Take a Close Look At Antifa Autonomous Zone Freaks

Video from Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone shows Antifa thugs chokeholding an innocent man.

Go to this link, and then scroll to the top to watch the first video. Then scroll down a little to watch the second video:

This is too goofy even for a fiction book.

On Tuesday “Free Capitol Hill” the antifa “Autonomous Zone” released its list of demands from the Seattle and Washington State governments.

The list includes reparations, ending the police, and free stuff — pretty much what you would expect from a bunch of illiterate lefty kids.

The “police free zone” is a perfect utopia of free love, free food, free water and no police!

Whoops! The food just ran out.

One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy, after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”
Well, they did say they supported wealth redistribution.

All this is what you get, when scatterbrained Democrats take power. Don't let it happen in YOUR town.

And these are the freaks and geeks that the democrats take seriously.
No election in nov

Because of the media and educators brainwashing the unwise to RIG the election

No election until the rigging is over and democrat and deep state crooks locked up

Women will lose their rights to vote like all unwise people

There will be a logic test for voting before another election can come
These are people who want to mark up streets and buildings with colored chalk. So does our 3.5 year old grandson. It’s time for time out.

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