Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

Why did the Biden admin pull our troops out of Afghanistan before getting the estimated over 10 thousand American citizens out first ? and more importantly now that the Taliban controls the roads in and out of Kabul and the airport it appears that American citizens left behind are at the mercy of the Taliban ! said Americans have been told to shelter in place until they are rescued ! so now the question has become how are we going to get them out ! Opinion | The Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan
That was quite stupid. But, not to worry, Biden has drawn a red line in the sand. Nothing can go wrong.
Why did the Biden admin pull our troops out of Afghanistan before getting the estimated over 10 thousand American citizens out first ? and more importantly now that the Taliban controls the roads in and out of Kabul and the airport it appears that American citizens left behind are at the mercy of the Taliban ! said Americans have been told to shelter in place until they are rescued ! so now the question has become how are we going to get them out ! Opinion | The Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan
The answer is simple. Nobody thought the Taliban would take over so rapidly. The reason they were able to do this is because of Trump having released 5000 fighters last year, and having their leader released in Pakistan.

And WHY would Trump do this? Why did he do anything? Putin told him to.
That was quite stupid. But, not to worry, Biden has drawn a red line in the sand. Nothing can go wrong.
Nothing Biden could possibly do could go as wrong as Dubya's policies in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Nearly everything Trump did comes back to bite us. Now it's the release of all those Taliban fighters, who enabled the rapid Taliban takeover. Just another fuckup on Trump's list.
because Joe Xiden and the dems are complete idiots and screwed this entire thing up.

He rushed to have some political 9/11 Anny side show and didn’t listen to the experts, intel, and reality.

Because of that so many will die, today, tomorrow and in the near future
Partisan nonsense, and all we expect from braindead Qtip heads.
Why did the Biden admin pull our troops out of Afghanistan before getting the estimated over 10 thousand American citizens out first ? and more importantly now that the Taliban controls the roads in and out of Kabul and the airport it appears that American citizens left behind are at the mercy of the Taliban ! said Americans have been told to shelter in place until they are rescued ! so now the question has become how are we going to get them out ! Opinion | The Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan
Simple. BIDEN IS AN IDIOT and does not care about AMERICANS
I'm looking at the treasonous Qtip white-right in this country and see that you are all a useless drag on this country. Move to Russia now, and help Putin drag it down.

Oh noes!!! Another triggered faggot jumps on board to defend his senile gangster 'Prez'.
Anthony Blinken is an ignoramus, just like Biden. And don't get me going about the military leadership involved in this operation. You don't have to be an honors graduate of the war college to realize you need to protect your people who are withdrawing. Incompetence abounds in this administration.
The incompetence was Trump's, in releasing Taliban fighters last year. That is why they took over so rapidly.

Too complex for your tiny Qtip brain, traitor boy? Sit down and STFU
Simple, you are a traitor and are reported to HS for your secessionist wet dreams.

Secessionist traitors were stomped down once already. Must we do it again? If necessary. I will not shed a tear for ONE of you lowlife bastards.
You seemed to have gone into a meltdown since your hero proved himself to be a senile old poitician with no concept of reality
I never realized that Trump's agreement with in was for the US to pull out and for the Taliban to immediately overthrow the Afghan government and take over again.
Yes, the agreement was to pull all US troops out by May 1st 2021 and it never stated that the Taliban could not take over.
Why did the Biden admin pull our troops out of Afghanistan before getting the estimated over 10 thousand American citizens out first ? and more importantly now that the Taliban controls the roads in and out of Kabul and the airport it appears that American citizens left behind are at the mercy of the Taliban ! said Americans have been told to shelter in place until they are rescued ! so now the question has become how are we going to get them out ! Opinion | The Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan
Because O'Biden is an incompetent fool.
Why did the Biden admin pull our troops out of Afghanistan before getting the estimated over 10 thousand American citizens out first ? and more importantly now that the Taliban controls the roads in and out of Kabul and the airport it appears that American citizens left behind are at the mercy of the Taliban ! said Americans have been told to shelter in place until they are rescued ! so now the question has become how are we going to get them out ! Opinion | The Americans Left Behind in Afghanistan
Flights have resumed and people are being evacuated.
Nothing Biden could possibly do could go as wrong as Dubya's policies in Afghanistan and Iraq!

Nearly everything Trump did comes back to bite us. Now it's the release of all those Taliban fighters, who enabled the rapid Taliban takeover. Just another fuckup on Trump's list.
So, you're saying that Biden didn't know about the release of all those Taliban fighters? Which ones are you talking about anyway? Could they be the ones that Obama released? Biden's own intelligence warned Biden that this is exactly what would happen and Biden ignored US intelligence. Why doesn't Biden trust US intelligence? What's the point of having all of that intelligence if you aren't going to listen to them? Or, are you saying it was Biden's plan to strand 25,000 Americans in Afghanistan?
The incompetence was Trump's, in releasing Taliban fighters last year. That is why they took over so rapidly.

Too complex for your tiny Qtip brain, traitor boy? Sit down and STFU
You stupid ass. Over 180,000 Afghan troops and 70,000 Taliban. So you think the addition of 5000 Taliban turned the tide of this war? The Afghan army never wanted us there. It's the Muslim code.
Trump was being diplomatic with the Taliban because he knew they would be taking over as soon as we left.
You are quite the fuckstain. Now go take a long walk on a short pier. Maybe that'll wake up a couple brain cells.
We haven't abandoned anyone, drama queen. Evacuations continue. The Taliban won't interfere.

Its a whole new game. Wise up.

"The U.S. has no plans to evacuate Americans in Afghanistan who are located outside Kabul, according to a report Tuesday."

The Taliban won't interfere.

So, like Joe, you are counting on the mercy of our terrorist enemy we have been at war with for nearly 20 years, whose leaders we have hunted, targeted, and killed, who have beheaded / murdered American citizens, and who just chased the US out of Afghanistan, so quickly that the Commander and chief chose to abandon up to 40,000 US citizens.....

Great plan, snowflake. :p

Even CNN has climbed onboard the 'kick Biden In The Junk For this Failure' train.

Most other news outlets say 10,000 Americans in Afghanistan, but you use Gateway Pundit.
The news is reporting 10,000 IN KABUL...but there could be as many as 40,000 in all of Afghanistan.

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