Taking 90%...

they continue to attack this mythical "rich" because it makes the "riff raff" happy in that maybe there's a robin hood out there with their name on his ass.

There's nothing "mythical" about the rich.

The top 1/10 of one percent own 25% of all of the wealth of the nation

They are very real and very rich
they continue to attack this mythical "rich" because it makes the "riff raff" happy in that maybe there's a robin hood out there with their name on his ass.

There's nothing "mythical" about the rich.

The top 1/10 of one percent own 25% of all of the wealth of the nation

They are very real and very rich
Must have worked hard.
Of the successful’s money. When will people realize that tax money never leaves Washington DC...

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: 'We've had it as high as 90 percent'
/----/ Someone should tell these Commies that if all you do is confiscate wealth then the wealthy will just stop earning the money. What then?
Someone should tell these Commies that if all you do is confiscate wealth then the wealthy will just stop earning the money.

You mean like they did in the 50s when the top rate was 90%...or all the way up to the 80s when it was 70%.

Oh wait that didn't happen. They didn't go anywhere...they were still rich...and we had a vibrant middle class

they continue to attack this mythical "rich" because it makes the "riff raff" happy in that maybe there's a robin hood out there with their name on his ass.

There's nothing "mythical" about the rich.

The top 1/10 of one percent own 25% of all of the wealth of the nation

They are very real and very rich
Must have worked hard.
You dope...almost all of them "inherited hard"
they continue to attack this mythical "rich" because it makes the "riff raff" happy in that maybe there's a robin hood out there with their name on his ass.

There's nothing "mythical" about the rich.

The top 1/10 of one percent own 25% of all of the wealth of the nation

They are very real and very rich
Must have worked hard.
You dope...almost all of them "inherited hard"
Thats why they deserve to get punished.
You must be important to know so many billionaires and shit
You parroting dumbfuck
they continue to attack this mythical "rich" because it makes the "riff raff" happy in that maybe there's a robin hood out there with their name on his ass.

There's nothing "mythical" about the rich.

The top 1/10 of one percent own 25% of all of the wealth of the nation

They are very real and very rich
the myth is that they are evil and should be forced to pay for what i want for no other reason than they're rich, and i want it.

that shit is so fucking old.
Of the successful’s money. When will people realize that tax money never leaves Washington DC...

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: 'We've had it as high as 90 percent'
/----/ Someone should tell these Commies that if all you do is confiscate wealth then the wealthy will just stop earning the money. What then?
Someone should tell these Commies that if all you do is confiscate wealth then the wealthy will just stop earning the money.

You mean like they did in the 50s when the top rate was 90%...or all the way up to the 80s when it was 70%.

Oh wait that didn't happen. They didn't go anywhere...they were still rich...and we had a vibrant middle class

Got to love crazy. Every idiot points to old federal income tax data and goes we can go back to that. The problem with that is they fail to look at the state taxes which have climbed into the stratosphere with states wanting to go even higher. As an example California wanting to tax texts.

Liberals tend to look at something and think it is a good idea then proceed to build around making the case. They never tend to look at possible downsides that may sink that case.
90%?? That's what FDR was taxing many companies during the GD.

Any wonder that it took WWII to get the country back??

She ain't to bright.
Listen you stupid shits. Now that the rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes, your taxes are going to go up.

In Michigan some politician is talking about a 50 cent per gallon gas tax to fix the roads. They say they have to raise our taxes. We don’t have any money.

No shit we don’t have any money. From Reagan to trump we’ve been giving the rich and corporations tax break after tax break.

Also consider this. It’s their trucks using our roads hauling their shit to their stores that’s tearing up our roads.
Trucks pay lots of taxes
90%?? That's what FDR was taxing many companies during the GD.

Any wonder that it took WWII to get the country back??

She ain't to bright.
A couple of decades ago I read an article that someone wrote spouting if we could have gotten out of the Great Depression by having WW 2 and building weapons to have employment, could we have had gotten out of the Great Depression by following easy money agendas in a domestic economic way building products for a consumer driven society to have employment instead.
When did Americans lose the distrust of concentrated generational wealth we had for most of our history? Somehow we forgot that an aristocracy is a terrible danger to democracy. The People trying to take the power back from this rotten plutocracy is as American as apple pie.

You must be thinking about the concentrated generational wealth in Washington DC. They do very very well for each other there. Take a public service job and end up being a multi multi millionaire. Look no further than Bill Clinton.... they do very well for each other there indeed.

Rich people in the general public are comprised of people who started businesses or created things and became successful. If you dont like living in a society that gives you choices, abundance and the ability to take an idea and run with it, then by all means bring down the system, attack the rich. Eventually the target wont be people with 50 million in assets, it will become those with 20... and then 10 and then 5 . That will occur after the government isnt able to promise everything due to their ineptness and needs someone else to blame. It happens every time. Again, just take a look at Venezuela .

I'm beginning to hate these communists and socialist muchh more, especially the ones who enjoy the benefits of living in a free open society that gives them the ability to succeed, then doing their very best to ensure no one born after them will ever achieve or see those same possibilities in life.
Rich people in the general public are comprised of people who started businesses or created things and became successful.

BULLSHIT. The vast majority of them INHERITED their wealth.

And how their families got the money to inherit is often pretty sordid
90%?? That's what FDR was taxing many companies during the GD.

Any wonder that it took WWII to get the country back??

She ain't to bright.
Listen you stupid shits. Now that the rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes, your taxes are going to go up.

In Michigan some politician is talking about a 50 cent per gallon gas tax to fix the roads. They say they have to raise our taxes. We don’t have any money.

No shit we don’t have any money. From Reagan to trump we’ve been giving the rich and corporations tax break after tax break.

Also consider this. It’s their trucks using our roads hauling their shit to their stores that’s tearing up our roads.

And you're buying all that stuff.
90%?? That's what FDR was taxing many companies during the GD.

Any wonder that it took WWII to get the country back??

She ain't to bright.
Listen you stupid shits. Now that the rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes, your taxes are going to go up.

In Michigan some politician is talking about a 50 cent per gallon gas tax to fix the roads. They say they have to raise our taxes. We don’t have any money.

No shit we don’t have any money. From Reagan to trump we’ve been giving the rich and corporations tax break after tax break.

Also consider this. It’s their trucks using our roads hauling their shit to their stores that’s tearing up our roads.
Taxes never help average American... Any federal taxes never leave DC
If you are unwilling to tax the wealthy...STOP bitching about the debt and STOP trying to take MORE away from the middle class and poor.

It's that fucking simple
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
The economy is better served by a thousand millionaires than one billionaire. Quit believing that what is good for billionaires is good for us rabble.
Overly simplistic solutions never work.
Historically Socialism lives off of the backs of the middle-class. The rich get richer and the middle - class becomes poor.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
The economy is better served by a thousand millionaires than one billionaire. Quit believing that what is good for billionaires is good for us rabble.
How much or how little anyone makes is no one else’s business, and certainly none of the federal governments business

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