Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

Really Flush, you don't give a damn about Afghanistan it just gives you a talking point to try and attack the Biden Administration.
Gotta be a snowflake...they are the only ones arrogant enough to try to claim they l know what others feel, think, and stand for...when they should really stick to trying to speak for themselves...because every time they try to speak for others they completely suck at it...like now.
You idiot, do you really think they just acquired all this weaponry from Biden, where in the hell is the Afghan Army we supposedly trained?
The US military left an ass-load of weapons systems, weapons, helicopters, ammo, etc... behind. The CIA has come out and declared they were shocked at how quickly Biden was pulling out the military (while forgetting about all the US citizens over there). Both the CIA and news media like CNN wrote pieces on just how quickly we left and how much was left behind. In Bagram, they left so fast - turning the electricity off as they left - that the Afghan military had no idea how to turn the power back on - no Americans there the next day to ask.

I mean, Biden was trying to get out of 'Dodge' so fast he left 20,000 - 40,000 US citizens behind.
Benghazi was also likely the result of Obama/Hilary wanting to get these particular Terrorists leaders released. Think the original plan was to have Ambassador Stevens kidnapped and then exchanged for these 5 terrorists. Bergdahl was the backup plan. This is why the UNDERLING terrorists tried so desperately to save Stevens after they fatally attacked him and then were forced to actually rushed him to the hospital trying to save stevens (after their higher ups found out what the underlings had done. ) Dead hostages aren't good for exchanges.
Adam and Steve

Stevens was a Gayist. The reason this wasn't mentioned by our captive media is that his perversion is a ruling-class fad. Our self-appointed leaders protect their own. Protecting the rest of us has the lowest priority. We need to overthrow this decadent pushover unAmerican aristocracy.

Stevens didn't want any Marines around to see him sampling boys from the Arab Street, who worked for Al Qaida to set him up. This unreliability of perverts is why Gayists used to be banned from the State Department.
Trump knows where the taliban main base is. He threatened them with wrath and hell fire. Which is something they understand. When negotiating with people like this, never promise them anything. Offering an incentive is a sign of weakness. Promise death and destruction, pain and blood if they don't cooperate. When they behave, quietly give them a reward and say nothing. That they understand. If there is anything Trump does best is negotiate. On several levels.
Drunken Sailor

To quote what the Bay of Pigs traitor JFK should have said, "Never negotiate out of fear; always force your enemies to negotiate out of fear."
No money in it for any of the DNC's cronies or Hunter Biden. The pundits can hide behind the 'incompetence' excuse, but I will go with the sociopaths simply don't give a shit explanation, since it fits much better; just look at the loony left wing apologists here for a clear example.
China will be making billions $$$$ off mineral rights that they already have with the Taliban...........Pretty sure puppet Biden will get his cut.
The don't think the Americans will be harmed. The Afghans on the other hand, are going before a Sharia court.
That filthy slimeball Steven Miller has been stonewalling attempts by Afghanis in getting VISA to get out of there for years. Many of them are individuals who risked their own lives & saved the lives of many of our service men & women.

But who's surprised considering Miller is a fucking Nazi, a racist no good lowlife shitbag who Trump put up with for 4 years. Laura Ingrate featured that fucking lowlife on her show last night because Laura Antionette is no better then he is for giving air time to a war criminal like Miller. If that bastard was a born Afghani he'd be a charter member of the Taliban himself.
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Two nukes after 9-11 two decades ago and we wouldn't hear the term...Taliban.

Guess we have to wait until they take down another building before we maybe have the will to wipe them from the face of the Earth.

You want to nuke a whole country because of Osama Bin Laden? You're as barbaric as he was.
That filthy slimeball Steven Miller has been stonewalling attempts by Afghanis in getting VISA to get out of there for years. Many of them are individuals who risked their own lives & saved the lives of many of our service men & women.

But who's surprised considering Miller is a fucking Nazi, a racist no good lowlife shitbag who Trump put up with for 4 years. Laura Ingrate featured that fucking lowlife on her show last night because Laura Antionette is no better then he is for giving air time to a war criminal like Miller. If that bastard was a born Afghani he'd be a charter member of the Taliban himself.
I don't know about all that man. All I can say is be careful about the company you keep. Especially in a place like Afghan, and given our record of leavin mfers hangin.
White House: ‘Significant Number of Americans’ Remain in Afghanistan, Chaos Erupts at Airport
White House: ‘Significant Number of Americans’ Remain in Afghanistan, Chaos Erupts at Airport

Official confirms US trying to determine the number of Americans still in the country

The 'Saigon Exit' was so rushed the US had no time to find out how many Americans were still there, let alone try to get them out.

"Violence and gunfire erupted on the Kabul airport as thousands of Afghans and others were trying to evacuate Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover on Sunday.

At one point, numerous Afghans and others tried to hold on to the outside of an American plane as it was departing the airport, according to video footage. At least one person fell hundreds of feet after the plane took off, other footage shows. “I saw one person grabbing the plane when it moved and then later he fell down.....Twitter showed throngs of people crowding around military planes on the tarmac."

Some have likened the evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan to the capture of Saigon by Vietnamese communists in 1975, capping the end of the Vietnam War. As in Siagon more than 40 years ago, scenes of U.S. military helicopters flying staff away emerged on Sunday in Kabul.

"U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed there were numerous Americans still inside Afghanistan."

Their lives rest in the 'mercy' of the Taliban....the people who, in the past, beheaded Americans on video for the world to see.

Biden to Return to Washington, Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan
Biden to Return to Washington, Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan

"Oops....my bad. MAN, I really got that one wrong, didn't I?!"

They're unvaccinated and unmasked white males escaping government overreach here in Delta pandemic land. Which was created by unvaccinated assholes here.
Not to worry. dementia joe stated that he warned the taliban not to interfere with his evacuation plan. if they do he will punish them with devastating force. He told them women's rights have to be respected and that he will be monitoring what is happening on the ground in afghanistan closely. by the way where the f--k is joe
We will have economic and financial weapons to bear.

Funny that you have more "respect" for the women of Afgan than you do for them here.
They're unvaccinated and unmasked white males escaping government overreach here in Delta pandemic land. Which was created by unvaccinated assholes here.
You DO realize that unvaccinated people can not / did not mutate COVID-19, create the Delta variant, then unleash it on the world, right?
You DO realize that unvaccinated people can not / did not mutate COVID-19, create the Delta variant, then unleash it on the world, right?
The Delta variant mutated and thrived among the unvaccinated.
The New York Times writes that the crew members of an American transport ship that took off from Kabul, in the landing gear compartment of which human remains were found, needed psychotherapists and priests.
But Joe Biden, Kamalla Harris and Tony Blinken did not need them.
It was first detected in India.
I thought you said the unvaccinated here caused the Delta-variant? India was devastated by COVID - their government was administering shots of saline solution inmany cases instead of giving actual vaccines.
I thought you said the unvaccinated here caused the Delta-variant? India was devastated by COVID - their government was administering shots of saline solution inmany cases instead of giving actual vaccines.
I posted that it was thriving here in unvaccinated areas.

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