Taking the Fight to Putin! Heed Zelen$ky's Call

Who is going to Ukraine to kick Putin's ass??

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Brave USMB Ukraine supporters, your Hero is calling on you to fight for Freedom! Prosperity!

Take the fight to Putin!

Who is going to Ukraine to kick Putin's ass??
There is a good question for all those people here with your Ukrainian flag. When are you guys going to go fight for Ukraine. I mean you saw all the pictures from CNN and Fox News of the Crying grandmothers, you saw all the neo conservative saying how this is Putin‘s invasion and it’s just horrible. So wait a minute though!

Why don’t you go to some country in Africa where there’s blood diamonds why don’t you do something about that. Why don’t you go to the Gaza Strip and go fight for the Palestinians who have been living as slaves for decades. Why the hell don’t you go do that. Why the hell don’t you put up a flag of Palestine in your goddamn avatar!!!

🇵🇸 🇵🇸

If you claim to support the country go and fight for them give up your American citizenship. But just beware you’re probably gonna be fighting with Nazis you’re gonna be fighting with Ukrainian officers and bosses who are stealing money for themselves and not giving it to the Ukrainians who actually need it. So just be ready.
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Biden suspended the sanctions on Nordstream 2 In May 2021. This HELPED PUTIN AND ALLOWED PUTIN TO GO TO WAR.


You cult fucks are so fucking stupid.


Is Joe Biden a Putin cocksucker?

Biden in January 2022 said a minor incursion wasn't a problem. He fucking gave Putin a green light.

Biden’s ‘minor incursion’ remark was more than just a gaffe. It revealed a weak president.

The MSM allowing Biden to get away with all this and more is complicit. And the MSM keeps dumbing down America in favor of Demorats.
It seems, like our Politicians, you have either forgotten or just don't care that we would currently have to pay off nearly $32 TRILLION in debt JUST TO BE 'BROKE'.

Also, there is more than enough death, poverty, hunger, homelessness, and American citizens in need, not to mention the MILLIONS of illegals Biden has saddled us with and their financial and otherwise burden that iscoverwhelming cities / states here at home.

Democrats used to be the party that screamed, 'We are not and can not be the world's policeman!'

Where the hell did that go?!

What debt if WW III incinerates us? Sounds like they've got a plan, eh.
Why not? Explain yourself. I'm not Ukrainian.

Like all Democrats, you want to solve the world's problems with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY that you / the govt FORCIBLY SEIZES without the people's consent.

I'm not Ukrainian, either. I am an American, and I see our of control AMERICAN homelessness, hunger, poverty, drug crisis, human / drug / child / sex trafficking, crime, a Biden-facilitated InConstiturional /Illegal Open Border crisis that is overwhelming our states / communities, endangering our national security, and threatening / taking US lives! Our TRILLIONS of dollars (tax dollars and money we don't have) is needed more at home.

EUROPE / NATO should be leading the effort and taling care of the Russian / Putin's threat. As DEMOCRATS used to say, WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN! If Europe / NATO / the UN don't give a damn enough about THEIR OWN safety and security, fuck 'em. Time for some 'tough love'.

--- WTF is up with the UN? They were created to address and deal with world issues like this. They are worthless as tits on the BACK of a toilet. If they choose to do nothing now its time to pull out and leave them to their political do-nothing circle-jerk!

IMO, Putin has every right to start attacking the nations aidibg Ukraine against him - to use his own 'proxy war'.
- This comment is NOT about Putin. Insert any other nation / any other country in place of Russia. If several nations are working together against 1 that 1 has a right to retaliate - Its freakin' war.

Biden and orhers want to claim, 'Even though we are arming Ukraine with weapons of war to kill Russians, even though we are training Ukrainians to kill Russians, even though we have used US Intel to help Ukraine locate, track, and kill top Russian Generals ... WE ARE NOT AT / IN A WAR WITH RUSSIA, that Being in a 'PROXY' War with Russia is not really the sane thing as being at / in a war with Russia.


Stop the bullshit, stop the insanity, stop trying to claim that we are NOT in a war Biden dragged us into!
I don't have a dog in the fight but if I had to pick someone I'd like to win I hope it's Russia because at least russia has some value to America and we deal with them, Ukraine is useless as tits on a boar to America. And zelensky is just a whore sucking up everyone's money he can get his hands on. Even if Ukraine won he would still come wanting more money and supplies from America so he can rebuild.

I say we just turn our back on that whole mess and let them duke it out. We have nothing to gain by being involved. If Ukraine wins he lose billions of dollars, if Russia wins nothing changes, they will reclaim the land they owned and go back to business.

Fuck Ukraine.
Like all Democrats, you want to solve the world's problems with OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY that you / the govt FORCIBLY SEIZES without the people's consent.

I'm not Ukrainian, either. I am an American, and I see our of control AMERICAN homelessness, hunger, poverty, drug crisis, human / drug / child / sex trafficking, crime, a Biden-facilitated InConstiturional /Illegal Open Border crisis that is overwhelming our states / communities, endangering our national security, and threatening / taking US lives! Our TRILLIONS of dollars (tax dollars and money we don't have) is needed more at home.

EUROPE / NATO should be leading the effort and taling care of the Russian / Putin's threat. As DEMOCRATS used to say, WE ARE NOT THE WORLD'S POLICEMAN! If Europe / NATO / the UN don't give a damn enough about THEIR OWN safety and security, fuck 'em. Time for some 'tough love'.

--- WTF is up with the UN? They were created to address and deal with world issues like this. They are worthless as tits on the BACK of a toilet. If they choose to do nothing now its time to pull out and leave them to their political do-nothing circle-jerk!

IMO, Putin has every right to start attacking the nations aidibg Ukraine against him - to use his own 'proxy war'.
- This comment is NOT about Putin. Insert any other nation / any other country in place of Russia. If several nations are working together against 1 that 1 has a right to retaliate - Its freakin' war.

Biden and orhers want to claim, 'Even though we are arming Ukraine with weapons of war to kill Russians, even though we are training Ukrainians to kill Russians, even though we have used US Intel to help Ukraine locate, track, and kill top Russian Generals ... WE ARE NOT AT / IN A WAR WITH RUSSIA, that Being in a 'PROXY' War with Russia is not really the sane thing as being at / in a war with Russia.

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Stop the bullshit, stop the insanity, stop trying to claim that we are NOT in a war Biden dragged us into!
Give me a break! If I started talking about homelessness, hunger, poverty, etc. you'd be calling me a commie. What a total hypocrite you are!!!

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