Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

More pathetic snowflake denial... The US BP and other agencies have reported that record numbers of human smuggling, child trafficking and drug running has been and is still occurring....and we do not still control the borders due to Biden administration policies, cuts, etc...

And what was this "event"? A rep matt gaetz recruiting school dance...
Perhaps you should do some research, educate yourself, and come back when you are better equipped to discuss issues at this level.
I am sorry you are so ignorant and clueless on curent events. I thought I was discussing issues with someone intelligent and current on what was going on. My apologies.
Your apologizes should be posting a rant devoid of facts. We're discussing border security and your position that we don't have any is false.
Perhaps you should do some research, educate yourself, and come back when you are better equipped to discuss issues at this level.
Drugs come in bulk over our highways and ports.

Not by 25 people running thru the desert.

So, you get real.
He was a drugged up and dead-end urban thug, not the rural redneck you say. Choices have consequences

Small Towns and Rural Areas Hit Hard by Opioid Crisis
Your apologizes should be posting a rant devoid of facts. We're discussing border security and your position that we don't have any is false.
You throwing a tantrum over my answering your responses madeI, fractured sentences with zero context....bwuhahaha.. You're pissed I handed you your ass.
You throwing a tantrum over my answering your responses madeI, fractured sentences with zero context....bwuhahaha.. You're pissed I handed you your ass.
You only handed yourself.

Now where is the border not secure?
Your GOP today, folks.
I don't speak for the GOP nor do they for me.
Now shove your broadbrush right up your one liner trolling ass.
Then continue to defend the senile bastards colossal fuck up in the pullout that stranded thousands of Americans, and left weapons in the hands of our enemies.
You pathetic fuck.
Some have accused Biden of not listening to his intelligence and military advisors.

This is who Biden did listen to.

Even with the current chaos in Kabul and the Kabul airport which has been seen every day on every network ever since plus the barrage of finger pointing at our President, a recent survey conducted by Morning Consult and Politico between Aug. 13 and Aug. 16, the day after the Taliban completed its takeover of Kabul, found that 49 percent of American voters still support President Biden’s decision to pull troops from the country.

Significantly and prior to the current chaos, 69 percent expressed support for the exit in an April survey by the same firms.

As a Presidential candidate, Biden campaigned on a withdrawal from Afghanistan. Obviously, voters agreed with him.

Getting back to the August poll, The Hill reports. "Thirty-seven percent of voters [one assumes Republicans] polled in August said they opposed the president’s decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, which was more than double the 16 percent opposition recorded in April.

"Sixty-nine percent of Democrats approved the president’s decision to pull troops from Afghanistan in the new poll, down from 84 percent in April."

"Over the past 20 years, Americans’ support for the war in Afghanistan has consistently waned. So much so that despite the Taliban taking over the country in a matter of days this past week — after the United States spent a trillion dollars and thousands of lives to prevent such a thing — very few people are second-guessing the need to withdraw, though many debate how the withdrawal has been executed by the Biden administration," the Washington Post.

The Taliban captured Kandahar and Kabul on the weekend and within hours the Afghan security forces folded without firing a shot, hence the chaos we are seeing now

There is no possible way Biden and his military advisors could anticipate that.

To say otherwise assumes the President and/or the Joint Chiefs decided to create a trap for American troops and civilians in Afghanistan, knowing the debacle that would follow.

To say otherwise makes absolutely no sense.
It was always gonna be a shitshow. The Republicans should be thanking Biden for taking the political heat to get it done so they didn’t have to.
Biden's haste left American weaponry in the capable hands of Iran by way of cooperative hands of the Taliban, the organizatio that brought the World Trade Center down. The secret is out: Biden ignored his advisers in the miliatry he appointed because his handlers told him he had to pick a Democrat to leD the defenders of this soverign nation the Democrats believe are worse than those who have been planning our end since WWII didn't go their way.

In the mean timeChina and North Korea are doing their last- minute planning of terrorizing population centers in poopy Frisco and the fallen angels of LA.

They have paid a ransom to get greedy Joe elected and Putin is likely grinning ear to ear on all this infighting caused by The house Speaker the secretive Nancy Pelosi, mistress of misinformation and party hatred/intolerance of the people of the country she vowed to serve when it was clear she planned only self-service.

Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves​

Just like dem covid fested messicans.
Maybe the new medical procedures will save the lives of these homeless people longing for freedom, and they will become clear that pursuing the American dream will only be theirs if they live conservatively.

In the meantime, we want President Trump reelected because he does love America, and I believe he was cheated by people who didn't know how bad Joe Biden's little case of dementia and a lifetime of using high office to gain wealth beyond imagination.

I say we find a way to impeach those who have tested and broken every law on the books, basically. And we want President Trump who actually won in 2020 but was cheated by cheater specialists in the voting booths Nov. 3 2020.And we need him in the Oval office tomorrow morning. We can put Joe Biden in Camp David as a nursing home that will give his addled mind rest for life if necessary.

Trump is the only person capable of averting a nuclear world war in the next few weeks, imho.
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What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.
They have done that for every century. Back to business as usual. It has nothing to do with Biden.

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