Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

I have been a registered democrat for more than 50 years-----there have been
a few times in my life that the democrat ticket included a jerk and the republican
was far better by comparison. Earlier I would abstain-----but more lately I just
voted GOP Going back a bit-----when Kerry was on the ticket----I abstained---
because I, correctly, judged him a JERK -----there there came HELLCAT
Good for you to admit that your mental state has decreased with age.
Thank you for self-identifying as a TDS-suffering snowflake, but I get where you are coming from....

Sure, Joe...
- Surrendered our sovereignty

- Surrendered our national security

- Surrendered our border security

- Is hosting the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history

- Is facilitating the largest Super-Spreader event ever

- Has created a humanitarian crisis

- Is trafficking children all over the country for the Cartels

- Is illegally 'dumping' illegals in states w/out telling local/state officials they're coming

- Cut the pipeline, laying off a lot of Americans while supporting Putin's pipeline

- Put fossil fuel workers on notice, that they will all be out of work

- Put thousands of U.S. workers out of a job in his 1st hours of becoming president

- Took millions of CCP & Russian dollars during his campaign

- Drove the economy into Inflation

- Signed an executive order on Jan. 20 banning ‘gender identity discrimination’ against transgender individuals, effectively ending ending 'Women's' sports

- Helped Inflame racial tensions between the white and black community in America

- Forced Americans to fund the killing of unborn children in other countries by rescinding the Trump-era Mexico City policy, which prevented federal funds from going to foreign abortion programs.

- Reversed all of President Trump's Immigration agreements, policies, programs, and procedures which the Presi=dents of Mexico and Guatemala declared were working

- Effectively recreated 'Saigon 2.0' by executing the most f*ed-up attempted Afghanistan exit that has left approx 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan with the Biden administration telling them, "We can not ensure your safety, YOU must get to Kabul to be rescued - wer're not helping you get there, we have no plan to help rescue Americans outside of the local Kabul area...and you are on your own."

....but at least we don;t have any more MEAN TWEETS.

- Surrendered our sovereignty - What? Where?

- Surrendered our national security - To whom?

- Surrendered our border security - Have our borders changed? Where?

- Is hosting the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history - Pure wingnut fantasy.

- Is facilitating the largest Super-Spreader event ever - Nobody from the Administration has attended a former president whine rallies, nor do they intend too.

- Has created a humanitarian crisis - Climate Change and violence are doing that.

- Is trafficking children all over the country for the Cartels - Did steve watkins tell you that? I believe rep gaetz from Florida is doing that.

- Is illegally 'dumping' illegals in states w/out telling local/state officials they're coming - The Federal Government has the authority over immigration or asylum claims, not the states.

- Cut the pipeline, laying off a lot of Americans while supporting Putin's pipeline - There's 10 million jobs open in American right now.

- Put fossil fuel workers on notice, that they will all be out of work - Climate Change has put our planet on notice

- Put thousands of U.S. workers out of a job in his 1st hours of becoming president - There's 10 million jobs open in America right now

- Took millions of CCP & Russian dollars during his campaign - Foreign money is illegal in our campaigns. Asking for foreign favors also will get you Impeached

- Drove the economy into Inflation - Emerging (sorta thanks rednecks) from a Global pandemic and supply chain issues have created inflation.

- Signed an executive order on Jan. 20 banning ‘gender identity discrimination’ against transgender individuals, effectively ending ending 'Women's' sports - Women's sports have ended? When?

- Helped Inflame racial tensions between the white and black community in America - Redneck QOP conservatives have done this. You're living proof of it.

- Forced Americans to fund the killing of unborn children in other countries by rescinding the Trump-era Mexico City policy, which prevented federal funds from going to foreign abortion programs. - We fully fund information and availability to family planning programs. You want to control women like the Taliban.

- Reversed all of President Trump's Immigration agreements, policies, programs, and procedures which the Presi=dents of Mexico and Guatemala declared were working - President Biden ended the morally bankrupt policies of racists

- Effectively recreated 'Saigon 2.0' by executing the most f*ed-up attempted Afghanistan exit that has left approx 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan with the Biden administration telling them, "We can not ensure your safety, YOU must get to Kabul to be rescued - wer're not helping you get there, we have no plan to help rescue Americans outside of the local Kabul area...and you are on your own." - President Biden ended a 20 year occupation, followed the Peace Agreement that the former president negotiated with terrorists. He followed thru when the former president kicked the bucket down the street.

....but at least we don;t have any more MEAN TWEETS. - Or moving to an wingnut authoritarian state

Your continued attempt to downplay the severity of how badly Biden fucked up is pathetic. Tge man literally abandoned 40,000 Americans in Afghanistan, leaving their fate on the HOPE our terrorist enemies would show mercy on them.

He dismantled a program designed to help Anericans in situations like these...

He ignored the warnings of his military advisors and CIA...

He pulled the military out 1st, leaving the Americans left behind unprotected...

He told Americans left behind that the Biden administration could / would not help them get from wherever they are in Afghanistan to the Kabul airport - 'You are on your own...we can not ensure your safety.'

Meanwhile a retired Army Ranger went into Afghanistan on his own and got a family if Americans out of the country...again, as Biden told the 40,000 Anericans left there he can't get them out.

Knowing he was pulling everyone out of Afghanistan & - according to Joe - he knew things would turn to shit like they have, he still went ahead with dismantling Trump's program to help Americans in this situation...proving he expected things to go wrong but doesn't give a damn about the Americans he 1st abandoned / left behind.

There aren't a lot of things that Biden did NIT do wrong.

As Joe would say, 'Come on, Man' - Joe Biden, a Democrat president, lost the support of CNN over this fu@k-up...& that is damn-near impossible to do for a Democrat.

easyt65, you hit the paper, but it is time to zero in on the Bullseye.

Biden did not mess up by following Trump's plan. The Taliban had already done away with the bargain by not negotiating with the Afghan government. Biden is following his plan and it has nothing to do with life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I did not see this when Jim Clyburn said the first Covid Relief was a chance to restructure and supported Biden for the Democrat nomination. I just thought it was for corruption. I did not recognize what was going on until a retired AP US history teacher remarked, I'm worried about our country, what is going on?"

This is the playbook for Biden and those that support him:
easyt65, you hit the paper, but it is time to zero in on the Bullseye.

Biden did not mess up by following Trump's plan. The Taliban had already done away with the bargain by not negotiating with the Afghan government. Biden is following his plan and it has nothing to do with life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. I did not see this when Jim Clyburn said the first Covid Relief was a chance to restructure and supported Biden for the Democrat nomination. I just thought it was for corruption. I did not recognize what was going on until a retired AP US history teacher remarked, I'm worried about our country, what is going on?"

This is the playbook for Biden and those that support him:
More Marx blah blah blah blah from an olde white guy pining for the Fjords.
More Marx blah blah blah blah from an olde white guy pining for the Fjords.

Is this all you have to add to the discussion? If you are ignorant of what Marx and Engels writings contain, you can read them on the link I gave. Then we can discuss the correlation on what is contained there to the Biden regime's polices.
- Surrendered our sovereignty - What? Where?
- Biden's own Immigration Czar stated in an interview that the US no longer controlled the southern border, that they could not keep up with the Cartels.

- Surrendered our national security - To whom?
- Again, Biden's own Immigration Czar, US BP, Local & State police have all declared the US does not have control of the border, that Cartels freely cross, run drugs, engage in human/child trafficking, illegals trespass, damage property, steal weapons and more from Americans along the border, etc... It is being reported that individuals on the FBI's Terrorist list have been caught and probably some on the list who have crossed have not been caught. Illegals from 27 different nations have been caught crossing...

- Surrendered our border security - Have our borders changed? Where?
Reading comprehension is not your specialty, I see. No one is talking about Borders being MOVED/Changed, snowflake. Read the answer above - it applies to this one, too.

- Is hosting the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history - Pure wingnut fantasy.
More pathetic snowflake denial... The US BP and other agencies have reported that record numbers of human smuggling, child trafficking and drug running has been and is still occurring....and we do not still control the borders due to Biden administration policies, cuts, etc...

- Is facilitating the largest Super-Spreader event ever - Nobody from the Administration has attended a former president whine rally nor do they intend too.
The US BP is reporting 40-50% of all illegal unescorted children coming across the border are covid-positive. They are then packed into Biden Kiddie Cages where up to 70-80 kids are housed in cages meant to hold 10 -12, where the virus is spread to ohter kids and the US BP who have to care for them. As quickly as possible the kids are shipped / trafficked al lover the country, as you damn-well know unless you refuse to keep up with the news. Adults / families caught, showing symptoms, are quickly shipped all over the US without ;local/state officials being notified they are coming. States are reporting that when they show up they are tested - if tested positive the local/state officials do not have the authority to hold/quarantine them, so they head out into the US populace to spread the virus.

- Has created a humanitarian crisis - Climate Change and violence are doing that.
FAILED ATTEMPT TO DIVERT/DISTRACT...DEMOCRATS were the 1st people to visit and leak photos of the horrific conditions the kids were being forced to live in - kids packed into cages designed to hold a 4th or 5th the number in them, having to take shifts sleeping on the flor because there is not enough room / beds for them all, kids packed onto busses and held up to 3 days on them before it is decided where they will be taken and dumped all over the country, not enough foot, no drinkable/useable water...it was these DEMOCRATS who 1st described the conditions and what was going on a 'Humanitarian Crisis.

- Is trafficking children all over the country for the Cartels - Did steve watkins tell you that? I believe rep gaetz from Florida is doing that.
Again, NO ANSWER to the criminal human / child trafficking this administration is engaging in. Reports / photos of kids being kept on busses for up to 3 days before deciding where to take / dump them have been made public. Again you are trying to deny the undeniable to protect this failed, dementia-ravaged pedo-President.

- Is illegally 'dumping' illegals in states w/out telling local/state officials they're coming - The Federal Government has the authority over immigration or asylum claims, not the states.
It is illegal to 'DUMP' persons / illegals in communities / states without notifying the local / state government/officials that they are coming in advance. Biden is putting illegals in busses, trains, planes, and trafficking them all over the country then dumping them without letting officials know they are coming.
- Cut the pipeline, laying off a lot of Americans while supporting Putin's pipeline - There's 10 million jobs open in American right now.
Yeah, where are those higher-paying Green Energy Jobs Biden promised them when he put them out of work...?

- Put fossil fuel workers on notice, that they will all be out of work - Climate Change has put our planet on notice
Bullshit - Biden declared he was going to target and eliminate fossil fuel jobs and ended oil production in the US...only to turn around and beg Saudi to pump more oil to produce cheaper gas because we no longer are energy self-sufficient due to his actions.

- Put thousands of U.S. workers out of a job in his 1st hours of becoming president - There's 10 million jobs open in America right now
Thank you for again confirming that Biden put thousands of workers out of work within hours of becoming President

- Took millions of CCP & Russian dollars during his campaign - Foreign money is illegal in our campaigns. Asking for foreign favors also will get you Impeached
Thank you again for not denying that Joe Biden was proven to have taken MILLIONS from the CCP and Russia during his campaign, as, again, it was proven without a doubt.

- Drove the economy into Inflation - Emerging (sorta takes rednecks) from a Global pandemic and supply chain issues have created inflation.
Economic experts who have commented on this and the reason why say you're full of shit.

- Signed an executive order on Jan. 20 banning ‘gender identity discrimination’ against transgender individuals, effectively ending ending 'Women's' sports - Women's sports have ended? When?
The lefts LGBQRSTUVWXYZ transgender bullshit and the inability to tell the difference between a male and a female, has devastated women's sports. If you would have bothered to read the article you would have understood this, but your response clearly shows you did not do so. You were looking for the 'cute' 3-second sound-byte answer, not the intelligent one.

- Helped Inflame racial tensions between the white and black community in America - Redneck QOP conservatives have done this. You're living proof of it.
Again, you clearly prove you did not read the article and clearly either are ignoring what Biden has done or are ignorant to it. Why don't you actually READ the article, educate yourself, and get back to me when you are ready to discuss this issue intellectually?!

- Forced Americans to fund the killing of unborn children in other countries by rescinding the Trump-era Mexico City policy, which prevented federal funds from going to foreign abortion programs. - We fully fund information and availability to family planning programs. You want to control women like the Taliban.
You truly are ignorant to what is going on, what is in the bill, and what the money is used for. I don't want to control anyone - I just don't want my tax dollars going overseas to fund international / world-wide abortion. And brain-dead morons defend abortion by declaring 'My body, my choice' yet insist the same does not apply when someone does not want to get the COVID vaccine and do not see your own hypocrisy because you're too stupid.

- Reversed all of President Trump's Immigration agreements, policies, programs, and procedures which the Presidents of Mexico and Guatemala declared were working - President Biden ended the morally bankrupt policies of racists
'Racist' - ah, the old 'fall-back' claim of Democrats and snowflakes who have been bested in intellectual discussions and want to silence the other person who is kicking their ass. You speak of 'Racists' while defending Joe Biden? The guy who called blacks predators, who declared they are not as diverse as other races, who declared 'if you don't for me you ain't black', the guy his own VP called a racist during a debate, the guy whose best bud use to be an ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK... I could go on but I have made my point. Democrats, and snowflakes, love accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done and are still doing. Thanks for the demonstration that the practice is alive and well.
- And thank you for completely avoiding the fact that other world leaders involved in what is going on have publicly declared that the agreements made with Trump were working and that the humanitarian crisis / border invasion is on-going because Biden terminated all of those agreements to create this disaster.

- Effectively recreated 'Saigon 2.0' by executing the most f*ed-up attempted Afghanistan exit that has left approx 40,000 Americans stranded in Afghanistan with the Biden administration telling them, "We can not ensure your safety, YOU must get to Kabul to be rescued - wer're not helping you get there, we have no plan to help rescue Americans outside of the local Kabul area...and you are on your own." - President Biden ended a 20 year occupation, followed the Peace Agreement that the former president negotiated with terrorists. He followed thru when the former president kicked the bucket down the street.
In the last few days we have seen Biden's own Military advisors and CIA publicly declare that they warned Biden of a rapidly spreading control being seized by the Taliban and that Biden ignored them - meaning when Biden declared to the public all those things he promised would not happen - that did happen - he was either lying to the American people or in denial.

President Biden dismantled a program designed to help Americans in such a situation as the one Biden created - Americans trapped in another nation, unable to get out. Biden's rush to reverse everything Trump did completely bit him in the ass.

Biden and his failed Generals surrendered 11 US bases, pulled their troops out literally over-night, and abandoned as many as 40,000 Americans to the 'mercy' of the Taliban with no one there to protect them. They also left billions of dollars in specially modified armored humvees, attack vehicles, tanks, helicopters, weapons, and planes. Thank you for pointing out that IF the Taliban do not kill any US citizens or hold any hostage it will be because of "the Peace Agreement that the former President negotiated with the terrorists" - I could not have said it better - thanks.

....but at least we don;t have any more MEAN TWEETS. - Or moving to an wingnut authoritarian state
...says the Biden nut-hugging ass-clown who defends the marxist Democrats who have fully supported, financed, defended, and pushed foreign/democrat-funded / supported domestic Marxist terrorists and their ideology, who have facilitated their looting, damaging, destroying, assaulting, murdering, causing BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the US - releasing murderers and terrorists out of jail, bailing out of jail terrorists who attempted to burn alive local and federal officers...and the VP asking these domestic terrorists to continue their violence even after the election was over, which they have done...
More Marx blah blah blah blah from an olde white guy pining for the Fjords.
You are one to even speak about 'Marxist' anything - you dupes, by the thousands, were conned into supporting BLM, a 'self-enriching project' - according to the self-identified Marxist, who bought 4 mansions and millions of dollars in real estate with the money you sheep forked over to her. After making her fortune 4 times over on you idiots and after setting the country on fire she announced publicly that she had had enough of the 'BLM' shtick and was bailing to make more money elsewhere.

:auiqs.jpg: Bwuhahahahaha Morons...suckers
This isn't just Biden. It's his entire party and especially the unqualified bureaucrats he appointed. We need Trump back.
So, now I ask Biden's critics, what did Biden do wrong? What would you have had Biden do differently?

Those questions appeared on multiple threads over the past few days, and many are directed at Biden's critics. No one has answered.

However, what is interesting is that Biden's critics are unable to explain what mistakes Biden made.

They simply say he screwed up. They don't say how. Some have choice words for Biden, but insulting characterizations are not an explanation of mistakes made.

Typical is the the criticism leveled at Biden by Sen. Robert Menendez, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “In implementing this flawed plan, I am disappointed that the Biden administration clearly did not accurately assess the implications of a rapid U.S. withdrawal."

In other words, Biden was unable to predict the future and what the enemy accomplished in a short amount of time.

Consider this, there is little doubt that there were intelligence reports concerning the lack of fight within the Afghan army. However, there has been no information on the evaluation of the Director of National Intelligence. There is no indication the DNI told President Biden with "High Confidence" that the Afghan army would fold at the first sign of trouble.

Then there is this. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley insisted at a Wednesday press conference that U.S. intelligence did not predict the collapse of the Afghan government in less than two weeks. “There was nothing that I or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army in this government in 11 days,” he said, adding they were told the country could fall to the Taliban in weeks or even years.

A commander, in this case, the President of the United States, can only make decisions on the basis of the information available to him. He cannot predict the future. He cannot know the successes of the enemy at some point in time, and he doesn't base his decisions on the reading of tea leaves.

The situation in Afghanistan today is a consequence of the successes of the enemy, not American failure.

The enemy does not always do what you want him to do.

In this case the enemy did not wait "weeks or even years" to accomplish what he set out to do.
Mountain Monkeys Don't Make Good Pets

This is related to Benghazi by the fact that multicultie Democrats have an unrealistic trust in the anti-terrorist forces, who, to anyone who has real-world experience, are lowlife unreliable cowards and incompetents. Anti-racism is treason. Spoiled and sheltered Liberal dreamsuckers don't belong in America and that's why they can't help betraying us.

Gen. Milley is also part of the ignorant elitist clique that has taken leadership throughout America's decline.
What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.

I heard a woman commenting on this......the women and girls who were born in Afghanistan after 9/11 do not know what it is like to live under the Taliban.....this truly is a nightmare for them.....they are 20 years old, having lived in a country that had allowed them to work, and other freedoms, now, it is the middle ages and slave markets are going to come back......
What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.

Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves​

Just like dem covid fested messicans.
Rather you agree or disagree with leaving Afghanistan no matter if it was done under a Republican or Democrat President everyone knew what the result inside Afghanistan would be. Anyone who claims they didn’t is either a fool, liar or both.
It was always gonna be a shitshow. The Republicans should be thanking Biden for taking the political heat to get it done so they didn’t have to.
- Biden's own Immigration Czar stated in an interview that the US no longer controlled the southern border, that they could not keep up with the Cartels.

- Again, Biden's own Immigration Czar, US BP, Local & State police have all declared the US does not have control of the border, that Cartels freely cross, run drugs, engage in human/child trafficking, illegals trespass, damage property, steal weapons and more from Americans along the border, etc... It is being reported that individuals on the FBI's Terrorist list have been caught and probably some on the list who have crossed have not been caught. Illegals from 27 different nations have been caught crossing...

Reading comprehension is not your specialty, I see. No one is talking about Borders being MOVED/Changed, snowflake. Read the answer above - it applies to this one, too.

More pathetic snowflake denial... The US BP and other agencies have reported that record numbers of human smuggling, child trafficking and drug running has been and is still occurring....and we do not still control the borders due to Biden administration policies, cuts, etc...

The US BP is reporting 40-50% of all illegal unescorted children coming across the border are covid-positive. They are then packed into Biden Kiddie Cages where up to 70-80 kids are housed in cages meant to hold 10 -12, where the virus is spread to ohter kids and the US BP who have to care for them. As quickly as possible the kids are shipped / trafficked al lover the country, as you damn-well know unless you refuse to keep up with the news. Adults / families caught, showing symptoms, are quickly shipped all over the US without ;local/state officials being notified they are coming. States are reporting that when they show up they are tested - if tested positive the local/state officials do not have the authority to hold/quarantine them, so they head out into the US populace to spread the virus.

FAILED ATTEMPT TO DIVERT/DISTRACT...DEMOCRATS were the 1st people to visit and leak photos of the horrific conditions the kids were being forced to live in - kids packed into cages designed to hold a 4th or 5th the number in them, having to take shifts sleeping on the flor because there is not enough room / beds for them all, kids packed onto busses and held up to 3 days on them before it is decided where they will be taken and dumped all over the country, not enough foot, no drinkable/useable water...it was these DEMOCRATS who 1st described the conditions and what was going on a 'Humanitarian Crisis.

Again, NO ANSWER to the criminal human / child trafficking this administration is engaging in. Reports / photos of kids being kept on busses for up to 3 days before deciding where to take / dump them have been made public. Again you are trying to deny the undeniable to protect this failed, dementia-ravaged pedo-President.

It is illegal to 'DUMP' persons / illegals in communities / states without notifying the local / state government/officials that they are coming in advance. Biden is putting illegals in busses, trains, planes, and trafficking them all over the country then dumping them without letting officials know they are coming.

Yeah, where are those higher-paying Green Energy Jobs Biden promised them when he put them out of work...?

Bullshit - Biden declared he was going to target and eliminate fossil fuel jobs and ended oil production in the US...only to turn around and beg Saudi to pump more oil to produce cheaper gas because we no longer are energy self-sufficient due to his actions.

Thank you for again confirming that Biden put thousands of workers out of work within hours of becoming President

Thank you again for not denying that Joe Biden was proven to have taken MILLIONS from the CCP and Russia during his campaign, as, again, it was proven without a doubt.

Economic experts who have commented on this and the reason why say you're full of shit.

The lefts LGBQRSTUVWXYZ transgender bullshit and the inability to tell the difference between a male and a female, has devastated women's sports. If you would have bothered to read the article you would have understood this, but your response clearly shows you did not do so. You were looking for the 'cute' 3-second sound-byte answer, not the intelligent one.

Again, you clearly prove you did not read the article and clearly either are ignoring what Biden has done or are ignorant to it. Why don't you actually READ the article, educate yourself, and get back to me when you are ready to discuss this issue intellectually?!

You truly are ignorant to what is going on, what is in the bill, and what the money is used for. I don't want to control anyone - I just don't want my tax dollars going overseas to fund international / world-wide abortion. And brain-dead morons defend abortion by declaring 'My body, my choice' yet insist the same does not apply when someone does not want to get the COVID vaccine and do not see your own hypocrisy because you're too stupid.

'Racist' - ah, the old 'fall-back' claim of Democrats and snowflakes who have been bested in intellectual discussions and want to silence the other person who is kicking their ass. You speak of 'Racists' while defending Joe Biden? The guy who called blacks predators, who declared they are not as diverse as other races, who declared 'if you don't for me you ain't black', the guy his own VP called a racist during a debate, the guy whose best bud use to be an ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK... I could go on but I have made my point. Democrats, and snowflakes, love accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done and are still doing. Thanks for the demonstration that the practice is alive and well.
- And thank you for completely avoiding the fact that other world leaders involved in what is going on have publicly declared that the agreements made with Trump were working and that the humanitarian crisis / border invasion is on-going because Biden terminated all of those agreements to create this disaster.

In the last few days we have seen Biden's own Military advisors and CIA publicly declare that they warned Biden of a rapidly spreading control being seized by the Taliban and that Biden ignored them - meaning when Biden declared to the public all those things he promised would not happen - that did happen - he was either lying to the American people or in denial.

President Biden dismantled a program designed to help Americans in such a situation as the one Biden created - Americans trapped in another nation, unable to get out. Biden's rush to reverse everything Trump did completely bit him in the ass.

Biden and his failed Generals surrendered 11 US bases, pulled their troops out literally over-night, and abandoned as many as 40,000 Americans to the 'mercy' of the Taliban with no one there to protect them. They also left billions of dollars in specially modified armored humvees, attack vehicles, tanks, helicopters, weapons, and planes. Thank you for pointing out that IF the Taliban do not kill any US citizens or hold any hostage it will be because of "the Peace Agreement that the former President negotiated with the terrorists" - I could not have said it better - thanks.

...says the Biden nut-hugging ass-clown who defends the marxist Democrats who have fully supported, financed, defended, and pushed foreign/democrat-funded / supported domestic Marxist terrorists and their ideology, who have facilitated their looting, damaging, destroying, assaulting, murdering, causing BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the US - releasing murderers and terrorists out of jail, bailing out of jail terrorists who attempted to burn alive local and federal officers...and the VP asking these domestic terrorists to continue their violence even after the election was over, which they have done...
otto105 said:
- Surrendered our sovereignty - What? Where?
- Biden's own Immigration Czar stated in an interview that the US no longer controlled the southern border, that they could not keep up with the Cartels.

And for context you offer what? Were they discussing drugs, guns or something else?
You are one to even speak about 'Marxist' anything - you dupes, by the thousands, were conned into supporting BLM, a 'self-enriching project' - according to the self-identified Marxist, who bought 4 mansions and millions of dollars in real estate with the money you sheep forked over to her. After making her fortune 4 times over on you idiots and after setting the country on fire she announced publicly that she had had enough of the 'BLM' shtick and was bailing to make more money elsewhere.

:auiqs.jpg: Bwuhahahahaha Morons...suckers
otto105 said:
- Surrendered our national security - To whom?
- Again, Biden's own Immigration Czar, US BP, Local & State police have all declared the US does not have control of the border, that Cartels freely cross, run drugs, engage in human/child trafficking, illegals trespass, damage property, steal weapons and more from Americans along the border, etc... It is being reported that individuals on the FBI's Terrorist list have been caught and probably some on the list who have crossed have not been caught. Illegals from 27 different nations have been caught crossing...

Again, to whom? The Mexican drug cartels? The cartels are a problem, they make a lot of money selling Chinese opioids to you rednecks in rural America? Have we lost control of those areas too?

It's also not losing our National Security.
- Biden's own Immigration Czar stated in an interview that the US no longer controlled the southern border, that they could not keep up with the Cartels.

And for context you offer what? Were they discussing drugs, guns or something else?
You offered zero context in every one of your 1-sentense ignorant responses I debunked/addressed. Want some? Provide some.
- Biden's own Immigration Czar stated in an interview that the US no longer controlled the southern border, that they could not keep up with the Cartels.

- Again, Biden's own Immigration Czar, US BP, Local & State police have all declared the US does not have control of the border, that Cartels freely cross, run drugs, engage in human/child trafficking, illegals trespass, damage property, steal weapons and more from Americans along the border, etc... It is being reported that individuals on the FBI's Terrorist list have been caught and probably some on the list who have crossed have not been caught. Illegals from 27 different nations have been caught crossing...

Reading comprehension is not your specialty, I see. No one is talking about Borders being MOVED/Changed, snowflake. Read the answer above - it applies to this one, too.

More pathetic snowflake denial... The US BP and other agencies have reported that record numbers of human smuggling, child trafficking and drug running has been and is still occurring....and we do not still control the borders due to Biden administration policies, cuts, etc...

The US BP is reporting 40-50% of all illegal unescorted children coming across the border are covid-positive. They are then packed into Biden Kiddie Cages where up to 70-80 kids are housed in cages meant to hold 10 -12, where the virus is spread to ohter kids and the US BP who have to care for them. As quickly as possible the kids are shipped / trafficked al lover the country, as you damn-well know unless you refuse to keep up with the news. Adults / families caught, showing symptoms, are quickly shipped all over the US without ;local/state officials being notified they are coming. States are reporting that when they show up they are tested - if tested positive the local/state officials do not have the authority to hold/quarantine them, so they head out into the US populace to spread the virus.

FAILED ATTEMPT TO DIVERT/DISTRACT...DEMOCRATS were the 1st people to visit and leak photos of the horrific conditions the kids were being forced to live in - kids packed into cages designed to hold a 4th or 5th the number in them, having to take shifts sleeping on the flor because there is not enough room / beds for them all, kids packed onto busses and held up to 3 days on them before it is decided where they will be taken and dumped all over the country, not enough foot, no drinkable/useable water...it was these DEMOCRATS who 1st described the conditions and what was going on a 'Humanitarian Crisis.

Again, NO ANSWER to the criminal human / child trafficking this administration is engaging in. Reports / photos of kids being kept on busses for up to 3 days before deciding where to take / dump them have been made public. Again you are trying to deny the undeniable to protect this failed, dementia-ravaged pedo-President.

It is illegal to 'DUMP' persons / illegals in communities / states without notifying the local / state government/officials that they are coming in advance. Biden is putting illegals in busses, trains, planes, and trafficking them all over the country then dumping them without letting officials know they are coming.

Yeah, where are those higher-paying Green Energy Jobs Biden promised them when he put them out of work...?

Bullshit - Biden declared he was going to target and eliminate fossil fuel jobs and ended oil production in the US...only to turn around and beg Saudi to pump more oil to produce cheaper gas because we no longer are energy self-sufficient due to his actions.

Thank you for again confirming that Biden put thousands of workers out of work within hours of becoming President

Thank you again for not denying that Joe Biden was proven to have taken MILLIONS from the CCP and Russia during his campaign, as, again, it was proven without a doubt.

Economic experts who have commented on this and the reason why say you're full of shit.

The lefts LGBQRSTUVWXYZ transgender bullshit and the inability to tell the difference between a male and a female, has devastated women's sports. If you would have bothered to read the article you would have understood this, but your response clearly shows you did not do so. You were looking for the 'cute' 3-second sound-byte answer, not the intelligent one.

Again, you clearly prove you did not read the article and clearly either are ignoring what Biden has done or are ignorant to it. Why don't you actually READ the article, educate yourself, and get back to me when you are ready to discuss this issue intellectually?!

You truly are ignorant to what is going on, what is in the bill, and what the money is used for. I don't want to control anyone - I just don't want my tax dollars going overseas to fund international / world-wide abortion. And brain-dead morons defend abortion by declaring 'My body, my choice' yet insist the same does not apply when someone does not want to get the COVID vaccine and do not see your own hypocrisy because you're too stupid.

'Racist' - ah, the old 'fall-back' claim of Democrats and snowflakes who have been bested in intellectual discussions and want to silence the other person who is kicking their ass. You speak of 'Racists' while defending Joe Biden? The guy who called blacks predators, who declared they are not as diverse as other races, who declared 'if you don't for me you ain't black', the guy his own VP called a racist during a debate, the guy whose best bud use to be an ex-Grand Wizard of the KKK... I could go on but I have made my point. Democrats, and snowflakes, love accusing others of being who THEY are and of doing what THEY have done and are still doing. Thanks for the demonstration that the practice is alive and well.
- And thank you for completely avoiding the fact that other world leaders involved in what is going on have publicly declared that the agreements made with Trump were working and that the humanitarian crisis / border invasion is on-going because Biden terminated all of those agreements to create this disaster.

In the last few days we have seen Biden's own Military advisors and CIA publicly declare that they warned Biden of a rapidly spreading control being seized by the Taliban and that Biden ignored them - meaning when Biden declared to the public all those things he promised would not happen - that did happen - he was either lying to the American people or in denial.

President Biden dismantled a program designed to help Americans in such a situation as the one Biden created - Americans trapped in another nation, unable to get out. Biden's rush to reverse everything Trump did completely bit him in the ass.

Biden and his failed Generals surrendered 11 US bases, pulled their troops out literally over-night, and abandoned as many as 40,000 Americans to the 'mercy' of the Taliban with no one there to protect them. They also left billions of dollars in specially modified armored humvees, attack vehicles, tanks, helicopters, weapons, and planes. Thank you for pointing out that IF the Taliban do not kill any US citizens or hold any hostage it will be because of "the Peace Agreement that the former President negotiated with the terrorists" - I could not have said it better - thanks.

...says the Biden nut-hugging ass-clown who defends the marxist Democrats who have fully supported, financed, defended, and pushed foreign/democrat-funded / supported domestic Marxist terrorists and their ideology, who have facilitated their looting, damaging, destroying, assaulting, murdering, causing BILLIONS of dollars in damages in Democrat-run communities all over the US - releasing murderers and terrorists out of jail, bailing out of jail terrorists who attempted to burn alive local and federal officers...and the VP asking these domestic terrorists to continue their violence even after the election was over, which they have done...
otto105 said:
- Is hosting the largest drug/human/child trafficking event in history - Pure wingnut fantasy.
More pathetic snowflake denial... The US BP and other agencies have reported that record numbers of human smuggling, child trafficking and drug running has been and is still occurring....and we do not still control the borders due to Biden administration policies, cuts, etc...

And what was this "event"? A rep matt gaetz recruiting school dance...
- Again, Biden's own Immigration Czar, US BP, Local & State police have all declared the US does not have control of the border, that Cartels freely cross, run drugs, engage in human/child trafficking, illegals trespass, damage property, steal weapons and more from Americans along the border, etc... It is being reported that individuals on the FBI's Terrorist list have been caught and probably some on the list who have crossed have not been caught. Illegals from 27 different nations have been caught crossing...

Again, to whom? The Mexican drug cartels? The cartels are a problem, they make a lot of money selling Chinese opioids to you rednecks in rural America? Have we lost control of those areas too?

It's also not losing our National Security.
I am sorry you are so ignorant and clueless on curent events. I thought I was discussing issues with someone intelligent and current on what was going on. My apologies.

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