Tale of the Tape

Its only fair.

"Butt-Grab" Franken was way ahead of "Creepy" Roy on: 1) Proven Felonies, 2) Butt-Grabs, 3) Tittie Feels; and 4) Attempted Wet Kisses.

Plus there is the picture of him molesting Sleeping Beauty, said to be worth a thousand words---i. e. Proof...not some 38 year old horse shit dredged up at no-telling what bribe price by disreputables like Wapo and Gloria Allred.

If we have to have a sicko in the Senate, and our only choices are Franken or Moore, well:

Roy Moore come on down!

For his past transgressions, if any happen to be true, he can do penance by having to stand, every day for his first 6 months, between Chuck Schumer and a T. V. Camera---That's said to be the most dangerous place this side of Fallujah.
Its only fair.

"Butt-Grab" Franken was way ahead of "Creepy" Roy on: 1) Proven Felonies, 2) Butt-Grabs, 3) Tittie Feels; and 4) Attempted Wet Kisses.

Plus there is the picture of him molesting Sleeping Beauty, said to be worth a thousand words---i. e. Proof...not some 38 year old horse shit dredged up at no-telling what bribe price by disreputables like Wapo and Gloria Allred.

If we have to have a sicko in the Senate, and our only choices are Franken or Moore, well:

Roy Moore come on down!

For his past transgressions, if any happen to be true, he can do penance by having to stand, every day for his first 6 months, between Chuck Schumer and a T. V. Camera---That's said to be the most dangerous place this side of Fallujah.
AL "Fingers" Franken will stay and lay claim to fighting the fight for women by going after Moore.
Moore wins on the 12th and Franken recant by the 20th.
LOL Moore's accuser admits she faked the yearbook signature. There doesn't appear to be any faking of Franken's feel up pics. Comparing Franken and Moore is an apple and orange thing!
LOL Moore's accuser admits she faked the yearbook signature. There doesn't appear to be any faking of Franken's feel up pics. Comparing Franken and Moore is an apple and orange thing!
She didn't fake anything. She wrote underneath what he did. That someone did is obvious. Open your eyes, maybe that will open your mind.
LOL Moore's accuser admits she faked the yearbook signature. There doesn't appear to be any faking of Franken's feel up pics. Comparing Franken and Moore is an apple and orange thing!
She didn't fake anything. She wrote underneath what he did. That someone did is obvious. Open your eyes, maybe that will open your mind.
OK then. My bad. I should not have said faked. I should have said TAMPERED.
LOL Moore's accuser admits she faked the yearbook signature. There doesn't appear to be any faking of Franken's feel up pics. Comparing Franken and Moore is an apple and orange thing!
She didn't fake anything. She wrote underneath what he did. That someone did is obvious. Open your eyes, maybe that will open your mind.
Moore goes to the Senate and Franken is going to fall!
The restaurant she claims, and google news supposedly shows, has 2 addresses in its ad 7 days apart 1 block apart. Somethings wrong with that picture, also. No restaurant moves that quickly or have 2 locations 1 block from each other. Or if it did have 2 locations, both addresses would have been in the ad. Not one.
The restaurant she claims, and google news supposedly shows, has 2 addresses in its ad 7 days apart 1 block apart. Somethings wrong with that picture, also. No restaurant moves that quickly or have 2 locations 1 block from each other. Or if it did have 2 locations, both addresses would have been in the ad. Not one.
Things get readdressed. It's a small nothing of a town. No one would have cared and the mailman wouldn't have needed an address in the first place. Oh, Ye Olde whatever, the wife had ribs there last night. Delicious.

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