Taliban using Anti-Mosque Fever to Recruit Members

So will you ever answer the question of wether one should know their enemy if they wish to win a war?

That is what the Art of War says.

Knowing your enemy is knowing who they are and what their motivations are.

When you claim an entire religion is your enemy and it is not you have just caused yourself a huge possibility of losing the war by forcing those you dont need to fight to fight you.

Just think TM...everyone is getting to know obama.

Do you have any thoughts on this subject of hand or did you think Obama wrote the Art of War?
Why did the Wizard of Oz have a strawman in it? Do you have any thoughts? Don't avoid the question, otherwise you clearly hate America.
I dont have your positions memorized.

I dont care what label you call yourself.

I am talking ideas here and yuou injected your silly self into the conversation.

If you were truely concerned with me knowing your every little position you would talk and answer the questions like the one about just using party platform who would you vote for.

You are right leaning from what I have seen and your knee jerk hate of anyone liberal pretty much gives you away.

Who said you did?

You keep using "You" when you respond to my posts.

Besides that, This is a message board, I can inject myself into a conversation however I want. never said you couldnt

I don't care that you know my little position. then why get all pissy at me calling you a con?

I don't use Party platforms to vote, why do you think i'm an Independent? Stop acting like you know my position. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, remember you dont care

I'm right leaning on most Issues, doesn't mean I'm a Republican. I don't hate Liberals, I despise hacks like you, If you ask most people on here I don't hate anyone. Please get a clue.

Then why the fuck did you get all crazed about me quoting the Art of War?

Well, wouldn't you get all mad If I called you a Republican? no?

Don't care about what? What's so funny about being an Independent? :eusa_eh:

You're not quoting the Art of War. First, Read it all, then come back to me about it. From what I see you quote it like you know all about it.
So will you ever answer the question of wether one should know their enemy if they wish to win a war?

That is what the Art of War says.

Knowing your enemy is knowing who they are and what their motivations are.

When you claim an entire religion is your enemy and it is not you have just caused yourself a huge possibility of losing the war by forcing those you dont need to fight to fight you.

Just think TM...everyone is getting to know obama.

Do you have any thoughts on this subject of hand or did you think Obama wrote the Art of War?


I do not think your god wrote the art of war.... But to know your enemy is funny coming for you...don't you see tm...we ARE getting to know obama...or is that allusion to complicated for you?

I have plenty of thoughts on this subject..i just got to your stupid broken record shit first.
Who said you did?

You keep using "You" when you respond to my posts.

Besides that, This is a message board, I can inject myself into a conversation however I want. never said you couldnt

I don't care that you know my little position. then why get all pissy at me calling you a con?

I don't use Party platforms to vote, why do you think i'm an Independent? Stop acting like you know my position. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, remember you dont care

I'm right leaning on most Issues, doesn't mean I'm a Republican. I don't hate Liberals, I despise hacks like you, If you ask most people on here I don't hate anyone. Please get a clue.

Then why the fuck did you get all crazed about me quoting the Art of War?

Well, wouldn't you get all mad If I called you a Republican? no? You desribe yourself as a conservative and get mad at being labled a con because of your post like a conservative.

Don't care about what? What's so funny about being an Independent? :eusa_eh:its not funny and I never claimed it was, you are a conservative by your own description

You're not quoting the Art of War. First, Read it all, then come back to me about it. From what I see you quote it like you know all about it.

I can discuss ANY idea I wish to discuss asshole.

I am discussing the wisdom of the idea that one should know his enemy oif they wish to win a war.

If you are not up to the discussion then go fuck yourself.

If you wish to say that me and the Art of War are wrong on this point then get to proving it with some intelligent conversation.
Then why the fuck did you get all crazed about me quoting the Art of War?

Well, wouldn't you get all mad If I called you a Republican? no? You desribe yourself as a conservative and get mad at being labled a con because of your post like a conservative.

Don't care about what? What's so funny about being an Independent? :eusa_eh:its not funny and I never claimed it was, you are a conservative by your own description

You're not quoting the Art of War. First, Read it all, then come back to me about it. From what I see you quote it like you know all about it.

I can discuss ANY idea I wish to discuss asshole.

I am discussing the wisdom of the idea that one should know his enemy oif they wish to win a war.

If you are not up to the discussion then go fuck yourself.

If you wish to say that me and the Art of War are wrong on this point then get to proving it with some intelligent conversation.

1- I wasn't aware that the topic of this thread was "the art of war" it is your broken record for this thread. So take some of your own advice and if you have something to say about the topic pleas feel free, other wise....make your own thread and play your broken record there.

2- You do not understand the art of war or what it TRULY means "know thy enemy"

3- when you can have an intelligent conversation i am sure other people will speak to you instead of playing you like a wind up toy.

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Then why the fuck did you get all crazed about me quoting the Art of War?

Well, wouldn't you get all mad If I called you a Republican? no? You desribe yourself as a conservative and get mad at being labled a con because of your post like a conservative.

Don't care about what? What's so funny about being an Independent? :eusa_eh:its not funny and I never claimed it was, you are a conservative by your own description

You're not quoting the Art of War. First, Read it all, then come back to me about it. From what I see you quote it like you know all about it.

I can discuss ANY idea I wish to discuss asshole.

I am discussing the wisdom of the idea that one should know his enemy oif they wish to win a war.

If you are not up to the discussion then go fuck yourself.

If you wish to say that me and the Art of War are wrong on this point then get to proving it with some intelligent conversation.

I'm an Independent don't you get that? What's with all the labeling anyways?

You can discuss anything you want, but one thing I ask is, don't act like you know all about it. get it now?

I'm sorry are you another armchair warrior? Acting like you know all about the Art of Modern Warfare?
Then why the fuck did you get all crazed about me quoting the Art of War?

Well, wouldn't you get all mad If I called you a Republican? no? You desribe yourself as a conservative and get mad at being labled a con because of your post like a conservative.

Don't care about what? What's so funny about being an Independent? :eusa_eh:its not funny and I never claimed it was, you are a conservative by your own description

You're not quoting the Art of War. First, Read it all, then come back to me about it. From what I see you quote it like you know all about it.

I can discuss ANY idea I wish to discuss asshole.

I am discussing the wisdom of the idea that one should know his enemy oif they wish to win a war.

If you are not up to the discussion then go fuck yourself.

If you wish to say that me and the Art of War are wrong on this point then get to proving it with some intelligent conversation.
Off topic.
See here asshole.

why are you so angry at someone quoting the Art of war?

I guess because you're quoting it without really understanding it.

Please enlightnen us, what pray tell was meant by this quote then?

There are six principles to the Art of War. You quote one small aspect of one of the principles and place it in an out of context situation. Knowing your enemy is about an intimate knowledge and understanding of their strategies, capabilities and desires as well as the same understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses. It's about understanding how opposing commanders will react to any given strategy and it's about knowing the environment and terrain you will fight in.

If you're going to build an argument on the Art of War, I would suggest that you at least read the damned thing so that you may understand what the fuck you're talking about.
So I'm kind of confused with the Art of War is in this thread anyways. :confused: Is someone saying that the coalition military doesn't understand the guerrilla tactics of al-Qaida and how to undermine Taliban control of Afghani society?


So I'm kind of confused with the Art of War is in this thread anyways. :confused: Is someone saying that the coalition military doesn't understand the guerrilla tactics of al-Qaida and how to undermine Taliban control of Afghani society?



She seems to be suggesting that If you know your enemy, you'll refrain from protesting about a mosque being built!
I guess because you're quoting it without really understanding it.

Please enlightnen us, what pray tell was meant by this quote then?

There are six principles to the Art of War. You quote one small aspect of one of the principles and place it in an out of context situation. Knowing your enemy is about an intimate knowledge and understanding of their strategies, capabilities and desires as well as the same understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses. It's about understanding how opposing commanders will react to any given strategy and it's about knowing the environment and terrain you will fight in.

If you're going to build an argument on the Art of War, I would suggest that you at least read the damned thing so that you may understand what the fuck you're talking about.

How is that differant from how I quoted it.

First you must know WHO your enemy is, To wage war on those you do not need to fight to win is utter stupidity.

What the anti Mulsim faction of this country is doing is trying to make our fight with ALL oif Islam. They want to increase the size of the people we need to fight to win.

This is Not a religious war like some fools are clamouring for.
Please enlightnen us, what pray tell was meant by this quote then?

There are six principles to the Art of War. You quote one small aspect of one of the principles and place it in an out of context situation. Knowing your enemy is about an intimate knowledge and understanding of their strategies, capabilities and desires as well as the same understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses. It's about understanding how opposing commanders will react to any given strategy and it's about knowing the environment and terrain you will fight in.

If you're going to build an argument on the Art of War, I would suggest that you at least read the damned thing so that you may understand what the fuck you're talking about.

How is that differant from how I quoted it.

First you must know WHO your enemy is, To wage war on those you do not need to fight to win is utter stupidity.

What the anti Mulsim faction of this country is doing is trying to make our fight with ALL oif Islam. They want to increase the size of the people we need to fight to win.

This is Not a religious war like some fools are clamouring for.

Well, at least you're consistent. You just don't get it, do you! As I said, go read the whole fucking book...then come back and make some attempt to talk sense!
dismissing me does not an argument make.

You have no response to even show how there is ANYTHING wrong with my post so you pretend there is and dismiss it.

You see that bullshit will not fly anymore.

If it is so out of context then provide some context or fuck off.
So I'm kind of confused with the Art of War is in this thread anyways. :confused: Is someone saying that the coalition military doesn't understand the guerrilla tactics of al-Qaida and how to undermine Taliban control of Afghani society?



She seems to be suggesting that If you know your enemy, you'll refrain from protesting about a mosque being built!

Okay I agree with the idea that Islam as a whole is not the enemy; it's the fundies that exploit ancient passages to justify their warped political and social goals with violence. The responsibility for marginalizing and suppressing those psychotic factions will ultimately be on Islam itself, and Western nations should do what they can to encourage that without dictating it, if that makes any sense?

I don't think quoting parts from the Art of War is the best way to make that argument, though.
Then with that same logic all christians are responsible for stopping the murder of womens healthcare providers
Then with that same logic all christians are responsible for stopping the murder of womens healthcare providers

Not really. Violence because of "religious" motivation is more widespread in Islamic nations than any predominately-Christian nation in the West today. This isn't a judgment of which religion is "better", but more about a difference in social conditions and the existing power structures in the ME that exploit Islamic fundamentalism for political gain.

It's like this; it was on Christianity to figure out that burning witches at the stake was wrong. The sense of morality--right and wrong--changed over time in the religion. There were external factors too, like increasing secularization that paralleled economic development. I hope the same happens in the ME, where knowledge eventually trumps fear.

What is your alternative? If Islam doesn't bear the burden of bringing on itself a sea change in how violence is tolerated, who will? Us? Or is the current state of affairs in the ME acceptable to you right now?

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