Tara Reade blasts Hillary Clinton after Biden endorsement: She's 'enabling a sexual predator'

We can talk about Biden after Trump is held accountable.
she has corroborating witnesses
*her mom calling Larry King is compelling
Not "compelling" about the assault. At the time of that phone call, Reade was complaining about sexual harassment because she was getting a hard time from staff, supposedly for refusing to serve coffee at one of Joe's meetings. She heard he liked her legs. That was what she was telling people back then--no doubt including her mother. Do you think a mother would have gone on King's show and been so calm about it if she knew Biden shoved her daughter against a wall and fingered her? It backs up Reade's story that she felt she was sexually harassed, and nothing was done. What she is NOW saying Joe did is not sexual harassment. It is rape.

These accusations from years ago are pretty tough to prove and I put little credibility in them. I think this is all nonsense and now we see Democrats double standard on it. Kavanaugh is presumed guilty, Biden is presumed innocent. Double standard and wrong.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
"hag?" I'm sure you'd believe her if there was some evidence, right?
this shit ain't going away

Creepy Joe is done

the Bernie camp is about to make a big push

many dems want, or wanted to see Cuomo, but his order to force Chinese Bat Flu patients into nursing homes probably sinks him

could Hillary actually get the nod?

at this point, I think they are playing for a brokered convention

"I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016. I voted for her in the primary. I'm a lifelong Democrat. But yet, what I see now is someone enabling a sexual predator and it was my former boss, Joe Biden, who raped me," Reade told Fox News. "Hillary Clinton has a history of enabling powerful men to cover up their sexual predatory behaviors and their inappropriate sexual misconduct. We don't need that for this country. We don't need that for our new generation coming up that wants institutional rape culture to change."

When the Hollywood Access tape came out, everybody said Donald was done.
When we learned that Stormy Daniels was paid $130K in hush money, everybody said Donald was done.
So why are you getting your tiny little jockstrap in a wad about Biden?


It's not a crime when a democrat does it
Or when a Republican does it, apparently. Example: Kavanaugh. If you believe one of these stories, you believe the other, because they're both she said/he said and so long ago and no action taken at the time that it is impossible to say. Reade can't "prove it" any more than Blasey-Ford could. There are a couple of really hinky pieces to Reade's story, as well. At this point, the only thing that would cause a person to believe Reade after calling Blasey-Ford a lying whore is your political stripes.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...

How about remembering when, how and with whom...sure sounds like evidence.

And, as we learned in the Kavanaugh case, sometimes that "evidence" is woefully lacking.

Let's see a blue dress with a Democrat's semen stain on it. Let's see a cigar. Something...
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...

I wondered when the party of the Rump were to start using the rabid Bernie supporters to try and throw the election. It was just a matter of time. Yes, Dorathy, Rabid Bernie Voters are either going to stay home or vote for Rump.

You're high again, aren't you?
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
Ok. Now tell us your thoughts on Blaisey Fords accusations.

I believe that she was brought forward by the Democrats to torpedo Kavanaugh's confirmation.

She had no evidence whatsoever. Her memory was complete shit, and the witnesses she brought forward, who she insisted were there, had no idea what the fuck she was talking about. Her story was a complete fabrication and, until such a time as she produces evidence to support her claims, a complete fabrication is all it will ever be.

I believe Ford should've been subjected to a civil suit by Kavanaugh, as well as federal charges for obstructing the Senate in the performance of their duties.

Anything else?

Nope. That works. Just wanted to know if you are a typical leftist hypocrite.

I'm a registered Independent with a very definite conservative bent...
I never called either a hag, not sure why you seem to be lumping it in with others.
It is the person closest to the reply that is being addressed, Canon Shooter. I have yet to figure out how to get rid of another poster's name if I hit reply and then thought better of it. The poster still shows up and if I try to delete it manually it screws up the whole post.
BTW, Blasey-Ford also told people. Most of the people Reade bitched to said she never mentioned an assault
What she is NOW saying Joe did is not sexual harassment. It is rape.
everything you are saying is pretty compelling as a defense

and damn right what she is saying now is rape

Joe Biden is a very weak candidate, DNC power brokers want someone that can actually win the election

I can absolutely see them using this to shit can Joe

if they do that, they will have big problems from the Bernie camp, as he is the one who has gone through the primaries

I think they are going to wind up with some shenanigans or a brokered convention

my biggest point I am trying to make here is the rank hypocrisy of the far left and the American media in how they handle their response and coverage of such salacious accusations

same thing with the governor wearing blackface in VA, had it been a conservative or Republican, the tone, attention and coverage would be different

I would love to have a fair, free and independent media, sure would be nice
We can talk about Biden after Trump is held accountable.

Like most of your fellow libs, the point here goes right over your head.
It's not that Trump supporters necessarily believe or care about an accusation from years ago. This is ALL about the incredible hypocrisy of the left.

If it's someone on the right, it's an all out war from your side, #MeToo, The Women's March, the MSM. Suddenly, all of you have circled the wagons now that it's one of your own. HYPOCRITES !
We can talk about Biden after Trump is held accountable.

No, actually we're going to talk about him now, and into November.

Trumps allegations were either false or they didn't matter. After all, he's President.

Now, inasmuch as I don't believe the accusations against Biden, he needs to do something about them. He needs to do what Justice Kavanaugh did. He needs to bear his teeth, get angry and confront them.

Ignoring them only lends them validity...
BTW, Blasey-Ford also told people. Most of the people Reade bitched to said she never mentioned an assault
What she is NOW saying Joe did is not sexual harassment. It is rape.
everything you are saying is pretty compelling as a defense

and damn right what she is saying now is rape

Joe Biden is a very weak candidate, DNC power brokers want someone that can actually win the election

I can absolutely see them using this to shit can Joe

if they do that, they will have big problems from the Bernie camp, as he is the one who has gone through the primaries

I think they are going to wind up with some shenanigans or a brokered convention

my biggest point I am trying to make here is the rank hypocrisy of the far left and the American media in how they handle their response and coverage of such salacious accusations

same thing with the governor wearing blackface in VA, had it been a conservative or Republican, the tone, attention and coverage would be different

I would love to have a fair, free and independent media, sure would be nice
Yes, it took a very long time for the MSM to chime in. I like the op ed WaPo ran today; sums it up pretty well.

#MeToo is on the Democratic foot. What does that mean for November?

Image without a caption
Megan McArdle
April 28, 2020 at 7:01 p.m. EDT

It’s hard to remember a time when America was able to worry about something other than the novel coronavirus, but if you cast your mind back to September 2018, you will recall that America spent three dramatic weeks weighing accusations that then-Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh had, while in his teens, assaulted Palo Alto psychologist Christine Blasey Ford.

Act 1 of that drama had actually taken place years before, when President Bill Clinton was accused of carrying on with a White House intern. Then came Kavanaugh, and for Act 2, nearly everyone reversed their previous position on official sexual misconduct.

You may recall, hazily, how adamantly Democrats insisted that this sort of thing should utterly disqualify a man from higher office. When Republicans confirmed Kavanaugh anyway, the left erupted with incandescent, implacable rage. Even a year later, Slate’s legal reporter, Dahlia Lithwick, wrote that she refused to go back to the Supreme Court, that with Kavanaugh on the court, “none of us, as women, were ever going to be perfectly safe again.”

If there was one good thing to come out of that mess, it was that Democrats rethought expedient embraces of sexual abusers. “I was wrong” editorials were penned; progressives insisted that from now on, #MeToo would override realpolitik.
And now, Act 3: The shoe of the accused is back on a Democratic foot.

Tara Reade, who worked for Joe Biden in the early 1990s, has alleged that the then-senator pushed her up against a wall and groped her very intimately. Initially, this allegation could be, and was, brushed off as less than credible. Reade has changed her story over time, and some of the details raised eyebrows of older women, who wondered how anyone working in an office back then could have gotten away without wearing pantyhose to work. So for a brief time it was viable to insist that the distinction was not the politics of the accused but the credibility of the accuser.

But now it looks very likely that Reade’s mother called in to CNN’s Larry King in 1993, when the attack is alleged to have taken place, to complain that her daughter had been forced to leave a senator’s office because of his misbehavior, although she mentioned only unspecified “problems.” A former neighbor of Reade’s has emerged to say that Reade told her about the attack in the late 1990s, with much the same description that Reade gives today. This is far more corroboration close to the time of the alleged event than Ford ever had.

That doesn’t, of course, mean Biden did it. Moreover, even if you find Reade credible, it is perfectly defensible to vote for Biden anyway, as I myself am planning to do come November.
For example, one might argue that we should not make political decisions based on accusations this old, unless there is credible evidence of a pattern that continued long afterward. Once decades have passed, it becomes impossible to evaluate such accusations fairly, because too many memories and records have been lost. The verdict ends up resting too much on one’s subjective evaluation of the accuser’s credibility, and such evaluations are inevitably colored by one’s prior opinion of the accused.

That would have been a very good position to take on Kavanaugh, not just because there was so little solid evidence. A decent society allows for rehabilitation, and when we cannot get clear evidence of a crime, then if there’s no evidence of later wrongdoing, we should err on the side of hoping that either the accuser was mistaken or the offender has reformed.
But if you insisted that Kavanaugh must go, it’s hard to argue for mercy now without saying the painful words “I was wrong.” Alternatively, Biden’s supporters can insist that such accusations should disqualify you for higher office, no matter how old or uncorroborated, while noting that in this election, they have no candidate who hasn’t been accused of sexual assault — in Trump’s case, by numerous women.

Yet how many of the people grasping at this defense would actually vote for Trump — or any Republican — if only it weren’t for those allegations? The answer is probably close to zero. Republicans are hoping that Democrats will make their hypocrisy explicit; in fact, they believe Democrats already have.

That’s probably a fair accusation in many cases. But Republicans who are certain they’ve caught Democrats in a double standard should ask whether normal standards really should apply during a dire crisis such as the current pandemic. For even if I didn’t believe in a mercy standard for decades-old crimes, I’d still argue that however important it is to protect victims of abuse, protecting them very much includes getting the Republic out of the hands of our current fool of a president.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
Ok. Now tell us your thoughts on Blaisey Fords accusations.

Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.

Blasey-Ford: ??
Yeah, a hallway of the Senate office building. A public hallway. Makes all the sense in the world.

BTW, Blasey-Ford also told people. Most of the people Reade bitched to said she never mentioned an assault.
Who did Ford tell at the time?
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
Ok. Now tell us your thoughts on Blaisey Fords accusations.

Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.

Blasey-Ford: ??
Yeah, a hallway of the Senate office building. A public hallway. Makes all the sense in the world.

BTW, Blasey-Ford also told people. Most of the people Reade bitched to said she never mentioned an assault.

Blasey-Ford could not provide the building address and you mocking a hallway. What people/who are you referring to that said she never bitches to?

The reality is you are trying to smear someone who should be heard that a presidential candidate you need to vote for grabbed the victim’s pussy.
She couldn’t provide a date either.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
Ok. Now tell us your thoughts on Blaisey Fords accusations.

Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.

Blasey-Ford: ??
Yeah, a hallway of the Senate office building. A public hallway. Makes all the sense in the world.

BTW, Blasey-Ford also told people. Most of the people Reade bitched to said she never mentioned an assault.
Who did Ford tell at the time?
She told a friend who advised her to keep her mouth shut. She told her husband. Those are the two I remember. It's been a couple years.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...
Ok. Now tell us your thoughts on Blaisey Fords accusations.

Tara Reade has dates, times, exact location. Reade also has multiple people to corroborate her account.

Blasey-Ford: ??
Yeah, a hallway of the Senate office building. A public hallway. Makes all the sense in the world.

BTW, Blasey-Ford also told people. Most of the people Reade bitched to said she never mentioned an assault.
Who did Ford tell at the time?
She told a friend who advised her to keep her mouth shut. She told her husband. Those are the two I remember. It's been a couple years.
I detest Joe Biden.

But this hag Reade needs to come up with some evidence to back up her claims or she should be charged with election tampering, because that's all this is...

How about remembering when, how and with whom...sure sounds like evidence.

And, as we learned in the Kavanaugh case, sometimes that "evidence" is woefully lacking.

Let's see a blue dress with a Democrat's semen stain on it. Let's see a cigar. Something...

Yet Reade vividly recalls...go figure.
Glad to see the left abandon their position against sexual abuse. The position that was a lie from the first utterance. Nice to see them openly endorsing it at last!
Funny, unwelcome diddling didn't hurt Donnie none. :rolleyes:


Don’t remind them them...you’ll just piss them off. They think he is Jesus incarnate. As a man with some 20 plus accusati9ns against him he is electable but Biden not. Go figure.

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