Taking Advantage Of The Beheading

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

And it's those on the right hostile to Islam who seek to take advantage of this crime.

tom sweetnam said:
Do you even think before you splat your bildge? Tell me creep, just what facet of this horrible crime is it that you see as justified...by Islam? Or are you just an ignorant street variety racist who hates white people no matter what?

Actually, he's just a goddamned one-trick-pony moron is all he is.

He says the same thing in every post, pretty much.

Easily the most uninteresting, unintellectual poster I've seen on the USMB.
see, and i felt just the opposite. he does a good job of labeling and pointing out logical fallacies. we should all strive to be better thinkers, and not fall for fallcies like the one in the op

I don't think you even know what a goddamned logical fallacy is, you retard.

I'm not convinced you know much of anything at all, matter of fact.
lol. now i understand why you don't like someone pointing out poor reasoning.
Islam is to be spread by force per its doctrine and such force is evidenced all over the world today.

Judeo-Christian religions ? Not so much.

The is no such thing as the judeo christer religion

But there is a Judeo Christian ethic, or else pond scum, like yourself would have been dispatched long ago!
Same thing happened after Oklahoma City bombing except it was baptists handing out pro-christian propaganda.


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Don't we have freedom of religion?

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

And it's those on the right hostile to Islam who seek to take advantage of this crime.

I can't imagine being such a complete partisan idealogue as to ascribe resistance to Islamism in terms of left and right.

If various individuals on the left are too stupid to understand that Islamists stand diametrically opposed to every liberal value imaginable, that is their problem, but this really shouldn't be a case where only righties oppose Islamism. It should be a case where anybody with enough sense to realize that the jackboot of Islamism is entirely inimical to western values opposes it.
This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

And it's those on the right hostile to Islam who seek to take advantage of this crime.
Just another of a slew of lefty dichotomies. Ask the typical white lefty how 'diverse' his all white neighborhood is. Watch lefties come to the defense of all blacks in the name of blackness while those blacks regularly attend churches opposed to abortion, homo marriage and homos in general. Watch the lefties disparage legit criticism of Islam as islamaphobia even though the most conservative evangelicals, who are left of moderate muslims, are free game for disparagement by lefties.
The list is long.
Hey liberals: What's the appeal of Islam to the mentally disturbed?
All religions offer hope, a code to live by, something better to believe in when things might be shitty for yourself. Gotta believe that has something to do with it

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