Targeted by the deep state: Flynn tells all.

In this interview with Greg Kelly.....

General Michael Flynn comments on his situation, case and pardon, as well as the security of elections in the United States, what he feels about the results and contested cases resulting from November 3rd ,,,

One canā€™t be ā€˜targetedā€™ by that which doesnā€™t exist.

Flynn is a liar and utterly devoid of credibility.

That rightists have made a ā€˜heroā€™ of Flynn comes as no surprise.

Why do the foreigner and dem trolls feel a need to smear this man?
In this interview with Greg Kelly.....

General Michael Flynn comments on his situation, case and pardon, as well as the security of elections in the United States, what he feels about the results and contested cases resulting from November 3rd ,,,

One canā€™t be ā€˜targetedā€™ by that which doesnā€™t exist.

Flynn is a liar and utterly devoid of credibility.

That rightists have made a ā€˜heroā€™ of Flynn comes as no surprise.

Why do the foreigner and dem trolls feel a need to smear this man?

What an oddly dumb thing to say. Pointing out the laws he confessed to breaking in court is not smearing him.
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Why do Little Trumpsters believe proven liars but ignore facts/truth and call facts/truth ā€œfakeā€? Trump a proven and documented pathological liar. Flynn a confessed liar. And Little Trumpsters eat up their bullshit.
The reason; you are all cultist.
Donā€™t believe me? If you have any balls at all, read this:
If pointing out what he did is smearing him then ok.
That's rich.
Flynn stepped on Hillary's toes, which meant at the time
he knew everything she and Brennan were doing in Libya and Syria.....
Obama's covert dirty work was exposed and it's the main reason why Flynn could never be in the Trump White House.

your crazy conspiracy theories are showing.
Your lack of comprehension isn't my problem.
You just don't like my selective memory.
September 2019
Prosecutors intend to sentence Flynn in the fall. Schiff previously suggested that his cooperation with Congress could influence the sentencing judge, Emmet Sullivan, in a way that could ultimately reduce his sentence.
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In this interview with Greg Kelly.....

General Michael Flynn comments on his situation, case and pardon, as well as the security of elections in the United States, what he feels about the results and contested cases resulting from November 3rd ,,,

One canā€™t be ā€˜targetedā€™ by that which doesnā€™t exist.

Flynn is a liar and utterly devoid of credibility.

That rightists have made a ā€˜heroā€™ of Flynn comes as no surprise.

Why do the foreigner and dem trolls feel a need to smear this man?

What an oddly dumb thing to say. Pointing out the laws he confessed to breaking in court is not smearing him.

he copped to lying and we all know he didn't lie---He was railroaded with clear evidence that the FBI lied and framed him and then threatened to destroy his son if he didn't cop. Are you to dense to understand this or just to wrapped up in the smear of this man? I personally have trouble seeing anyone as so stupid that they haven't figured this out with all the evidence that is out there.
General Michael Flynn comments on his situation, case and pardon, as well as the security of elections

Well now, I've heard the compelling irrevocable cases from Trump, Rudy, Powell, Barr, and now Flynn. Yet I don't see any of these things being done.

Where's that Durham report by the way that was going to be held until after the election-- -- hasn't Barr QUIT?

Open and shut case on the election--- nothing.
Open and shut case on Biden--- nothing.
Open and shut case on Hillary--- nothing.
Open and shut case on Obama--- nothing.

And about 15 others.

The one constant in the universe is that democrats commit heinous crimes and it never comes to anything.

You think the people who told you those were all open and shut cases might have just been lying to you to keep you involved? The only other option I see is that the entire court system is corrupt. Do you think the entire court system is corrupt?

So tell the class which case ever made it to a court.

whose fault is that?

You're the one talking about the "court system", you tell me.


Barr and Durham enpanelled a Grand Jury in the McCabe case and tried three times to get them to charge McCabe. One of the things they tried to charge Andrew McCabe with was speaking to the press without FBI authorization. And when they asked him if he had spoken to the press without authorization, he lied about it, which is also a federal offense - the one which Flynn plead guilty to.

The case fell apart when the HR staffer testified that as Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe handled all press enquiries for the agency. All calls or written enquiries from the media to the FBI are referred to Deputy Director McCabe's office for a response. So when Deputy Director McCabe says he didn't speak to the media without authorization, he's not lying, because its his job to speak to the media.
In this interview with Greg Kelly.....

General Michael Flynn comments on his situation, case and pardon, as well as the security of elections in the United States, what he feels about the results and contested cases resulting from November 3rd ,,,

Why would anyone care why that lying piece of shit traitor to the nation has to say? He sold out the country for money from Turkey and Russia, and he's now participating in Trump's attempted coup. He should be rotting in jail.

Go suck the syrup out of a moose ya skanky canuck.

Do you have any real comments to add to the discussion are are you just going to call me names? Calling a retired married woman a "skank" indicates a degree of misogny and stupidity that cannot be measured. But then we've come to expect such idiocy from the Trump Cult.

So why are you bringing McCabe in the conversation, his name wasn't mentioned in this string. Is your wittle commie pea brain too frozen to read?


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