Tara Reade- "Manipulative, Deceitful, User".

And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.
Our it could be she wouldn't give out her pussy to Senator Joe Biden. Just tossing that out there smart guy.
I did, hun. I did, ya lying dog-faced pony soldier. It's a shame Biden won't even be the nominee

Oh, nope. this thing is blowing up in your faces...

Not that it's going to matter. With Great Depression 2, Trump is probably going to lose by Herbert Hoover margins.

Not to mention 200,000 dead Americans, while the rest of the world closes its borders to Americans, so that you're trapped in the USA with this pandemic raging. You really are on your own with this one.

Trump has been trying to secured "exclusive rights" to a vaccine so his buddies can profit mightily on it. He offered $1 billion to a German pharmacuetical company with a promising vaccine. Angela Merkel told him to go fuck himself. 140 countries working on a vaccine have signed a pact that any vaccine will be offered to the world free of charge.

Trump is still looking to profit off the deaths of Americans.
What you forgot Ford latter admitted it was a smear campaign ?

She said nothing of the sort.

Hey, I heard she said that she was really an alien from Zeta Reticuli!!!!
My butt Ford admitted it was all about ROE vs Wade and it was a smear campaign.

It wasn't a smear campaign. Multiple women came forward with stories about Kavenaugh's toxic behaviour around women. But most of all it was his snarling, partisan, over the top performance in the Senate that fully displayed all of the reasons why this entitled snot was undeserving of his seat on the SC. His defiance and anger at the allegations were unseemly and inauthentic.

The FBI did a strictly limited investigation with a set list of witnesses and no follow up. Even the Republican Senators said they believed Ford, but they voted to confirm Kavenaugh anyway, because the Base.
You think she was with out fault?

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What you forgot Ford latter admitted it was a smear campaign ?

She said nothing of the sort.

Hey, I heard she said that she was really an alien from Zeta Reticuli!!!!
My butt Ford admitted it was all about ROE vs Wade and it was a smear campaign.

It wasn't a smear campaign. Multiple women came forward with stories about Kavenaugh's toxic behaviour around women. But most of all it was his snarling, partisan, over the top performance in the Senate that fully displayed all of the reasons why this entitled snot was undeserving of his seat on the SC. His defiance and anger at the allegations were unseemly and inauthentic.

The FBI did a strictly limited investigation with a set list of witnesses and no follow up. Even the Republican Senators said they believed Ford, but they voted to confirm Kavenaugh anyway, because the Base.

I humbly disagree. I don't think anyone of any influence believed the Ford stories. The reason is how fast the matter was dropped after the vote.

There is no statute of limitations for Rape in Maryland, yet the liberal leadership in Montgomery County didn't even investigate, even though the charges against Justice Kavanaugh were very severe. Having repeated Gang Rape parties with minor children involved is very serious.

As far as Kav's response to the Senate, it is what one would expect to a full court press of people trying to destroy one's reputation, family and career. Most people would be very agree, and Kav is most people.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.
Our it could be she wouldn't give out her pussy to Senator Joe Biden. Just tossing that out there smart guy.

Or could it be that she kept coming on to Joe, dressing inappropriately and making herself "available" to him, and Joe just wasn't interested.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.
Our it could be she wouldn't give out her pussy to Senator Joe Biden. Just tossing that out there smart guy.
You know damn well that's exactly the case. if she consented and allowed the miserable letch to be all over her she'd still be working for him today.
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?

Why not do the investigation like Joe Biden asked?

There is no evidence that Joe did anything to this woman and much to suggest she's a disgruntled Bernie supporter who falsely believes that if Joe pulls out, Bernie will get the nomination.

Every part of her story is falling apart, and more and more she comes across as a political groupie who was looking for her "Monica" moment, and Biden shut her down. That "You're nothing to me!" comment is the only real part of the her story. And that's something a man who was being pursued by a young staffer would say.
............after he raped her!!!


Forced penetration is rape. Regardless of what he used. Forcing women to have a transvaginal ultra-sound prior to an abortion was banned because it was considered to be state mandated rape of any woman requesting an abortion.

Even the street name for what she's accusing him of is "finger fucking". If someone sticks anything in your vagina without your consent, it's rape.
So bill shoving a cigar up Monica's couchie was rape?

"Without your consent". Monica consented. Enthusiastically.

So what? Clinton did his deed in the worksite and on his employer's time. A friend of mine was working as a security guard, and his gf visited him in the guard shack on the employer's premises. He was fired , no questions asked, when it was found out.

Why do you think that Security Guards should be held to higher standards than Presidents.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.

Was this before or after Joe grabbed Reade's pu$$y ..?
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.

Haha...weird, you’ve already forgot about how giddy you twisted filthy fucks got when these loonies paraded around the capital.
What you forgot Ford latter admitted it was a smear campaign ?

She said nothing of the sort.

Hey, I heard she said that she was really an alien from Zeta Reticuli!!!!
My butt Ford admitted it was all about ROE vs Wade and it was a smear campaign.

It wasn't a smear campaign. Multiple women came forward with stories about Kavenaugh's toxic behaviour around women. But most of all it was his snarling, partisan, over the top performance in the Senate that fully displayed all of the reasons why this entitled snot was undeserving of his seat on the SC. His defiance and anger at the allegations were unseemly and inauthentic.

The FBI did a strictly limited investigation with a set list of witnesses and no follow up. Even the Republican Senators said they believed Ford, but they voted to confirm Kavenaugh anyway, because the Base.

I humbly disagree. I don't think anyone of any influence believed the Ford stories. The reason is how fast the matter was dropped after the vote.

There is no statute of limitations for Rape in Maryland, yet the liberal leadership in Montgomery County didn't even investigate, even though the charges against Justice Kavanaugh were very severe. Having repeated Gang Rape parties with minor children involved is very serious.

As far as Kav's response to the Senate, it is what one would expect to a full court press of people trying to destroy one's reputation, family and career. Most people would be very agree, and Kav is most people.
The authorities did not investigate because Ford refused to file a complaint.
Her story doesn't add up...she has ZERO evidence..and a history of being a grifter

Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?

Why not do the investigation like Joe Biden asked?

There is no evidence that Joe did anything to this woman and much to suggest she's a disgruntled Bernie supporter who falsely believes that if Joe pulls out, Bernie will get the nomination.

Every part of her story is falling apart, and more and more she comes across as a political groupie who was looking for her "Monica" moment, and Biden shut her down. That "You're nothing to me!" comment is the only real part of the her story. And that's something a man who was being pursued by a young staffer would say.
............after he raped her!!!


Forced penetration is rape. Regardless of what he used. Forcing women to have a transvaginal ultra-sound prior to an abortion was banned because it was considered to be state mandated rape of any woman requesting an abortion.

Even the street name for what she's accusing him of is "finger fucking". If someone sticks anything in your vagina without your consent, it's rape.
So bill shoving a cigar up Monica's couchie was rape?

"Without your consent". Monica consented. Enthusiastically.

So the left finnaly admits bill had sex with her.

About time.
Her story doesn't add up...she has ZERO evidence..and a history of being a grifter

Your right Ford was a liar and even those around her said so.. Now Reade has 4 statements during the time frame, the phone call by her mother to a radio show and a complaint that has magically vanished....
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.

Haha...weird, you’ve already forgot about how giddy you twisted filthy fucks got when these loonies paraded around the capital.
But now that sleepy Joe is in trouble, now women are liars..
What you forgot Ford latter admitted it was a smear campaign ?

She said nothing of the sort.

Hey, I heard she said that she was really an alien from Zeta Reticuli!!!!
My butt Ford admitted it was all about ROE vs Wade and it was a smear campaign.

It wasn't a smear campaign. Multiple women came forward with stories about Kavenaugh's toxic behaviour around women. But most of all it was his snarling, partisan, over the top performance in the Senate that fully displayed all of the reasons why this entitled snot was undeserving of his seat on the SC. His defiance and anger at the allegations were unseemly and inauthentic.

The FBI did a strictly limited investigation with a set list of witnesses and no follow up. Even the Republican Senators said they believed Ford, but they voted to confirm Kavenaugh anyway, because the Base.
You think she was with out fault?

View attachment 336780

She wasn't the one asking for a seat on the Supreme Court, was she?

I personally think this is a classic case of Karma being a total bitch. Brett Kavenaugh was the architect of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He's the guy who came up with the idea of going after Clinton's women as a way to take Clinton down. He wrote the questions which Bill Clinton stupidly lied about.

When we attack someone else, we usually attack what we don't like in ourselves. Donald Trump used to call other people "fat" a lot - because he feared getting fat. Now that he is fat, I notice he doesn't call Jerry Nadler "Fat Jerry" any more, and he's stopped calling women "fat".

I think Kavenaugh attacked Clinton on the women because it was his own area of vulnerability. His anger in the Senate hearings was the anger of a guilty man who is cornered and lashing out. It was not righteous, nor was it outrage at false charges. It was the snarling ferocity of a cornered rat.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.

Haha...weird, you’ve already forgot about how giddy you twisted filthy fucks got when these loonies paraded around the capital.
But now that sleepy Joe is in trouble, now women are liars..

Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?
This Tara Reade broad isn't the one being investigated and isn't the one one trial.

Reade isn't running to be President, that is Sleepy Joe.

I really don't give a shit if the dame spent the whole day on the phone or in the can, if she stole pencils or if she was rude to Bite Me's handlers. That didn't give Joe Biden the right to brutally rape her and then deny it.
Why are you both lying?

Why are you calling what Tara said, him fingering her in a well travelled congressional hallway,

A brutal rape?

does not rape, involve forced intercourse, with a penis?

Are you so scummy that you are actually fine with calling these accusations rape, rape?....and are doing this for political purposes to make the incident, if even true, something that it NEVER WAS????

Boy! This Trump cult that you joined, willingly, has taken your souls and any resemblance of good, that you may have had in you, at one time......

Be gone! Bealzebub!!!
Point of information. On the boob tube they described what Biden did to Tara as a "digital rape".
Not a made up term.

“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
Her story doesn't add up...she has ZERO evidence..and a history of being a grifter

Your right Ford was a liar and even those around her said so.. Now Reade has 4 statements during the time frame, the phone call by her mother to a radio show and a complaint that has magically vanished....

No one called Ford a liar. No one remembered the incident because Ford told no one it happened at the time, and blamed herself for having been drinking. As someone who remembers these kinds of parties as a teenager, her story is one that many girls could tell. "Hey guys, there's a drunk girl upstairs take on all comers". I never took a drink at parties out of fear of ending up as "that girl". That's what happened to girls who got drunk at parties. And forever after she'd be the slut at that party we went to.

In reality, guys would ply girls with liquor in the hopes of breaking down their resistance. There was no concept of "consent". If you could render the girl incapable of resisting, that was good enough. Many of Kavenaugh's friends confirmed that this was a pattern of behaviour within their all boys school. Their yearbook shows their utter distain and young misogyny in full bloom.

Kavenaugh is an entitled young white boy. I met a few of them when I was younger. They expected girls to fall at their feet, and took offense when we laughed in their faces at their condescending arrogance. They didn't have to abuse women, they just liked doing it. You could see that sneering arrogance is his treatment of the female Democratic Senators.

His whole "I like beer" rant with eyes bugging out of his head, was beyond creepy.

What complaint? Reade now says maybe she didn't actually file a complaint, maybe it was just an "intake interview". Reade showed reporters a copy of her employment records, but she didn't have a copy of her complaint. Why not? I kept copies of every employment document. One would think she'd want a copy just for follow up and to make sure nobody made changes after she left their office. And then she changed her story and said maybe still just had an intake interview.

There's also no record of her mother's phone call, and the King show does take names. No evidence there either. Her own brother said she only talked about harassment when asked. Then a day later he called in and changed his story.

Those around her said nothing of the kind. No one has confirmed Reade's story at all, not even her brother. All talked about "harassment", no one confirmed assault. Nor do we have any evidence outside of Reade saying it's her mother, that it really is her mother.

Joe Biden has run for senate multiple times since 1993. Reade said nothing. Joe Biden has run for President multiple times since 1993. Reade said nothing. Joe Biden ran for Vice-President twice, and still, Tara Reide said nothing. Out of "respect" for the candidate. Who "respects" the man who raped them? No woman ever.

Barracka Obama thorough vetted Joe Biden in 2008 and found NOTHING.

Tara Reade is a disgruntled Sanders supporter, who ONLY came forward after Bernie pulled out of the race.

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