Tampa Times lies about Trayvon event

I have a right to self defense!!! So fuck you!!!!!!

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I have a right to self defense!!! So fuck you!!!!!!

So did Travon Martin and look what it got him.

Seriously, whichever side of this you're on, it would behoove all of us to remember there are nutters out there, just looking for the chance to "stand his ground" and legally blow off someone's head.


Read some of the posts here. Several here have said exactly that and they were licking their chops as they typed. And, others, who have not actually said they would over a television set, are so crazy, I wouldn't trust them not to pull the trigger and think later.

Put another way: when some twerp cuts you off in traffic, you know better than to ram his car. There's a whole lot of hate on this board and gun nutters do not know better, and don't want to know better than to kill someone.
I have a right to self defense!!! So fuck you!!!!!!

So did Travon Martin and look what it got him.

Seriously, whichever side of this you're on, it would behoove all of us to remember there are nutters out there, just looking for the chance to "stand his ground" and legally blow off someone's head.


Read some of the posts here. Several here have said exactly that and they were licking their chops as they typed. And, others, who have not actually said they would over a television set, are so crazy, I wouldn't trust them not to pull the trigger and think later.

Put another way: when some twerp cuts you off in traffic, you know better than to ram his car. There's a whole lot of hate on this board and gun nutters do not know better, and don't want to know better than to kill someone.

Is this the first time you have ever realized that there are crazy people in this world ? Licking their chops as the typed.....:lol:
Wow...Did he also mention his son beating up women too? Whaaa, he didn't?

He cast aspersions onto....onto...Other people?!? :eek:

And that had nothing to do with the case at hand. Yet the actions by the SAG and others had a huge impact on the case at hand.

Of course I can understand why you want to continue to deflect the issues as much as possible. Any rational, on point discussion leaves no doubt as to the facts and who was at fault that night for Trayvon Martin's death.

Trayvon Martin himself.

You understand all that and still don't understand how Mr Zimmerman would want to deflect from his sons actions or history? :eusa_whistle: C'mon I like a good lie

I have a right to self defense!!! So fuck you!!!!!!

So did Travon Martin and look what it got him.

Seriously, whichever side of this you're on, it would behoove all of us to remember there are nutters out there, just looking for the chance to "stand his ground" and legally blow off someone's head.


Read some of the posts here. Several here have said exactly that and they were licking their chops as they typed. And, others, who have not actually said they would over a television set, are so crazy, I wouldn't trust them not to pull the trigger and think later.

Put another way: when some twerp cuts you off in traffic, you know better than to ram his car. There's a whole lot of hate on this board and gun nutters do not know better, and don't want to know better than to kill someone.

There is some truth in what you have said
at the end of the dayTM calls 9-11 he is still alive
No one ever mentions that
instead he caled a friend and said something about a cracker or some gay guy following him
Just like GZ did
no-one dies
you seemed to have forgot that part and if GZ wanted to kill any-one why would he dial 9-11?
There were 2 eyewitness and one that heard the event on the phone.

You folks only cherry pick one of the testimonies.

no-one seen it?
Eyewitness describes Trayvon Martin's fatal struggle to Florida jury | Reuters
Good said he was watching TV with his wife when he heard a noise outside and saw two people wrestling on the ground, with "a lighter-skinned man" on the bottom. He identified the other man, Martin, by his race and clothing.

Good initially told police the person on top was pummeling the other in mixed martial arts style, but backed off that account, later saying the person on top was straddling the other man, but his arms might have been holding the other down rather than punching.

Asked by state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda if he saw the "person on top" grabbing the head of the lighter skinned man and slamming it into the concrete, Good replied "No."

In opening statements, defense attorney Don West told the court "Trayvon Martin armed himself with the concrete sidewalk and used it to smash George Zimmerman's head ... That is a deadly weapon."

Under cross-examination Good was asked why he had clarified his initial description about blows being struck. "That's what it looked like," Good said. But because it was dark outside, Good said "I can't 100 percent confirm that that was happening."

Good also said that he was not sure who made the cries for help that several neighbors have described, although he said "the yelling sounded like it was coming from the person on the bottom."


This picture was taken at the station less than an hour after the "altercation". This is how someone's face looks after being punched in the face at least two dozen times. Notice the tiny scratch. Trayvon must have been the weakest 6 footer in the history of the world.
There were 2 eyewitness and one that heard the event on the phone.

You folks only cherry pick one of the testimonies.

no-one seen it?
Eyewitness describes Trayvon Martin's fatal struggle to Florida jury | Reuters
Good said he was watching TV with his wife when he heard a noise outside and saw two people wrestling on the ground, with "a lighter-skinned man" on the bottom. He identified the other man, Martin, by his race and clothing.

Good initially told police the person on top was pummeling the other in mixed martial arts style, but backed off that account, later saying the person on top was straddling the other man, but his arms might have been holding the other down rather than punching.

Asked by state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda if he saw the "person on top" grabbing the head of the lighter skinned man and slamming it into the concrete, Good replied "No."

In opening statements, defense attorney Don West told the court "Trayvon Martin armed himself with the concrete sidewalk and used it to smash George Zimmerman's head ... That is a deadly weapon."

Under cross-examination Good was asked why he had clarified his initial description about blows being struck. "That's what it looked like," Good said. But because it was dark outside, Good said "I can't 100 percent confirm that that was happening."

Good also said that he was not sure who made the cries for help that several neighbors have described, although he said "the yelling sounded like it was coming from the person on the bottom."


This picture was taken at the station less than an hour after the "altercation". This is how someone's face looks after being punched in the face at least two dozen times. Notice the tiny scratch. Trayvon must have been the weakest 6 footer in the history of the world.

As a liberal Rdean you get lost in the simple
Why did TM not call 9-11 if he thought he was being followed?
GZ acted foolishly with some of these events also
at the end of the day he called 9-11. With that he removed any chance of malice or intent
TM made the mistake of taking it personal

all I have done is the same the lawyer(s) did
provide evidence
no-one seen it?
Eyewitness describes Trayvon Martin's fatal struggle to Florida jury | Reuters
Good said he was watching TV with his wife when he heard a noise outside and saw two people wrestling on the ground, with "a lighter-skinned man" on the bottom. He identified the other man, Martin, by his race and clothing.

Good initially told police the person on top was pummeling the other in mixed martial arts style, but backed off that account, later saying the person on top was straddling the other man, but his arms might have been holding the other down rather than punching.

Asked by state prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda if he saw the "person on top" grabbing the head of the lighter skinned man and slamming it into the concrete, Good replied "No."

In opening statements, defense attorney Don West told the court "Trayvon Martin armed himself with the concrete sidewalk and used it to smash George Zimmerman's head ... That is a deadly weapon."

Under cross-examination Good was asked why he had clarified his initial description about blows being struck. "That's what it looked like," Good said. But because it was dark outside, Good said "I can't 100 percent confirm that that was happening."

Good also said that he was not sure who made the cries for help that several neighbors have described, although he said "the yelling sounded like it was coming from the person on the bottom."


This picture was taken at the station less than an hour after the "altercation". This is how someone's face looks after being punched in the face at least two dozen times. Notice the tiny scratch. Trayvon must have been the weakest 6 footer in the history of the world.

As a liberal Rdean you get lost in the simple
Why did TM not call 9-11 if he thought he was being followed?
GZ acted foolishly with some of these events also
at the end of the day he called 9-11. With that he removed any chance of malice or intent
TM made the mistake of taking it personal

all I have done is the same the lawyer(s) did
provide evidence

and your evidence is lacking, same as the prosecution

get over it

This picture was taken at the station less than an hour after the "altercation". This is how someone's face looks after being punched in the face at least two dozen times. Notice the tiny scratch. Trayvon must have been the weakest 6 footer in the history of the world.

As a liberal Rdean you get lost in the simple
Why did TM not call 9-11 if he thought he was being followed?
GZ acted foolishly with some of these events also
at the end of the day he called 9-11. With that he removed any chance of malice or intent
TM made the mistake of taking it personal

all I have done is the same the lawyer(s) did
provide evidence

and your evidence is lacking, same as the prosecution

get over it

I think you missed the point
I agree with the verdict
might want to read the post again

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