Takeaway from Biden's debate.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
What kind of government would use suitcases to elect a leader that is a walking robot? If you saw that happen you are not wrong. You remember from school that Russia was bad. Those posters on the wall of your classroom with Russia's missiles vs. ours were there to warn us that what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki could vaporize all of your hopes and dreams because the adults in charge hated each other so much. If your leaders are failing and they are seen to be failing they will attack anyone and anything that exposes their failures. So when Trump came out of nowhere saying that leadership had failed the first reaction was to connect him with Russia because everyone knows that Russia is bad. It didn't need to be true because truth over facts is their truth.

If you have not noticed that the press in your country has become an attack dog for your government not a watchdog for your freedoms and liberties, you are wearing the beer goggles of established Washington power. Your emotional hysterics against the government-attacking impudence of a former US president was placed there by controlled gaslighting and it is a sad thing to watch. "All I know is that I hate Donald Trump!" You say that like it's a chant! You are willing to corrupt the entire system with "suitcase" elections because the greater good is to keep established power where it is. Spoiler alert, the Great Society failed. The bureaucrats and politicians have all the money and power and you struggle to make ends meet.

According to your Washington power structure, the reason for your predicament is because you are racist, sexist, and intolerant. You see, it is you who are are at fault, not failed Washington policies. You elected a bad man in 2016 because you are ignorant and uneducated! You should just take your lumps and be quiet before the FBI comes knocking on your door.

The pathetic stooge you watched on stage last night is your last chance to preserve "new" democracy. That other guy is an "expudenshal" threat to world peace and a stable climate! The government says so and the government has only your best interest in mind right after the bank accounts of the government bureaucrats.

Now go away and let the gifted educated leadership do its job. Sound good? Well, I guess we are done here then.

Carry on,

Joe Palpatine got lit up by Trump

What kind of government would use suitcases to elect a leader that is a walking robot? If you saw that happen you are not wrong. You remember from school that Russia was bad. Those posters on the wall of your classroom with Russia's missiles vs. ours were there to warn us that what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki could vaporize all of your hopes and dreams because the adults in charge hated each other so much. If your leaders are failing and they are seen to be failing they will attack anyone and anything that exposes their failures. So when Trump came out of nowhere saying that leadership had failed the first reaction was to connect him with Russia because everyone knows that Russia is bad. It didn't need to be true because truth over facts is their truth.

If you have not noticed that the press in your country has become an attack dog for your government not a watchdog for your freedoms and liberties, you are wearing the beer goggles of established Washington power. Your emotional hysterics against the government-attacking impudence of a former US president was placed there by controlled gaslighting and it is a sad thing to watch. "All I know is that I hate Donald Trump!" You say that like it's a chant! You are willing to corrupt the entire system with "suitcase" elections because the greater good is to keep established power where it is. Spoiler alert, the Great Society failed. The bureaucrats and politicians have all the money and power and you struggle to make ends meet.

According to your Washington power structure, the reason for your predicament is because you are racist, sexist, and intolerant. You see, it is you who are are at fault, not failed Washington policies. You elected a bad man in 2016 because you are ignorant and uneducated! You should just take your lumps and be quiet before the FBI comes knocking on your door.

The pathetic stooge you watched on stage last night is your last chance to preserve "new" democracy. That other guy is an "expudenshal" threat to world peace and a stable climate! The government says so and the government has only your best interest in mind right after the bank accounts of the government bureaucrats.

Now go away and let the gifted educated leadership do its job. Sound good? Well, I guess we are done here then.

Carry on,

In 2020 the "deep state" and MSM got Biden elected by lying to voters.

Now Biden's open borders let 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russian, and thousands of criminals and terrorists, including ISIS into the US.

Biden and the Deep State are a National Security disaster for the US and need to be removed.
I guess everyone liked the golf banter. I didn't watch the debate, but when they were challenging each other, did Biden look off stage to his wife as if to say, "Hey Jill, bring me my penis. He wants to measure dicks!"


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