Take the Tide pod challenge today!!!!!!

If I raised a kid that stupid, I'd tell him to eat the whole box.

You know Billy, it's not always stupidity that can cause teenagers to do stupid things, it can also be because of peer pressure and wanting to be in the "cool crowd".

Remember a few years back when they were trying to chug an entire gallon of milk? Most ended up puking their guts out after about a quart to half gallon. Nobody can chug an entire gallon of milk, there is too much there for the body to process.

And then, there was that other little gem called the cinnamon challenge, where kids tried to swallow an entire spoonful of cinnamon. Some injured themselves quite badly on that one as well, because they ended up inhaling the cinnamon and damaging their lungs.

In other words, they are dumber than posts, will grow up to be liberals, and we should let nature take its course!
How do they even think of these things to do?
How do they even think of these things to do?

You know, that is a very good question. Yes, when I was younger, I would do stupid dangerous things, but they were things that I had a fair chance of surviving or not getting hurt if I took proper precautions.

Used to jump bicycle, skateboard down long steep hills and other stupid things like that. But neither myself, nor any of the kids I grew up with would think that anything like the Tide pod, cinnamon or gallon of milk challenges would be anything to try.

Well.................maybe the gallon of milk challenge would have been attempted by some of the athletes I grew up with.

But definitely not the Tide pod challenge. I remember that when I was growing up, the whole idea was to NOT have to eat soap. (My Grandmother would make me suck on a soap bar when she caught me cussing. I learned quickly how to not cuss around her.)
How do they even think of these things to do?

You know, that is a very good question. Yes, when I was younger, I would do stupid dangerous things, but they were things that I had a fair chance of surviving or not getting hurt if I took proper precautions.

Used to jump bicycle, skateboard down long steep hills and other stupid things like that. But neither myself, nor any of the kids I grew up with would think that anything like the Tide pod, cinnamon or gallon of milk challenges would be anything to try.

Well.................maybe the gallon of milk challenge would have been attempted by some of the athletes I grew up with.

But definitely not the Tide pod challenge. I remember that when I was growing up, the whole idea was to NOT have to eat soap. (My Grandmother would make me suck on a soap bar when she caught me cussing. I learned quickly how to not cuss around her.)

It's shocking what they come up with.
Well, decades ago they were huffing and sniffing glue and gas. At least they got high. Do Tide pods make you high or something? What a spectacular moronic idea.

No, they don't make you high. They melt in your mouth and poison you. I think the reason they are doing this is to show they can put it in their mouth, take the selfie, and spit it out before the detergent leaks out.

I am
I would love to take this challenge, but I filled up on furniture polish earlier.

Sure I cant offer you a shot of chilled bleach for an after dinner drink?

What? No ammonia chaser?

You don't chase bleach with ammonia. You are supposed to drop the shot of bleach into a glass of ammonia like a boilermaker. Only it's not called that, it's called a janitor maker.

That would result in deadly Chlorine gas. :ack-1:
I liked the idiot that had his girlfriend shoot him in the chest with a .50 cal and expecting a book to stop the round for likes on youtube.

There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.
How do they even think of these things to do?

You know, that is a very good question. Yes, when I was younger, I would do stupid dangerous things, but they were things that I had a fair chance of surviving or not getting hurt if I took proper precautions.

Used to jump bicycle, skateboard down long steep hills and other stupid things like that. But neither myself, nor any of the kids I grew up with would think that anything like the Tide pod, cinnamon or gallon of milk challenges would be anything to try.

Well.................maybe the gallon of milk challenge would have been attempted by some of the athletes I grew up with.

But definitely not the Tide pod challenge. I remember that when I was growing up, the whole idea was to NOT have to eat soap. (My Grandmother would make me suck on a soap bar when she caught me cussing. I learned quickly how to not cuss around her.)

It's shocking what they come up with.

You know, when I was younger and we came up with stunts, usually it involved some skill set we were good at, or something athletic that we could do.

One of my stupid things that I used to like to do was riding down a certain part of road when I was stationed in Millington. Why? Because there was a big black dog that would try to catch me. I liked the chase on occasion, because it would help with my motivation (didn't want to get eaten).

But, that stopped when I read in Bicycling Magazine about how to stop a dog from chasing you. Simply grab your water bottle and squirt them in the face. Did that to the dog a week or so after I'd read the tip and caught him straight up the nose. He tried to skid to a halt, but we were doing about 25 mph, and instead he turned into a rolling ball of fur for a few yards.

He still liked to race me, but he did it far enough away from me that he was out of range of my water bottle.
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How do they even think of these things to do?

You know, that is a very good question. Yes, when I was younger, I would do stupid dangerous things, but they were things that I had a fair chance of surviving or not getting hurt if I took proper precautions.

Used to jump bicycle, skateboard down long steep hills and other stupid things like that. But neither myself, nor any of the kids I grew up with would think that anything like the Tide pod, cinnamon or gallon of milk challenges would be anything to try.

Well.................maybe the gallon of milk challenge would have been attempted by some of the athletes I grew up with.

But definitely not the Tide pod challenge. I remember that when I was growing up, the whole idea was to NOT have to eat soap. (My Grandmother would make me suck on a soap bar when she caught me cussing. I learned quickly how to not cuss around her.)
I can remember years ago when I was a kid, other kids would dare each other to do stupid stuff. Sniffing glue...
I liked the idiot that had his girlfriend shoot him in the chest with a .50 cal and expecting a book to stop the round for likes on youtube.

There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

Actually, the cinnamon challenge isn't as harmless as you think. And, there have been deaths that have been cause by the cinnamon challenge.

5 Reasons Not To Take The Cinnamon Challenge

. "Natural " is not always safe. Just because cinnamon is a naturally-occurring spice -- it's harvested from the dried bark of several Cinnamomum tree species -- doesn't mean it can't be harmful. Cinnamon is deemed safe for consumption as a food additive under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's classification of Generally Recognized As Safe, or GRAS, list. But the FDA is silent on spice inhalation.

2. Cinnamaldehyde rhymes with formaldehyde. The chemical that gives cinnamon its characteristic smell and zing is known as cinnamic aldehyde, or cinnamaldehyde. This means there's a part of the chemical that acts like formaldehyde that binds and "fixes" human tissue. Do you remember smelling formaldehyde in your high school biology class when dissecting some dead animal? That's what cinnamaldehyde can do in high concentrations. (Okay, I'm being overly dramatic here. It's #3 that's the biggest health problem).

3. Cinnamon is ground tree bark. So not only are you inhaling a tissue fixative, you're also inhaling powdered bark. That's why it's difficult to spit out or, more importantly, get out of your lungs. The cellulose matrix of tree bark acts like a sustained release medicine, but in this case releasing a painful and damaging chemical. The body cannot metabolize cellulose. That's probably okay for the stuff that's swallowed. It'll only burn tomorrow morning at potty time. But the stuff in the lungs is hard to expire. In my grandfather's day, inhaling coal dust led to a condition called black lung. In my father's day, people would get a lung cancer called mesothelioma from inhaling asbestos fibers. In 1984, a paper in the British Journal of Industrial Medicine detailed the lung disease and hair and weight loss in Sri Lankan spice workers who process cinnamon quills.

4. Only doing it once can trigger an asthma attack. Doing it once won't cause any of these chronic illnesses -- probably. This 1995 paper in the Indian Journal of Medical Research shows that rats given a single intratracheal dose of cinnamon powder can develop severe lung damage a month later. In humans, inhaling cinnamon powder even once could at least cause an asthma attack, or uncontrollable spasms and narrowing of the bronchioles. While I haven't yet seen any reports of deaths associated with the Cinnamon Challenge, I would never attempt doing this because I have a history of asthma and try to steer away from anything that might trigger a fatal asthma attack. In fact, I really don't care for non-fatal asthma attacks. You shouldn't either.

5. Just because you saw it on YouTube, does that mean you should do it?

That's what my generation is currently telling their kids.
Well, decades ago they were huffing and sniffing glue and gas. At least they got high. Do Tide pods make you high or something? What a spectacular moronic idea.

No, they don't make you high. They melt in your mouth and poison you. I think the reason they are doing this is to show they can put it in their mouth, take the selfie, and spit it out before the detergent leaks out.

I am
I would love to take this challenge, but I filled up on furniture polish earlier.

Sure I cant offer you a shot of chilled bleach for an after dinner drink?

What? No ammonia chaser?

You don't chase bleach with ammonia. You are supposed to drop the shot of bleach into a glass of ammonia like a boilermaker. Only it's not called that, it's called a janitor maker.

That would result in deadly Chlorine gas. :ack-1:

That's the idea!
How do they even think of these things to do?

You know, that is a very good question. Yes, when I was younger, I would do stupid dangerous things, but they were things that I had a fair chance of surviving or not getting hurt if I took proper precautions.

Used to jump bicycle, skateboard down long steep hills and other stupid things like that. But neither myself, nor any of the kids I grew up with would think that anything like the Tide pod, cinnamon or gallon of milk challenges would be anything to try.

Well.................maybe the gallon of milk challenge would have been attempted by some of the athletes I grew up with.

But definitely not the Tide pod challenge. I remember that when I was growing up, the whole idea was to NOT have to eat soap. (My Grandmother would make me suck on a soap bar when she caught me cussing. I learned quickly how to not cuss around her.)
I can remember years ago when I was a kid, other kids would dare each other to do stupid stuff. Sniffing glue...

You know, I heard that people would get high from doing that, but I was never interested. Got headaches if I worked on my plastic models too long.
I liked the idiot that had his girlfriend shoot him in the chest with a .50 cal and expecting a book to stop the round for likes on youtube.

There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

When I was a kid we built huge ramps and dared each other to make the leap on BMX bikes.
My best was 15 trash cans with a landing ramp.
Dangerous? Oh hell yes!! Saw many a broken collar bone and or arm.
But at least you had some input on the outcome.
How do they even think of these things to do?

You know, that is a very good question. Yes, when I was younger, I would do stupid dangerous things, but they were things that I had a fair chance of surviving or not getting hurt if I took proper precautions.

Used to jump bicycle, skateboard down long steep hills and other stupid things like that. But neither myself, nor any of the kids I grew up with would think that anything like the Tide pod, cinnamon or gallon of milk challenges would be anything to try.

Well.................maybe the gallon of milk challenge would have been attempted by some of the athletes I grew up with.

But definitely not the Tide pod challenge. I remember that when I was growing up, the whole idea was to NOT have to eat soap. (My Grandmother would make me suck on a soap bar when she caught me cussing. I learned quickly how to not cuss around her.)
I can remember years ago when I was a kid, other kids would dare each other to do stupid stuff. Sniffing glue...

You know, I heard that people would get high from doing that, but I was never interested. Got headaches if I worked on my plastic models too long.
It did enough stupid stuff in my life without taking dares or challenges.
Hopped many a Train. Jumped from car to car on top. Roamed around. Very hard to get into a Box car. Easiest way on was to grab external ladders.

Jumped off when moving (slow spots) to try to catch the next one going back to "starting". Start was a slower spot around a curve, near home. Group of friends all did it.......one guy died later on so I heard after we all got older and moved on. He was never with us. Maybe 5-8 friends? Some got left behind? Oh the shame.

Yes, we were generally doped up or drinking or holding something for the ride. Nights too.

We would jump on Caboose and beat on the guys door and he would come out crazy while we called names and jumped.
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