Tales from the post Apocalyptic 400PPM CO2 planet Earth

Wetlands emit 37% of what emissions, specifically? And a source please.

Wetland emissions were NOT a net source until warmed in the last half century by AGW. Are you actually attempting to suggest that human combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation is not responsible for the 42% rise in atmospheric CO2 since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?
Do tell us how much wetlands have warmed in the last 50 years.
Humans account for 1% of CO2 that volcanoes emit.
Which produces more CO2, volcanic or human activity?

Gas studies at volcanoes worldwide have helped volcanologists tally up a global volcanic CO2 budget in the same way that nations around the globe have cooperated to determine how much CO2 is released by human activity through the burning of fossil fuels. Our studies show that globally, volcanoes on land and under the sea release a total of about 200 million tonnes of CO2 annually.

This seems like a huge amount of CO2, but a visit to the U.S. Department of Energy's Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) website (http://cdiac.ornl.gov/) helps anyone armed with a handheld calculator and a high school chemistry text put the volcanic CO2 tally into perspective. Because while 200 million tonnes of CO2 is large, the global fossil fuel CO2 emissions for 2003 tipped the scales at 26.8 billion tonnes. Thus, not only does volcanic CO2 not dwarf that of human activity, it actually comprises less than 1 percent of that value.

A short time ago (geologically speaking) the question "Which produces more CO2, volcanic or human activity?" would have been answered differently. Volcanoes would have tipped the scale. Now, human presence, activity, and the resultant production of CO2, through the burning of fossil fuels, have all climbed at an ever-increasing rate. On the other hand, looking back through the comparatively short duration of human history, volcanic activity has, with a few notable disturbances, remained relatively steady.

The United States Geological Service states that volcanoes produce less than 1% of what humans do.
Weatherman, when you pull 'facts' out of your ass, they stink. According to the USGS, volcanoes put out less than 1% of the CO2 that man does in burning fossil fuels. You really need to stop repeating that stinky 'fact'.
You have to be a complete fool to trust any numbers coming from the Obama Administration, especially with respect to climate global change warming or whatever they call it today
Weatherman, when you pull 'facts' out of your ass, they stink. According to the USGS, volcanoes put out less than 1% of the CO2 that man does in burning fossil fuels. You really need to stop repeating that stinky 'fact'.
Quoting government bullshit is just that - quoting government bullshit. Nobody believes it. Hundreds take private jets to climate conferences, speakers fly private jets to the other side of the world to get environmental awards, Obama flies fleets of jets around the nation several times each week, Gore and company heat and cool 10,000 sq ft mansions all over the world, etc etc.

Nobody believes the bullshit they spew.
OK, Weatherman, who, besides obese junkies on the AM radio spew the nonsense that you are spitting out? How about some links to credible sources that state that volcanoes put out 99% of the CO2 that we have seen added to the atmosphere in the last 150 years.
My statement stands. All the chicken littles screaming about CO2 act like there is a shortage with their extravagant life styles. Obama, Kerry, Gore, DiCaprio, the hundreds of climate "scientists" flying into the French Riveria for a conference in private jets, etc etc.
2 Halloween parties this weekend. My nephews and nieces were the cast of Stranger Thing, including the Christmas lights. I went for horror. My brother was Negan, that left me one choice: I made myself fit into three large connected balls, the top one black from my navel to over my head and then 2 white balls covering each leg.

When I got to the party people looked at me funny and said "you look like a dick" I said, yeah Im a CO2 molecule, aren't you horrified?
Weatherman, when you pull 'facts' out of your ass, they stink. According to the USGS, volcanoes put out less than 1% of the CO2 that man does in burning fossil fuels. You really need to stop repeating that stinky 'fact'.

Quoting government bullshit is just that - quoting government bullshit. Nobody believes it.

Wrong. The only people who aren't aware it's a bloody fact are the very limited number of people as foolish as you.

Hundreds take private jets to climate conferences, speakers fly private jets to the other side of the world to get environmental awards, Obama flies fleets of jets around the nation several times each week, Gore and company heat and cool 10,000 sq ft mansions all over the world, etc etc.

If you want to be stupid enough to hate them all for those perceived slights, but I'm sure even you understand it means absolutely NOTHING wrt the validity of AGW.

Nobody believes the bullshit they spew.

With complete justification, no one believes you.
2 Halloween parties this weekend. My nephews and nieces were the cast of Stranger Thing, including the Christmas lights. I went for horror. My brother was Negan, that left me one choice: I made myself fit into three large connected balls, the top one black from my navel to over my head and then 2 white balls covering each leg.

When I got to the party people looked at me funny and said "you look like a dick" I said, yeah Im a CO2 molecule, aren't you horrified?
The people at the party had you pegged.
All we can say for certain is that there still isn't a single repeatable lab experiment linking 400ppm to an increase in temperatures.

What we know is that the oceans are boiling from trapping the "Excess heat", whatever that means
When you see a graph that shows CO2 absorbs and emits in certain bands of infrared not absorbed by any other elements or compounds in the atmosphere, what physical processes do you see taking place as a result?
When you see a graph that shows CO2 absorbs and emits in certain bands of infrared not absorbed by any other elements or compounds in the atmosphere, what physical processes do you see taking place as a result?

Absorption and emission you idiot....now show some observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that absorption and emission equal warming.
What is the difference between measured and quantified? Between observed and empirical?

Turn on your stove. Put your hand near, but not touching, the hot element. What do you feel happening?
When you see a graph that shows CO2 absorbs and emits in certain bands of infrared not absorbed by any other elements or compounds in the atmosphere, what physical processes do you see taking place as a result?

How much must we lower CO2 to get the climate back to "normal", what does the lab work show?
You're still not answering the question. The idea you seem to have that matter can absorb energy but not change is unsupportable. What change do you believe takes place in CO2 that absorbs IR radiation?
Q. What is the associated temperature increase or decrease for every 10ppm change in CO2?

1. that's a science question, we don't do science, we do consensus

2. take a look at the chart with no temperarure axis posted by Crick, your answer is there, denier

3. we redistribute wealth by climate policy, this question is irrelevant
What is the difference between measured and quantified? Between observed and empirical?

Turn on your stove. Put your hand near, but not touching, the hot element. What do you feel happening?
hey crick, if you turn a microwave oven on for ten minutes and then open it up, is it warm?
You're still not answering the question. The idea you seem to have that matter can absorb energy but not change is unsupportable. What change do you believe takes place in CO2 that absorbs IR radiation?
you didn't answer the question.
Day 32 cubbies win the world series, hey this C02 over 400 ppm is the best thing to happen... :)

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