Tara Reade- "Manipulative, Deceitful, User".

Do you idiots even realize what you are saying? She asked for it. joe Biden is the victim. It was all taras fault. If republicans on the news hour came out with the exact same excuses they would have been run out of the building. And our tax money is paying for this propaganda.

Um, no. No one is saying she "asked for it" because no one actually believes anything happened to her.

What we are seeing is that when actually talking to people who worked with her 27 years ago, most people don't even remember her (which is fair, I could only name a handful of people I worked with in 1993.) and the few who do remember she was incompetent and dressed unprofessionally.

You know, things that you can legitimately get fired for.

I mean really, joe.
Two Tara threads?
Talk about obsessed.

Two stories came out about her yesterday. I posted two different threads on two different stories...

Both of which cast SERIOUS doubts about her credibility.

Believe all democrats!
Dude, your homosexual fantasies are kind of disturbing...

I'm surprised that as a lib, you find Homosexuality to be disturbing. Sort of homophobic of you, no? One would think that you would Glorify the theory and practice of Sodomy?
Blaming the victim.

Shame Joe. Shame!

She has changed her story many times, she even said that Joe is decent man incapable of assaulting women, Biden nevertheless says we should listen to her, in contrast, piece of shit shitolini admits to serial sexual assault, and none of the 25 women he raped have changed their story, I believe them...

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Polico? Lol, we know liberals really just want to use women. That's why you tell them it's okay to kill their babies.

Fetuses aren't babies... can we please get back on topic? thanks.

So the topic is, should we believe someone who pulls stuff like this.

Like Wrye, Austin Chung, a Monterey-area real estate investor who rented Reade a house from 2008-10, learned of Reade’s charges against Biden from television.

“Look,” he told his wife when he first saw Reade on the screen, “she has gone big time. She’s going after the big fish now.”

Chung said Reade, who went by Alexandra McCabe at the time, claimed that she was on the run from domestic violence and trying to start over.

Chung said Reade led him to believe she had just broken up with her ex-husband. He was so moved by Reade’s story, he said, that he did extra work on the house to prepare it for her and her daughter, who today is an adult. Chung provided emails showing he offered Reade the pick of paint colors for their rooms and the type of flooring in the Pacific Grove home he rented her.

But then the payments came in late, month after month. Her explanations always sounded sincere and convincing, Chung said, so he reduced her rent and tried to come up with a compromise. Eventually, however, he had to evict Reade.

When he returned to the house he had once fixed up for her, he said the floors had been damaged by animal waste. In the end, Chung recounted, he lost thousands of dollars in court-related fees, lost rent and repair costs.

When he confronted her, Chung said, “She knew exactly what she had done to me and there was no remorse. I knew there was never a chance I’d get my money back.”

Chung said he is in contact with others who have had similarly unpleasant run-ins with Reade.

“Did she think that all of the people she ran over would just roll over and die and forget about her? No. I recognize her face,” he said.
You believed the nut case Ford. Anyway there are 6 other accusers. One that said he assaulted her at age 14. You do love your pedophiles.
1. Why did Tara's mother call Larry King to report the digital rape?
2. Why are all the democrats not believing the woman, after the Kavanaugh smear?
3. Tara did tell others that something happened, it was not a made up story.
4. Bernie has nothing to do with it, it happened, she reported it, now its newsworthy.

1> She didn't. She said her daughter had unspecified problems with unspecified people while working for an unspecified senator.

2> Because evidence is coming out that she's a liar. Unlike Ford, who was credible (even Republicans admitted something happened to her) Raede has changed her story multiple times.

3> Hearsay is not evidence. Even if her story was consistent, it's still a story.

4> It didn't happen, and she only started telling this story when Bernie was losing. if she told this story last year, it wouldn't have benefited Bernie, it would have benefited someone else vying for the "Establishment Lane".
What you forgot Ford latter admitted it was a smear campaign ?
So Trump should resign about joking to one person off the record about grabbing a woman's genitals but when Biden is accused of it we should just look the other way.

Naw, Trump should resign because he was impeached and he killed 90,000 people with his inept Covid response. But he wont' do that, either.

Understood. My bad. Won't happen again.

Naw, sadly, you'll be whining for years that your clown show is coming to an end.

Speaking of clown shows...

Uh huh.
Obviously you have no clue...

Oh, are you still talking? I mean, I know you need me to pay attention to you, but you really have to bring something to the conversation..
You have no conversation. Just rambling and hypocrisy. Again you are too stupid to realize that you are the sites joke. About 3 bots take you seriously.

I mean really, joe.
Two Tara threads?
Talk about obsessed.
Something sounds fishy..
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?
This Tara Reade broad isn't the one being investigated and isn't the one one trial.

Reade isn't running to be President, that is Sleepy Joe.

I really don't give a shit if the dame spent the whole day on the phone or in the can, if she stole pencils or if she was rude to Bite Me's handlers. That didn't give Joe Biden the right to brutally rape her and then deny it.
Why are you both lying?

Why are you calling what Tara said, him fingering her in a well travelled congressional hallway,

A brutal rape?

does not rape, involve forced intercourse, with a penis?

Are you so scummy that you are actually fine with calling these accusations rape, rape?....and are doing this for political purposes to make the incident, if even true, something that it NEVER WAS????

Boy! This Trump cult that you joined, willingly, has taken your souls and any resemblance of good, that you may have had in you, at one time......

Be gone! Bealzebub!!!
1. Why did Tara's mother call Larry King to report the digital rape?
2. Why are all the democrats not believing the woman, after the Kavanaugh smear?
3. Tara did tell others that something happened, it was not a made up story.
4. Bernie has nothing to do with it, it happened, she reported it, now its newsworthy.

1> She didn't. She said her daughter had unspecified problems with unspecified people while working for an unspecified senator.

2> Because evidence is coming out that she's a liar. Unlike Ford, who was credible (even Republicans admitted something happened to her) Raede has changed her story multiple times.

3> Hearsay is not evidence. Even if her story was consistent, it's still a story.

4> It didn't happen, and she only started telling this story when Bernie was losing. if she told this story last year, it wouldn't have benefited Bernie, it would have benefited someone else vying for the "Establishment Lane".

Believe all democrats!
So, because she can be described as your typical feminist that no one can stand, that means Creepy Joe didn’t sexually assault her.

Your detective skills are amazing.

Well, I'd like to take credit, but um, no.

The point was, it took only a couple of weeks before someone actually looked at all the people who sued her, all the times she was in court for ripping people off, all the contradictions and the fact she can't seem to hold down a job for more than few weeks... and yeah, these are serious issues.
Uh-huh, “serious issues” that have nothing to do with Creepy Joe finger-banging her in a hallway. He knew that no one would believe her because of her “issues”.
I've known a couple people who are like her--they fantasize a lot. And manipulate and "get even." I have no doubt she believes she was sexually harassed; that was her inner defenses to explain why she was getting such a hard time at work. She couldn't admit that she was not doing her job right; it had to be them. She told everyone and her uncle about it at the time. She saw it that way.

She was an actress for years. She writes fiction and it spills over into her reality so much that she was FB-ing her crush on Putin while writing a Russian novel. If you look at her career, she doesn't seem to have had a lot of jobs where she wasn't her own boss. There's probably a reason for that.

Did Biden assault her? I don't think so. I think she got pissed off that he was pushing her hero Bernie out of the race. With her ability to fantasize and twist things around so she's the hero, she probably half believes it by now. So all these years later, she is getting even for being let go because she couldn't do the job. These folks never let go a grudge.

Or maybe, there's a possibility she came onto him and there was a little kissy face in a hallway. Maybe he put the kabosh on it, a rejection in her eyes. That would be even worse.

No one here will believe this, but if I thought Biden did this, I would say so. I think it is important to get Trump to hell out of 1600 Pennsylvania, but I wouldn't close my eyes to it if I thought Biden had done that. And although I would lose respect for him, I would vote for him anyway.
Uh-huh, “serious issues” that have nothing to do with Creepy Joe finger-banging her in a hallway. He knew that no one would believe her because of her “issues”.

So he knew in 1993 that she would spend the next 27 years ripping people off and skipping off on her debts?

Maybe he knows next week's lottery numbers.
Blaming the victim.

Shame Joe. Shame!

The only victims are anyone who believes this lifetime grifter.
Joe Think:

Believe Dr Christine Blakey Ford.

Tara Reid is a dumb lazy lying bitch.


That's the problem with taking a hardline position on an issue, especially when it become politically beneficial to do so. You have to know that next time it will be used against you some day and you will look like a hypocrite.

Bidens accuser could be lying, as Kavanaughs accusers allegation seemed very thin. Both may be politically motivated. The difference is of course, Kavanaughs accuser had a fully televised hearing for the world, while Biden, who is running for the top job in America, doesn't face one?

How many were demanding a Hearing in the Kavanaugh case but now accept the accused at his word?

I try to not be a hypocrite. I'm only human, but I try. Both cases deserve credible evidence. Bidens accuser does have more than Kavanaughs, but still not enough to destroy someones life. Voters can decide on character and most importantly, on policies.
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?
This Tara Reade broad isn't the one being investigated and isn't the one one trial.

Reade isn't running to be President, that is Sleepy Joe.

I really don't give a shit if the dame spent the whole day on the phone or in the can, if she stole pencils or if she was rude to Bite Me's handlers. That didn't give Joe Biden the right to brutally rape her and then deny it.
Why are you both lying?

Why are you calling what Tara said, him fingering her in a well travelled congressional hallway,

A brutal rape?

does not rape, involve forced intercourse, with a penis?

Are you so scummy that you are actually fine with calling these accusations rape, rape?....and are doing this for political purposes to make the incident, if even true, something that it NEVER WAS????

Boy! This Trump cult that you joined, willingly, has taken your souls and any resemblance of good, that you may have had in you, at one time......

Be gone! Bealzebub!!!

Believe all democrats!

Tara is just another lying dog-faced pony soldier

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