Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

women’s rights certainly came along with overthrowing the taliban regime that also supported and aided terrorist

xiden came it all back to them.

why do you have a problem with women rights?
Dude, get a friggin clue. This has nothing to do with women's rights. Stop inventing a scenario where it is. We went there to get Bin Laden, not to make war with the Taliban or change their culture, or overthrow their regime. My God you can't be this ignorant. We supplied the Taliban with weapons to fight the Russians for God's sake. Nowhere in any speech, prior to going in to get Bin Laden, was there mention of overthrowing the Taliban to change their way of life. If you do not know history and a countries culture, please don't pretend you can come on here claiming you know something about Afghanistan. It's embarrassing. You know absolutely nothing about what this war was supposed to be about. Unbelievable, the ignorance that I read.
You have either been brainwashed by the DNC liar's club or you invent their simpleton obfuscations. Either way, that is soooooo pathetic.
That's not an argument, and you know that I can prove it. Would you prefer I make a fool of you proving it?
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I see many things you MSM suckers can't abide because of wearing dark glasses under muddied waters. Laugh all you want. Goes with your jester's pied apparel.
Another non-argument coming from another Toadie.
Not at all. The more you post, the more I laugh.
You won't be laughing when you realize the danger of supporting the election of an evasive and mentally ill elderly man who shows signs of dementia in every public appearance he makes. Our enemies in NK, Iran, Isis and Taliban are planning our demise as you amuse yourself by laughing at the truth you avoid hearing. Have yourself a merry little paradigm ghat is not in accordance with the real world.
If sex slaves is what they want, we have plenty. Thousands of sex slaves cross our southern border every day. Many come already knocked up with another jihadi. We can send over planeloads of brides and bring back Americans. Win Win.
What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.
It's sad to see.
Dude, get a friggin clue. This has nothing to do with women's rights. Stop inventing a scenario where it is. We went there to get Bin Laden, not to make war with the Taliban or change their culture, or overthrow their regime. My God you can't be this ignorant. We supplied the Taliban with weapons to fight the Russians for God's sake. Nowhere in any speech, prior to going in to get Bin Laden, was there mention of overthrowing the Taliban to change their way of life. If you do not know history and a countries culture, please don't pretend you can come on here claiming you know something about Afghanistan. It's embarrassing. You know absolutely nothing about what this war was supposed to be about. Unbelievable, the ignorance that I read.
what do you think i am inventing? do you really have no clue what the Talbain has done and will do to women?
Xiden turned 40 million over to the Taliban
USA only had to leave 2,000 and air support.
Biden's haste left American weaponry in the capable hands of Iran by way of cooperative hands of the Taliban, the organizatio that brought the World Trade Center down. The secret is out: Biden ignored his advisers in the miliatry he appointed because his handlers told him he had to pick a Democrat to leD the defenders of this soverign nation the Democrats believe are worse than those who have been planning our end since WWII didn't go their way.

In the mean timeChina and North Korea are doing their last- minute planning of terrorizing population centers in poopy Frisco and the fallen angels of LA.

They have paid a ransom to get greedy Joe elected and Putin is likely grinning ear to ear on all this infighting caused by The house Speaker the secretive Nancy Pelosi, mistress of misinformation and party hatred/intolerance of the people of the country she vowed to serve when it was clear she planned only self-service.
The equipment belonged to the ASF. You know. The security forces that were supposed to secure the Afghan govt from the Taliban.
Maybe the new medical procedures will save the lives of these homeless people longing for freedom, and they will become clear that pursuing the American dream will only be theirs if they live conservatively.

In the meantime, we want President Trump reelected because he does love America, and I believe he was cheated by people who didn't know how bad Joe Biden's little case of dementia and a lifetime of using high office to gain wealth beyond imagination.

I say we find a way to impeach those who have tested and broken every law on the books, basically. And we want President Trump who actually won in 2020 but was cheated by cheater specialists in the voting booths Nov. 3 2020.And we need him in the Oval office tomorrow morning. We can put Joe Biden in Camp David as a nursing home that will give his addled mind rest for life if necessary.

Trump is the only person capable of averting a nuclear world war in the next few weeks, imho.
What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.
That's not all the "door to door" visits are about.

GW Bush, those PNAC shit bags, and EVERY politician that voted to support the destruction of, and the continued warfare on the people of Afghanistan are DIRECTLY to blame.
W couldn't tie his own shoes ....still can't.
Until the truth about 9/11 comes out, we'll never be free from the aftermath of it.

Instead of learning from the mistakes of 911 we're watching the enemy we created celebrate its' 20th anniversary.

What do you think they're going to do to our troops when they capture them?
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W couldn't tie his own shoes ....still can't.
Until the truth about 9/11 comes out, we'll never be free from the aftermath of it.

Instead of learning from the mistakes of 911 we're watching the enemy we created celebrate its' 20th anniversary.

What do you think they're going to do to our troops when they capture them?
what’s the truth about 9/11?

Bush was able to overthrow the Talban…something Joey Xiden obviously isn’t able to do

yes sadly, the Talbain who helped in the 9/11 attack will now and forever will be celebrating 9/11…thanks Joey Xiden
what’s the truth about 9/11?

Bush was able to overthrow the Talban…something Joey Xiden obviously isn’t able to do

yes sadly, the Talbain who helped in the 9/11 attack will now and forever will be celebrating 9/11…thanks Joey Xiden
Very little about 9/11 that we've been told is true. There are plenty of threads on it in the conspiracy theory section if you're truly interested, but if you're just trying to be disingenuous with me save it for the Sunday school kids Skippy.

But nevermind 911 itself..... just look at the foreign policy blunders since then and go down the list civil liberties being lost.....

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Anyone ever notice how Asslips cant stop whining about slavery that happened to black people before any of us were born, yet he never mentions or cares about CURRENT slaves in the Middle East and Africa? I guess since their masters arent white, he doesnt care.
Or could it be because he lives in America

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