Tara Reade- "Manipulative, Deceitful, User".

Bidens accuser could be lying, as Kavanaughs accusers allegation seemed very thin. Both may be politically motivated. The difference is of course, Kavanaughs accuser had a fully televised hearing for the world, while Biden, who is running for the top job in America, doesn't face one?

But whose fault is that? Raede has strictly restricted who she talks to, while Ford has testified in front of Congress. The problem is, even with her handlers limiting access to her, eventually, everyone Reade has cheated in the last 27 years is coming out of the woodwork.
How many were demanding a Hearing in the Kavanaugh case but now accept the accused at his word?

I try to not be a hypocrite. I'm only human, but I try. Both cases deserve credible evidence. Bidens accuser does have more than Kavanaughs, but still not enough to destroy someones life. Voters can decide on character and most importantly, on policies.

Reade has NO credible evidence. She has a story she's changed about five times now and a bunch of people she's ripped off left in her wake. Also, she appears to be a grade a flake.
Believe all democrats!

Frankie, you really need to learn how to contribute to a conversation before participating in one.

I did, hun. I did, ya lying dog-faced pony soldier. It's a shame Biden won't even be the nominee

I think Sleepy Joe still has the nomination in hand. If the DNC were to refuse him, 10 million Bidenmaniacs would never stand for it. Further, unless the DNC were to choose Crazy Bernie, those folks would be pissed as well

The Democrat Establishment knows they are going to get schlonged royally this year- little point in wasting anyone else who might be viable in the future.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.

So that makes it ok for Pedo Joe to force himself on her?
You're a real man.
Character assassination of the victim #meetoo
you're used to that The lady who complained about Thomas The lady who complained about the latest SC AH?? and Bright the great virus expert the AH fired ?
People who would pay Trump to grope their wives and daughters are upset because Joe touched a girl`s hair. Since the death of Burisma combined with the Super Tuesday results they`ve run out of ammo. Hey! How about Joe`s quid pro quo? Never mind, that`s dead too.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.
Nice COVER-UP... Discredit the one you fondled..... LOL Poor Performance.... Cause Joe didn't get a piece of ass...
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?

Why not do the investigation like Joe Biden asked?

There is no evidence that Joe did anything to this woman and much to suggest she's a disgruntled Bernie supporter who falsely believes that if Joe pulls out, Bernie will get the nomination.

Every part of her story is falling apart, and more and more she comes across as a political groupie who was looking for her "Monica" moment, and Biden shut her down. That "You're nothing to me!" comment is the only real part of the her story. And that's something a man who was being pursued by a young staffer would say.
............after he raped her!!!


Forced penetration is rape. Regardless of what he used. Forcing women to have a transvaginal ultra-sound prior to an abortion was banned because it was considered to be state mandated rape of any woman requesting an abortion.

Even the street name for what she's accusing him of is "finger fucking". If someone sticks anything in your vagina without your consent, it's rape.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.
Nice COVER-UP... Discredit the one you fondled..... LOL Poor Performance.... Cause Joe didn't get a piece of ass...

You mean like Donald Trump calling the women who assaulted him "liars" and saying they were too ugly for him to have an interest in them. He threatened them with lawsuits, in an effort to silence them. And this was after he had bragged that he sexually assaults women without even asking. The moment that 16 women came forward and confirmed that he really wasn't lying, Trump called them all liars and engaged in the worst sort of character assassination.

Witnesses are coming forward who are telling a very different story than Tara Reide about her time in the Senator's office. She's coming across more as a "Monica Lewinsky" every day - a young political groupy out to make a score, except Reide got shut down by the Senator. None of her witnesses support her claims, including her own brother. She provided no evidence that her mother really was on that call to Larry King.

She has changed her story about filing a complaint with the ethics office multiple times. She claimed she filed a report after the "assault", but she doesn't have a copy of the report. When Biden asked the Ethics Office to find and release the report, she then said that maybe she didn't file a complaint, maybe she just had an intake interview.
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?

Why not do the investigation like Joe Biden asked?

There is no evidence that Joe did anything to this woman and much to suggest she's a disgruntled Bernie supporter who falsely believes that if Joe pulls out, Bernie will get the nomination.

Every part of her story is falling apart, and more and more she comes across as a political groupie who was looking for her "Monica" moment, and Biden shut her down. That "You're nothing to me!" comment is the only real part of the her story. And that's something a man who was being pursued by a young staffer would say.
............after he raped her!!!


Forced penetration is rape. Regardless of what he used. Forcing women to have a transvaginal ultra-sound prior to an abortion was banned because it was considered to be state mandated rape of any woman requesting an abortion.

Even the street name for what she's accusing him of is "finger fucking". If someone sticks anything in your vagina without your consent, it's rape.
So bill shoving a cigar up Monica's couchie was rape?
Uh-huh, “serious issues” that have nothing to do with Creepy Joe finger-banging her in a hallway. He knew that no one would believe her because of her “issues”.

So he knew in 1993 that she would spend the next 27 years ripping people off and skipping off on her debts?

Maybe he knows next week's lottery numbers.
Are you saying she didn’t have any mental issues until she was raped by Creepy Joe?

Certainly a good possibility.
Those who are saying now investigate the claims give the accused due process and benefit of the doubt might have a little credibility if they had done the same thing when the accused was Bret Kavanaugh. I said that when it was Kavanaugh being accused I say the same now with Biden rape or sexual assault is a very serious accusation it shouldn't be dismisssed out of hand nor should it simple be accepted as fact when someone is accused. Belief in innocent till proven guilty and due process only when it's politically convenient for you to do so is no belief in it at all.
What you forgot Ford latter admitted it was a smear campaign ?

She said nothing of the sort.

Hey, I heard she said that she was really an alien from Zeta Reticuli!!!!
My butt Ford admitted it was all about ROE vs Wade and it was a smear campaign.

It wasn't a smear campaign. Multiple women came forward with stories about Kavenaugh's toxic behaviour around women. But most of all it was his snarling, partisan, over the top performance in the Senate that fully displayed all of the reasons why this entitled snot was undeserving of his seat on the SC. His defiance and anger at the allegations were unseemly and inauthentic.

The FBI did a strictly limited investigation with a set list of witnesses and no follow up. Even the Republican Senators said they believed Ford, but they voted to confirm Kavenaugh anyway, because the Base.
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?

Why not do the investigation like Joe Biden asked?

There is no evidence that Joe did anything to this woman and much to suggest she's a disgruntled Bernie supporter who falsely believes that if Joe pulls out, Bernie will get the nomination.

Every part of her story is falling apart, and more and more she comes across as a political groupie who was looking for her "Monica" moment, and Biden shut her down. That "You're nothing to me!" comment is the only real part of the her story. And that's something a man who was being pursued by a young staffer would say.
............after he raped her!!!


Forced penetration is rape. Regardless of what he used. Forcing women to have a transvaginal ultra-sound prior to an abortion was banned because it was considered to be state mandated rape of any woman requesting an abortion.

Even the street name for what she's accusing him of is "finger fucking". If someone sticks anything in your vagina without your consent, it's rape.
So bill shoving a cigar up Monica's couchie was rape?

"Without your consent". Monica consented. Enthusiastically.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.



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