Taking 90%...

Of the successful’s money. When will people realize that tax money never leaves Washington DC...

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: 'We've had it as high as 90 percent'
If you have to lie to make your point you HAVE no point.

He's not proposing a 90% tax...certainly not "taking 90% of the wealth" of the rich...he's saying that we HAD a 90% tax in the past and survived
Federal tax money never leaves DC
Here's how marginal tax rates work:

Never mind.
I know, right? Tried explaining to someone why a flat tax is regressive and would not replace the current revenues we have coming in now...
Oh a flat tax COULD be revenue neutral...but it would have to be higher even than what most middle income earners now pay and of course would be far below the effective rate that the wealthy now pay (which is the point of course).

In other words ANOTHER massive wealth shift upwards
Any sort of redistribution helps nobody but career politicians/deep state so shut the fuck up
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Of the successful’s money. When will people realize that tax money never leaves Washington DC...

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: 'We've had it as high as 90 percent'
If you have to lie to make your point you HAVE no point.

He's not proposing a 90% tax...certainly not "taking 90% of the wealth" of the rich...he's saying that we HAD a 90% tax in the past and survived
Federal tax money never leaves DC
You were ignored the first time you posted that stupid shit.

What do you think Federal loans are?

You are SO fucking wrong it's mind boggling
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
The economy is better served by a thousand millionaires than one billionaire. Quit believing that what is good for billionaires is good for us rabble.
Overly simplistic solutions never work.
Historically Socialism lives off of the backs of the middle-class. The rich get richer and the middle - class becomes poor.
the rich are always going to be rich. the constant assault on them and the fact that only so much $ will ever come "back down" has shifted the burden to the upper middle class and that is also falling.

we just need to quit spending so much money and giving shit away. get back to running the country, not our lives.
Of the successful’s money. When will people realize that tax money never leaves Washington DC...

Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for sharp tax increases on the wealthy: 'We've had it as high as 90 percent'
If you have to lie to make your point you HAVE no point.

He's not proposing a 90% tax...certainly not "taking 90% of the wealth" of the rich...he's saying that we HAD a 90% tax in the past and survived
Federal tax money never leaves DC
You were ignored the first time you posted that stupid shit.

What do you think Federal loans are?

You are SO fucking wrong it's mind boggling
Only fools depend on the collective
Here's how marginal tax rates work:

Never mind.
I know, right? Tried explaining to someone why a flat tax is regressive and would not replace the current revenues we have coming in now...
Oh a flat tax COULD be revenue neutral...but it would have to be higher even than what most middle income earners now pay and of course would be far below the effective rate that the wealthy now pay (which is the point of course).

In other words ANOTHER massive wealth shift upwards
Any sort of redistribution hopes nobody but career politicians/deep state so shut the fuck up
what these idiots call the "Deep State" is really the norms and stabilization that keeps this nation on an even keel instead of swinging between one dictator to another like third world countries.

Idiots like above favor anarchy...because in anarchy it's so fucking easy to STEAL
When did Americans lose the distrust of concentrated generational wealth we had for most of our history? Somehow we forgot that an aristocracy is a terrible danger to democracy. The People trying to take the power back from this rotten plutocracy is as American as apple pie.
The aristocrats have been brainwashing republicans for decades. It's a long term project that is finally bearing fruit.
Read up kiddies. Sooner or later, the riff raff will get restless.

Wealth inequality in the United States - Wikipedia
and sooner or later the "rich" will say "fuck you" and move.

then who ya gonna tax?

how come our government never says "wow, we need to look at what we're spending and cut back"? wait, trump did that coming in. he turned around and spent a fuck-ton so that didn't help in the end to this point. but if we're having money issues we need to stop buying shit and giving resources away.
The economy is better served by a thousand millionaires than one billionaire. Quit believing that what is good for billionaires is good for us rabble.
So you won’t be sad to lose all the billionaires?
If you are unwilling to tax the wealthy...STOP bitching about the debt and STOP trying to take MORE away from the middle class and poor.

It's that fucking simple
The debt is made of socialist entitlement programs... A born failure.
so shut the fuck up
Here's how marginal tax rates work:

Never mind.
I know, right? Tried explaining to someone why a flat tax is regressive and would not replace the current revenues we have coming in now...
Oh a flat tax COULD be revenue neutral...but it would have to be higher even than what most middle income earners now pay and of course would be far below the effective rate that the wealthy now pay (which is the point of course).

In other words ANOTHER massive wealth shift upwards
Any sort of redistribution hopes nobody but career politicians/deep state so shut the fuck up
what these idiots call the "Deep State" is really the norms and stabilization that keeps this nation on an even keel instead of swinging between one dictator to another like third world countries.

Idiots like above favor anarchy...because in anarchy it's so fucking easy to STEAL
The deep state is very real… And this is their goal
Here's how marginal tax rates work:

Never mind.
Any type of progressive tax is wrong headed... It’s punishment of the successful
As opposed to punishment of the UNsuccessful...
The Unsuccessful will always be unsuccessful… It’s a personal problem and a character flaw
Ya get it folks?

This fucking idiot is saying that if you ain't rich...you're lazy and stupid
Na, If you’re unsuccessful you are lazy that’s what I’m saying.
If you are unwilling to tax the wealthy...STOP bitching about the debt and STOP trying to take MORE away from the middle class and poor.

It's that fucking simple
The debt is made of socialist entitlement programs... A born failure.
so shut the fuck up


Tell the Leftists to show you what % of GDP was taken in by taxes when the rate was 90%, and 70%, and then today-)

Then ask them to show you what % of paid tax was paid by the bottom 50% back then, and today, lol.

Then ask them if they want to go by the numbers, and like those tax rates so much, lets regigger it so the SAME people pay the same % today, and watch them scream-)

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