Taliban say under sharia Law , Homosexuals, Lesbians, Tranies, LGBTQ to be beheaded.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Taliban say all homosexuals , lesbians, Tranies , LGBTQ to be beheaded. Their is no place for those infidels in their new Islamic society. They must all try to leave with the Americans. They will not be tolerated in Afghanistan.!!
Taliban say all homosexuals , lesbians, Tranies , LGBTQ to be beheaded. Their is no place for those infidels in their new Islamic society. They must all try to leave with the Americans. They will not be tolerated in Afghanistan.!!
What we'd have here in America if it wasn't for secular laws like the U.S. Constitution.....Just look at the Puritans.
20 years the military was there, huh?

20 years they couldn't kill all the Taliban, huh?

20 years they couldn't get their shit together, huh?

I had an ex-military man for a history teacher in the 5th grade.
One of the things he told us, is that people usually don't want war. They usually figure things out on their own. It's the governments that love war. War makes governments money. Governments will create wars where no wars exist. This is why nobody knows why most wars ever started in the first place.

I'm sure this is what he meant.
See the taliban does have some good policies. Anyone that knows bodecea understands that the taliban is just being sensible.
Taliban say all homosexuals , lesbians, Tranies , LGBTQ to be beheaded. Their is no place for those infidels in their new Islamic society. They must all try to leave with the Americans. They will not be tolerated in Afghanistan.!!

Quid Pro is the best friend the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community ever had....
WELP, that's it. Looks like Tommy will have to go underground again! Honey, cancel that flight to the Middle East!
Conjecture. With Taliban it’s fact. Next…
Haven't you studied the history of the Puritans? They were as bad if not worse than the Taliban. People in the UK are shocked our schools teach that they were seeking religious freedom when they came to Massachusetts. They were religious fanatics. They killed people. They ran the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a theocracy.
What we'd have here in America if it wasn't for secular laws like the U.S. Constitution.....Just look at the Puritans.


Just look at this dog whistle here. Death by boiling in oil !!

Haven't you studied the history of the Puritans? They were as bad if not worse than the Taliban. People in the UK are shocked our schools teach that they were seeking religious freedom when they came to Massachusetts. They were religious fanatics. They killed people. They ran the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a theocracy.
There was a simple solution...Don't live in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Haven't you studied the history of the Puritans? They were as bad if not worse than the Taliban. People in the UK are shocked our schools teach that they were seeking religious freedom when they came to Massachusetts. They were religious fanatics. They killed people. They ran the Massachusetts Bay Colony as a theocracy.
They were also in power 500 yrs ago. We evolved. You should do the same.
Source:- The Los Angeles Times says " Taliban Return will mean death for LGBTQ People"-
They topple walls onto Homosexuals and lesbians, and Tranies. Or have them castrated.
Will the Taliban behead those who rape little boys too? :(

Because if they do, they will have to behead almost all of Afghanistan.
They were also in power 500 yrs ago. We evolved. You should do the same.

exactly... funny how the folks on the left always dredging up history to draw senseless parallels to everyday people now. Just like Biden dredging up Jim Crow.
Oddly in this case it's to perform damage control for the Taiban's reputation..... the same guys who are currently demanding 13 year old daughters from families... then slaughtering the whole family if they dont comply. (wink wink.. nod nod.... just like Trump voters ehhh??)))

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