Tara Reade- "Manipulative, Deceitful, User".

Tara Reade is a lying whore, and it doesn't take a lot of legwork to realize this. Her story does not hold any relevance or truthfulness, and the ones who believe her also believe Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

The Democrats aint sweating these lies, because her own track record of lying has revealed she's a fruit loop.
Every time you people play these hypocritical games you lose members in your party. Only scum like you remain
Oh bullshit. After a young gal is raped by Joe Biden, do you really think that anyone believes that she couldn't do her menial job right?

Because Polygraphs are voodoo technology.

Point was, there's not a single person in that office that says that Biden did what she said he did, but a whole bunch of people who said she sucked at her job, and dressed like a slut in the office.
You mean they found a bunch of former Biden employees who had bad things to say about Tara Reade? Wow I think you have stumbled onto, dare I say it, A BOMBSHELL!!!!!
Her negative past history have nothing to do with a sexual complaint.
My question is the senate halls are very busy places, their is a military presence there also, and Biden had a personal office, why the hall way & not his office if he was seeking a sexual encounter?
Her negative past history have nothing to do with a sexual complaint.
My question is the senate halls are very busy places, their is a military presence there also, and Biden had a personal office, why the hall way & not his office if he was seeking a sexual encounter?
Yeah, and she had some unpaid library fines from 1995, so she must be lying!
Do you idiots even realize what you are saying? She asked for it. joe Biden is the victim. It was all taras fault. If republicans on the news hour came out with the exact same excuses they would have been run out of the building. And our tax money is paying for this propaganda.

Um, no. No one is saying she "asked for it" because no one actually believes anything happened to her.

What we are seeing is that when actually talking to people who worked with her 27 years ago, most people don't even remember her (which is fair, I could only name a handful of people I worked with in 1993.) and the few who do remember she was incompetent and dressed unprofessionally.

You know, things that you can legitimately get fired for.

I mean really, joe.
Two Tara threads?
Talk about obsessed.

Two stories came out about her yesterday. I posted two different threads on two different stories...

Both of which cast SERIOUS doubts about her credibility.
They are anonymous. Hey joe, how many are working on his campaigns? How many puked their guts out voluntarily. How many were asked to make a statement. I don’t know what happened and you don’t either but the perpetual double standard that democrats espouse is getting old. Once again, same deal, same circumstance, he said she said, the republican would be forced to resign. Didn’t they sacrifice Al Frankenstein on the altar of MeToo? At least he was contrite and they still threw him under the bus. What is the difference here? Joe Biden might get them more power, so he gets a pass. What a bunch of useless hypocrites you are.
The Democrat Establishment knows they are going to get schlonged royally this year- little point in wasting anyone else who might be viable in the future.

I think you're delusional if you think Trump has any chance of getting re-elected.

25% unemployment. Nobody gets back up from that in five months.
Our it could be she wouldn't give out her pussy to Senator Joe Biden. Just tossing that out there smart guy.

Except no one in that office is willing to back up that claim, while quite a few people in that office are willing to say she was fired for performance/conduct issues.
I humbly disagree. I don't think anyone of any influence believed the Ford stories. The reason is how fast the matter was dropped after the vote.

Well, that and there was nowhere else to take it after the vote.

Haha...weird, you’ve already forgot about how giddy you twisted filthy fucks got when these loonies paraded around the capital.

Except there's no evidence that Tara Raede survived anything other than her own petty scams.
And the hits they keep on coming.

A man who worked in Joe Biden's Senate office at the same time as Tara Reade in 1993 said that she was fired due to poor performance, not because she was retaliated against for complaining about experiencing sexual harassment in the office. Dozens of other staff members questioned other key aspects of her allegations, including that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.

Ben Savage, who was a systems administrator in the then-senator's office from 1993 to 1996, told PBS NewsHour in an article published Friday that he witnessed Reade mishandling her job of processing constituent mail.

“Of all the people who held that position, she’s the only one during my time there who couldn’t necessarily keep up or who found it frustrating,” Savage said.
OR FIRED BECAUSE of DRUM ROLL PLEASE....................
She never allowed Joe the chance to fuck her.
Sucking at your job and dressing like a slut does not translate to rape justification. Further, the number of people coming out in support of Biden mirror the numbers that came out in Kavanaugh yet Democrats and Liberals still held to “Me Too” “All Women Should be Believed”. This is what is really being exposed here. Democrats are full of shit when it comes to harassment of women.

Except no one said "Believe ALL women", just believe women. Anyone with a lick of sense would realize that some people are going to make shit up.

Sorry, "Kavanaugh got a raw deal" doesn't prove anything that Tara Reade has claimed.
Sucking at your job and dressing like a slut does not translate to rape justification. Further, the number of people coming out in support of Biden mirror the numbers that came out in Kavanaugh yet Democrats and Liberals still held to “Me Too” “All Women Should be Believed”. This is what is really being exposed here. Democrats are full of shit when it comes to harassment of women.

Except no one said "Believe ALL women", just believe women. Anyone with a lick of sense would realize that some people are going to make shit up.

Sorry, "Kavanaugh got a raw deal" doesn't prove anything that Tara Reade has claimed.

So you people only believe select women??
They are anonymous. Hey joe, how many are working on his campaigns? How many puked their guts out voluntarily. How many were asked to make a statement. I don’t know what happened and you don’t either but the perpetual double standard that democrats espouse is getting old. Once again, same deal, same circumstance, he said she said, the republican would be forced to resign. Didn’t they sacrifice Al Frankenstein on the altar of MeToo? At least he was contrite and they still threw him under the bus. What is the difference here? Joe Biden might get them more power, so he gets a pass. What a bunch of useless hypocrites you are.

Um, no, the difference is, it could be proven what Al Franken did.


And I think making his resign was too extreme for such a petty offense.

You have no real evidence against Biden other than the word of a documented liar who has changed her story multiple times.
So you people only believe select women??

Not sure who "You people" are. I think the problem here is when you have someone like Reade who lies through her teeth, it does hurt women who have legit stories, which is why a lot of liberals are backpeddling.

We should be nailing her fucking hide to the wall.
This Tara Reade broad isn't the one being investigated and isn't the one one trial.

Reade isn't running to be President, that is Sleepy Joe.

I really don't give a shit if the dame spent the whole day on the phone or in the can, if she stole pencils or if she was rude to Bite Me's handlers. That didn't give Joe Biden the right to brutally rape her and then deny it.

Nor does it give you the right to deny presumption of innocence.
Well, that and there was nowhere else to take it after the vote.

Actually, a complaint could be made with the Montgomery County Sheriff and Maryland State Police, as well as with the FBI, to actually investigate the charges. No statute of limitations for Rape in Maryland where the crime occurred. Sure, the case is cold, but they knew it was in the snooty areas of Montgomery County, the classmates of the principals could be interrogated, ditto with the teachers, sending police out to canvass the area, etc. Mr. Kavanaugh allegedly had weekly Gang Rape parties, people know and remember that kind of thing if they live next door to it. In addition, the principals in the case were minors, checking out the liquor and beer stores in Montgomery and adjacent counties to examine their records for the time frame in question. Find out where they were getting their alcohol
Are you saying she didn’t have any mental issues until she was raped by Creepy Joe?

Certainly a good possibility.

Actually, it kind of sounds like she's always had mental issues...

The only scandal here is someone read her resume, interviewed her and hired her anyway before she was fired after a year.

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