Tara Rede's Ex Confirms She Was Assaulted

We no longer believe women?!

We don't believe obviously lying women.

If you choose to believe obviously lying women, you are free to do so. Just don't assume that normal people think like that. We are not like conservatives. We don't consider being caught lying to be a resume-builder.

Speaking of obviously lying women, another fake Republican attempt at a sex scandal just blew up in Republican faces.

So, we know with 100% certainty that Republicans engage in organized fake sexual assault claims.

The two sides are complete opposites on this issue. The Republicans engage in massive systemic fraud, and the Democrats don't.
Yet you believed Blasey Ford. Amazing.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
You cant reason with the leftist posters here. These are desperate times for the left
Trump cultists are _still_ clinging to this fraud? Tara Reid's story changes every day. There's no prosecutor in the world who would touch it, because defense would simply point out that the accuser is lying big.

What has changed?
We no longer believe women?!

We don't believe obviously lying women.

If you choose to believe obviously lying women, you are free to do so. Just don't assume that normal people think like that. We are not like conservatives. We don't consider being caught lying to be a resume-builder.

Speaking of obviously lying women, another fake Republican attempt at a sex scandal just blew up in Republican faces.

So, we know with 100% certainty that Republicans engage in organized fake sexual assault claims.

The two sides are complete opposites on this issue. The Republicans engage in massive systemic fraud, and the Democrats don't.
Yet you believed Blasey Ford. Amazing.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?
You cant reason with the leftist posters here. These are desperate times for the left
No you cannot but you can point out blatant hypocrisy.
We no longer believe women?!

We don't believe obviously lying women.

If you choose to believe obviously lying women, you are free to do so. Just don't assume that normal people think like that. We are not like conservatives. We don't consider being caught lying to be a resume-builder.

Speaking of obviously lying women, another fake Republican attempt at a sex scandal just blew up in Republican faces.

So, we know with 100% certainty that Republicans engage in organized fake sexual assault claims.

The two sides are complete opposites on this issue. The Republicans engage in massive systemic fraud, and the Democrats don't.
BAHAHAHAHA! Yeah right you don't believe obviouly lying women. Just those that claim Kavanaugh was the leader of a high school rape gang. Democrats are funniest when they are trying to be serious.
Trump cultists are _still_ clinging to this fraud? Tara Reid's story changes every day. There's no prosecutor in the world who would touch it, because defense would simply point out that the accuser is lying big.

Fraud ?
Wait, a woman has claimed a man sexually assaulted her. What happened to "we believe women" ?
You cant reason with the leftist posters here. These are desperate times for the left

Which is why Biden is whomping Trump in the polls, even after you tried faking rape charges. Your sleaze seems to be backfiring on you. No wonder you're all in hysterical meltdown mode. If your sleaze and lies aren't working, then what hope do you have of implementing your Stalinist utopia?

Next time, if you're going to lie, don't lie so badly.

And remember, there's no "It's cool to lie about liberals" subclause in the ten commandments. You'd best hope the atheists are right, otherwise you're in for a toasty afterlife.

By the way, due to the way you Trump cultists all lovingly tongue bathe a self-admitted rapist, your hypocrisy and dishonesty is even more obvious. If your eternal punishment is appropriate, it will involve many demons with spikey appendages.

Now, run along and suck more rapist ass. After all, it's what you do.
Trump snowflakes are always looking in the wrong direction. One wonders why their hero hasn't sued all those women he promised to sue. Could it be the man is lying to his snowflakes? His snowflakes just follow along...

"What is patriotism? Let us begin with what patriotism is not. It is not patriotic to dodge the draft and to mock war heroes and their families. It is not patriotic to discriminate against active-duty members of the armed forces in one's companies, or to campaign to keep disabled veterans away from one's property. It is not patriotic to compare one's search for sexual partners in New York with the military service in Vietnam that one has dodged. It is not patriotic to avoid paying taxes, especially when American working families do pay. It is not patriotic to ask those working, taxpaying American families to finance one's own presidential campaign, and then to spend their contributions in one's own companies. It is not patriotic to admire foreign dictators. It is not patriotic to cultivate a relationship with Muammar Gaddafi; or to say that Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin are superior leaders. It is not patriotic to call upon Russia to intervene in an American presidential election. It is not patriotic to cite Russian propaganda at rallies." Timothy Snyder

What does any of that have to do with #MeToo ?
What has changed?

Her first story was that she had filed a complaint of the sexual assault at the time.

When Biden said "Sure, let's find that complaint", she suddenly backpedaled to "Well, I didn't actually make such a complaint."

Her original complaint was of unspecified sexual harassment. Only recently did she flip that to a claim of rape. Just a minor difference, eh?

She originally wrote the same thing in her blog, something vague about sexual harassment. Then, very recently, she edited the blog without saying so, revising the story to include rape. That is not the action of an honest person.

Both of the people "backing her up" (they're not witnesses, as they're only repeating heresay) originally only stated that she told them about sexual harassment. Only after coaching by conservative interviewers did they suddenly flip to "Yeah, now I remember how she totally told me about being raped.! Funny how that tiny little detail slipped my mind!".

Damn, they suck at lying.

No prosecutor would touch such a story, given how obvious it is that the accuser is lying.
What has changed?

Her first story was that she had filed a complaint of the sexual assault at the time.

When Biden said "Sure, let's find that complaint", she suddenly backpedaled to "Well, I didn't actually make such a complaint."

Her original complaint was of unspecified sexual harassment. Only recently did she flip that to a claim of rape. Just a minor difference, eh?

She originally wrote the same thing in her blog, something vague about sexual harassment. Then, very recently, she edited the blog without saying so, revising the story to include rape. That is not the action of an honest person.

Both of the people "backing her up" (they're not witnesses, as they're only repeating heresay) originally only stated that she told them about sexual harassment. Only after coaching by conservative interviewers did they suddenly flip to "Yeah, now I remember how she totally told me about being raped.! Funny how that tiny little detail slipped my mind!".

Damn, they suck at lying.

No prosecutor would touch such a story, given how obvious it is that the accuser is lying.

Damn you suck at spinning.
That is simply your interpretation of what has happened, not what happened.
What has changed?

Her first story was that she had filed a complaint of the sexual assault at the time.

When Biden said "Sure, let's find that complaint", she suddenly backpedaled to "Well, I didn't actually make such a complaint."

Her original complaint was of unspecified sexual harassment. Only recently did she flip that to a claim of rape. Just a minor difference, eh?

She originally wrote the same thing in her blog, something vague about sexual harassment. Then, very recently, she edited the blog without saying so, revising the story to include rape. That is not the action of an honest person.

Both of the people "backing her up" (they're not witnesses, as they're only repeating heresay) originally only stated that she told them about sexual harassment. Only after coaching by conservative interviewers did they suddenly flip to "Yeah, now I remember how she totally told me about being raped.! Funny how that tiny little detail slipped my mind!".

Damn, they suck at lying.

No prosecutor would touch such a story, given how obvious it is that the accuser is lying.

The issue isn't about whether an assault occurred or not. The issue is how your side has been reacting to this claim as opposed to how you've reacted when a Republican is accused.
Everyone sees the hypocrisy, and since you can't go back, there's not much you can do about it at this point.
What has changed?

Her first story was that she had filed a complaint of the sexual assault at the time.

When Biden said "Sure, let's find that complaint", she suddenly backpedaled to "Well, I didn't actually make such a complaint."

Her original complaint was of unspecified sexual harassment. Only recently did she flip that to a claim of rape. Just a minor difference, eh?

She originally wrote the same thing in her blog, something vague about sexual harassment. Then, very recently, she edited the blog without saying so, revising the story to include rape. That is not the action of an honest person.

Both of the people "backing her up" (they're not witnesses, as they're only repeating heresay) originally only stated that she told them about sexual harassment. Only after coaching by conservative interviewers did they suddenly flip to "Yeah, now I remember how she totally told me about being raped.! Funny how that tiny little detail slipped my mind!".

Damn, they suck at lying.

No prosecutor would touch such a story, given how obvious it is that the accuser is lying.

The issue isn't about whether an assault occurred or not. The issue is how your side has been reacting to this claim as opposed to how you've reacted when a Republican is accused.
Everyone sees the hypocrisy, and since you can't go back, there's not much you can do about it at this point.

There can be more than 1 issue at a time.
The issue isn't about whether an assault occurred or not.

Ah, progress! We've finally got someone admitting that the charges against Biden do appear to be fake.

The issue is how your side has been reacting to this claim as opposed to how you've reacted when a Republican is accused.

And we've been consistent, so no problems there. Your imagining otherwise is only your problem.
The issue isn't about whether an assault occurred or not.

Ah, progress! We've finally got someone admitting that the charges against Biden do appear to be fake.

The issue is how your side has been reacting to this claim as opposed to how you've reacted when a Republican is accused.

And we've been consistent, so no problems there. Your imagining otherwise is only your problem.

Like I've been saying, the story isn't about whether the story is fake, and whether Trump or Biden are sleazeballs, this is all about the left's hypocrisy.

As for "we've been consistent", haaaaa, lol ! :auiqs.jpg:
The issue isn't about whether an assault occurred or not.

Ah, progress! We've finally got someone admitting that the charges against Biden do appear to be fake.

The issue is how your side has been reacting to this claim as opposed to how you've reacted when a Republican is accused.

And we've been consistent, so no problems there. Your imagining otherwise is only your problem.

Like I've been saying, the story isn't about whether the story is fake, and whether Trump or Biden are sleazeballs, this is all about the left's hypocrisy.

As for "we've been consistent", haaaaa, lol ! :auiqs.jpg:
Trump is NOT the rights equivalent of the corrupt left. I will not concede that at all. The left stands alone in corruption and TREASON. They MUST be crushed!

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