Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

The US military left an ass-load of weapons systems, weapons, helicopters, ammo, etc... behind. The CIA has come out and declared they were shocked at how quickly Biden was pulling out the military (while forgetting about all the US citizens over there). Both the CIA and news media like CNN wrote pieces on just how quickly we left and how much was left behind. In Bagram, they left so fast - turning the electricity off as they left - that the Afghan military had no idea how to turn the power back on - no Americans there the next day to ask.

I mean, Biden was trying to get out of 'Dodge' so fast he left 20,000 - 40,000 US citizens behind.
Did any of the citizens know we were leaving?

Weren't the weapons given to the Afghan Army, where are they?
You should just stick to posting racist shit, you suck at politics.
What has your simple minded ass added to the conversation?

White House: ‘Significant Number of Americans’ Remain in Afghanistan, Chaos Erupts at Airport
White House: ‘Significant Number of Americans’ Remain in Afghanistan, Chaos Erupts at Airport

Official confirms US trying to determine the number of Americans still in the country

The 'Saigon Exit' was so rushed the US had no time to find out how many Americans were still there, let alone try to get them out.

"Violence and gunfire erupted on the Kabul airport as thousands of Afghans and others were trying to evacuate Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover on Sunday.

At one point, numerous Afghans and others tried to hold on to the outside of an American plane as it was departing the airport, according to video footage. At least one person fell hundreds of feet after the plane took off, other footage shows. “I saw one person grabbing the plane when it moved and then later he fell down.....Twitter showed throngs of people crowding around military planes on the tarmac."

Some have likened the evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan to the capture of Saigon by Vietnamese communists in 1975, capping the end of the Vietnam War. As in Siagon more than 40 years ago, scenes of U.S. military helicopters flying staff away emerged on Sunday in Kabul.

"U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed there were numerous Americans still inside Afghanistan."

Their lives rest in the 'mercy' of the Taliban....the people who, in the past, beheaded Americans on video for the world to see.

Biden to Return to Washington, Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan
Biden to Return to Washington, Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan

"Oops....my bad. MAN, I really got that one wrong, didn't I?!"

Trump plan is being carried out. Trump himself told the Taliban they could release 5,000 prisoners from terrorist jails. And said all Americans would leave. And did not include the government of Afghanistan in the talks. But don't worry about the facts... Try a real news media please. The whole world thinks you are nuts.
The New York Times writes that the crew members of an American transport ship that took off from Kabul, in the landing gear compartment of which human remains were found, needed psychotherapists and priests.
But Joe Biden, Kamalla Harris and Tony Blinken did not need them.
Maybe not but Trump does. He just gets thru his day blasted on Aderall.
So, now I ask Biden's critics, what did Biden do wrong? What would you have had Biden do differently?

Those questions appeared on multiple threads over the past few days, and many are directed at Biden's critics. No one has answered.

However, what is interesting is that Biden's critics are unable to explain what mistakes Biden made.

They simply say he screwed up. They don't say how. Some have choice words for Biden, but insulting characterizations are not an explanation of mistakes made.

Typical is the the criticism leveled at Biden by Sen. Robert Menendez, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “In implementing this flawed plan, I am disappointed that the Biden administration clearly did not accurately assess the implications of a rapid U.S. withdrawal."

In other words, Biden was unable to predict the future and what the enemy accomplished in a short amount of time.

Consider this, there is little doubt that there were intelligence reports concerning the lack of fight within the Afghan army. However, there has been no information on the evaluation of the Director of National Intelligence. There is no indication the DNI told President Biden with "High Confidence" that the Afghan army would fold at the first sign of trouble.

Then there is this. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley insisted at a Wednesday press conference that U.S. intelligence did not predict the collapse of the Afghan government in less than two weeks. “There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army in this government in 11 days,” he said, adding they were told the country could fall to the Taliban in weeks or even years.

A commander, in this case, the President of the United States, can only make decisions on the basis of the information available to him. He cannot predict the future. He cannot know the successes of the enemy at some point in time, and he doesn't base his decisions on the reading of tea leaves.

The situation in Afghanistan today is a consequence of the successes of the enemy, not American failure.

The enemy does not always do what you want him to do.

In this case the enemy did not wait "weeks or even years" to accomplish what he set out to do.
The US military left an ass-load of weapons systems, weapons, helicopters, ammo, etc... behind. The CIA has come out and declared they were shocked at how quickly Biden was pulling out the military (while forgetting about all the US citizens over there). Both the CIA and news media like CNN wrote pieces on just how quickly we left and how much was left behind. In Bagram, they left so fast - turning the electricity off as they left - that the Afghan military had no idea how to turn the power back on - no Americans there the next day to ask.

I mean, Biden was trying to get out of 'Dodge' so fast he left 20,000 - 40,000 US citizens behind.
Yea, none of this would have happened if Trump was in because he yelled at a Taiban leader. That's what you gullible assclowns believe because fucktwit Trump said it on Fox news to Trump's head asseater Sean Goebbels.
No money in it for any of the DNC's cronies or Hunter Biden. The pundits can hide behind the 'incompetence' excuse, but I will go with the sociopaths simply don't give a shit explanation, since it fits much better; just look at the loony left wing apologists here for a clear example.
If course they don’t care. Afghanistan citizens are peasants and beneath them. They have the same contempt for them that they do for middle class and poor Americans.
You have already repeated this lie 3 times - you can stop now. Your credibility is shot. .

"The Afghan, who is a former State Department contractor, told Fox News that Taliban fighters have established checkpoints throughout the city and around the airport -- and are beating those on their way to the airport."

Taliban fighters at airport checkpoints shoot, harass Afghans seeking to board evacuation flights

Kabul Under Taliban Control: Checkpoints, Beatings, Fear​

Taliban Checkpoints Blocking Access to Kabul Airport for U.S. evacuation flights​

This is not a fact, as you are only expressing HOPE, WISHFUL THINKING....YOUR OPINION.

The WH:
'The U.S. has no plans to evacuate Americans in Afghanistan who are located outside Kabul'

The Hezbollah terrorist had no credibility to start with.
Yea, none of this would have happened if Trump was in because he yelled at a Taiban leader. That's what you gullible assclowns believe because fucktwit Trump said it on Fox news to Trump's head asseater Sean Goebbels.
B...b...but Trump. :crybaby:

Biden ignored his military advisers...he ignored his CIA...he dismantled a program designed to protect Americans in situations like this...he withdrew the military 1st and left 40,000 US citizens at the mercy of the Taliban.

If you think what Biden did is Trump's fault, you are a bigger idiot than Biden.
If course they don’t care. Afghanistan citizens are peasants and beneath them. They have the same contempt for them that they do for middle class and poor Americans.
And what was your boy's plan on leaving? I hear a lot of Trump ass kissers on Fox & elsewhere including the head of your cult ranting & raving but I haven't heard one detail on how Trump & the boys were going to handle it. Oh wait, Trump claimed he yelled at that Taliban leader once which I'm sure carried a lot of weight with those terrorist killers.

Maybe Trump would have just whipped out his sharpie & turned Taliban fighters into statues wearing MAGA hats.
B...b...but Trump. :crybaby:

Biden ignored his military advisers...he ignored his CIA...he dismantled a program designed to protect Americans in situations like this...he withdrew the military 1st and left 40,000 US citizens at the mercy of the Taliban.

If you think what Biden did is Trump's fault, you are a bigger idiot than Biden.
Yea, we know. Biden didn't give that Taliban leader a good yelling at like your boy did which always works in times like these.
And what was your boy's plan on leaving? I hear a lot of Trump ass kissers on Fox & elsewhere including the head of your cult ranting & raving but I haven't heard one detail on how Trump & the boys were going to handle it. Oh wait, Trump claimed he yelled at that Taliban leader once which I'm sure carried a lot of weight with those terrorist killers.

Maybe Trump would have just whipped out his sharpie & turned Taliban fighters into statues wearing MAGA hats.
you ask an important question. WHAT SHOULD have been done. I don't know either----but what was done was tragic. I am NAUSEATED still at the sight of people running after the USA planes
to escape the tragedy of Afghanistan and DO BELIEVE that Trump would have acted PROACTIVELY
you ask an important question. WHAT SHOULD have been done. I don't know either----but what was done was tragic. I am NAUSEATED still at the sight of people running after the USA planes
to escape the tragedy of Afghanistan and DO BELIEVE that Trump would have acted PROACTIVELY
Trump wouldn't have done shit except rant & rave as he rode around on a golf cart.

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