Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

How many of the 5000 terrorists that Trump let out of Afghan prisons are a threat to U.S. citizens, you asswipe.
Trump did not release ANY of the 5,000 terrorists. There was a prisoner exchange with the Taliban starting March 10th, after Trump left office. LIAR
"Some 5,000 Taliban prisoners and 1,000 Afghan security force prisoners would be exchanged by 10 March, when talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government are due to start."

You're confused. It was Xiden that released thousands of real terrorists, ISIS and AQ prisoners that were held in prison at the Bagram airbase:

"The handwriting was on the wall when the U.S. military abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield during the dead of night earlier this summer, leaving the base’s new Afghan commander clueless as to what happened. That was done under Biden’s watch, not Trump’s. Biden reportedly disregarded the counsel he received from his military advisers not to give up Bagram Airfield.

The United States had used this airbase as a center of operations to hunt down al Qaeda terrorists and help keep the Taliban at bay. The air base includes a prison that had housed several thousand terrorist prisoners, including members of al Qaeda and ISIS.

Without warning, the Biden administration decided to give up this counter-terrorism stronghold. The Taliban saw a major opening and seized the base on August 15th. Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS prisoners were released, instantly adding to the jihadist terrorists’ forces. The next day Kabul fell to the Taliban."
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The Biden administration has informed Americans stuck in Afghanistan amid President Joe Biden’s botched exit from the country that the U.S. government cannot ensure they will get out of the country safely.

As if seeing Afghans fall from airplanes, people hanged in Kabul and the city’s airport turned into a stampede hasn’t been distressing enough, the federal government on Tuesday told U.S. citizens in that country that they’re essentially on their own when facing Taliban terrorists.

CBS News producer Sara Cook posted a note on Twitter that she said was sent to as many as 15,000 Americans stuck in Afghanistan telling them that they need to head to the airport in Kabul for a flight out.


Buckle up kids.
The Biden administration has informed Americans stuck in Afghanistan amid President Joe Biden’s botched exit from the country that the U.S. government cannot ensure they will get out of the country safely.

As if seeing Afghans fall from airplanes, people hanged in Kabul and the city’s airport turned into a stampede hasn’t been distressing enough, the federal government on Tuesday told U.S. citizens in that country that they’re essentially on their own when facing Taliban terrorists.

CBS News producer Sara Cook posted a note on Twitter that she said was sent to as many as 15,000 Americans stuck in Afghanistan telling them that they need to head to the airport in Kabul for a flight out.

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Buckle up kids.

Unbelievable. And the corporate media and their lackeys will cheer this decision, while abandoned Americans are tortured to death by the Taliban.
One of Biden’s selling points during the campaign was his strong relationships with world leaders. This couldn’t go any worse from an optics and execution perspective if the White House tried. Impressions like this are difficult-to-impossible to undo. Complete disarray. https://t.co/35JRSClwse

Joe Concha (@JoeConchaTV) August 17, 2021

Biden is literally AVOIDING speaking to any other world leader after this humiliating Afghanistan pull-out FAIL!
The don't think the Americans will be harmed. The Afghans on the other hand, are going before a Sharia court.
To be fair Xiden can’t keep Americans safe in America…did we really expect him to keep folks over there safe?

Xiden and the dems are a clear and present danger to the safety of All Americans, no matter where you are
Women crying "The Taliban is coming for me" at gates to the airport.

Shame on Biden!

And we have this:

That traitorous idiot Gen Miley is going to give a briefing today at 3:30.

Maybe he will lecture the Taliban on diversity, CRT, transgender acceptance and gay rights? You know, like he has been doing to American troops.
American family trapped in Afghanistan begs Biden for help: 'We don't have safety anymore'
MEDIA37 mins ago

American family trapped in Afghanistan begs Biden for help: 'We don't have safety anymore'


- "The U.S. has no plans to evacuate Americans in Afghanistan who are located outside Kabul"

Biden Team to Trapped Americans: You're on Your Own to Get to the Airport


"We have no partners left in Afghanistan to safely get Americans in-country to Kabul."
What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.
I just read the disgusting article. This is a perfect example of where GOD told Israel to UTTERLY DESTROY these people.

WE should have gone door to door and EXECUTED anyone involved with that group. But the "Christian West" no longer has the spine to fight a BIBLICAL war against evil
It makes me sick to see all the Muslim terrorists with M-16s, advanced optics and night vision.

Thank you very much Joe Dufus. Your Chinese buddies are pleased.
White House: ‘Significant Number of Americans’ Remain in Afghanistan, Chaos Erupts at Airport
White House: ‘Significant Number of Americans’ Remain in Afghanistan, Chaos Erupts at Airport

Official confirms US trying to determine the number of Americans still in the country

The 'Saigon Exit' was so rushed the US had no time to find out how many Americans were still there, let alone try to get them out.

"Violence and gunfire erupted on the Kabul airport as thousands of Afghans and others were trying to evacuate Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover on Sunday.

At one point, numerous Afghans and others tried to hold on to the outside of an American plane as it was departing the airport, according to video footage. At least one person fell hundreds of feet after the plane took off, other footage shows. “I saw one person grabbing the plane when it moved and then later he fell down.....Twitter showed throngs of people crowding around military planes on the tarmac."

Some have likened the evacuation of Americans from Afghanistan to the capture of Saigon by Vietnamese communists in 1975, capping the end of the Vietnam War. As in Siagon more than 40 years ago, scenes of U.S. military helicopters flying staff away emerged on Sunday in Kabul.

"U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed there were numerous Americans still inside Afghanistan."

Their lives rest in the 'mercy' of the Taliban....the people who, in the past, beheaded Americans on video for the world to see.

Biden to Return to Washington, Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan
Biden to Return to Washington, Deliver Remarks on Afghanistan

"Oops....my bad. MAN, I really got that one wrong, didn't I?!"

Not to worry. dementia joe stated that he warned the taliban not to interfere with his evacuation plan. if they do he will punish them with devastating force. He told them women's rights have to be respected and that he will be monitoring what is happening on the ground in afghanistan closely. by the way where the f--k is joe
One of his administration officials (State Department) briefed there are still Americans there who did not get out...
It makes me sick to see all the Muslim terrorists with M-16s, advanced optics and night vision.

Thank you very much Joe Dufus. Your Chinese buddies are pleased.
You idiot, do you really think they just acquired all this weaponry from Biden, where in the hell is the Afghan Army we supposedly trained?

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