Time To turn the tables and show traitorous Democrats what ACTUAL LEGITIMATE INVESTIGATIONS and what ACTUAL JUSTICE looks like.

President Trump is right - what has gone on the last 3 years is criminal, nothing short of an attempted coup - the worst political scandal in our nation's history. The perpetrators MUST not be allowed to get away with their crimes. The government agencies of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI MUST be purged of any criminal that participated in all of this. As President Trump said, THIS CAN NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN...TO ANY PRESIDENT!

Trump World ramps up campaign to turn tables in Russia case, target Dems who 'colluded'
Any day now! :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:


This is a photo of the Democrats still waiting for Gore to be announced the winner in the Fla re-count due to hanging chads....

This is a photo of snowflakes still waiting for Hillary to be crowned President, refusing to accept 2016 election results.

This is the snowflakes who continue to cry and whine, claiming Trump violated their 'THOUGHT CRIMES' bill....

These are the Democrats wait9ing for Barr to violate the Law by releasing information he can not legally give them access to...

This is the snowflakes who are still waiting on someone to believe their lies about how Hillary never committed any crime....

Frau Blücher needs to accept that she lost and that she broke the law and that she is going to prison

It will be a great day in America and we see "Crooked" Hillary in prison and the rest of the Obama-era Administration exposed for their hack.
Seeing the facial expression on Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi will be priceless. :)
I'm sure Barr will find all kinds of things when he gets his investigation going.

Should be quite the report.

This is a photo of the Democrats still waiting for Gore to be announced the winner in the Fla re-count due to hanging chads....

This is a photo of snowflakes still waiting for Hillary to be crowned President, refusing to accept 2016 election results.

This is the snowflakes who continue to cry and whine, claiming Trump violated their 'THOUGHT CRIMES' bill....

These are the Democrats wait9ing for Barr to violate the Law by releasing information he can not legally give them access to...

This is the snowflakes who are still waiting on someone to believe their lies about how Hillary never committed any crime....


yes, it is a picture of all of those people, and it is a picture of you as well because you are no different than all those people,
I'm sure Barr will find all kinds of things when he gets his investigation going.

Should be quite the report.
Hope Barr has security. I wouldn't trust the machine less wind up like Foster


This is a photo of the Democrats still waiting for Gore to be announced the winner in the Fla re-count due to hanging chads....

This is a photo of snowflakes still waiting for Hillary to be crowned President, refusing to accept 2016 election results.

This is the snowflakes who continue to cry and whine, claiming Trump violated their 'THOUGHT CRIMES' bill....

These are the Democrats wait9ing for Barr to violate the Law by releasing information he can not legally give them access to...

This is the snowflakes who are still waiting on someone to believe their lies about how Hillary never committed any crime....

far as i know *they* usually don't say she didn't. some do, but never saw gator say that. he, and i both, think it's funny people post time and time again that THIS TIME is THE TIME they will get JUSTICE.

and lucy keeps wondering how long this will go on.
yes, it is a picture of all of those people, and it is a picture of you as well because you are no different than all those people,
Unlike butt-hurt Democrats and snowflakes who refuse to accept the 2016 election results, who have hung on ever traitorous Democrats' promise of 'We've got him now', who have wasted 3 years undermining the US govt and supporting traitors, I have not been and do not wait for non-existent evidence of non-existent crimes.

The crimes Democrats have perpetrated, and the overwhelming amount of existing evidence, has already been exposed, revealed, presented. Barr just needs to exert his authority as United States Attorney General to push past the criminals Obama hold-overs who have been protecting Hillary, attempting the on-going coup, and protecting the Democrats who have been proven to have broken so many laws.

Again, the US IG already recommended Obama FBI Deputy Director McCabe for indictment for his crimes almost a year ago, but co-conspirator Rosenstein refused to act on that recommendation.

Criminal Democrats are demanding the process of Democrats being held accountable to be like the FBI 'subpoenaing' Hillary's Clinton - Its like they demand the US AG 'submit a subpoena' and allow them to 'turn over what they want when they want.

At this point the US AG should treat Hillary and the exposed / proven criminal Democrats like the FBI treated Roger Stone, Manafort, etc...

He needs to have their homes raided without notice by armored law enforcers, storm in and take EVERYTHING! Get the ball rolling on enforcing US law EQUALLY!
far as i know *they* usually don't say she didn't. some do, but never saw gator say that. he, and i both, think it's funny people post time and time again that THIS TIME is THE TIME they will get JUSTICE.

Gator may believe Hillary broke the law - I don't care what he believes. Evidence shows she did.

I did not say Hillary will definitely go to prison...or even be charged. I said she NEEDS to.

I have also said that if partisans / govt officials allow these fully exposed traitors and criminals to get away with the crimes they have perpetrated then US 'Justice' will be permanently destroyed, the idea that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and that Justice is administered equally will officially be dead.

Anyone who ever again says, 'There are NOT 2 Americas' should be slapped silly,
Unlike butt-hurt Democrats and snowflakes who refuse to accept the 2016 election results, who have hung on ever traitorous Democrats' promise of 'We've got him now', who have wasted 3 years undermining the US govt and supporting traitors, I have not been and do not wait for non-existent evidence of non-existent crimes.

In the last 2 years you have posted probably 100 or more "we got them now" threads and not a single one of them has come to fruition....Not a single one.

But please, do is fun as hell to watch
far as i know *they* usually don't say she didn't. some do, but never saw gator say that. he, and i both, think it's funny people post time and time again that THIS TIME is THE TIME they will get JUSTICE.

Gator may believe Hillary broke the law - I don't care what he believes. Evidence shows she did.

I did not say Hillary will definitely go to prison...or even be charged. I said she NEEDS to.

I have also said that if partisans / govt officials allow these fully exposed traitors and criminals to get away with the crimes they have perpetrated then US 'Justice' will be permanently destroyed, the idea that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and that Justice is administered equally will officially be dead.

Anyone who ever again says, 'There are NOT 2 Americas' should be slapped silly,

Dude, the idea of everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and that Justice is administered equally has been dead for decades...where the hell have you been?
In the last 2 years you have posted probably 100 or more "we got them now"...
No, LYING lil' snowflake - you are confusing me with your snowflake brethren.....

Trump peed on some bed in Russia - we got him now...
Trump met with Russians and got dirt on Hillary - we got him now...
Trump never accepted dirt on Hillary, but he WANTED to - we got him now
Trump THOUGHT about firing Mueller...but didn't - We got him now.

You snowflakes twitched and jumped at every false allegation. I just kept pointing out the facts. I also kept saying the Dems would keep up the Trump coup in an attempt to run out the clock on Dem crimes, as they seem to be doing now.

You just LOVE those false allegations...whether they are someone else's or your own....
far as i know *they* usually don't say she didn't. some do, but never saw gator say that. he, and i both, think it's funny people post time and time again that THIS TIME is THE TIME they will get JUSTICE.

Gator may believe Hillary broke the law - I don't care what he believes. Evidence shows she did.

I did not say Hillary will definitely go to prison...or even be charged. I said she NEEDS to.

I have also said that if partisans / govt officials allow these fully exposed traitors and criminals to get away with the crimes they have perpetrated then US 'Justice' will be permanently destroyed, the idea that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law and that Justice is administered equally will officially be dead.

Anyone who ever again says, 'There are NOT 2 Americas' should be slapped silly,
yea but you say it like daily. :)

can we wait til she gets arrested and throw a hell of a party then?
No, LYING lil' snowflake - you are confusing me with your snowflake brethren.....

Trump peed on some bed in Russia - we got him now...
Trump met with Russians and got dirt on Hillary - we got him now...
Trump never accepted dirt on Hillary, but he WANTED to - we got him now
Trump THOUGHT about firing Mueller...but didn't - We got him now.

You snowflakes twitched and jumped at every false allegation. I just kept pointing out the facts. I also kept saying the Dems would keep up the Trump coup in an attempt to run out the clock on Dem crimes, as they seem to be doing now.

You just LOVE those false allegations...whether they are someone else's or your own....

Yes, the people on the left did all those things, and you do the exact same thing towards Obama and Hillary and all the rest. There are 100s of "we got them now" threads from you. You can point at the other side all you like, that does not change a thing about what you are doing.
No, LYING lil' snowflake - you are confusing me with your snowflake brethren.....

Trump peed on some bed in Russia - we got him now...
Trump met with Russians and got dirt on Hillary - we got him now...
Trump never accepted dirt on Hillary, but he WANTED to - we got him now
Trump THOUGHT about firing Mueller...but didn't - We got him now.

You snowflakes twitched and jumped at every false allegation. I just kept pointing out the facts. I also kept saying the Dems would keep up the Trump coup in an attempt to run out the clock on Dem crimes, as they seem to be doing now.

You just LOVE those false allegations...whether they are someone else's or your own....

Yes, the people on the left did all those things, and you do the exact same thing towards Obama and Hillary and all the rest. There are 100s of "we got them now" threads from you. You can point at the other side all you like, that does not change a thing about what you are doing.
There you go lying again, lil' snowflake.

You continue to intentionally misrepresent threads exposing and covering actual evidence of crimes and treason as equal to the last 3 years of continuous 're got him now' snowflake threads.
"As Democratic leaders tentatively took impeachment proceedings off the docket this week, the White House put payback on the front burner -- calling for closer looks into everyone from the FBI officials who investigated the Russia case to allies of Hillary Clinton's campaign who solicited foreign help during the 2016 presidential campaign."

QUESTION: Why did former FBI Director James Comey focus so heavily on the lurid and salacious claims in a largely discredited anti-Trump dossier… that the DOJ's Oher briefed him (The DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI) was an unreliable piece of Opposition Research purchased by Hillary Clinton from a discredited Trump-hating foreign spy containing Russian propaganda?

QUESTION: Why couldn't Comey have been honest about Obama ignoring Russian interference he learned about in 2014 and allowed it to continue for 2 YEARS?

QUESTION: Tasked with investigating Russian interference, WHY didn't Special Counsel Mueller investigate when that Russian activity began - in 2014, why did he not investigate the fact that Obama knew about it and did nothing about it, and why did Mueller not investigate why Obama let it continue for 2 years?

QUESTION: Why did Obama's US AG Loretta Lynch LIE about a SCHEDULED meeting with former President Bill Clinton just days before the FBI announced its decision to protect Hillary Clinton from her proven crimes....why did she not reveal herself that she had assisted the FBI in writing Hillary's exoneration letter before the faux Hillary investigation was even over?

QUESTION: How much longer is US AG Barr allow the FBI to illegally refuse to comply with FOIA requests to keep hidden their criminal activities in the exposed protection of Hillary Clinton and attempted coup against President Trump?

'The FBI is currently being sued by conservative group Judicial Watch, after the bureau failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request concerning contacts in late 2016 between the then-FBI general counsel and a top Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer, as well as contacts between the FBI and the author of the dossier.'

The FBI is also criminally non-compliant with the FOIA by refusing to release e-mails between the FBI and CNN regarding coordination / collusion regarding CNN’s sole reporting of the FBI’s Roger Stone Raid,

The FBI is also criminally non-compliant with the FOIA by refusing to turn over e-mails / communications between the FBI and DOJ that show the 2 worked together to protect Hillary from indictment for her proven crimes.

Comey admittedly leaked classified information to his professor friend who released it to the media, doing so in an attempt to ensure an official investigation of Trump was opened.

A Democratic Party consultant worked with Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

A 2017 investigation by Politico found that Ukrainian officials not only publicly sought to undermine Trump by questioning his fitness for office, but also worked behind the scenes to secure a Clinton victory.

The Ukrainian government worked with a DNC consultant to conduct opposition research against Trump, including going after former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort for Russian ties, helping lead to his resignation.
-- THERE is your COLLUSION, snowflakes!

-- A senior Ukrainian anti-corruption official is admitting to disclosing Manafort's information to help the Clinton campaign. A Ukrainian court later ruled that the move amounted to illegal interference in the U.S. election

QUESTION: Why did the Obama administration, the FBI, or Mueller investigate the repeated claims that Obama's US Ambassador to Ukraine continuously blocked their attempts to pass their investigation evidence of this illegal activity designed to interfere in the 2016 US election on behalf of and for the benefit of Hillary Clinton?

The US IG is going to release his report on FBI / DOJ FISA Court Abuses – Then FBI Director Mueller was called before a secret FISA Court to try to explain 75 cases of FISA Court Abuses. Deputy US AG Rosenstein is up to his neck in the illegal FISA Court Abuses as HE signed some of the illegal warrant requests.

-- The DOJ (Rosenstein), NSA (Clapper), CIA (Brennan), and FBI intentionally criminally misled the FISA Court and Congress by passing off Dossier information as actual Intel, which it was not.

-- "The Dossier was financed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee"; Hillary colluded with and paid foreign Trump-hating spies and Russians to acquire the illegal dossier that was delivered by a Trump-hating foreign spy and contained Russian-authored propaganda….and was used illegally.

DOJ Oher testified that he informed all of them – Obama’s DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI – that Steele was a disreputable, unreliable Trump-hating foreign spy and that the Dossier was also unreliable….BEFORE they colluded / collaborated to illegally use the information by presenting it – illegally – to the FISA Court and to Congress as ‘legitimate Intel’, which it was not.

-- Internal FBI text messages obtained by Fox News last month showed that a senior Justice Department official warned of "bias" in a source key to a FISA application. The DOJ Inspector General is investigating whether the FBI violated its procedures or Page's constitutional rights by withholding exculpatory information from the FISA court.

Adam Schiff already admitted to leaking classified information.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe has already been recommended for indictment, but Obama’s hold-over DOJ refused to take action on it…but now Barr is US AG.

So while the Democrats and snowflakes throw caution to the wind (and sanity) and continue to push for Impeachment of President Trump based on NON-Existent THOUGHT CRIME legislation, in doing so they continue to 'poke the bear'...inviting a full-blown investigation of all the Democrats involved in the Left's entire faux investigation of a crime that never happened, of which no evidence still exists, of all the crimes committed by the Obama administration officials and Democrats that have been exposed, hidden, covered up, protected, and have gone UN-investigated and unpunished.

It Is Time To turn the tables and show traitorous Democrats what ACTUAL LEGITIMATE INVESTIGATIONS and what ACTUAL JUSTICE looks like.

President Trump is right - what has gone on the last 3 years is criminal, nothing short of an attempted coup - the worst political scandal in our nation's history. The perpetrators MUST not be allowed to get away with their crimes. The government agencies of the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI MUST be purged of any criminal that participated in all of this. As President Trump said, THIS CAN NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN AGAIN...TO ANY PRESIDENT!

Trump World ramps up campaign to turn tables in Russia case, target Dems who 'colluded'
You covered most of the questions, but I have some of why did a Member of the Senate who wife was running for Office get 500k to run for office when Hilly was on the stand and did anyone know she worked for GPS.
Next question is: Why was Hilly allowed to testify and NOT be sworn in.
The rest of the questions will form up during any hearings and trials. If any happen.
No, LYING lil' snowflake - you are confusing me with your snowflake brethren.....

Trump peed on some bed in Russia - we got him now...
Trump met with Russians and got dirt on Hillary - we got him now...
Trump never accepted dirt on Hillary, but he WANTED to - we got him now
Trump THOUGHT about firing Mueller...but didn't - We got him now.

You snowflakes twitched and jumped at every false allegation. I just kept pointing out the facts. I also kept saying the Dems would keep up the Trump coup in an attempt to run out the clock on Dem crimes, as they seem to be doing now.

You just LOVE those false allegations...whether they are someone else's or your own....

Yes, the people on the left did all those things, and you do the exact same thing towards Obama and Hillary and all the rest. There are 100s of "we got them now" threads from you. You can point at the other side all you like, that does not change a thing about what you are doing.
There you go lying again, lil' snowflake.

You continue to intentionally misrepresent threads exposing and covering actual evidence of crimes and treason as equal to the last 3 years of continuous 're got him now' snowflake threads.

They had facts and links and all the same things you put in your hundreds of "we got them now" threads. I realize you think you are different, but you are not. You are the very thing you rant against
They had facts and links and all the same things you put in your hundreds of "we got them now" threads. I realize you think you are different, but you are not. You are the very thing you rant against
You continue to lie, which is understandable for YOU.

I post links to actual legal statues, laws, articles containing facts, not butt-personal whines about how snowflakes BELIEVE Trump broke their 'THOUGHT CRIME' laws.

Whether you personally accept it or not President Trump is INNOCENT of 'Russian Collusion' and 'Obstruction'.

3 years, multiple investigations, approximately 23 MILLION dollars, 500 'interrogated' witnesses, and thousands of subpoenaed documents resulted in Prosecutor / Special Counsel Robert Mueller declaring all the Leftist accusations of Trump could not be proven / substantiated and GUILT COULD NOT BE PROVEN.


Mentally disturbed Democrats and snowflakes, however, think THEY can do something that 3 years, multiple investigations, approximately 23 MILLION dollars, 500 'interrogated' witnesses, and thousands of subpoenaed documents could not do - PROVE THE PRESIDENT 'GUILTY'.
-- THIS is undeniable evidence of mental instability on their part, btw. Accepting reality, at this point, is beyond them.

Whether you personally accept it or not, Mueller found ZERO evidence, found ZERO crime.
-- He then went on to provide butt-hurt personal commentary about his ability to prove the President Guilty, which was NOT his job. His job was to either declare the President committed crimes and was GUILTY or not. He declared NO EVIDENCE FOUND, NO GUILT OF COLLUSION / OBSTRUCTION PROVEN RESULTING IN NO CRIMINAL INDICTMENT.

The case with Hillary Clinton is the exact OPPOSITE:

The FBI publicly declared they recovered THOUSANDS of official subpoenaed documents - all of which were criminal violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act - she had attempted to destroy - meaning thousands of criminal counts of Obstruction.

THAT is just scratching the surface of all the existing exposed evidence of her crimes AND the evidence proving Obama's DOJ and FBI - with his knowledge - protected her.

Pointing these FACTS out is in NO way declaring 'WE HAVE HER NOW'. It is pointing out that she has been proven to have broken the law.

Was that slow enough for you to comprehend or do you need someone to draw you a picture. (And no, I have no delusion or false hope in believing this will stop your false accusations / lying...)

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