Target to stop asking job applicants about criminal record

OK, howzabout YOU hire an armed robber, a rapist, or an embezzler, then!

Kind of would depend on what I'm having them do.

In fact, I think we should open auto-repair schools in all the prisons. Those guys are already theives....

Reality check. We lock up 2 million people. We have another 7 million on parole.

Other advanced democracies only lock up about 60-80K - the people who actually need to be locked up. But they don't have people getting rich owning prisons.
OK, howzabout YOU hire an armed robber, a rapist, or an embezzler, then!

Kind of would depend on what I'm having them do.

In fact, I think we should open auto-repair schools in all the prisons. Those guys are already theives....

Reality check. We lock up 2 million people. We have another 7 million on parole.

Other advanced democracies only lock up about 60-80K - the people who actually need to be locked up. But they don't have people getting rich owning prisons.

The UK has.
Lock criminals up, no early release.
The deterrent factor will reduce numbers in prison.

Why libs ALWAYS want to release criminals early is a question that should be answered!!

Love of criminals?
The NAMBLA connection?
Then you hire them.

Personally I would never hire a criminal.

Really, some kid at 18 did something stupid and now has a record... you wouldnt give him a second chance? I teach (volunteer) Basic Computer Skills at a prison...because I feel it would help them when they get out. I have met boys and men who just messed up once. They arent all bad. Some really want to do better when they are out.

I am sure we have all done something in our past that we could have been arrested for. The only difference is... they got caught.

Depends what he did. Selling weed? Sure. Molesting a toddler? HELL, NO.

Well, I wouldnt consider molesting a toddler "something stupid" or small. But the kid that was caught with weed..yes, something small and stupid and would hire him if he had the qualifications I am looking for. These guys deserve as much of a second chance as anyone out here.

The rate of recidivism in the US is so high because these guys get out, have no skills and no other options. People wont hire them because of their record, so they go back to doing what they know how to do. Rinse and repeat.
In the first criminal defense firm I worked for everyone but the attorneys was an ex con. The limo driver was a serial rapist, the bookkeeper a real estate fraudster, the investigator a drug dealer, the two secretaries were whores, the photographer was a drug addict outlaw biker. They all started on work release programs and stayed. However I would not recommend hiring criminals.

Seems they turned their lives around - why deny others the same chance?

It is really up to the individual doing the hiring. If you hire a criminal and that criminal commits a crime against a customer, the employer is going to be liable for all crimes committed.

Not every criminal wants to turn their lives around. Some of them just want to be better criminals.
Really, some kid at 18 did something stupid and now has a record... you wouldnt give him a second chance? I teach (volunteer) Basic Computer Skills at a prison...because I feel it would help them when they get out. I have met boys and men who just messed up once. They arent all bad. Some really want to do better when they are out.

I am sure we have all done something in our past that we could have been arrested for. The only difference is... they got caught.

Depends what he did. Selling weed? Sure. Molesting a toddler? HELL, NO.

Well, I wouldnt consider molesting a toddler "something stupid" or small. But the kid that was caught with weed..yes, something small and stupid and would hire him if he had the qualifications I am looking for. These guys deserve as much of a second chance as anyone out here.

The rate of recidivism in the US is so high because these guys get out, have no skills and no other options. People wont hire them because of their record, so they go back to doing what they know how to do. Rinse and repeat.

I'd hire a child molester rather than a weed addict. I would not hire someone on weed under any circumstances.
I wouldn't hire a kid who I know did drugs.

He'll come to work high get hurt and I'll have to pay up

It's common n sense not to trust people with poor judgement. Criminals are prime examples of people with poor judgement.
I wouldn't hire a kid who I know did drugs.

He'll come to work high get hurt and I'll have to pay up

It's common n sense not to trust people with poor judgement. Criminals are prime examples of people with poor judgement.

"did" in past tense. You have never tried ANY drug in your teen years? Pot? Nothing?

Yes, criminals used poor judgement at one time in their lives. So have I. You have never made a bad choice in your life?

Good thing I have taught my daughter about forgiveness and acceptance. Hopefully the next generations are willing to help others..if not, what a sad world we will live in.
I wouldn't hire a kid who I know did drugs.

He'll come to work high get hurt and I'll have to pay up

It's common n sense not to trust people with poor judgement. Criminals are prime examples of people with poor judgement.

"did" in past tense. You have never tried ANY drug in your teen years? Pot? Nothing?

Yes, criminals used poor judgement at one time in their lives. So have I. You have never made a bad choice in your life?

Good thing I have taught my daughter about forgiveness and acceptance. Hopefully the next generations are willing to help others..if not, what a sad world we will live in.

I have NEVER tried ANY drug in my lifetime.

Helping people does not mean enabling them to make continued bad choices. Not hiring a druggie, is an object lesson in what happens to people who use drugs.

Forgiveness does not mean the wrongdoing never happened and we should never, under any circumstances "accept" bad behavior.

I have had a particularly bad early life. We were homeless most of the time and that was long before there was a safety net. Now that I look back on our difficulties, I can see very clearly on how it was made worse by every well meaning person who "helped" us. Had they just not helped, but let my parents wallow, we would have been better off.

The only person that did any good, was the one who didn't accept my parents but went to the police, testified in court and helped the authorities take me away. Yes. I do hold it against those who helped, everyone that gave us shelter, everyone that gave us food, everyone that opened their door to us was equally at fault. Their helping allowed and encouraged the misery to last for many years.

If you want to help someone, pick a junkyard dog. You will get better results.
I wouldn't hire a kid who I know did drugs.

He'll come to work high get hurt and I'll have to pay up

It's common n sense not to trust people with poor judgement. Criminals are prime examples of people with poor judgement.

But you'd hire an alcoholic cause to you booze is not a drug!!! After all, you're a boozer yourself.
I wouldn't hire a kid who I know did drugs.

He'll come to work high get hurt and I'll have to pay up

It's common n sense not to trust people with poor judgement. Criminals are prime examples of people with poor judgement.

"did" in past tense. You have never tried ANY drug in your teen years? Pot? Nothing?

Yes, criminals used poor judgement at one time in their lives. So have I. You have never made a bad choice in your life?

Good thing I have taught my daughter about forgiveness and acceptance. Hopefully the next generations are willing to help others..if not, what a sad world we will live in.

I have NEVER tried ANY drug in my lifetime.

Helping people does not mean enabling them to make continued bad choices. Not hiring a druggie, is an object lesson in what happens to people who use drugs.

Forgiveness does not mean the wrongdoing never happened and we should never, under any circumstances "accept" bad behavior.

I have had a particularly bad early life. We were homeless most of the time and that was long before there was a safety net. Now that I look back on our difficulties, I can see very clearly on how it was made worse by every well meaning person who "helped" us. Had they just not helped, but let my parents wallow, we would have been better off.

The only person that did any good, was the one who didn't accept my parents but went to the police, testified in court and helped the authorities take me away. Yes. I do hold it against those who helped, everyone that gave us shelter, everyone that gave us food, everyone that opened their door to us was equally at fault. Their helping allowed and encouraged the misery to last for many years.

If you want to help someone, pick a junkyard dog. You will get better results.

I bet you've taken aspirin, so don't lie about your drug use. We can also tell your not a christian.
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I have NEVER tried ANY drug in my lifetime.


No one believes that. Even i had a few beers when i was a teen.

When I was a teen, I never even had a few beers! I've never had a beer - EVER.

When I was very small, my Grandma told me "ladies don't drink beer". And I never did. Not to this very day. My parents, as bad as they were, didn't drink either, or do drugs. They were free spirits, in those days, called bohemians. No substance abuse excuses.
"did" in past tense. You have never tried ANY drug in your teen years? Pot? Nothing?

Yes, criminals used poor judgement at one time in their lives. So have I. You have never made a bad choice in your life?

Good thing I have taught my daughter about forgiveness and acceptance. Hopefully the next generations are willing to help others..if not, what a sad world we will live in.

I have NEVER tried ANY drug in my lifetime.

Helping people does not mean enabling them to make continued bad choices. Not hiring a druggie, is an object lesson in what happens to people who use drugs.

Forgiveness does not mean the wrongdoing never happened and we should never, under any circumstances "accept" bad behavior.

I have had a particularly bad early life. We were homeless most of the time and that was long before there was a safety net. Now that I look back on our difficulties, I can see very clearly on how it was made worse by every well meaning person who "helped" us. Had they just not helped, but let my parents wallow, we would have been better off.

The only person that did any good, was the one who didn't accept my parents but went to the police, testified in court and helped the authorities take me away. Yes. I do hold it against those who helped, everyone that gave us shelter, everyone that gave us food, everyone that opened their door to us was equally at fault. Their helping allowed and encouraged the misery to last for many years.

If you want to help someone, pick a junkyard dog. You will get better results.

I bet you've taken aspirin, so don't lie about your drug use. We can also tell your not a christian.

As we all know, YOU are the final arbiter of what a Christian is.
Lol...nope, not gonna make a difference, not a bit...

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