Take the guns first, due process second.

Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

Oh, yeah. If we'd only vote Democrat, the Dems would gladly let us keep our guns. Dream on.

Did you keep your guns when Obama was president? Is Trump not threatening your guns? It's OK because so far he has only banned bump stops?

Know what that reminds me of. I walk out to my pasture to find a wolf munching on my cows. So do I shoot the wolves? Na, I shoot the neighbors cat instead. The very fact that the Vagas shooter used a bump stock most likely saved lives. They were nothing but a gimmick. All Teump did with that ban was raise the price of a bump stock from $39.99 to $500.00.
Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

Oh, yeah. If we'd only vote Democrat, the Dems would gladly let us keep our guns. Dream on.

Did you keep your guns when Obama was president? Is Trump not threatening your guns? It's OK because so far he has only banned bump stops?

Know what that reminds me of. I walk out to my pasture to find a wolf munching on my cows. So do I shoot the wolves? Na, I shoot the neighbors cat instead. The very fact that the Vagas shooter used a bump stock most likely saved lives. They were nothing but a gimmick. All Teump did with that ban was raise the price of a bump stock from $39.99 to $500.00.

If Obama had done that you would have been yelling "fascist".
Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

Oh, yeah. If we'd only vote Democrat, the Dems would gladly let us keep our guns. Dream on.

So you are okay with gun confiscation as long as trump does it? For my part, to my recollection no democrat president has ever said guns should be confiscated first, due process later. Far as I remember trump and pence are the first.
domestic violence. That right there is enough to remove 2nd amendment rights

asked if he had ever done drugs or smoked pot he said no. So they arrested him for not answering yes to that question

It's an antebellum Deep South lawyer’s classic.

“When did you stop beating your wife?”

If you did in fact stop, then you are guilty of beating your wife in the past.

If you haven’t stopped, then you are still guilty of beating your wife at present.

In either case you can’t have a gun and you’re a fucking faggot for even asking, because no woman of self-respect in that town will ever date a wife-beater.
So this is what Trump said. Mike Pence says take ANYTHING that is dangerous. I gotta ask how this squares with Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

Cologne school massacre - Wikipedia

So I ask you die hard trumpkins, y'all good with this?
Crixus, read up a bit on the ERPO ("Red Flags") laws and how they really work. A judge signs off on that initial confiscation of the guns, too. It is how emergencies are responded to.

Have been. And I don't like them at all.

Because if I think you are an asshole, or you think I'm an asshole, what stops either of us from calling the Feds and saying so?

Shouldn't someone be asking Trump that?

Yip. Because so far he is on the record multiple times calling for the confiscation of citizens firearms without due process.
Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

Oh, yeah. If we'd only vote Democrat, the Dems would gladly let us keep our guns. Dream on.

Did you keep your guns when Obama was president? Is Trump not threatening your guns? It's OK because so far he has only banned bump stops?

Know what that reminds me of. I walk out to my pasture to find a wolf munching on my cows. So do I shoot the wolves? Na, I shoot the neighbors cat instead. The very fact that the Vagas shooter used a bump stock most likely saved lives. They were nothing but a gimmick. All Teump did with that ban was raise the price of a bump stock from $39.99 to $500.00.

If Obama had done that you would have been yelling "fascist".

Maybe. Thing is, Obama didn't, but trump wants to.
one of the first things trump did when he got the keys to the white house:

Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Christopher Wilson
Senior Writer
Yahoo NewsAugust 5, 2019

In the wake of this weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump was quick to point to mental illness as a cause, echoing a Republican talking point that emerged in interviews and social media posts on Sunday.

“Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun,” said Trump in a speech Monday morning from the White House. He said the country “must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”

But in his first full month in office, Trump signed a bill rolling back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with mental illnesses to purchase firearms. The rule would have used Social Security records to add about 75,000 names to the database used in background checks of gun buyers (from licensed firearms dealers). People receiving supplemental-income support for mental disability and those found unfit to handle their own financial affairs would have been precluded from purchasing firearms. While the rule went on the books just before Trump took office in January 2017, compliance was not mandatory until December 2017.
Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Of those 75,000, have any done anything to justify their names being added to a data base of any kind?
I agree with you. I have worked with a lot of people with a "mental health" SSI disability. Most of them are not dangerous in the least. However, those mentally incompetent enough to lose their rights? That's a real high bar in a court of law, and if they can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, they don't need to be trusted with a decision about who to shoot, either.
There's also a huge problem here with Mental Health being anyone's ringer, to begin with.

Some of a psychotropic drugs' side effects, are: manic, violent behavior.

Now - in some cases, these psychotropic side-effects occur in one in 2-million folks... that experience this side effect, so we deem the drugs okay to use. I'd agree with doing that, statistically. It's so rare, that it's not right at all to limit the other 1, 999, 999 other folks that won't experience this sort of side effect.

But I'm employing the same logic within the gun debate. It's very rare, even more rare than the statistic of folks that experience violent side-effects on these drugs, for someone to become a mass shooter. Not only that, but most of the folks are either pre-determined to have had a mental illness, or determined as much after the shootings. Something like 94% of shooters? (I'm going off memory)

So - we have a problem that really might be impossible to resolve. I guess we can employ mitigating factors. I dunno if there's any good answer.
You've lost me. ERPO is about individuals exhibiting homicidal/suicidal behavior. One person at a time. I'm not sure how statistical rarity of mass shootings factors into that at all.
domestic violence. That right there is enough to remove 2nd amendment rights

asked if he had ever done drugs or smoked pot he said no. So they arrested him for not answering yes to that question

It's an antebellum Deep South lawyer’s classic.

“When did you stop beating your wife?”

If you did in fact stop, then you are guilty of beating your wife in the past.

If you haven’t stopped, then you are still guilty of beating your wife at present.

In either case you can’t have a gun and you’re a fucking faggot for even asking, because no woman of self-respect in that town will ever date a wife-beater.

This is true. But that's not the point. Domestic violence isn't just jethro smacking Martha in her cocksucker. A DV charge is extremely easy to get pinned on ya.
So this is what Trump said. Mike Pence says take ANYTHING that is dangerous. I gotta ask how this squares with Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

So I ask you die hard trumpkins, y'all good with this?

We have an express Second Amendment. Don't grab guns, grab gun lovers and regulate them well!
one of the first things trump did when he got the keys to the white house:

Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Christopher Wilson
Senior Writer
Yahoo NewsAugust 5, 2019

In the wake of this weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump was quick to point to mental illness as a cause, echoing a Republican talking point that emerged in interviews and social media posts on Sunday.

“Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun,” said Trump in a speech Monday morning from the White House. He said the country “must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”

But in his first full month in office, Trump signed a bill rolling back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with mental illnesses to purchase firearms. The rule would have used Social Security records to add about 75,000 names to the database used in background checks of gun buyers (from licensed firearms dealers). People receiving supplemental-income support for mental disability and those found unfit to handle their own financial affairs would have been precluded from purchasing firearms. While the rule went on the books just before Trump took office in January 2017, compliance was not mandatory until December 2017.
Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Of those 75,000, have any done anything to justify their names being added to a data base of any kind?
I agree with you. I have worked with a lot of people with a "mental health" SSI disability. Most of them are not dangerous in the least. However, those mentally incompetent enough to lose their rights? That's a real high bar in a court of law, and if they can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, they don't need to be trusted with a decision about who to shoot, either.
There's also a huge problem here with Mental Health being anyone's ringer, to begin with.

Some of a psychotropic drugs' side effects, are: manic, violent behavior.

Now - in some cases, these psychotropic side-effects occur in one in 2-million folks... that experience this side effect, so we deem the drugs okay to use. I'd agree with doing that, statistically. It's so rare, that it's not right at all to limit the other 1, 999, 999 other folks that won't experience this sort of side effect.

But I'm employing the same logic within the gun debate. It's very rare, even more rare than the statistic of folks that experience violent side-effects on these drugs, for someone to become a mass shooter. Not only that, but most of the folks are either pre-determined to have had a mental illness, or determined as much after the shootings. Something like 94% of shooters? (I'm going off memory)

So - we have a problem that really might be impossible to resolve. I guess we can employ mitigating factors. I dunno if there's any good answer.
You've lost me. ERPO is about individuals exhibiting homicidal/suicidal behavior. One person at a time. I'm not sure how statistical rarity of mass shootings factors into that at all.

If that's the case, LE can already act. What if the bad behavior is a Facebook post? You see how it is here OldLady. If I said "blaaah, you libtards need to be erased"! This place being what it is I would just end up on ignore, but if something reported that to their authorities what then? What if we turned this on black lives matter, remember "pigs in a blanket cry them like bacon"? I don't think they really meant that, but is that the type stuff we are talking about?
one of the first things trump did when he got the keys to the white house:

Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Christopher Wilson
Senior Writer
Yahoo NewsAugust 5, 2019

In the wake of this weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump was quick to point to mental illness as a cause, echoing a Republican talking point that emerged in interviews and social media posts on Sunday.

“Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun,” said Trump in a speech Monday morning from the White House. He said the country “must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”

But in his first full month in office, Trump signed a bill rolling back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with mental illnesses to purchase firearms. The rule would have used Social Security records to add about 75,000 names to the database used in background checks of gun buyers (from licensed firearms dealers). People receiving supplemental-income support for mental disability and those found unfit to handle their own financial affairs would have been precluded from purchasing firearms. While the rule went on the books just before Trump took office in January 2017, compliance was not mandatory until December 2017.
Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Of those 75,000, have any done anything to justify their names being added to a data base of any kind?
I agree with you. I have worked with a lot of people with a "mental health" SSI disability. Most of them are not dangerous in the least. However, those mentally incompetent enough to lose their rights? That's a real high bar in a court of law, and if they can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, they don't need to be trusted with a decision about who to shoot, either.

That bar ain't to high at all. It's very easy to be convicted of domestic violence. That right there is enough to remove 2nd amendment rights. Hell, take a look at this Dayton shooter I think it was . There is another guy who was arrested for lying on his yellow form. What was the lie? When asked if he had ever done drugs or smoked pot he said no. So they arrested him for not answering yes to that question. So then that being the case, you ever use CBD oil? You live in a state where weed is legal? This puts gun buyers in a spot. If they answer yes they can't buy a gun. Th y answer no they lied on a federal document.
I know what I'm talking about, Crixus. But mental incompetence is not what this thread is about, and you won't listen anyway, so believe what you like. Just know it's full of shit.
one of the first things trump did when he got the keys to the white house:

Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Christopher Wilson
Senior Writer
Yahoo NewsAugust 5, 2019

In the wake of this weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump was quick to point to mental illness as a cause, echoing a Republican talking point that emerged in interviews and social media posts on Sunday.

“Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun,” said Trump in a speech Monday morning from the White House. He said the country “must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”

But in his first full month in office, Trump signed a bill rolling back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with mental illnesses to purchase firearms. The rule would have used Social Security records to add about 75,000 names to the database used in background checks of gun buyers (from licensed firearms dealers). People receiving supplemental-income support for mental disability and those found unfit to handle their own financial affairs would have been precluded from purchasing firearms. While the rule went on the books just before Trump took office in January 2017, compliance was not mandatory until December 2017.
Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Of those 75,000, have any done anything to justify their names being added to a data base of any kind?
I agree with you. I have worked with a lot of people with a "mental health" SSI disability. Most of them are not dangerous in the least. However, those mentally incompetent enough to lose their rights? That's a real high bar in a court of law, and if they can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, they don't need to be trusted with a decision about who to shoot, either.

That bar ain't to high at all. It's very easy to be convicted of domestic violence. That right there is enough to remove 2nd amendment rights. Hell, take a look at this Dayton shooter I think it was . There is another guy who was arrested for lying on his yellow form. What was the lie? When asked if he had ever done drugs or smoked pot he said no. So they arrested him for not answering yes to that question. So then that being the case, you ever use CBD oil? You live in a state where weed is legal? This puts gun buyers in a spot. If they answer yes they can't buy a gun. Th y answer no they lied on a federal document.
I know what I'm talking about, Crixus. But mental incompetence is not what this thread is about, and you won't listen anyway, so believe what you like. Just know it's full of shit.

So put it like this. A guy from work says I'm crazy and have guns at my house. The way trump is wanting it done, the cops come take my guns then I go to court to get them back.
one of the first things trump did when he got the keys to the white house:

Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Christopher Wilson
Senior Writer
Yahoo NewsAugust 5, 2019

In the wake of this weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump was quick to point to mental illness as a cause, echoing a Republican talking point that emerged in interviews and social media posts on Sunday.

“Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun,” said Trump in a speech Monday morning from the White House. He said the country “must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”

But in his first full month in office, Trump signed a bill rolling back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with mental illnesses to purchase firearms. The rule would have used Social Security records to add about 75,000 names to the database used in background checks of gun buyers (from licensed firearms dealers). People receiving supplemental-income support for mental disability and those found unfit to handle their own financial affairs would have been precluded from purchasing firearms. While the rule went on the books just before Trump took office in January 2017, compliance was not mandatory until December 2017.
Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Of those 75,000, have any done anything to justify their names being added to a data base of any kind?
I agree with you. I have worked with a lot of people with a "mental health" SSI disability. Most of them are not dangerous in the least. However, those mentally incompetent enough to lose their rights? That's a real high bar in a court of law, and if they can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, they don't need to be trusted with a decision about who to shoot, either.
There's also a huge problem here with Mental Health being anyone's ringer, to begin with.

Some of a psychotropic drugs' side effects, are: manic, violent behavior.

Now - in some cases, these psychotropic side-effects occur in one in 2-million folks... that experience this side effect, so we deem the drugs okay to use. I'd agree with doing that, statistically. It's so rare, that it's not right at all to limit the other 1, 999, 999 other folks that won't experience this sort of side effect.

But I'm employing the same logic within the gun debate. It's very rare, even more rare than the statistic of folks that experience violent side-effects on these drugs, for someone to become a mass shooter. Not only that, but most of the folks are either pre-determined to have had a mental illness, or determined as much after the shootings. Something like 94% of shooters? (I'm going off memory)

So - we have a problem that really might be impossible to resolve. I guess we can employ mitigating factors. I dunno if there's any good answer.
You've lost me. ERPO is about individuals exhibiting homicidal/suicidal behavior. One person at a time. I'm not sure how statistical rarity of mass shootings factors into that at all.
Oh -

To be more clear - - - my point was that if I were to address the camp that wants to point to mental health as one of the underlying factors of mass shootings (which I'd agree with, they're all mentally ill)...

I'd say it's worth-noting/consideration that one of the ways we ADDRESS mental health is to prescribe medications... which have manic/violent behavior listed as some of their side effects.

So the statistics are... that the side effects rarely occur............and we USE the fact that they're rare to justify continuing to approve of giving the Meds....

Mass shootings are also rare, even rarer than these medicinal side effects.

I wonder how many shooters were, or have been in the past, on any psychotropic medications? I'd love to know that percentage, I'm sure it's out there somewhere.

Aiming high, if we really want to address the issue of people needlessly dying - we can look to statistics and tackle the issues in order...beginning with the ones that'd give us our biggest statistically (positive) outcome...but there's got to be a line drawn...not some vague line but a definitive line...as to how far we'd go to limit freedoms to prevent deaths or other negative outcomes. I think the right is usually on "your liberty ends where it negatively effects mine," as the line they draw. It makes good sense to me, but I'd like to see a definitive line on all sides promoting that we "do something" when "x-occurs."
So this is what Trump said. Mike Pence says take ANYTHING that is dangerous. I gotta ask how this squares with Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

Cologne school massacre - Wikipedia

So I ask you die hard trumpkins, y'all good with this?
Crixus, read up a bit on the ERPO ("Red Flags") laws and how they really work. A judge signs off on that initial confiscation of the guns, too. It is how emergencies are responded to.
Earlier versions allowed a warrant to be issued, seizure to take place, and then the individual had to PROVE they were not a 'danger'......if and when the individual finally gets a chance in court to do so.

This is the Left's '(Conservatives are) Guilty until proven innocent' perversion of the law / legal system all over again in an attempt to get their way.
So this is what Trump said. Mike Pence says take ANYTHING that is dangerous. I gotta ask how this squares with Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

So I ask you die hard trumpkins, y'all good with this?

Yeah, like I am going out and vote for a millionaire socialist like Bernie who wants to give everything free except his books? Dont you see the hypocrisy? Nope, not with liberal thinking.

View attachment 274312

What would be the difference when I could have your house searched and anything deemed "dangerous confiscated just because you have a MAGA hat on?

Because if you tried to come into my house without me wanting you in here, you wouldn't exit the house.
So put it like this. A guy from work says I'm crazy and have guns at my house. The way trump is wanting it done, the cops come take my guns then I go to court to get them back.
Trump is caving to the Socialist Democrat Party tactic of 'striking while the iron is hot', or better stated as 'manipulate emotions and play upon them to apply political pressure to get your way'.

Luckily we have more experienced politicians who have seen this BS before and will never let such socialist legislation pass based on manipulated fear / anger, never allowing manipulated emotion override the Constitution.
one of the first things trump did when he got the keys to the white house:

Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Christopher Wilson
Senior Writer
Yahoo NewsAugust 5, 2019

In the wake of this weekend’s mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Trump was quick to point to mental illness as a cause, echoing a Republican talking point that emerged in interviews and social media posts on Sunday.

“Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun,” said Trump in a speech Monday morning from the White House. He said the country “must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”

But in his first full month in office, Trump signed a bill rolling back an Obama-era regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with mental illnesses to purchase firearms. The rule would have used Social Security records to add about 75,000 names to the database used in background checks of gun buyers (from licensed firearms dealers). People receiving supplemental-income support for mental disability and those found unfit to handle their own financial affairs would have been precluded from purchasing firearms. While the rule went on the books just before Trump took office in January 2017, compliance was not mandatory until December 2017.
Trump blames 'mental illness' for shootings, but rolled back Obama regulation on gun sales

Of those 75,000, have any done anything to justify their names being added to a data base of any kind?
I agree with you. I have worked with a lot of people with a "mental health" SSI disability. Most of them are not dangerous in the least. However, those mentally incompetent enough to lose their rights? That's a real high bar in a court of law, and if they can't be trusted to make decisions for themselves, they don't need to be trusted with a decision about who to shoot, either.
There's also a huge problem here with Mental Health being anyone's ringer, to begin with.

Some of a psychotropic drugs' side effects, are: manic, violent behavior.

Now - in some cases, these psychotropic side-effects occur in one in 2-million folks... that experience this side effect, so we deem the drugs okay to use. I'd agree with doing that, statistically. It's so rare, that it's not right at all to limit the other 1, 999, 999 other folks that won't experience this sort of side effect.

But I'm employing the same logic within the gun debate. It's very rare, even more rare than the statistic of folks that experience violent side-effects on these drugs, for someone to become a mass shooter. Not only that, but most of the folks are either pre-determined to have had a mental illness, or determined as much after the shootings. Something like 94% of shooters? (I'm going off memory)

So - we have a problem that really might be impossible to resolve. I guess we can employ mitigating factors. I dunno if there's any good answer.
You've lost me. ERPO is about individuals exhibiting homicidal/suicidal behavior. One person at a time. I'm not sure how statistical rarity of mass shootings factors into that at all.

If that's the case, LE can already act. What if the bad behavior is a Facebook post? You see how it is here OldLady. If I said "blaaah, you libtards need to be erased"! This place being what it is I would just end up on ignore, but if something reported that to their authorities what then? What if we turned this on black lives matter, remember "pigs in a blanket cry them like bacon"? I don't think they really meant that, but is that the type stuff we are talking about?
My understanding is that such an emergency order would be based on pretty substantial evidence to start with, Crixus. Why does everyone think judges and cops are so brainless? They've got more experience with nutty vs. pissed off people than you or I do, and for the evidentiary hearing within two weeks, it takes more evidence than that to show the person is homicidal or suicidal.
So this is what Trump said. Mike Pence says take ANYTHING that is dangerous. I gotta ask how this squares with Trumps claim to love the 2nd amendment and his promise to protect it, yet here he is trying to remove it, as well as the 4th amendment.

So I ask you die hard trumpkins, y'all good with this?

No. Are you good with the demoncraps doing the same thing?
My understanding is that such an emergency order would be based on pretty substantial evidence to start with, Crixus.
You mean like the evidence Obama's DOJ and FBI had they used to get FISA Warrants to spy on Trump's team....? This is the same govt whose CIA was forced to admit they illegally spied on US Senators and even USSC Justices....

Just Sayin'...
If we would quit doping up our kids, have men quit being feminists raising their kids, teaching them accountability and responsibilty, we wouldn't have the mess that we have .

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