Take the Tide pod challenge today!!!!!!

There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

Do you think this is a modern problem? I remember kids wanting to play 'chicken' with cars, playing games with knives, etc. This could be a modern iteration of an age-old human instinct to limit population by misdirecting pre-adults into doing life-threatening actions believing they are invincible. The military is a good example. Fran kly, although it looks and sounds absurd to put a Tide-pod in your mouth, and, may be deadly, it may be just the modern version of what Teens have been doing for centuries.

Frankly, I'd like to know what these kids' families are like. Perhaps Father Nature has a way of limiting imbeciles or flawed human beings this way.
I liked the idiot that had his girlfriend shoot him in the chest with a .50 cal and expecting a book to stop the round for likes on youtube.

You would have thought that he would have at least checked what would happen first by firing at a phone book that was mounted to a board. Just thinking it would work without testing it on something that won't die first gets him a Darwin Award.

They didnt even have to do that.
A simple youtube search would have told them the folly of their actions.
Or they could have asked anyone with basic firearms knowledge.
There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

Do you think this is a modern problem? I remember kids wanting to play 'chicken' with cars, playing games with knives, etc. This could be a modern iteration of an age-old human instinct to limit population by misdirecting pre-adults into doing life-threatening actions believing they are invincible. The military is a good example. Fran kly, although it looks and sounds absurd to put a Tide-pod in your mouth, and, may be deadly, it may be just the modern version of what Teens have been doing for centuries.

Frankly, I'd like to know what these kids' families are like. Perhaps Father Nature has a way of limiting imbeciles or flawed human beings this way.

Chicken and mumbly-peg are two games that I would NEVER play. Why? Although I trusted my skills, it was the other person I was worried about.

Besides..................all my life I've done things only if I have a 90 percent chance of surviving it. Been skydiving, scuba diving and all sorts of other cool things, but I would ALWAYS weigh the odds of success and survival.

Sucking on a Tide pod only gets maybe a 25 percent chance of not getting hurt at best.
There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

Do you think this is a modern problem? I remember kids wanting to play 'chicken' with cars, playing games with knives, etc. This could be a modern iteration of an age-old human instinct to limit population by misdirecting pre-adults into doing life-threatening actions believing they are invincible. The military is a good example. Fran kly, although it looks and sounds absurd to put a Tide-pod in your mouth, and, may be deadly, it may be just the modern version of what Teens have been doing for centuries.

Frankly, I'd like to know what these kids' families are like. Perhaps Father Nature has a way of limiting imbeciles or flawed human beings this way.

Chicken and mumbly-peg are two games that I would NEVER play. Why? Although I trusted my skills, it was the other person I was worried about.

Besides..................all my life I've done things only if I have a 90 percent chance of surviving it. Been skydiving, scuba diving and all sorts of other cool things, but I would ALWAYS weigh the odds of success and survival.

Sucking on a Tide pod only gets maybe a 25 percent chance of not getting hurt at best.

Understood....We all knew that back then but....What has happened to youth today?
There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

Do you think this is a modern problem? I remember kids wanting to play 'chicken' with cars, playing games with knives, etc. This could be a modern iteration of an age-old human instinct to limit population by misdirecting pre-adults into doing life-threatening actions believing they are invincible. The military is a good example. Fran kly, although it looks and sounds absurd to put a Tide-pod in your mouth, and, may be deadly, it may be just the modern version of what Teens have been doing for centuries.

Frankly, I'd like to know what these kids' families are like. Perhaps Father Nature has a way of limiting imbeciles or flawed human beings this way.
I think it has always been around, but it’s compounded by social media.
Hopped many a Train. Jumped from car to car on top. Roamed around. Very hard to get into a Box car. Easiest way on was to grab external ladders.

Jumped off when moving (slow spots) to try to catch the next one going back to "starting". Start was a slower spot around a curve, near home. Group of friends all did it.......one guy died later on so I heard after we all got older and moved on. He was never with us. Maybe 5-8 friends? Some got left behind? Oh the shame.

Yes, we were generally doped up or drinking or holding something for the ride. Nights too.

We would jump on Caboose and beat on the guys door and he would come out crazy while we called names and jumped.

We used to jump the train on I-10 heading west to go visit buddies from school.
After a few times of getting our asses whooped our parents relented and gave us a ride.
There have been a lot of “challenges” going around. Some of them harmless for the most part like the cinimmon challenge in which has something to do with swallowing a mouth full cinimmon in less than one minute. Some of very dangerous like the set yourself on fire challenge.

Do you think this is a modern problem? I remember kids wanting to play 'chicken' with cars, playing games with knives, etc. This could be a modern iteration of an age-old human instinct to limit population by misdirecting pre-adults into doing life-threatening actions believing they are invincible. The military is a good example. Fran kly, although it looks and sounds absurd to put a Tide-pod in your mouth, and, may be deadly, it may be just the modern version of what Teens have been doing for centuries.

Frankly, I'd like to know what these kids' families are like. Perhaps Father Nature has a way of limiting imbeciles or flawed human beings this way.

Chicken and mumbly-peg are two games that I would NEVER play. Why? Although I trusted my skills, it was the other person I was worried about.

Besides..................all my life I've done things only if I have a 90 percent chance of surviving it. Been skydiving, scuba diving and all sorts of other cool things, but I would ALWAYS weigh the odds of success and survival.

Sucking on a Tide pod only gets maybe a 25 percent chance of not getting hurt at best.

Understood....We all knew that back then but....What has happened to youth today?

Apparently, they are so hell bent on achieving some kind of fame, they are willing to hurt or kill themselves for said fame.

While it would be nice to think that we were smarter when we were younger, remember this........................my generation didn't have internet where you could broadcast your stupidity to the world. Today's does, and it's that instant fame they are looking for that I would say is the cause.
You gotta freaking be kidding me. I just heard this on the nightly news, and had to go look it up myself online. Seems that now, kids are daring each other to take the Tide pod challenge by putting one in their mouth and taking a selfie to prove they did.

I'm not kidding................this is a real thing, even Snopes verifies that teenagers are really this stupid.

Don't they realize that the plastic that coats those things isn't really plastic, but a solid coating that dissolves in water? As soon as it contacts the saliva in your mouth, it's gonna melt and start leaking. There has even been a death associated with this.

Please, talk to your kids and tell them this is a bad idea. If necessary, show them how quickly one dissolves in a glass of water, as well as remind them that the coating itself is toxic as well.

Teens are daring each other to eat Tide pods. We don't need to tell you that's a bad idea.

Being cool is about doing things sensible people wouldn't do.
You gotta freaking be kidding me. I just heard this on the nightly news, and had to go look it up myself online. Seems that now, kids are daring each other to take the Tide pod challenge by putting one in their mouth and taking a selfie to prove they did.

I'm not kidding................this is a real thing, even Snopes verifies that teenagers are really this stupid.

Don't they realize that the plastic that coats those things isn't really plastic, but a solid coating that dissolves in water? As soon as it contacts the saliva in your mouth, it's gonna melt and start leaking. There has even been a death associated with this.

Please, talk to your kids and tell them this is a bad idea. If necessary, show them how quickly one dissolves in a glass of water, as well as remind them that the coating itself is toxic as well.

Teens are daring each other to eat Tide pods. We don't need to tell you that's a bad idea.

Being cool is about doing things sensible people wouldn't do.

I disagree.
Being cool was doing things where bodily harm was likely yet pulling it off without injury.
Eating dishwashing detergent wouldnt have applied in my youth.
You'd be the paste eating butt of jokes for years.
I would love to take this challenge, but I filled up on furniture polish earlier.

Sure I cant offer you a shot of chilled bleach for an after dinner drink?

What? No ammonia chaser?

Awwww hell no!!!!
Everyone knows you follow up with hydrochloric acid!!!
It's not just for pool maintenance ya know.

That's the next drink, if you survive the others!
You gotta freaking be kidding me. I just heard this on the nightly news, and had to go look it up myself online. Seems that now, kids are daring each other to take the Tide pod challenge by putting one in their mouth and taking a selfie to prove they did.

I'm not kidding................this is a real thing, even Snopes verifies that teenagers are really this stupid.

Don't they realize that the plastic that coats those things isn't really plastic, but a solid coating that dissolves in water? As soon as it contacts the saliva in your mouth, it's gonna melt and start leaking. There has even been a death associated with this.

Please, talk to your kids and tell them this is a bad idea. If necessary, show them how quickly one dissolves in a glass of water, as well as remind them that the coating itself is toxic as well.

Teens are daring each other to eat Tide pods. We don't need to tell you that's a bad idea.
Progressives will do anything for attention
You gotta freaking be kidding me. I just heard this on the nightly news, and had to go look it up myself online. Seems that now, kids are daring each other to take the Tide pod challenge by putting one in their mouth and taking a selfie to prove they did.

I'm not kidding................this is a real thing, even Snopes verifies that teenagers are really this stupid.

Don't they realize that the plastic that coats those things isn't really plastic, but a solid coating that dissolves in water? As soon as it contacts the saliva in your mouth, it's gonna melt and start leaking. There has even been a death associated with this.

Please, talk to your kids and tell them this is a bad idea. If necessary, show them how quickly one dissolves in a glass of water, as well as remind them that the coating itself is toxic as well.

Teens are daring each other to eat Tide pods. We don't need to tell you that's a bad idea.

Being cool is about doing things sensible people wouldn't do.
Like voting for Hillary.
I would love to take this challenge, but I filled up on furniture polish earlier.

Sure I cant offer you a shot of chilled bleach for an after dinner drink?

What? No ammonia chaser?

Awwww hell no!!!!
Everyone knows you follow up with hydrochloric acid!!!
It's not just for pool maintenance ya know.

That's the next drink, if you survive the others!

Millennials are poison proof dont ya know.
How could any parent ever think to warn their teenage kid about the dangers of eating dish detergent? Wtf??

I can only guess these retards are future democrat voters. smh
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I would love to take this challenge, but I filled up on furniture polish earlier.

Sure I cant offer you a shot of chilled bleach for an after dinner drink?

What? No ammonia chaser?

Awwww hell no!!!!
Everyone knows you follow up with hydrochloric acid!!!
It's not just for pool maintenance ya know.

That's the next drink, if you survive the others!

It should be the first item in progressive bars.
Two liberal chemistry students walk into a bar. The first one tells the bartender, "I'll just have a glass of H2O." The second student says, "I'll have a glass of H2O too!"

The second student dies.

*********Good one.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H 2O 2. In its pure form, it is a pale blue, clear liquid, slightly more viscous than water. Hydrogen peroxide is the simplest peroxide.

Formula: H2O2
Molar mass: 34.0147 g/mol
IUPAC ID: hydrogen peroxide
Density: 1.45 g/cm³
Boiling point: 302.4°F (150.2°C)
Melting point: 31.23°F (-0.43°C)
You gotta freaking be kidding me. I just heard this on the nightly news, and had to go look it up myself online. Seems that now, kids are daring each other to take the Tide pod challenge by putting one in their mouth and taking a selfie to prove they did.

I'm not kidding................this is a real thing, even Snopes verifies that teenagers are really this stupid.

Don't they realize that the plastic that coats those things isn't really plastic, but a solid coating that dissolves in water? As soon as it contacts the saliva in your mouth, it's gonna melt and start leaking. There has even been a death associated with this.

Please, talk to your kids and tell them this is a bad idea. If necessary, show them how quickly one dissolves in a glass of water, as well as remind them that the coating itself is toxic as well.

Teens are daring each other to eat Tide pods. We don't need to tell you that's a bad idea.


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