Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

Yea, we know. Biden didn't give that Taliban leader a good yelling at like your boy did which always works in times like these.
Your continued attempt to downplay the severity of how badly Biden fucked up is pathetic. Tge man literally abandoned 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan, leaving their fate on the HOPE our terrorist enemies would show mercy on them.

He dismantled a program designed to help Anericans in situations like these...

He ignored the warnings of his military advisors and CIA...

He pulled the military out 1st, leaving the Americans left behind unprotected...

He told Americans left behind that the Biden administration could / would not help them get from wherever they are in Afghanistan to the Kabul airport - 'You are on your own...we can not ensure your safety.'

Meanwhile a retired Army Ranger went into Afghanistan on his own and got a family if Americans out of the country...again, as Biden told the 40,000 Anericans left there he can't get them out.

Knowing he was pulling everyone out of Afghanistan & - according to Joe - he knew things would turn to shit like they have, he still went ahead with dismantling Trump's program to help Americans in this situation...proving he expected things to go wrong but doesn't give a damn about the Americans he 1st abandoned / left behind.

There aren't a lot of things that Biden did NIT do wrong.

As Joe would say, 'Come on, Man' - Joe Biden, a Democrat president, lost the support of CNN over this fu@k-up...& that is damn-near impossible to do for a Democrat.
Your continued attempt to downplay the severity of how badly Biden fucked up is pathetic. Tge man literally abandoned 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan, leaving their fate on the HOPE our terrorist enemies would show mercy on them.

He dismantled a program designed to help Anericans in situations like these...

He ignored the warnings of his military advisors and CIA...

He pulled the military out 1st, leaving the Americans left behind unprotected...

He told Americans left behind that the Biden administration could / would not help them get from wherever they are in Afghanistan to the Kabul airport - 'You are on your own...we can not ensure your safety.'

Meanwhile a retired Army Ranger went into Afghanistan on his own and got a family if Americans out of the country...again, as Biden told the 40,000 Anericans left there he can't get them out.

Knowing he was pulling everyone out of Afghanistan & - according to Joe - he knew things would turn to shit like they have, he still went ahead with dismantling Trump's program to help Americans in this situation...proving he expected things to go wrong but doesn't give a damn about the Americans he 1st abandoned / left behind.

There aren't a lot of things that Biden did NIT do wrong.

As Joe would say, 'Come on, Man' - Joe Biden, a Democrat president, lost the support of CNN over this fu@k-up...& that is damn-near impossible to do for a Democrat.
There has NOT been one U.S. citizen left behind. That's whay you right wing hypocrits are hoping for because you don't give a shit one way or another. You're just looking for a reason to attack Biden & give your buddy Trump a good ass kissing. You all have your fingers crossed, who do you think your bullshitting?
There has NOT been one U.S. citizen left behind. That's whay you right wing hypocrits are hoping for because you don't give a shit one way or another. You're just looking for a reason to attack Biden & give your buddy Trump a good ass kissing. You all have your fingers crossed, who do you think your bullshitting?
You are right - there hasn't been 1...there have been thousands!

The Biden administration literally told thousands of stranded Americans
- We have no plan to evac Americans outside the city
- It is up to you, wherever you are in Afghanistan, to get to this city's airport, we will not help you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!

I guess word/ English / reading comprehension just isn't your thing...or reality...

You are right - there hasn't been 1...there have been thousands!

The Biden administration literally told thousands of stranded Americans
- We have no plan to evac Americans outside the city
- It is up to you, wherever you are in Afghanistan, to get to this city's airport, we will not help you, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!

I guess word/ English / reading comprehension just isn't your thing...or reality...

You right wing tools are just hoping & praying that people are left behind.
You right wing tools are just hoping & praying that people are left behind.
'HOPING THEY ARE' left behind? They WERE ALREADY 'left behind'!


Hey, Clipper....grab your shoulders and pull until you hear a loud 'POP'....once you pull your head out of your ass, take a look at the reported FACTS.

CNN reported there are 10,000 - 15,000 Americans at and around the Kabul airport that were left behind and who are waiting for Biden to bring them back to the US. It is reported that there are up to a total of 40,000 Americans all over Afghanistan who were left behind.

To THESE Americans, Biden and his administration has declared:

"We have no plan to get those outside of Kabul out.'
'YOU have to make it to Kabul, no matter how far it is.'
'We can not guarantee your safety.' 'You are on your own'.

Once you read these / figure this out, if you are offended, if they upset you, you can shove your head up your ass again and hide from the facts / reality...again.
Rather you agree or disagree with leaving Afghanistan no matter if it was done under a Republican or Democrat President everyone knew what the result inside Afghanistan would be. Anyone who claims they didn’t is either a fool, liar or both.
Everyone should have known the outcome, given the Russian experience as well as the anti west which is beaten into the extremist Muslim sects generation to generation.
We have a large group of right leaning retards here in this country to worry about. The US needs to mind its business. You guys were all onboard when Drumpf wanted to pull out but now youre whining?
Anyone ever notice how Asslips cant stop whining about slavery that happened to black people before any of us were born, yet he never mentions or cares about CURRENT slaves in the Middle East and Africa? I guess since their masters arent white, he doesnt care.
Right, now we have that crooked fuck Biden, more incompetent than Carter.

You voted for this pile of shit, didn't you? Dozens of times/

I don't lie, you insipid Nazi scum.
I would vote for President Biden again.

Maybe you like endless occupations.
That is why that young pretty Afgan girl was at the gate to the airport a couple of days ago crying "they are coming for me!".
No, I lack the ignorance needed to vote for the QOP.
I have been a registered democrat for more than 50 years-----there have been
a few times in my life that the democrat ticket included a jerk and the republican
was far better by comparison. Earlier I would abstain-----but more lately I just
voted GOP Going back a bit-----when Kerry was on the ticket----I abstained---
because I, correctly, judged him a JERK -----there there came HELLCAT
Dumb Donald was the first to end the decades old investment in Afghanistan, you praised him. Now that President Biden has brought our troops home, you attack him. Of course you're not very bright but why prove yourself to be a hypocrite too?
the idiot Fly Snatcher cant understand that Biden is overseeing the current operation .... none of this happened when Trump was withdrawing .
Everyone should have known the outcome, given the Russian experience as well as the anti west which is beaten into the extremist Muslim sects generation to generation.

So you're saying Joe Biden knew people would be falling to their deaths from airplanes and girls would be getting tortured and murdered in the streets of Kabul, and he did this ANYWAY???

That's seriously fucked up.
I would vote for President Biden again.

Maybe you like endless occupations.
Thank you for self-identifying as a TDS-suffering snowflake, but I get where you are coming from....

Sure, Joe...
- Surrendered our sovereignty

- Surrendered our national security

- Surrendered our border security

- Is hosting the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history

- Is facilitating the largest Super-Spreader event ever

- Has created a humanitarian crisis

- Is trafficking children all over the country for the Cartels

- Is illegally 'dumping' illegals in states w/out telling local/state officials they're coming

- Cut the pipeline, laying off a lot of Americans while supporting Putin's pipeline

- Put fossil fuel workers on notice, that they will all be out of work

- Put thousands of U.S. workers out of a job in his 1st hours of becoming president

- Took millions of CCP & Russian dollars during his campaign

- Drove the economy into Inflation

- Signed an executive order on Jan. 20 banning ‘gender identity discrimination’ against transgender individuals, effectively ending ending 'Women's' sports

- Helped Inflame racial tensions between the white and black community in America

- Forced Americans to fund the killing of unborn children in other countries by rescinding the Trump-era Mexico City policy, which prevented federal funds from going to foreign abortion programs.

- Reversed all of President Trump's Immigration agreements, policies, programs, and procedures which the Presi=dents of Mexico and Guatemala declared were working

- Effectively recreated 'Saigon 2.0' by executing the most f*ed-up attempted Afghanistan exit that has left approx 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan with the Biden administration telling them, "We can not ensure your safety, YOU must get to Kabul to be rescued - wer're not helping you get there, we have no plan to help rescue Americans outside of the local Kabul area...and you are on your own."

....but at least we don;t have any more MEAN TWEETS.


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