Taking 90%...

90%?? That's what FDR was taxing many companies during the GD.

Any wonder that it took WWII to get the country back??

She ain't to bright.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
Yes, Americans are so lazy and entitled, they feel it is a right to punish the successful to keep their unambitious asses happy.
We know.
Usually I get the gist of your comments, but you just used a huge brush to paint a lot of folks in this country in an unfair, disparaging manner. Go right ahead and have at it then. Doesn't change the fact that the wealth gap is real.
When did Americans lose the distrust of concentrated generational wealth we had for most of our history? Somehow we forgot that an aristocracy is a terrible danger to democracy. The People trying to take the power back from this rotten plutocracy is as American as apple pie.
90%?? That's what FDR was taxing many companies during the GD.

Any wonder that it took WWII to get the country back??

She ain't to bright.
Listen you stupid shits. Now that the rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes, your taxes are going to go up.

In Michigan some politician is talking about a 50 cent per gallon gas tax to fix the roads. They say they have to raise our taxes. We don’t have any money.

No shit we don’t have any money. From Reagan to trump we’ve been giving the rich and corporations tax break after tax break.

Also consider this. It’s their trucks using our roads hauling their shit to their stores that’s tearing up our roads.
Of the successful’s money. When will people realize that tax money never leaves Washington DC...

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: 'We've had it as high as 90 percent'
Democrats want to control all of our money. It will go into a federal bank and you will be told how much of it is left after they pilfer most of it. Maybe you might be able to afford catfood. They want everyone on food stamps.

Also, Democrats want to kill children. They want to be able to decide once a child is born whether or not it should be allowed to live. Anyone who dared to point this out came under attack by these liars.

They want to bring in millions of illegals to eat up our Social Security benefits. Before Obama became president they were calling us insane for even mentioning this possibility.

They want us to stay in never-ending wars. Congress just voted to stop Trump from pulling us out of Syria. This is most of Congress, not just Democraps.

They want to raise the cost of living so much that you cannot survive without government assistance.The whole time Obama was president he was writing regulations that intentionally raised the price of everything...essentially a tax on everyone, not just the rich.

This is why they wanted to take our guns. So that when we become another Venezuela we can't come and get them.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
The economy is better served by a thousand millionaires than one billionaire. Quit believing that what is good for billionaires is good for us rabble.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
The economy is better served by a thousand millionaires than one billionaire. Quit believing that what is good for billionaires is good for us rabble.
never said what i believed, now did i? you just don't see me go YEA!!! like a fucking idiot, ergo i must believe opposite of you.

THAT is some of the MOST fucked up shit going on these days.

now - i don't really care how many we have one way or another or where they are. if they earned their money, THEY EARNED IT. the "rabble" can stop being a bunch of whiney bitches and figure out how to better their skillset and earn more money.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.

They don't even have to permanently move.
The rich can have many residences in many countries, because they are rich.
The rich can create business offices in many countries, because they are rich.
The rich can work for $1 a year and take deferred compensation, because they are rich.

There is nothing libs can do about it.
Libs will raise spending higher and higher and the middle class will have to pick up more and more of the tab.
Here's how marginal tax rates work:

Never mind.
I know, right? Tried explaining to someone why a flat tax is regressive and would not replace the current revenues we have coming in now...
Oh a flat tax COULD be revenue neutral...but it would have to be higher even than what most middle income earners now pay and of course would be far below the effective rate that the wealthy now pay (which is the point of course).

In other words ANOTHER massive wealth shift upwards
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
Yes, Americans are so lazy and entitled, they feel it is a right to punish the successful to keep their unambitious asses happy.
We know.
Usually I get the gist of your comments, but you just used a huge brush to paint a lot of folks in this country in an unfair, disparaging manner. Go right ahead and have at it then. Doesn't change the fact that the wealth gap is real.
To some, the truth is disparaging.
No one should have to work to have a majority of their money given to someone else.
Its big govt bullshit
To some, the truth is disparaging.
No one should have to work to have a majority of their money given to someone else.
Its big govt bullshit

"Majority of their money"?

You don't have a clue as to how marginal tax rates work do you?
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.

They don't even have to permanently move.
The rich can have many residences in many countries, because they are rich.
The rich can create business offices in many countries, because they are rich.
The rich can work for $1 a year and take deferred compensation, because they are rich.

There is nothing libs can do about it.
Libs will raise spending higher and higher and the middle class will have to pick up more and more of the tab.
they continue to attack this mythical "rich" because it makes the "riff raff" happy in that maybe there's a robin hood out there with their name on his ass.

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