Taking "credit" for Carrier???

The biggest difference is that the Barry O"Bama administration played no part in the NY state offer.

So, Obama had nothing to do with a state issue....but Trump, as president-elect, has everything to do with a state issue????

No one stopped Barry from trying to keep Carrier in the US, now did they leftist spinner?

Trump, not even in office yet, intervened and GOT THE JOB DONE.

That, leftist mouth breathing knuckle dragging spinner, is leadership. Now, go peddle your snake oil someplace else.

Trump can't have done the job because he has no authority over Indiana state taxation policy.
Happened on his watch.....

I credit President Obama
Lets face it!!!

Carrier wanted to shift most of its production to Monterey, Mexico where workers earn $3 per hour, versus $26 per hour from an Indianapolis US worker......THAT economic reality is beyond debate and only the abolishing of "free trade" and the imposition of high import taxes could ever counter that reality.

So, what does Trump and Pence do? They offer (or threaten) the parent company, IT, with government contracts...which is tantamount to tax payers' dollars to supplement the jobs from carrier to remain in the US for a short while.

Taking "credit" for such a deal is conning the rest of us.....which is expected from an orange charlatan who Romney adequately labeled a "fraud"....

The government uses threats and coercion to modify behavior all the time. The state of New York offered companies to move there and pay no taxes for several years.

The government withheld money to North Carolina for their stance on gays.

The government will withhold federal money from states that fail to comply with their speed limit recommendations.

The government filed a lawsuit against Boeing for their moving a plant to S. Carolina.

Now the left and myself have been irritated for a long time about jobs leaving the country and the left is wanting to penalize them for it. Now, the jobs are staying with a threat of penalty and the left is upset because of the person that is doing it.

Hypocritical assholes would object to this, those that want America to keep jobs are going to like this. Feel free to be whatever you want to be.
Ultimately, it is a matter of time before you right wing morons admit that you've been had and for us who vehemently opposed the orange charlatan, it will be justification....while for you nitwits, it will be the kind of delusion that we've often heard....like,, "well, I never did like Trump, but I hated Hillary more."

We heard the same old song and dance when Reagan was elected. History shows that those assertion were baseless, and I believe it will do so again.

I have come to the conclusion that your hate and vitriol stems from the fact that your Chosen One was not anointed.

Suck it up, buck it up, and move on. Maybe next time.
Lets face it!!!

Carrier wanted to shift most of its production to Monterey, Mexico where workers earn $3 per hour, versus $26 per hour from an Indianapolis US worker......THAT economic reality is beyond debate and only the abolishing of "free trade" and the imposition of high import taxes could ever counter that reality.

So, what does Trump and Pence do? They offer (or threaten) the parent company, IT, with government contracts...which is tantamount to tax payers' dollars to supplement the jobs from carrier to remain in the US for a short while.

Taking "credit" for such a deal is conning the rest of us.....which is expected from an orange charlatan who Romney adequately labeled a "fraud"....

I wondered how long it would take before the real details came out about this shit. Of course the action is to always praise Trump for whatever happens and then when its discovered it didnt, keep praising and call reality a liar
Ahh shaddup, I notice the wannabe Boy King Obungles didn't get it done.

President Obama has too much integrity to ever do what Trump has done, does and will do with the power of the office of POTUS.

Pence conspired with Trump to give taxpayer money in terms of tax breaks in the amount of 700 Million Dollars to Carrier; that BTW, is 200 Million more dollars than Solyndra received in taxpayer money that your kind went hysterical over.

The rest of the jobs are still going to Mexico, while Carrier gets a lucrative tax break. What’s to stop every other corporation from demanding the same?

Trump Gives in to Economic Blackmail with Deal to Keep Carrier Jobs in the U.S.
Great work by Trump

Obama saved the US auto industry....Trump salvaged 1000 jobs
Why don't Leftists post reliable sources? Vanity Fair, Mother Jones,etc, are left leaning spin machines.

Maybe I will begin posting links to The Weekly Standard and World Net Daily and present them as gospel.

All 4 are opposite on sides of the same coin, far on either side of their respective ideologies. Though I admit it's pretty difficult to find truly objective information in any print or electronic media, including broadcast.
Ahh shaddup, I notie the wannabe Boy King Obungles didn't get it done.

Stupid retort........what happened to Indiana's governor's attempts to keep those jobs in his state???

Had Obama done what Trump did, than Trump would have eaten Obama for lunch (and shit him out by dinner).

Lemme explain...

While campaigning, Trump castigated the current form of deal-making, which is to bribe companies with taxpayer money to stay.

The Trump Administration said it wasn't going to cave to these extortionists. Indeed, Trump said he would play hardball in defense of our tax dollars. He said he would threaten these corporate deserters with a 35% tax to get their products back in the USA.

Trump did no such thing. He simply bribed them with the taxpayers' money. He did exactly what he criticized everyone else for doing. Now every corporation under the sun is going to threaten to leave unless uncle Donald pays them off.

But it gets better. Carrier and its parent company are still shipping 1000+ jobs away yet [wait for it] they benefit because good ol' government is paying them off.

False bill of goods.

Welcome to Trump University.
Why don't Leftists post reliable sources? Vanity Fair, Mother Jones,etc, are left leaning spin machines.

Maybe I will begin posting links to The Weekly Standard and World Net Daily and present them as gospel.

All 4 are opposite on sides of the same coin, far on either side of their respective ideologies. Though I admit it's pretty difficult to find truly objective information in any print or electronic media, including broadcast.

Why cant you name who are reliable sources?
Ahh shaddup, I notie the wannabe Boy King Obungles didn't get it done.

Stupid retort........what happened to Indiana's governor's attempts to keep those jobs in his state???

Had Obama done what Trump did, than Trump would have eaten Obama for lunch (and shit him out by dinner).

Lemme explain...

While campaigning, Trump castigated the current form of deal-making, which is to bribe companies with taxpayer money to stay. Instead, the Trump Administration said it would play hardball in defense of our money. He said he would threaten these corporate deserters with a 35% tax to get their products back in the USA.

Trump did no such thing. He simply bribed them with the taxpayers' money. He did exactly what he criticized everyone else for doing. Now every corporation under the sun is going to threaten to leave unless uncle Donald pays them off.

But it gets better. Carrier and its parent company are still shipping 1000+ jobs away yet [wait for it] they benefit because good ol' government is paying them off.

False bill of goods.

Welcome to Trump University.

More butthurt....and nobody cares what a Limey thinks
No one stopped Barry from trying to keep Carrier in the US, now did they leftist spinner?

Trump, not even in office yet, intervened and GOT THE JOB DONE.

That, leftist mouth breathing knuckle dragging spinner, is leadership. Now, go peddle your snake oil someplace else.

You right wing morons are too simple minded to see the reality of this little stunt that Trump pulled....

Now, EVERY company....big, medium and small will "threaten" to pull out of the US in order to get tax write-offs and government deals to stay put......

The "art of the deal" your ass.....
Great work by Trump

Obama saved the US auto industry....Trump salvaged 1000 jobs

GM loan was a "Save The Unions" loan and has yet to be fully paid back, Chrysler, I think, did pay it back, and Ford didn't accept a loan and worked their own asses out of the fire.

A hell of a lot of $$ for a couple of companies that still have a few issues.

I'm not too sure the risk/reward factor was very profitable.
No one stopped Barry from trying to keep Carrier in the US, now did they leftist spinner?

Trump, not even in office yet, intervened and GOT THE JOB DONE.

That, leftist mouth breathing knuckle dragging spinner, is leadership. Now, go peddle your snake oil someplace else.

You right wing morons are too simple minded to see the reality of this little stunt that Trump pulled....

Now, EVERY company....big, medium and small will "threaten" to pull out of the US in order to get tax write-offs and government deals to stay put......

The "art of the deal" your ass.....
Great work by Trump

Obama saved the US auto industry....Trump salvaged 1000 jobs

GM loan was a "Save The Unions" loan and has yet to be fully paid back, Chrysler, I think, did pay it back, and Ford didn't accept a loan and worked their own asses out of the fire.

A hell of a lot of $$ for a couple of companies that still have a few issues.

I'm not too sure the risk/reward factor was very profitable.

Carrier will not have to pay back its tax incentives

Obama saved the banks and auto industry
Trump is running a "victory lap" for temporarily saving 1000 jobs

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