Tampa Times lies about Trayvon event

There were 2 eyewitness and one that heard the event on the phone.

You folks only cherry pick one of the testimonies.
There were 2 eyewitness and one that heard the event on the phone.

You folks only cherry pick one of the testimonies.

no-one seen it?
Eyewitness describes Trayvon Martin's fatal struggle to Florida jury | Reuters
Good said he was watching TV with his wife when he heard a noise outside and saw two people wrestling on the ground, with "a lighter-skinned man" on the bottom. He identified the other man, Martin, by his race and clothing.

Good initially told police the person on top was pummeling the other in mixed martial arts style, but backed off that account, later saying the person on top was straddling the other man, but his arms might have been holding the other down rather than punching.

Asked by state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda if he saw the "person on top" grabbing the head of the lighter skinned man and slamming it into the concrete, Good replied "No."

In opening statements, defense attorney Don West told the court "Trayvon Martin armed himself with the concrete sidewalk and used it to smash George Zimmerman's head ... That is a deadly weapon."

Under cross-examination Good was asked why he had clarified his initial description about blows being struck. "That's what it looked like," Good said. But because it was dark outside, Good said "I can't 100 percent confirm that that was happening."

Good also said that he was not sure who made the cries for help that several neighbors have described, although he said "the yelling sounded like it was coming from the person on the bottom."
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.

By the Constitution the government cannot control the media. But WE can control the media. Boycott their sponsors until they clean up their act. and notify both the sponsors AND the media of that.

No one is safe from them in this country. By that I mean no one is safe from their overt lies. It could happen to any of us. I recall an incident here in which a policeman shot the dog of a person he had stopped for a traffic violation. The way the media here presented it had people wanting not just his job, but his very life. They would not show that part of the vid where the dog was advancing on him in a particularly vicious manner. Local stations said it would be 'too traumatic' for many of their viewers. The only way the man could clear his name was to go to one of the major networks and get them to play the entire thing. All the ire and venom stopped the minute people saw that the dog was indeed vicious.
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.

By the Constitution the government cannot control the media. But WE can control the media. Boycott their sponsors until they clean up their act. and notify both the sponsors AND the media of that.

No one is safe from them in this country. By that I mean no one is safe from their overt lies. It could happen to any of us. I recall an incident here in which a policeman shot the dog of a person he had stopped for a traffic violation. The way the media here presented it had people wanting not just his job, but his very life. They would not show that part of the vid where the dog was advancing on him in a particularly vicious manner. Local stations said it would be 'too traumatic' for many of their viewers. The only way the man could clear his name was to go to one of the major networks and get them to play the entire thing. All the ire and venom stopped the minute people saw that the dog was indeed vicious.

I keep asking conservative politicians if when interviewed by MSM they start out with this statement:
"Many people are unaware that 85% of the 1,353 network news anchors,editors,executives donated over $1 million to Obama and Democrats so why would anything these reporters/editors/producers write be objective?"

If these politicians continually hammered home these simple FACTS more and more MSM would have to report it and also answer to the question of their biased reporting!
I don't think there was anyone who saw the entire incident - from start to finish.
And the jury has returned their verdict.
We will never know everything that led up to this incident.
This SAME Tampa St. Pete Times did a study of the 200 "Stand Your ground" cases since 2005 in Florida and here are THEIR results:

The efforts to repeal the "stand your ground" (SYG) law will mean MORE blacks will go to jail!

The law started in 2005.

After 8 years there have been 135 FATAL SYG cases in Florida,

of the 135 cases where deaths were involved:
44 blacks were accused;

of the 44 accused 11 or 25% convicted; now in jail.

of the 44 accused, 24 or 55% justified ; THEY WERE LET GO.. If SYG goes away THEY WOULD BE IN JAIL!

and 9% pending..

By repealing the law, all those blacks found "justified" would be convicted!

Tell me you want more BLACKS convicted of killing because the "Stand Your Ground" law is repealed!

Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy | Tampa Bay Times
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.

By the Constitution the government cannot control the media. But WE can control the media. Boycott their sponsors until they clean up their act. and notify both the sponsors AND the media of that.

No one is safe from them in this country. By that I mean no one is safe from their overt lies. It could happen to any of us. I recall an incident here in which a policeman shot the dog of a person he had stopped for a traffic violation. The way the media here presented it had people wanting not just his job, but his very life. They would not show that part of the vid where the dog was advancing on him in a particularly vicious manner. Local stations said it would be 'too traumatic' for many of their viewers. The only way the man could clear his name was to go to one of the major networks and get them to play the entire thing. All the ire and venom stopped the minute people saw that the dog was indeed vicious.

I keep asking conservative politicians if when interviewed by MSM they start out with this statement:
"Many people are unaware that 85% of the 1,353 network news anchors,editors,executives donated over $1 million to Obama and Democrats so why would anything these reporters/editors/producers write be objective?"

If these politicians continually hammered home these simple FACTS more and more MSM would have to report it and also answer to the question of their biased reporting!

The media doesn't have to report on anything.
Stand your ground law, Trayvon Martin and a shocking legacy Defendant George Zimmerman and victim Trayvon Martin | Tampa Bay Times
There was a claim there was no eye witness
the who was it that testified he seen what by all accounts was Treyvon beatinf up by what in all account was GZ?

Jr. There was no eye witness that saw the attack. That is no one saw who started the fight. Not the same as someone observing a part of the fight between the two.

The times stated there where NONE
that is a lie
and was the event not recorded also?
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.

Wow...Did he also mention his son beating up women too? Whaaa, he didn't?

He cast aspersions onto....onto...Other people?!? :eek:
And yet another thread started by Cons who whine and cry about progressives who won't let this case go. It's comical.
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.

Wow...Did he also mention his son beating up women too? Whaaa, he didn't?

He cast aspersions onto....onto...Other people?!? :eek:

And that had nothing to do with the case at hand. Yet the actions by the SAG and others had a huge impact on the case at hand.

Of course I can understand why you want to continue to deflect the issues as much as possible. Any rational, on point discussion leaves no doubt as to the facts and who was at fault that night for Trayvon Martin's death.

Trayvon Martin himself.
I've been reading the book by George Zimmerman's father, factchecking as I go.

While a lot of the stuff I was aware of, there was a lot that I either never knew or didn't remember.

One of the biggies was the team hired by the Martins was the same group that led the battle over the Martin Lee Anderson case that ended up closing all the Bootcamps in Florida.

The lies by the media, including some on Fox News, the distortions by elected officials, the way that the paid liars drove the news, pressers, and orchestrated the misinformation campaign is worthy of Obama's campaign staff.

The more I read and understand what went on behind the scenes, the more I pity people like Sallow who swallowed the lies and distortions.

Wow...Did he also mention his son beating up women too? Whaaa, he didn't?

He cast aspersions onto....onto...Other people?!? :eek:

And that had nothing to do with the case at hand. Yet the actions by the SAG and others had a huge impact on the case at hand.

Of course I can understand why you want to continue to deflect the issues as much as possible. Any rational, on point discussion leaves no doubt as to the facts and who was at fault that night for Trayvon Martin's death.

Trayvon Martin himself.

You understand all that and still don't understand how Mr Zimmerman would want to deflect from his sons actions or history? :eusa_whistle: C'mon I like a good lie
Wow...Did he also mention his son beating up women too? Whaaa, he didn't?

He cast aspersions onto....onto...Other people?!? :eek:

And that had nothing to do with the case at hand. Yet the actions by the SAG and others had a huge impact on the case at hand.

Of course I can understand why you want to continue to deflect the issues as much as possible. Any rational, on point discussion leaves no doubt as to the facts and who was at fault that night for Trayvon Martin's death.

Trayvon Martin himself.

You understand all that and still don't understand how Mr Zimmerman would want to deflect from his sons actions or history? :eusa_whistle: C'mon I like a good lie

Retarded person,

You convict someone based on evidence. Do you understand? Only retarded people don't look at the evidence and haven't come to the not guility conclusion.
Wow...Did he also mention his son beating up women too? Whaaa, he didn't?

He cast aspersions onto....onto...Other people?!? :eek:

And that had nothing to do with the case at hand. Yet the actions by the SAG and others had a huge impact on the case at hand.

Of course I can understand why you want to continue to deflect the issues as much as possible. Any rational, on point discussion leaves no doubt as to the facts and who was at fault that night for Trayvon Martin's death.

Trayvon Martin himself.

You understand all that and still don't understand how Mr Zimmerman would want to deflect from his sons actions or history? :eusa_whistle: C'mon I like a good lie

It is evident that you have not read the book, but that you are assuming what is in it.

It is also evident that you believe that George Zimmerman should be in Jail. You have continually failed to find fault with a single thing that Martin did that night, continually posted false information as facts, and basically have done nothing but to regurgitate the lies and misinformation put out there by the media and the PR firm hired by the Martin family.

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